HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-10-05, Page 4' u °debar 1%7 fie: ick Fof Sale CUT FKIWPS,, gladl'oll. WM* ecru Oitsi and tomNtoet. L. , Holman, 147 cetimron It:,:f phone 5852. I ' 35tf 44h FOOT steel pill net boat, Ford ' deisel engine, all ready to do, low price for quick sale. Phone 825.45 CHORE horsa►s for their use in ex- d►enge for good board and home till next tobacco harvest. Phone collect, Melborne, 289-2097. 38.9-40 LADY'S blue wool coat; lady's suede car coat, size 12; boy's- ell -weather coat, .zip -in lining, wool sport jacket, size l6. 20 Piston" St. W. ' 40 ESSO burner and gravity furnace. (Buyer of burner can have furnace, free). Phone- 524-7600. 40 PET FOODS MASTER MIXED BISCUITS MASTER DOG A CAT KIBBLE. RABBIT PELLETS MASTER HORSE FEEDS WILD BIRD FOOD MIX SUNFLOWER SEEDS WE ARE NOW STOCKiN WATTS DOG PELLETS Also Bird Feeders and Bird Houses H. F. WETTLAUFER FEED MILL Mary St. Clinton, Ont. Phone 482.9792 DAVENPORT with matching chair, - brown and beige, good conditiots. Phone .. 524-9076. . 40 DINING room suite with round table and six chairs; . vanity dresser; tea wagon; small kitchen table and four chairs. Peterson's Used Furniture, phone 7616. 40 ELECTRIC train set. Phone 524-8714 40 PIANO, good condition. Phone 524- 7504. • 40 38,INCH electric stove with automatic timer, very good condition. Carlyle Bannister, 240 Caley Street, 524-6219. 40x WELSH pony and saddle, two years old; also '57 Dodge parts and '59 Mercury parts. Phone 524-6404. 40x EGGS FOR SALE "45c per dozen the year round HOLMESVILLE — Phone 482.7434 40tf FOUR good-tempered Shetland ponies, with carts and harness. Phone 529- 7482. 39-40 LARGE oak secretary's desk; ' baby buggy; swing (fair condition); rea- . .sonable. Phgpe 524-8116. 40 TWO -WHEELS$ trailer for 'sale. Phone 482-7434. 40-1 APPLES — Pick your own, low trees, King, Spy, Delicious, Snow, Green- ing, Tatman Sweets, etc. Picking days, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Satur- day. Closed Sunday. Phone 482-3214, • Fred McClyrnont, one mile south of Varna. 40-2 HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods) mailed postplld in plain, sealed en- velope- with price list. Six samples, 215; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-53, Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 1 tf EAVESTROUGHING and metal flash- ing, material -.and labor, for free estimate call Morrison Bros. et Murdie's Hardware, Ludcnow, phone 528-2906. 16tf ELECTROLUX (Canada) Limited sales` and service. Free delivery. Alvin S. Riley, 153 Lighthouse St, phone 524- 6514. 1 tf 1. Article* For Sohl.. APPLES -Chola" quality Macintosh, Courtlsnd>.; picked or briny a Con- tairseri pick yotar own .sd save, Priced from $1+00 bushoi and up, Ross Mid. dleton's Orchards, one mils east of Bayfield, on old Clinton -Bayfield high- way. Phone 482.9136. Come in before dark. • '40.1 THREE -furrow plow, International, in almost new condition. Price reason- able. Phone 482.3462..F. W. Andrews, Clinton. '40=1 YAMAHA, 100 c.c., twin_ jet, Must sell. Phone 5.24-8409„after five. 40x MIXED ,tulip bulbs, 45c dozen. Keith Huisser, 156 Eldon Street, phone 524-9649. 40 STOVE for sale, also other articles. Phone 524.6362. 40 30-30 Winchester repeetinir rifle. 41 Victoria St., phone _524-6361. 40-1x WORK SHOES SAFETY TOE SHOES REGULAR TOE SHOES Running Shoes, white, black—rubber boots, all sizes_Casual Oxfords. WORK CLOTHING,, J. T. Hamill and Brotherhood Cover- alls, high back, low back. TROUT MAN Shirts—Pants—Rain Suits - Canadian made by Kaufman. CAUTION— We stock Golf Green fertilizers, 12-6-6; 6.9.6; Sheep manure; bone - meal; liquid Royal Purple, 15,10.15; plus a complete stock of insecticides, pesticides by Wilson, Niagara, Green Cross. CHAINS BBB, Standard Proof—all sizes — 'TARPS by Raymond Brothers — SALT, Block' z-- Water Softeners. GUNS AND' AMMUNITION— Ike have all makes of • guns and ammunition. FALL BULBS For Fall Planting IMPORTED DUTCH BULBS DAFFODILS — HYACINTHS GARDEN LILIES — NARCISSI TULIPS (12 Varieties — SNOWDROPS GARDEN SUPPLIES PEAT MOSS — VERMICULITE BONEMEAL — FLOWER POTS POTTING SOIL DAVE GOWER'S DISCOUNT HOUSE 75 Hamilton St. Goderich 40 2. Cars, Trucks For Sale 1962 CHEVELLE II automatic, in per- fect condition, low mileage. Phone 482-7829, after ' 6 p.m. Reasonably priced. 39 GOOD selection of used urs In A-1 condition, fully reconditioned end guaranteed, _trade-ins accepted and terms available. Rouse Auto Electric, .West' St. `” 41tf 3. 'Real Estate -'-For Sale THREE -bedroom, 1 %-storey, Insul- brick hgmney-it oil heat; Regent Street. Apply 244 Cameron St. or phone 524-7413. ' 39tf TWO -storey solid brick home, centre hall plan; 4 large bedrooms and bath- room upstairs; large living room, den, dining room ancL kitchen ,with ,built- in cupboards. Utility room and front sunporch; full basement. New furnace thaturns oil or coal and wood. Aluminum storm and screen" windows. Priced reasonably. Garnet Hendersoi, Lucknow, 528-2605: 38-9-40x SEVEN -room ranch style brick house in Seaforth, nearly pew, --hot water, gas. heated, fireplace, modern kitchen, 1 acre land, garage. Priced to sell. Phone Seaforth, 527-1332. 38-40 RED CARPET SERVICE SPECIAL! AUTOMATIC. TRANSMISSION ADJUSTMENT (Should be performed every two years or 17,000 miles.) Remove transmission oil pan; clean, in- spect and adjust transmission bands; adjust trankmission linkage.. Goderich Motors it Huron County's Ford Headquarters $OSVN 11. owl EVENT slGS , BNstties Nwe.. 0ea l ► roe 19G7 �., Real Estate For Sale hAuburn, - D i THREE B .ROOM iwse n E small barn, gararge, • t/4 Acre; bathroom, modern kitchen,. furnace; $3,000. Con- tact Ivan• Struthers, 396.2772 or 524- 7875. Agent for W. M. Mclntee and Co. 40-1 W. J, HUGHES Real Estate -> General Insure ace Office 524-1100 — Res. 524:491 38: EAST STREET 4 -BEDROOM, 222 Elgin Ave: W. 4 -BEDROOM, 122 Trafalgar St. LARGE home in Kinburn on 4 acres. ;10 -acre . lots, Close to Goderich, $1,200. 3 -bedroom, modern, 300 Huron Rd. 3 -bedroom, modern, 306 Regent Rd. 3 -bedroom, modern, 181 Bennett St.. E. 4 -bedroom, 118 Elizabeth 5t. a -bedroom modern, 285 Lakeside Drive. 3 -bedroom, 193 Nelson ,St. E. 4 -bedroom, modern, 260 Ti,t St. ,4 -bedroom, modern, 64 Maitland Rd. N. DUPLEX, 115 Quebec St. APARTMENT building in Sanford. S.S. No. 3, Tuckersmith T.W.P. SGS. No. 4, Tuckersmith S.S. No. 1, Stanley, T.W.P. 3 -bedroom,• brick, Dungannon. 3 -bedroom, 53 Essex Et. Red brick, 91 East St. Duplex, '139 Britannia Rd. West. 3 -bedroom, 3 miles south of Goderich. 2 -bedroom, 164 Essex St. 3-bedrom brick with beauty salon, 64 Church St. 3 -bedroom, 178 Cambridge St. 3 -bedroom, split level, 246 Hincks St. Also Farms and Cottages For Sale Soles Personnel L H. Pentland 182 Cameron St. — 324.9007 Rita Allen ' 154 Essex- 5t.. -e.- 524.8480 6 LISTINGS AND INQUIRIES INVITED 'ALEXANDER AND CHAPMAN FOR SALE Four-bedroom frame house, located -dose to uptown, on a good sized lot.`: Taxes only $120. Price $11.500. • Two-storey red brick, on a large lot. It has three bedrooms, modern kitchen, dining room, living room with fireplace. The interior has' just been redecorated. Taxes only $173. Price $13.500. FOR REN1' Four-bedroom house in excellent condition with all modern conveni- ences. Heat ' provided. Listings and enquiries are invited. Expert evaluations on any local pro- perty. Numerous ot.er listings; one guaranteed to suit your needs and be within your budget. • ` BRUNO LAPAINE Phone 524.8957 J. I. RAPSON-8559 Salesman for Goderich Phone 524-9662 ALEXANDER & CHAPMAN FRANCES RAE Agent for S. E. 'Matins 43 Nowgate St. — Phone 524-9557. FOR . SALE 150 acres, East Wawanosh, stream, crave pit, 14.4,000 trees. LOT 117 x 130, V.L.A. Survey. Neer Clinton, 35 acres, including 10 acres young growth, spring, gravel pit. Lot on Nelson Street, approximately 60 x 100. Two-bedroom furnished cottage at code's :each; $S, JJ, t HAROLD W. SHORE . Real Estate Broker—Mortgages General Insurance' PROPERTIES FOR SALE Four-Bedroom—Red Brick Located two blocks from . the Square, this family size home has four bedrooms, living room ,dining • room and contemporary kitchen, 3 - piece bathroom, gas-fired forced air furnace. Good terms -available with only 31,950 down. Frame Bunglow-3 Bedrooms This modern, in every detail,' home has three large bedrooms, bright living room, American style kitchen with dinette, -full basement and oil- fired heating. Down payment $2,500, balance $99.00 P.I. 30 Hamilton St. Dial 524.7272 4. Real Estate Wanted May we LIST your property: Home, cottage, commercial business, or land, which `lou wish to sell in the Gide- rich area. Please contact Peter S. MacEwan Realtor • Tel.: 9531 20tf 44 North St. 5. To Rent ROOM with or without board. Phone 5248737. ' 36tf 5. TO Rent FURNISHEP, heated, eomfortable apart - mint. No pets or children. Phone 524.6515. - 39tf SPACIOUS three-bedroom , house at 33". Elgin Ave. Excellent condition. Phone 524-8480. 39tf GROUND floor one -bedroom apart- ment, gas wall heater and range, two- piece bath and Shower. Adults only, no pets. Phone 524-8556. 40tf THREE -bedroom house in west end, gas heated and wired for dryer: Apply, Wm. Gilbert,. 126 St. Patrick Street. 40 APARTMENT for rent 'in .residential area, heat; hot water, fridge and electric, range supplied, garage avail- able. 111 St. George's Crescent, Phone 524-7131. 40tf UPSTAIRS, four -room heated apart- , 'tient. ' Mrs, Edgar Mallough, phone 524-8435. 40 FURNISHED apartment, by the week, all utilities paid. Phone 524-8951. - 4Qtf THREE-BEDROOM house, bath, gas furnace, lin.' Goderich.. Available now. Phone 482-9970. ' 40x KENT house, furnished rooms with living room, TV and •kitchen privileges, $10 weekly. Phone 8433, 12tf FURNISHED apartment, 3 rooms and bath,, heated. • Available October -1. Phone 524-9303, 51 North St. 38tf OFtICE or'" store space, approximately 250 square feet; West St. location. 524-8845. • 39tf FURN'SHED apartment, modern, liv- ing room, kitchen, bedroom, 3-ple-e bath. Available soon. Apply 46 East St. Phone 524-8422. 39tf TWO bedrooms, living room and kit- chen, downstairs ",shared bath, avail- able immediately. Apply Mrs. A. Mc- Lean, 48 Trafalgar Street, after four. •' 40 ONE -BEDROOM apartment, furnished, suitable for couple. Available immedi- ately. Phone 624-8951. 40tf EXPO house trailer with all conveni- ences, near., Expo, sleeps four. Avail- able up to Q;ctober 22. Gerald Mar - tone, Dashwood,. phone 231-3654. 40 6. Wanted To Rent YOUNG businessman would tike to rent 3 or 4 -bedroom house with pos- sible option to buy. Good reference* supplied. Preferably in west end. Box 120 Signal -Star. 34tf FOUR -bedroom house to rent'in Gode- rich, or farm house with barn and land in Goderich area. Apply Box 138, Signal -Star. 39-41 THREE or four -room . unfurnished apartment,downstairs if possible, be- fore November first. Phone 5.24.8863. 40tf'. 8. Help Wanted LARGE national corporation requires sales representative for Goderich• area. Automobile 'required. Starting salary $400 to $500, based on ex- perience.. Complete group coverage and pension plan. Age limit 25.44. Reply giving complete details of busi-. ness records to Box 141, Signal -Star. 4p FOURTH CLASS STATIONARY ENGINEER SEASONAL (OCTOBER' - APRIL) Required by the Federal Department of Public Works Sarnia, Ontario Salary Range $4,767 - 5,248 Apply IMMEDIATELY to: • Public Service Commission P.O. Box 8, Toronto -Dominion Centre Toronto l; Ontario - Quote Programme 67-T-115 40 The Clinton District Collegiate Institute, Board Requires INSTRUCTORS FOR NIGHT T CLASSES To Be Held At CENTRAL HURON SECONDARY SCHOOL - CLINTON, ONT. . as advertised in this issue Applications to be forwarded to the undersigned„ not later than October 7, 1947. Mr. IL J. Homuth, B.A., Principal, Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton, Ontario. 39, 40 '5' tax* c s fled Rates 5 IC PER WORD (Min mum $1.00) • rrf' 25c Discount if paid within 30 days• of insertion' Semi -Display Classified ' $1.40 per inch Marriage — $1.00 Engagement -- $1.25 Dea'h Notice $1.00 Deadline for. taking Classified Ads is I P.M. TUESDAY THE SIGiNAL-STAR, DIAL 524.0331• -- 8. Help Wanted • WANTED, mature babysitter for two - pre -school girls, full time, October 13th through 22nd. Call 524-8444. 40x LADY housekeeper and -companion re- quired for elderly lady in good- health; to live in Goderich until about Nov. 30. Good wages paid. Reply stating age and salary expected to Box 140, Signal -Star Publication.. 40tf WAITRESS wanted, part time or full time. Apply in person to Goderich Restaurant. 39-40 PART-TIME sales receptionist. State age and experience Box 136, Signal -Star. - 39tf FREE COOK BOOK Get your Rawleigh. Copk; Book ngw, and information how to make money' selling Rawleigh Products, full or part- time. Write Rawleigh, Dept. J -216 -FC 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Montreal. 40 SALESMAN with car twanted to rep- resent 'Ott tomany. Position offers sales' training program, salary and' commission, life insurance, medical and surgical': plan; ' hospitalization; Write giving full particulars and phone number to P.O. Box 4333, 'Station C, London, Ont. 40.1 -10. Wanted (General) COMPLETE , household effects or small lots wanted. Call C. & E. Fur- niture, i231. 42tf 'CASH irt' on -buried -treasure; 'We buy old gold and estate jewellery. N. T. Ormandy Jewellery, 94 The Square, Goderich. 10tf 11. Employment Wanted -' WOULD like typing to do at home.. Phone 524-7504. 40 12. Tenders Wanted There' will be offered for sale by sealed tender the following, lands and premises known as 40 The' Square, Goderich, Ontario, being- the premises formerly occupied by the Bank of Montreal and more, particularly de- • scribed as follows: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain - parcel or tract of land ,and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, and Province of Ontario and being composed of Lot No. 1000 for the said Town of Goderich. Such sale to be by tender addressed to the Manager, Bank of Montreal, Goderich, Ontario. Such tender to be clearly marked "TENDER" and tenders will close at 12:00 noon on the 20th day of October, 1967. The highest or any tender will not • necessarily be accepted. The sticcess- ful purchaser if any will have to enter into a covenant that .the property is not being purchased or . will not be sold or leased to any Bank or. Trust Company or any other deposit gather- ing institution for five years from the date of the sale. Dated at Goderich, Ontario, this 26th day of September, 1967. - Bank of- Montreal, Goderich, Ont. 39-41 Classified Ads.. Bring Quick Results CLUB MANAGER FOR Golf ond Curling Club Applicant must be experienced ha private dui, management. Able to take charge of food service and bar operation. Bookkeeping an asset. Salaty commensurate with experience. Applhi' Tos SECRETARY -TREASURER MAITLAND GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB • Ceded* carie 12. 'Tenders 'Wanted DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, CANADA, TENDERS SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED TO THE UNDERSIGNED A N D ENDORSED "TENDER FOR TURNING FENDERS— GODERICH, Ontario:" will be received until 3:00 p.m. (E.D.S,T.), Wednesday, October 18, 1967. Plans, specifications and forms of tender can be seen.at the office of the Department of Public Works, Dominion Public Building, 457 Richmond Street, London, Ontario, or can be obtained from the District Director, Department -of. Public Works, P.O. Box 668, Lon- don, Ontario. To be considered, each tender must be made on, the printed forms sup-. plied by-.sthe Department and in accordance with the conditions set forth therein. ' The lowest' or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. ' • J. M. DUNPHY, District Director. 13., Auction Sale AJCTION SALE of . choice 150 -acre farm, livestock, machinery, hay and grain on the premises, Lots 13 and 14, - Concession 1, West Wa- wanosh; 1/4 ,mile east of Nile store or 6 miles west of Auburn, Thursday, October 19 at' 1 o'clock. Farm has two sets of buildings, one house with modern conveniences, one barn with pressure system and water bow,s and is all workable except 5 acres of bush. Inspection invited. Terms on real estate 10% day of sale, balance in 60 days. Chattels: cash. - } - a Fred Horton, Proprietor. Emile McLennan, Auctioneer. 39-40 • ESTATE AUCTION SALE. of Property, Machinery and Household Effects at Lot 43, Con. 13, Hullett Township, one mile south of Auburn on Base Line, on Friday, October 6th, at one ppm- Dodge sedan, in running condition; Plymouth - car, not running; Case trac- tor on rubber, not running; 3 -furrow International plow; quantity- of scrap iron; Portland cutter; set' sloop sleighs; some household effects, in-- • eluding glass cupboard; extension table; kitchen chairs. ' ' Property at the- same' place, 3 p.m. The property will be offered for sale, sold subject to reserve bid; 93 acres more or less clay loam land, all workable except about 5 acres;'• frame house and barn. Terms—Chattels cash. Property; 10% down, balance in 60 days, unless arrangements made. For further particulars apply to Harold Jackson, auctioneer; Wm. J. Wagner, Luella Wagner, Auburn, ex- ecutors of estate. Donnelly and Murphy, solicitors for •estate. 39-40 AUCTION -SALE 'of''T00 head of beef cattle, modern power machinery, 36 acres standing corn and some house- hold 'effects will be held for Art Eggleston, Concession 6, '.West Wa- wanosh, four • corners south of Luck - _now or one ..corner north of -Dun- gannon and two miles east, on Satur- day, October 14 at one 'p.m. Terms: Cash. Farm sold. Also offered for sale, Subject to reserve bid, will be the 100 -acre farm of the late Charles McNee. Allan Maclntyre, Auctioneer. 39-4-1 14. Services Available HAROLD'S DELIVERY. SERVICE " ' PHONE 524-9657 GODERICH 40 SKATES SHARPENED Hollow Ground Formerly Syd'Lawson's APPLY GEO. FIELDER 166 Hindus St. 40.1-2 HANPICAPPED man wou'd pppreciate small appliances to repair at home. Phone 524-6557. . 37-40 BRICKWORK, fireplaces, stonework, plastering, chimneys, stucco and con- crete repairing. Ray Squire, Box 335, Seaforth, phone 527-1332. 37.43 AUCTION SERVICE ALLAN MecINTYRE Experienced Licensed Auctioneer Lucknow, Ont. 36-43 SEE us for expert "Rust-Pro-fing" for your car and custom service to els makes. Rouse Auto Electric, West Street, 524-9311. if DAILY CAR RENTAL Reasonable Rates -*GEE'S .Goderich Phone 524-8391 E. end O. Construction, Bayfield, Ont. Phone F65-2734. Sand and gravel, backhoe, grading; septic tank and the fields. 28tf • Cemetery 'Memorials And Inscriptions floyd M. Lodge Dial 82477343 4/ Metalmal St. Gederlch 18tf RUG SHAMPOOING The New Arid Dry Foam The 'modern way to clean rugs SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE 524-8892 29 14, Services' Available FOR your Antenna Sales and Service confect Alvin.% TV, 162, Merit St., phone 524.9089. 32:i ACE Radio. ,TV Service. Frank Wilcox,. 60' Picton St. W., Goderich, On-. Phan* 524-7771. ' ►tf FOR HEDGE Trimming and small landscaping lobs, phone 524-6408. 35tf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED HARVEY DALE • - -Seaforth ,- 527.1426 Clinton - 482092041 30-43e 15. Notice To Creditors ALL Persons having claims against .the Estate of JOHN L McDONALD, Mechanic, late of the Town 'of Gode- rich, in the County of . Huron, who died on or about •the 13th day of July, 1967, are required to file same with full particulars with the under- signed by the 26th day' .of October, 1967, as after that date the assets of the estate will. be distributed. Dated at Goderich this, 25th day of September. J. KENNETH HUNTER, Barristers, etc., 30 North Street, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitor for the Estate. 39-40-41 TREASURER'S ' SALE OF LANDS IN ARREARS OF TAXES, COUNTY OF HURON, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. TO WIT: • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ' the list of lands to be sold for arreari of taxes in the County of Huron has been prepared and was published in "The Ontario Gazette" upon the 2nd day of September, 1967. . Copies of the list of lands for sale for arrears may be secured In the County Treasurer's office. In default of payment of taxes as 'shown on such list on or before Wednesday, December 6th, ' 1967. et the hour of ten o'clock in the morn - Ing, I shall at the said time in the Court House, Goderich, Ontario, pro- ceed to sell by Public Auction the said lands to pay such arrears to- gether with the charges thereon. • NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that if any of the said 'lands remain unsold, en adjourned sale willbe held on Wednesday, Decem- ber 13th, 1967, et same hour and place,. JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk -Treasurer, County of Huron,' Court House, u...rerich, On a:6. a. 36-48 All 'persons having claims against the 'Estate of MARY ELIZABETH .Mc - 'MANUS, housewife, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 28th day of January,.. 1967, are required to file the same With full particulars with the undersigned_ by the 21st day of October, 1967, as after that date the assets the estate will be distributed. D,%ed' "at Goderich, Ontario, this 25t i day of September, 1967. W. M. PREST, Q.C. Barrister, etc., 56A East Street, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitor for the Estate. 40-1-2 IN THE ESTATE OF WAN JAMES WATSON, LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, FARMER, All persons claiming against ' the above estate are required to forward full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the. 31st day of October, 1967, after which date the assets will be distributed. • DONNELLY & MURPHY, 18 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 40-1:2 16. Public Notice Dr. V. L. McGeough wish to an- nounce that he will discontinue his medical practice in Goderich on October 20, 1967. 40 I wilt not be responsible for any debts incurred by my wife, Barbara May, after August 31, 1967. Ernie May. 3840 ,I, will no longer be responsible for any debts incurred by my wife, Michele (nee Hami:ton), as of August 9, 1967. JOHN ' P. QUINN 39-41 6, public l IN THE COUNTY' COURT OF THE • COUNTY , OF HURON INSHARMANOt• THE MATTER THE OF TOWN ALICE MAUVE[, OUD °RI`CH, IN THE COUNTY OF . iWV�DOW, AND IN THE MATTER Of -THE MENTAL INCOMPETENCY ACT, '8.5.0., 1960,, CHAPTER 237, Tenders to close October 15th, 12:00 noon. PURSUANT to Order made in this cause there will be offered for sale by sealed tender the following lends and premises known'as 34 oritannia Road, West, in the Town of Goderich, in the County, of Huron and Province of Ontario, more particularly describse ed in Deed registered in the Registry Office for the Registry ,pivisioh. of the County of Huron, es No. 10697. Suds sate to be by tender addressed lo Jean Clements, Clerk of the County Court of the County of Huron, Court Huse, Goderich, Ontario. Such tender to be clearly marked "Tender, Atten- tion His Honour Judge Hetherington". Tender to close at twelve noon on t'-Tyctober 15th, 1967. The highest or 'any tender not neces- sarily. accepted. - the property will be offered for sage subject to a reserve,' bid fixed by ane said Local Judge. The purchaser shall with his tender pay: down a deposit cf ten per cent (10%) of his tender, pay;.ble to the Committee, Edward John Stiles, and shall pay the balance of the purchase price to the credit -of the Con r arse, Edward John E.iles, Nitron tHirty days following the ec- ceptenno� of aty"'tenedr. The balance of the 'purchase price to be without inters+t. Payment of the.purchase pm." to be made by certified ' 'cheque - Ad- justnteists to be made as of the doer.g date at cal-Lh time vacant possession W',s be y'sen: The purchaser she search the title et his own expense. The Vendor shall not be- bound so produce any abetters of title ur any deeds ur evidence of title other than those in his roccv:cion or control. The Purchaser shall have the Con- veyance prepared at his own expanse and shall tender same- for execution. -In ail other reined* the conditions of sale are rho standing conditions of sale of the Court as modified, by the :monitions ',f sale settled by iso undersigned. On tt .. premi:et Is said to he erected a two-storey brick dwelling house.. - Further -particulars and conditions of sale may be had from Donnell; -A Murphy, - Barristers, 18 The Square, Goderich, ' Ontario. Dated at Goderich,, 'Ontario, th:s 5th day • of Aprti, 1967. DONNELLY & MURPHY, 18 The_ Square, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Committee. Edward Jahn Stiles. • 3i-9.40 17. Business Notice MEDIC Massage, Thermo-Thherepy and UI a -Violet. 118 Anglesea Street, phones, house 524-7617; office, 524- 6281. W. C. Breckow, Reg. M. 19 19. LOst And Found LOST—Pair girl's gloats:, light brown. Phone 524-7866, near Waterloo St. • 40x A. Bir'hs • ERVINE—At Petawawa, Ontario, ' on September 27, 1967, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ervine, a daughter. STRAUGHAN—At Royal Victoria Hos- pital,' `Barrie/ Ontario, ' on October 2, 1967, to Mr: and Mrs. 'William S. Straughan, Barrie, a son, Glenn William. a � L Deaths TOMS—Passed away, at Bayfield, on Thursday, September . 28th, 1,967, Florence Catherine Toms, dear wife of Malcolm Toms, in her 74th year. Funeral service from the, Ball Fu- neral Home, -153 High Street,' Clin- ton, on October 1st, ' 1967, with interment in the Bayfield Cemetery. a 40 C. Briefs Order Shell furnace oil and stove oil from Edward Fuels, tank truck dealer for all Shell Oil Co. products. Phone 524-8306, 1 tf E. Cardi of Thanks • THOMPSON—I wish to express my sincere thanks to all those who remembered me with flowers, Cards and visits while I was a patient the hospital. Special -thanks to Dr. V. L. McGeough, the - nurses and staff oh first floor, east. - LEE THOMPSON. - 4A Use Classified Ads For Quick Results ROOFING:.'a BUILT UP & FLAT DECH ROOTING BARNS -and HOMO/ NEW ROOF -- REPAIR WORK 18 pillars' expedite** doing all types of domestic and industrial roofs. a A, SPECIALTY FLOOD COATING -10.00 Per Sq. Prompt ----- Efficient Wor >1 ns!dp b G ERICH - ROOFING IL -- SHEET • METAL --� 624-7961--�- larmesnasimmormitimmileiNIMMNIIIIIIMM