HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-09-28, Page 2• 2... T God.rieh .S aa`I.Star, irle> s• 11147 •: Irl .A. allvi ■ w �.w • G e NATIONALISTIC UPSURGE - Britain's Celtic fringes have long 'Further evidence of the nationalist shown a stubborrrTefusal to fit neatly sensitivities these days of both the into the pattern Of the two-party sys- Wlhlsh and the Scots can be :founa*1 in tern. During the 1950's, for example,- their irritation at4 recent pronounce - they remained the outposts of -Britain's ments by prominent figures in both the. dwindling thi*party, the, -liberals. main political parties. Edward Heath, the Conservative ' leader, made the rets- 'take when :touring the Scottish Low- lands the other day of saying that Scot - fish nationalists were ''flower people with flower power." And now no less a personage thin the Secretary of State for Wales in the But increasingly Scots and Welsh alike seem to have come to the con- clusion that, as . spokesmen for them, the Liberals were not proving effective enough. The result has been a growth in support for the political parties of the Scottish and Welsh nationalists. It would ., present Labor government, Cledwyn still be unwise to overestimate the strength of any nationalist tide in either Scotland or Wales. Yet apparently its swell is enough to have produced mut, 'murings in Scotland against the name chosen for the new Cunarder being built by Scotsmen on ,the Clyde and launched by the Queen last week.' It is not the royal name that gives offense, but the "II" in "Queen Eliza- beth 11." The first Elizabeth of •.Steak-- speare's day was never Queen of Got- land. Scotland was. then an indepen- dent kingdom with a monarch of- its own; And so some Scotsmen are sensi- tive about the "II" in 'the style of the present sovereign.. • Hughes, has infuriated Welsh national. istsr despite the ' fact that he is himself' a Welshman. Speaking in Denbigh shire, he said: "I deplore from the bot- tom of my heart the anti -English mani- festation of some elements of the Welsh nationalist party. I think it is wicked and un -Christian. It is damaging to the belt interests of Wales." . Both Mr. Health and Mr. Huiphss may ' have been influ . by the thought that 'their respective pli ties might lose seats in Scotland end Wiles by the defection of erstwhile support- ers to nationalist . candidates inelec- tions. But the . reaction to their • utter- ances in, both Celtic countries is at lout • a sign of the times. f., 9 .N,., iso -m'-" "i% ..• er PROPER. SPIRIT LACKING. One essential_ingredient ,appears to be lacking. in all the U.S. gestures to 'end the war in Viet Nan: the: -proper spirit. Washington can talk all it wants about its willingness to listen' to sug- gestions from Saigon that the bombing of North Viet . Nam be suspended.- can uspended. can engage in backstage .manoeuvres at the United Nations supposedly to 'set the machinery for- negotiations in motion. But these are meaningless gestures In the -face of the intensified bombardment of the past .few days. One has the' horrible feeling that either 'the U.S. government was uttering sham all along 0 r that civilian authority y has lost out to the generals. The latter is the more Likely explanation. Certainly military strength continues to grow while non-military projects are pushed further into the background. For in- stance,• $325,000 is spent to kill each Viet Cong, as opposed. to the $53 to make fife tolerable for an indigent at home. Obviously-, not even the adminis- tration can enjoy this distorted use of public money. But such is the perverse- ness of the U.S. position today that logic no : longer exists. First, -while saying it. would -like peace, Washington -demands peace .on . purely American terms. Second, while saying that- the United Nations is an appropriate- agency td press for peace; it shows no willingness to abide by the argument of the sec- retary general of' the United Nations, U Thant, and the vast majority of mem- bers who contend- that the first step toward peace must be cessation of air Mom.-, attacks. This corruption of thinking -bothers many leading Americans, , among them Senator Wayne, Morse who► has intro- - ducecl, a resolution calling on President Johnson • not only to request an emer- gency meeting of the Security Council but to , pledge the United States it, ad- vance to accept any decision on Vie Nam. This would mean thatif there was a',consensus to end thebombingof r h Viet t Nam the U.S. -woo North Id not' exercise its veto. Senator Morse has delivered a cruelly suspicious judgment on his own goe er'nment .,. "The United States set out to keep the peace alone. Instead of bringing peace to Viet Nam, we have contribut- ed 'more than Our share to tha steady enlargement of the war, the steady in- crease in death and destruction . The United Nations deserves a chance. It can't do worse than we have done The _World Federation of United Nations Associations has come up with a plan for a.five:nation summit to pro- mote peace talks. The New York Times has published some 'fascinating -f igures to show that the quantity .of supplies required -by rnunls ae'cos can be carried from North Viet Scharr on eighty -bicycles — and all the bombing. that has' gone on ' for the oast thirty months has done nothing to cut routes or reinforcements. But the statistics and the well-intentioned proposals of sone Americans and people abroad end in limbo if they are unaccompanied by Washington's own spirit of good will. .A WOMAN Since ;Betty Friedan wrote her best-seller, Feminine Mystique, detail- ing just how men brain -washed wo- men into,staying in the kitchen for so many centuries some women have had the uncomfortable feeling that she may be right. Now we have -in Canada - the Royal Commission on the Status pf Women. ' When the Commission became a reality this spring, wades of doubt and praise swept the nation's press --at the idea of women having their very 'own government study. One of the plus facts hopefully flowing out of the hearings, may be a heightening of women's opinion of themselves—a sense of, -their own im- portance and contribution in -the mod- ern world. In the past women have had .a distressing tendency to downgrade 'S PLACE .. . their, abilities and effectiveness both inside and outside the home sphere— and men have believed them. - Much has happened in the 50 years since women -got the vote. Two world wars, the atomic age, the pill, enlarged job and educational' oppor- tunities, streamlined housework, up- heaval from rural to'urban to high .rise • living, and the gradual disintegration of traditional religious and moral values have left their, mark on both sexes. But setting up of the study Is brilliant move. What is realty amounts 'to is a national. group :therapy session. - For the nekt few months, during com- mittee hearings, Canadia'n.l are going think, talk, fight and read about the many facets of women and the family.' Perhaps in the end, wh3n'•the report is published, we will all feel relieved and cleansed, ' Royal ;arch •'Masonic Chapter 30 Goderich,celebrated its Centennial' last Sunday with a church. Service at North Street United Church, with members of : Royal Arch Masons of Huron District 6 in attendance. ' Messages from The Word By Rev. Glen D. Wright (Ephesians 2:) Walls have many uses but we forget sometimes ,that there is a limitation to their use. Walls were never very, effective in � C ePiug�khe� goad-in..or thee- eviL.. gut or- vice versa -- whether - they they are made of brick and mortar as in Berlin, or bar. bed wire as in Vietnam. They aren't 'effective even if we call 'them iron or bamboo curtains and: - they. attempt . to. crutrol thought. The failure' of the wall is really quite remarkable, It didn't keep Joshua out of Jer. 'ieho or Nebuchadnezzar but of Jerusalem. Moreover, when these walls came down, we are. told, it was God's will. There were ideological walls as well: one was race and the other •law. If you. couldtrace your family tree to. Abraham or if you could keep the host of laws and commandments, you were behind a secure wall: you had God''s favor. From this exalted position you could look down at or ignore anyone who didn.'„t sha r , ouL,Samily his, tory; or anyone who didn'tkeep- the laws or believe what you believed about God. ' • This wall also failed in its attempt .:to.; make people goo& The second' chapter of Ephe• sian' (2:14) tells of • its end.' The writer speaks of those who were outside this wall of good- ness and says (2:19) "now you are no longer strangers blit fellow citizens with. the saints" because this wall has now been destroyed. • There - thank heu Neta..- the walls are gone .,, or are they. Still there are walls „ that divide and, not'just in Berlin or ..><%fi:''�%yr,�/%9/f�� �rJ /i+': %r �� ' :i.' �:i S �i%S� �%5'i �/ ��':�J:j:•.'.f�,r ` �:i'•: �'•.r %i �;:::1%<'�i��/,;fi�;'/,/J •••%?%:��f%rrn%:I�r/% :•/1�.`::<��:f :.../:,�/;/;.;f?ix •<:/::•!.•:%n.`;:•` LETTERS TO THE EDITOR :! !:�:;::.••:i�%%!/ .fit!%// ,/ •,/�/r%1ri%f:%�%r,.:!i%%r' `�<`��: %''/./i.,•.'9/i�:�r,�r'%„i �%/r. `::�^.::._;.:�%v<r�•./.•...iii%:://f,:�;.ir:: �/�/r/.�///`/�:�lf f/,/;/%r.,�:.S:f•iso/:.'f.•},!lf;.r�%},'1../.r,4.• , Established 1848 tit 12o*Year ail nOrrith , nakmogabil -.p— The Ciunty'Tewis elesnipaeer N Hvrw Pybhshed • at Goderich, Ontario every Thursday mercies by Signal -Star Publishing TAmited ROBtlan G. SPRIER SBA ButiRNellar President and Publisher Managing Edtttvr ` lei Member of C.W.N.A., O.W.N.A., and A.S.C. fit *Subscription Ratios $5"a Ysar-.•.Te U.S.A. $4, (le aihraree Authorized as Second Class Maul, :Post Office Dept., Ottawa and fnr Paymirnt of Pototage in Cash A • Busines Directory ¢ Ronald L. McDonald CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT .� St. David St., 524-6253 Goderich, Ontario ” FINANCIAL. COUNSEL 23 WELLINGTON STREET NORTH GODERICH, CANADA 5244604 . Associ•red `with the leading Canadian and American Mutual Funds REFRIGERATION ' and APPLIANCE SERVICE All makes — All types SERRY'S APPLIANCES The Square - Phone 524.8434 "the Store That Service • Built" Tel- L'us. 524-9531 Res. 524-9'3' PETER S. MacEWAN INSURANCE AGENCY REALTOR 44 North Street Goaisrich, OM. Alexander and Chapman GENERAL INSURANCE REAL .ESTATE,, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Canadian Imperial' Bank of Commerce Building Goderich Dial 524-9662 - { G. C. WHITE Accredited Public Accountant - SS Elgin Ave. W.. 524-8797 Goderich Ontario R. W. • BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square • 524-7661 A. M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 11 --Si SOUTH STREET TELEPHONE -SODERICH, .'ONTARIO ' 524.7362 Mire Investing ... Investigate UNITED ACCUMULATIVE FUND,. Lib. ALBERT J. • SHORE Representative ' UNITED INVESTMENT SERVICES LtD. t $A *wbec St. 1244164 Vietnam; walls because of eco,. omit or social position; wa.1IS of color, race and oh yes creed ( we call them denominations ). There are walls between the Church and the world, between the "good" and the delinquent, heiween.....the,-..faithful_ and . the faithIess; We are not so naive as to be.. lieve that these walls can be removed overnight. We don't take the, power._ of evil sex._. iously enough if we feel that we can simply abolish these walls that we have erected. But- at. least we can remem- ber that these walls are a part of the evil in the world and . not of God; and 'we can remember that Jesus abolished walls - and the• people in his ' day got so upset that -they killed Him -- outside a wall they had •built so carefully in the name of God Sir: This letter is with re. ference to two letters which were written by J. C. Hind.. marsh and printed .- in your paper. In both letters he makes an appeal for reinstatement of the Naviagable Waters Act - and a recognitionof the legality of public ownership of beaches up to the high watermark. He also makes the statement that local politicians have their heads in the sand on this ques. tion in spite of the fact that Mr. MacDonald ,the NDP leader and Mr. Nixon , the Liberal leader both support his point of view. I write this Metter as an in.' rterested citizen, as a cottage owner and as the.NDP .candi. date in. Huron. l wish to state publicly that , I do not 'have my head in the sand on this issue or any other. 'I have discus.. sed this matter in depth with Hi'ndmarsh-;and- I whole. heartedly support his position. I welcome the public present. ation of his point of view as it wholeheartedly endorses the re. sponsible position of the NDP on this matter. Yours sincerely, John C. Boyne, NDP Candidate in Huron xeter, Ontario. Down MemOry . '� ► 55 YEARS AGO, 1912 Under a front page column Of The Star, headed, 'Local Topics in Brief,' appear these items: The editor was mightily pleased this morning when .a bright little girl brought him a bouquet of dahlias which is now gracing his desk. The Paget Grain 'Door tom. pany's machinery is UM run. ping., They are prepared to • supply flooring, siding, sheet., Ing. and general planing mill work,' in carload lots or swill. ler quantities. . W. L. Horton is •having the stores in his block repainted on the exteriors, This improves the appearance of the block a great deal.' A Literary Society has been organized inconnection with Brussels continuation • school and Athol McQuarrie, formerly of The Signal, is president. W. A. Chisholm has received' a carload of red brick. from Norwich which he is using at his new house on Trafalgar Street, Joseph Griffin also has received a ' car of the same -bricks which are of extra good quality. •' 15 YEARS AGO, 1952 A special.- meeting of Town~ Council, will be held tonight,. Thursday, to discuss a 'sug. gestion from the Ontario corn. missioner of police to add an. other constable to the Goderich detachment, of the OPP, which is at present composed of a corporal and three constables. The first meeting of the God. erich Home and School Associ. ation was well attended Tues. day night, with the president, `'"MrsrmA. F; Hill, extending -a::: welcome, especially to the new members. A young Goderich township --- farmer, .Elmer ,Sowerby,,is con. fined to Alexandra Hospital, sof„ fering from severe back and in. ternal injuries as a result of the rear wheel of a tractor going over his abdomen. Mr. Sowerby. 'was inspecting' the tractor on' the farm of Harry Mitchell when it was suddenly thrown into gear, causing it to pass over him. The. Goderich Bridge Club held its first session of the 1952 -53 -season Monday night in Mrs.' A. A. ' Nicol's apartment. There . were 20 members present. Auburn is justifiably proud.,. of its Midget ball team which. has brought to that village its first all -Ontario baseball crown After capturing the WOAA Mid- get "C" title, the Auburn'Mid. gets eliminated Carlisle in two straight games to take the OBA Midget "D" championship, Club's minor hockey week corn. mittee. Nelson Hill, president of .the committee, thanked all members who had taken part in the 1957 pee wee week hockey tournament. Boys of the .Goderlch, lMannt facturing team, which won the championship in the -town's pee wee softball league this past season, were ,.presented with crests at a ceremony ,in the Goderich . arena Friday after. noon. • Dr. R. M. Aldis, °HuronCeunw' ty MOH, reports, that, the advent of cooler. weather, "increases our optimism for another polio free year ' in the Amity.", In speaking to the county health unit, Dr. Aldis reported a mar. ked increase in the number of "Asian flu'," cases occurring amongst Huron's population. Town Council's "proceed with caution" policy may 'be re. warded with the saving of $192,750 or more, in the con. struction 'of a new water sys. tern. Council learned Friday, that an international- organiza. tion,- 'Ramney Method Water Supplies Limited', has offered to construct a new town water supply system for not more that $190,000, ONE YEAR AGO, 1966 The Ontario Housing Corpor. anon, ,at the request of Town Council, is conducting a sur. vey, to determine the need and demand ,for additional public rental housing. This proposed housing would accomodate either' families or senior cit. izens who are either living or Working in Goderich and 'whose present accomodation is now inadequate. W. J. Mills, chairman of God. ,00ricl>'PublicUtilities• Commis.: sion, was re-elected director of district No. 6 of the Ontario Municipal Electoral Associa. .tion. in Clinton last week. The district, extends from Goderich to Orangeville and Kitchener. Al Selinger, comptroller of Goderich Manufacturing Corn. _ pany Limited)is one of 10 re. presentatives of Canadian Wood Industries who are touring Israel, Cyprus, Greece and Italy for three weeks. The trade mise sion is being sponsored by the department of trade and comm. erce to investigate market pos. sibilities for Canadian wood' products. A youthful Wingham -pilot and his girl -friend passenger mil'. , aculously .'escaped death and serious injury when their light, two-seater airplane crashed on September 18, 1n theGreenock Swamp west of Walkerton. The plane belonging to Sky Harbour Air Services, and ,piloted by Ronald Hitchings, 19, toO f from Wingham Airfield- `"n. 6:30 p.m.; Shirley Martin, was the only other occupant oT, the plane. Doug Cruickshank has been appointed conch of the Goderich Siftos for the • coming hockey season. A. product of the Owen Sound minor system, Dougplay. ed on two all -Ontario champion. ship Junior "C"• teams from Collingwood before coming to Goderich in 1954 to. play with the Samis Pontiac Inter- mediates. 10 YEARS AGO, 1957 A well-known and lghly res. pected Goderich couple, Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston, celebra. ted their 50th wedding.anniver. sary at their home on Stanley Street, Saturday. - The many referees who don: ate their services gratis during ,the .Lions Club's Young Canada Week, together with 'press re. presentatives, were banqueted on the weekend by the Lions T. PRYDE & SON Memorials — Finest . Stone and • Experienced Workmanship DISTRICT Frank Mcllwain . REPRESENTATIVE 5247861 or 200 Gibbons St. — 524-9465 SOtf WE SPECIALIZE IN DOING ALL FORMS OF CUSTOM KILLING —, CURING and SMOKING OF MATS CENTRE CUT, LOIN PORK CHOPS I 75c CHICKEN LEGS LB 49c .HOME MADE HEAD CHEESE LB. 59c OPEN WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON OPEN THURSDAY FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P.M. FEATURING Home DresseP d ins acted Moats