The Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-09-28, Page 1120th YEAR, — No. 39
Fair Days are days thqt children wait for . anxiously. `Rides and refreshments are. the
and it was no different at the'Dungannon Fall Fair held Tuesday. (Photo by Hinton)
Council -Asked For
School -•.Crosswalks
Ralph Smith, principal of
Goderich Public Schools, atten•
ded last Thursday night's ses.
sion of Town Council. He spoke
to the ,councillors about the
necessity of providing better,
school crossing supervision at
some of the busier intersections
in town.
Mr. Smith suggested, four
heavily travelled, intersections
where adult school crossing
guards should be present: These
intersections were Britannia
Road and Victoria Street;. Bay.
field and Britannia Road; at
the stop -light intersection of
Elgin Avenue and Kingston and
ing accounts from Near and
Hoffineyer Plumbing for re
pairs' to sewer at his home 87
Elgin'Avenue East, was tabled.
Clerk -treasurer S. H.,,, Blake
read the letter which requested
the municipality to • assume
charges for repairs -It was dam.'
aged during reci nstruction of
the, Huron Road. It was moved
by Councillor- Howlett and
seconded by Councillor Robin-
son that the letter be received
and filed as the coinpanycarry.
ing the toWn's liability policy
had not yet been notified of the
Correspondence from the
Victoria Streets; at Eldon and , Goderich branch of the Royal
Blake Streets in front pf Rob. Canadian Legion was dealt with
exon Memorial School. at last Thursday night's coun.
was stressed by the princi.
pal that adult 'traffic guards
would not eliminate. the present
school , patrol system now in.
effect 'but would beworkifigwith,
them to increase protection for
Goderich public school child.
•Ten. Kindergarten aged_ child.
ren Mr. Smith stated, were par.
titularly in need of this super.
cil sesaion. One matter was a
request from Branch 109 to hold
' their annual Poppy Campaign
on October 3 and 4: It was
moved . by Councillor Hays,
seconded. by Councillor Shear.
down, that the request be gran-
ted. Another letter from the
Goderich Legion branch, sug.
w gesting that Town Council put.
vision as not even members of, chase a wreath, on behalf of
"the school Patrol were around .• Goderich citizens, to be laid. at,
at 11:30 a.m., when the Kinder. the Cenotaph during' the Rem-
ga.rten classes- were dismissed. embrance. Day serviceallov-
The matter was referred'to the ember' 11. It was moved by the
Fire, Traffic and Safety Come, Reeve H. Worsell and seconded
mittee for study. by Councillor Sheardown, that.
A letter from R. G. Shrier, a wreath be ordered.
.Signal -Star publisher, enclos. Neon signs are to be erected
at the premises of two local
-businesses. 'A letter from N -eon
Products of Canada Limited,
enclosing prints of signs they
wish to erect, were received and
filed at Thursday night's coun.
cil° session. One is tobe erected
at the Argyle Marine Shop; the
other is for Regent TV. The
request was:.. referred to the
Special Committee with power
• A..
An ' event which attracts fewer and fewer entries
as the years pass, is the working -horse class.
judges inspect and the owners await their
decision. (Photo by Hinton)
Dungannon Fall Fair.
The 109th annual Dungannon
Fall Fair opened under. bril. .
liant sunshine Monday with,good
cr ds in attendance and excel.
len entries in most classes.
The fair, officially opened
by Murray Gaunt MPP (L -Huron
Bruce), was preceded by a par.
ade of 600 children from three
schools in Ashfield and West
Wawanosh Townships. Leading
the parade to the fairgrounds,
where. an estimated 2,500 per.
sons had congregated,. was the
Lucknow High School Band.
Mrs.. Russell Brindley ofR,R.
3 - Auburn, was the major win.
ner in indoor flower exhibits.
winning seven firsts and eight
seconds. .
George Kennedy of R. lt. 1
Lucknow, took all the topawards
in the I'1ereford beef class cata
tle competitions.
Most popular winner, was
90 -year old Mrs. Ethel Morris
of Huronview, Huron County's
home for the aged at Clinton,
Rotary president Malcolm Campbell, right,presents a cheque for
$1,000 to Bill Cameron as a contribution ,to the workshop fqr the
Goderich and DiJstrict Association for,the Mentally Retarded. The
workshop was originally started as a Rotary project but has
been turned over IA, the Ontario Association.
at. '
Goderich .�
Police Dept.
The Ontario Municipal Police
Commission concluded a week-
long investigation of Goderich
police force last week, Mayor
Dr. Frank Mills revealed at
town council Thursday night.
• Police 'jchief Fred Minshall
told the Sinal -Star Wednesday
that a two-man team of advis.
• ors to the municipal police corn -
mission had spent the week in
town evaluating the efficiency
and workings of the -force.
Investigation of the force fol- and Safety Committee was -pre.
lows a motion approvedbycoun• sented and, on motion of Coun-
cil to look into the police bud. ' cillor' Erskine, seconded by
wlio won first prize in braided
mat competitions.
The mat was the 1,055th made
by Mrs. Morris, who formerly
lived in Dungannon and took up
residence at Huronview about
six months ago._
Other major winners of in.
door exhibits were: '
Baking, Mrs: Clarence Hoy,
Port Albert, and Mrs, Wilbur
Brown, Dungannon; needlecraft
Mrs. We's Hi'empel, Wroxeter;
Centennial dress, Mrs. Mary
Clairmont, Goderich,
Andrew Gaunt of R. R. 1
Lucknowwas the major award
winner in the shorthorn beef
cattle class and also won a
special award for showing the
best three female cattle on the
In Dungannon 4-H dairy calf
club competitions, Don McNeil
of R. R. 6 Goderich, showed
the champion senior Hol'"stein
and was declared the oharnfrian .
showman. Placing second in
both categories was Randy
Henry of R. R. 1 Port Albert.
Donald Culbert of R. R. 1
Dungannon showed the senior
heifer champion in 4-H beef
calf club corhpetitions and his
brother Jack showed the re.
serve champion,
Other club winners were:
Queen's guineas calf class,, Paul
Eddy, R. R. 1 Dungannon; ' re.
serve champion showman,Rose
Mary Eddy.
The horse show's pony class
awards were shared by Elmer
Johnston of Atwood and wGlen
Meyer of Walkerton. Belgium
and Perc'hero1' . classes Were
swept, by Len BO of Wingham.
to act.
A statement of claim, sub-
mitted by Eastbank Buildings
• Limited,,hrough the First Div.
ision Court, County- of Huron,
against the Corporation, was
presented . On motion 'of Coun-
cillor Robinson, seconded ,by
Councillor Hays'; . e claim, was
referred to Public Works and
Finance Committees jointly.
• A report of the Fire, Traffic
get in particular. Goderich pol-
icing -costs are•said to be the
highest in Ontario.
%Findings of the inquiry. are'
expected to ' be made known
within about six weeks, said
Chief Minshall.
No Stops 'In
Traffic Light
e-ov.e r =
Courtesy was the byword as
Goderich motorists went into
their second straight day Wed-
nesday of no lights, at the five
Early Tuesday the old lights
came down to make way for
the final paving of the area
around the Five Points- and this
left° motorists and pedestrians
alike at the mercy of the other
man's courtesy.
Goderich Police Department
directed,`traffic during the peak
rush hour period and to press
time no incidents had been re-
According to officials the
holdup in getting the new set
of lights functioning were three
small parts. They were= to have'
been here Monday prior to thg
disconnecting ofthe old traffic
lights. It will only be a matter
of hours to put the new lights
into service once. theparts
First Industry
Technidal Equipment Market.
ing ,Associates of Crawley, Eng.
land, ' 11 wen a new plant in
the SuppryBuilding at Centra.
'Ha Industrial Park, the Depart.
ment of Economics anciDevelop.
ment announced Thursday. This
is the first company to estab.
,fish operations on the one-time
air base. The Industrial Park
is administered On behalf of the
provincial government by the
Ontario Development Corpora.
tion, which will lease 'the build.
ing to T, E. M.
The T.E.M. Company has
been established in England for
more than 20 years- and has a
world wide reputation in 'the
engineering and design of viind
_...,..gontinued an page 8
Lions Peanut Drive is not
tonight the Signal -Star ad de.
partfnent got ahead of itself
and inserted the ads two weeks
fob soon.
Kins Install
'About 84 members of God.
.erich Kihsfne,ri Club and their
affiliate organizations, .thOin:
ettes and the K-40 C'lub,'- met
at the Maitland Golf and Country
Club Saturday evening, Sep.
texnber 23, for installation of
Present for ,the ceremonies
was Bob Robinson, Coll ingwood,
Deputy -Governor of Zone -C of
Western Ontario Kinsmen
Clubs, who took an active part
in the installation of the God.
erich Kinsmen Club executive.,
In his speech to Kinsmen
members -and their wives, the
Collingwood' Deputy -Governor
outlined ,projectsU which this
Western Ontario service club
Councillor, Hays, the report was
A motion was introduced by
Reeve Such, seconded by Dep-
uty -Reeve Harry Worsell, that
the Ontario Water Resources
Commission_ -be requested to
look into the mattes of estab•
lishing a central disposal site
to serve Goderich and surroun.
ding municpalities. It was sug•
gested that the disposal system
mht be built large enough to
handle garbage from Clinton,
Bayfield -and- surroun g-tewn.--
ships. The motion carried.
will undertake during the next
12 months,. ,
Followixig the business meet.
ing, Kinsmen Club members
danced to the .music of Car-
ruthers' Orchestra. '
Elected to ,serve° on the ex.
ecutive of the Goderich Kiva-
men Club for the next twelve
months were: Jim Peters, 1w.
mediate past president; Deb.
Shewfelt, president; Ken Mc.
Gee, fir st.vice; ;Ray -Cook,
second -vice; Ron Carter, secre-
tary; John Shaddick, treasurer;
Don Ruetz, registrar.
Directors appointed were Bill
Kirkey, . Fritz Basler, and John'
Doherty. Jack Trebish - was
chosen editor of the local Kins.
men bulletin.
Goderich Kinsmen club installed their new
executive for the -coming year, at a meeting
and social evening held Saturday night in the
Maitland Country Club. Guest speaker for the
occasion was Bob Robinson, "of Collingwood,
Deputy Governor of Zone C. who .presided at
installation ceremonies. Members' of the local
Kinsmen Club, pictured here, in• the 'Maitland
Country Clui? dining.. room ;:are, front row,
officers of tale.pderichKe40
Club installeci were: Eric' Jalurr
stone.) .immediate past»press•
dent; Frank Skelton, president; •
Mac Horputh, secreta9'y-treas*
Elected to sera on the Kin•
ette' executive for the next "l
onths -were: Fern Carter, pre*
sident;, Jean Cruikshank, firet.
vice; Barb, Shewfelt, secretary;
Anne Doherty, treasurer, Marie
Whetstone was appointed as bol•
1ptin editor for the' Kinettes.
Goderich Kinsman, Doug
Cruikshank, forinerl)t Deputy.
Governor of Zone C,' will re•
turn the visit of Kinsman De.
puty.Governor, Bob Robinson,
Saturday. Doug will be officiat.
ing at installation ceremonies
for Collingwood Kinsmen and
their affiliate clubs.
from left: Doug Cruickshank, 'Dep. Gov., Zone
B;• -Frank Skelton, president of K-40 Club;
guest speaker, Bob Robinson, Dep. Gov., Zone
C; Deb - Shewfelt, president. Back rown, from
left, are: Bill Kirkey, director; John Shaddick,
treasurer; Ron Carter, secretary; Ken M;iGee,
1st -vice; John Doherty, director; Dr. Jim ?eters,
past -president; Ray Cook, 2nd -vice; Don Ruetz,
registrator. (Photo by Nephew)
Kin Safety Campaign Ends
Members of various Goderich
seryice clubs, the town's police
force and Town Council; sat
down 'to a roast beef dinner
Tuesday evening, provided
through the compliments of
Club Grill proprietors, Tony
Lazos and Gus Balkouras, who
were --hosts to the dozen -odd
,traffic campaign officials and
members of press and radio
'news, media. '
Kinsman Ed Stile's, who ser.
ved as chairman for Tuesday
program, started the speeches delivered it to
started the delivered it to Mr. Fortner
rolling. personally.
- Head table guests who spoke, It read as follows:
were: Goderich Police Chief,Dr.'�dati�onTslsivenletter
to Tom Fortner,
Fred Minshall; Mayor, g
G. F. Mills; Rev.. G. G. Rus- . for his public spirit and corn -
sell, of -Et. George's Anglican munity interest shown in the
Church; Kinsmen president, promotion and development of a
Deb Shewfelt and Tom Fortner,- traffic safety program for the
Goderich - town constable and Town of Goderich .during the
original promoter of the traf. month of September 1967.
• fic safety. campaign. Mr. Fortner enlisted the help
Constable Fortner received a of the Goderich Kinsmen Club
letter of commendation from the • to sponsor his program, but
Town--- of Goderiri, ___thrnl1gh was,himself solely responsible
night's traffic safety awards Mayor Dr. G. F. Mills, who . for the idea, the directioraaan
b continued on page 8
8 'Auto Show
People travelled '50 and 60
miles to attend the Seventh
Annual Goderich Automobile
Dealer's Car Show which took
place last Thursday and Fri.
day in the Arena.
According to the auto deal,
ers it was the biggest suc-
cess in the seven year his-
tory of the event. More than
3,000 people attended dur"ing the
two nights. From the aftermath
of the show it would appear that.
this is going to be a big year
for new cars. Dealers report
many sales during and immedi.
ately after the show. One auto
dealer reported the biggest day
in his- history last Saturday. -
Whether you were interested
in a new cal. or not the new
cars were interesting to.view.
As the people milled.about many
comment's could be heard about-
' the various makes of cars.
Styling changes in the new
cars were evident in every
make and model. ,
While those who attended ag-
A Winner
reed with style 'changes or dis.
agreed, they partook of the re-•
freshments that had been made
available,, ,During the two night
event 2,006 cups of coffee were
drunk and 180 dozen donuts
were devoured.
The dealers who paricipated
were Baird Motors, Goderich
Motors, Aberhart's Garage,
McGee's, Goderich, W. J. Mills
Motor Sales, Graf .and Harris,
and Huron Automotive,
The following people were F
lucky door prize winners:
Ron Pennington, Goderich,
Jim Skeoch, Goderich, Oliver
Anderson, 'Auburn, Mrs. Gar-
ber Dale, R. R. 4 Clinton,
Carl Avis, Tivertoh, Mrs. Gor-
don Barger, Lucknow, C. Kalb.
fleisch, Goderich, ,Mrs. J.
Schneider, R. R. I' Auburn,
Wayne Peachey, Goderich, Mrs,
Harry Clement, R. R. 4 God.
erich, Mrs. Len Sheardown,
180 Park Street, and Beatrice
Welsh,' R. R. 2 Bayfield.
Close to 3,000 people turned"out to see the4968 automobile models
at the Goderich Auto Show in the Arenalast Thursday and Friday.
Photo shows a cross section of the crowd during the Friday
evening showing; Dealers who exhibited at the show described
it as the best done ever held in town and many reported a substan.
tial increase in interest and business inquiries, One dealer said
he had- had a, record number of inquiries and potential sales.
accruing from the show. (Staff Photo)