HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-09-21, Page 12lr NI By Q. MacLeod Ross In his recent book, "Life and Politics", Lord Eccles Ring dart come". In other "words, \ government • will spend amount it can lay its hands' on. What. was needed and what everyone e;pectedwere reports. on how to reduce government spending at all echelons.. Row to reduce the extravagance of . government spending. "It is riot meet to take the childrens' , bread and cast it to the dogs'k. As an example of Law 2, let us suppose you • could afford two ' TV sets., taut you feel there are. other things which should come first. Your money when spent by 'government', can: af• ford two NEW gym'1asia at the high school. They would have had three, but one was "converted to other purposes". Do you believe that any official gave your pocket a thought? One board member has already said that it would have been cheaper to send' the pupils to Clinton. - Do you believe any effort was made to des: to ° normal economic standar°? If you,, have doubts, look what was done by the Cobourg .School Board, or at Willow Park in Scarboro'. Compare all •this spent at 14 Dntar"i'd"Universi. ties. You have onlyto catch a free ride out .to the Ontario Hospital to see a magnificent private garden. So fresh, so dewy with To Pay$mith water,, even while you 1111. -Q041. becomC'laW, yQu bu$r a Pac.lokge erich are restricted, Compare (4 seed for JO? plus tax,, In ' ?n;mer s ith thea l ,att due course. 5A lettuceplants harden Which the Z$' their ugly herds, each va• Goderich; Council Parks Dept. hied by the local • comtnissar can afford. Do you realise that ° at 350 each« Youhaveincreased it is YOUR money the Province ` Your income by. MO, even if uses to embellish ,its manyand YOU eat. theme yourself. If you varied installations on a scale teed them to your nextof kin which they deny to your, muni• itl suf�ficieht oquantities you cipaltty? Why, even the Provii. could ruin her or hire, cial police 'H.9, can sport„ a Undoubtedly one of the better flower bed thanGoderichfp:eater anomalies of these,red town. ports " lies not so much in A s a further example of Law the open declaration of war. 2, ' take the principle which fare . between the federal and untieriies the multifarious me. - provincial governments for a thods and means which Crter biggbr share of your- body, but has devised -to rook you. From• ° • rather in the nit.picking . me. this day on the fruit of your thods ' proposed ' to drain the brain shall be regarded as ca• uttermost farthing with ,the pita! – government capital, maximum of trespass on the While you are young and in. privacy of the individual. nocent, the government will di. I you thought you were flesh vert the savings of other and and blood, you will Soon find older men to provide you free, out you are just a cstpher. All with ,the best educational buil. the preliminary Euntare about a dings it is possible to build, 'simplified scheme' – a cso. r Once you are weaned; once you phisticated rearrangement of have left the ivied halls and are government handouts' – all this out on your own, using the ta• 1 is dead mutton, forgotten in lents which God, not the govern. a spate of gluttony! All we have ment, gave you, the govern. to look forward to in 1974 they ment will tax You, to within an ,°warn is: (1) Income tax 13% .agLfrlisaocartandiffgh-.;„ probably beyond. In plain 'Eng. (3) Gasoline up 31. (4) Industry lash you are tobe fattened until tax up g%, (5) Liquor up 7% , such time as you can provide and, as far as is decently pos. GARDEN REFUSE, BRUSH, ETC. PICK -MP Friday, Sept. 22nd MATERIAL ON THE BOULEVARD BY B.:00 A.M. ON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd, ACROSS THE ENTIRE TOWN, WILL BE PICKED UP. -TOWN OF .GOCIERICH 37-38 • Business Diredory Ronald L. McDonald CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT FINANCIAL. COUNIULL. N-5TREET NORTH GODERICH, CANADA Associated wtth the leading Caner:Ilan and American Mutual Funds REFRIGERATION and APPLIANCE SERVICE An makes — All types GERRY'S APPLIANCES, The Square Phone 5244434 "Tth'2. -store That Service Tel 524-9531 Res 524-9143b PETER S. MacEWAN INSURANCE A6ENCY REAL.' OR 44 Nom, Street GodetIch, Oaf Akxander and Chapman GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ;Canadian -imperial Bahlr Commerce Building Goderich .Dial 5244662 the money for your voracious government to squander. During the war years, one of the greatest frusfration.s was due to food- rationing. YoU could not offer hospitality to a friend. Under the proposed Carter niles we are again going to suffer this frustration. It goes like this: You -invite X to din. ner. Ile, hums and haWs. "Wait a Sec.', I must see how, I stand financially". A few minutes la. ter he phones. "Sorry old man. One more dinner and I am in a higher tax bracket". Then • you will read in the is in hospital following an alter.' cation with her cat. No flowers by request". You are not pink,. to be allowed to dispense one drop of the milk of human kind. ness without it going through the government cash register. All the intagible virtues; all the little niceties of life are to be given a monetary value. For 'some extraordinay reason Love is still free. Your family, may not be able to afford to visit you because -a stay would cost them more than remaining at home. Your boc,rd and lodg. ing would be costed and added to their income. Would it be possible for man to show great. er inhumanity to man? But just consider all the account keep. ing this will entail. You may have. to swear before a fudge and on the Bible that a week.. end witlt Aunt Agatha'sva worth 53.47. Consider the hosts of investigators, secret agents, spies the government will re. quire to hire. If you thonght a mild depression in Canada would 'halt inflation and c,ause unemployment, banish the thought. The army of accgunt. ants which these proposals will entail will be counted in bat. talions and brigades. Nol There will never be any unemployment :The writuig is on e The governments have given notice they spend more. The princIple is to be estab. hailed that your emoluments in kind will be translated iiito dollars and cents and added to your taxable income. You will' pay more and , have lets. If these highly communistic 'ideas G. C. WHITE Accredited Public Accountant 811 Illgin Ave. W. 5244797 Gederich Dated!) • OPTOMITRIST The Square 524-7461 A. M. HARPER TIRLIIPHONI GO.DIIRICH, ONTARIO 52475412 Wore invoittni inviolate -. tiNITED ACCUMULATIVE FUND LTD. - ALBERT I- 'SHORE ft -410tiwviativie $2A Outlitt 5244144 FAST StRVICE be dealt a calculated and stun. ning blow with a 35% property Tax. Your 'friendly hospital' will also rocket its charges, for it toa will have to pay for its fabric and ground. Parliament buildings and all the new offiees for the civil • ser -vice 'will be taxed, but the tax will be re. turned as a grant in aid. All ' to provide more 'work for the accountants. - Truly to him that hath and from him that „hatli not, shall be taken away even that which he thought he had: Sonak have called these Robin Hood pro. posals. Nothiilg of the sort! Merely robbin, all and sundry to ensure an overallreductionin the standard a living: The re. - spective governments are to be arrayed in fine purple and cloth of gold, while the people •grovel 'in sackcloth and ashes. So goodbye hospitality, cha.- rity, help, philanthropy, initia. courtesy, benevolence, pity, piety, , gratitude, and succour. None of these is of any acCount to accountants - v., Parkinson was not just non. constructive.- He made a very constructive suggestion: That all peacetime taxation (federal, provincial, municipal, whether direct or indirect) should he bY law to 20 per cent of the national Ancome. He claims that when the taxes rise to 25%, serious inflation re. duces the value of revenue col. lected, as well as that in the hands of taxpayers. At 30% there 'is a decline in national influ. ence which -becomes obvious to the world aflarge. At 355., you meet disaster and a' visible de. cline in freedom and stability. Today, he points out, the U.S.A. is at about the 30% level, and if America is there, can Canada be far behind? mission cost one million dol. lars. It is a large sum to pay for the adult education of the commissioners. This apart, they have failed to provide any answer ,to the question:, Haw is the goose to be induced to lay all these eggs for squander. ing? Welcome to the Auto Show, going on THURIDAY FRIDAY SEPT. -..2-1 - 22 .0DERICH ARENA -b Sponsored By your local a,uthorized dealers for Or leading cars. Step right this wak see the world of the future, here today in ihe CUSTOM TAILoRED MORTGAGE LOANS WITH A BACKGROUND , OF 78 YEARS OF MORTGAGE LOANING Our managers and mortgage officers •haye the knowledge an,d experience and can help itou to design the best' mortgogeplan to Meet your needs with payments to fit your income. No bonuses or hidden _charges. VICTORIA "D GREY TROST Esiablishe;t1 1889 great new '68 models. See new luxury and glamour, new dash and verve, the great new '68's. See/m.01;i s4fety: feattires, .too . -„ and se for youiself. Now you can'have a car that personalized to your particular tastes, -.your dividual needs. See variety, see ,value. See the best of '68 ... and sep it scion., CKNX MOBILE BROADCAST FRO M THE FLOOR OF THE AIENA FREE COFFEE and DONUTS EACH EVENING TO ALL WHO VISIT THE AUTO SHOW COMPLIMENTS OF INDUSTRIAL ACCEPTANCE CORP. .100 FREE - ROSES EACH EVENING A FREE ROSE TO THE FIRST 100 LADIES COMPLIMENTS OF TRADERS FINANCE BAIRD MOTORS (Goderich) Representing Chev.-Olds. Division 'General Motors McqIEES GODERICH ' GODERICH MOTORS Representing Ford Division Ford Motor Co. LMILLS MOTOR SALES • Representing All ChrYttor Products AOERkilART'S GAPAGE HURON._ AUTOMOTIVE R#presontifp ildlOrtursOkitikor Division Fords. Motor Co. AT THV STOP LIGHTS GODERIcH GitAF & HARRIS