The Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-09-14, Page 8(;on I'#u , from page '1) C. girth . Think'. Dom -4 tai.111h..to esprees thanks to lriende and neruhbore who re. rrwrbered me while a patient in Goderich, ,and •London hq pitaia. t ,41pet iat 4hartics, to D,ro, N. C. Jackson, Olney and: Willie and to Branch 109, Royal •Canadian legion and the; Ladies' Auxiliary. Arnold Doak. 37 KI,NP,'--The family of the -tate Mrs. Ru.gsei King wish to express their Cheartfelt thanks for the expressions ,of .sympathy shown to them by ' th°sib ° #iT.ends, neighbors and vela - titres. 'Special thanks to Dr. G. F. Mitts, Rev. M. R. Roberts and Wil- liam Stiles . f the Arthur Funeral Home. _ .37 MORLEY-1 would' like to express sincere thanks and appreciation to friends and relatives for gifts, flowers, cards, and visits during my stay in Goderich hospital and Victoria hospital, London; thanks $iso to the doctors, nurses and staff for their atteritiort'and care. George Morley. 37x OSBALDESTON-I wish to thank all rely friends who sent me cards, flowers, candy and fruit while 1 was a patient in Stratford General Hospital. Ar os Osbaidesion. 37x ROZELL-The family of the late Mrs. Annie Rozell would like to take this ---to =a11^•thdse---who -were sol- during her illness. Special thanks . to the nurses and staff of Alex- andra Hospital, to Dr. R. W. Flow- ers, Rev. Haf'did ,Snell, Mrs. Anne Redmond, and the staff of Stiles Funeral Home. 37 WAGNER-The family of the late John Werner Wagner wish to ex- press their heartfelt thanks for the expressions of sympathy shown to them by their many friends, neigh- bors and relatives, Special thanks to the staff of Clinton hospital, Dr. R. W. Street, Rev -,•--G L �.Floyabens Wm. Stiles of the Arthur Funeral•'., Home, Auburn. . , 37 .4. F. Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Ted Robinson -wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Dawnelda Mae, to Bruce Roy Rathwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. D'Arcy Rathwell. The wedding is to be held September 30, 1967, in Bruce - field United Church, Brucefield, Ont. 37x Mr. +Ind Mrtl, Jamul. E► Neftel, Goderich. wleh to 4n04010 the, gagmment of their daighter, Kethryn Mary • Chryetel, do; Mr. James I.achlen Carson, sort of 'Mrs. R. Francis Cat#Qn, London, and the late Mr, Carson, The marriage will take place Saturday, September 30, 1967, at four o'clock, in Knox Presbyterian Church., Goderich. 37x G. Coming Events Huron Chapter No, 30 R,A;j . - A banctuet to commemorate the Cen- tennial erntennial of the founding of Huron Chapter No. 30 R.A.M., will be held at ,North Street United Church ort Fri- day. Sept. 15th, at 7:30 p.m. Guest speaker will be Most Ex. Comp, The Grand First Principal, Stanley, Portch. Tickets available at $3`ieach from M. W. Cox, Scribe E, 244 Czar Bron St., dial 524-7413. All Companions of the Chapter 'as well as Blue Lodge Breth- ren with their ladies are invited to attend.' 35-7 bake 'Sale - Home baking at Denomme's Flower Shop at 1:00 p.m., Saturday, September 16tH, Held by L1901, Canadian Order of Fgresters, Benmiller. 36-37 Sus to London Fair. For reserva- lions phone 524-7559. 36-7 For Thanksgiving vacation travel in deluxe motor coach with ' AII" Star Escorted Tours" to beautiful Historic Washington and Colonial Virginia, Oct. 6, 7, 8 and 9 or take a .trip of Nasl'ii= ville, Tennessee and the Grand Ole Rock City and Ruby Falls, 'October 6, 7, 8 and 9. Cost of either tour, $69.00. For brochures, additional information and reservation call Allan Reed, Luck - now, 528-3502. 36-8 Charter bus leaving Lucknow for Montreal and Expo, Monday, Oct. 2nd to Friday, Oct. 6th. Transportation, deluxe accommodation at Decarie Plaza Hotel, and passports included in fare' $80.00. For reservation call Allan Reed, Lucknow, 528-3502 or Montgomery Motor, 528-3007. Original works in oils will be pre- sented by Michael Roth and Peter Snyder 'of Kitchpner-Waterloo on Sat- urday, September 23 from 12, non to 9 p.m. Sunday, viewing only, 1:30 to 5 p.m. Monday and Tuesday, 12 noon to 9 p.rn. in the Counci: Chamb- ers, Wi i-iham: Galley of land«aps•,, seascapes, portraits, still life -abstracts. Sponsored by: The Wingham Business and Professional Women's Club- Open collection at door. 37 • MUSICAL INSTRUCTION Guitar, Hawaiian or Spanish Banjo, Etc. Accordions, 12 bass supplied for 12 -week trial period Lessons taught every day, starting after Labor Day Buy your new or used instrument from your local teacher CHARLES PQUNDER PHONE 524-7541 GODERICH 196 WIDDER ST. 37-8 FLECTO ecei Tood- rainy Q n.tt rue FLECTO FLECTO FLECTO C\Vood G rail FLECTO eAnticax , FINISHES 0 PLUTO (Wood Gram 410 PLECTO Ant itLue -74 74..1 arm . i SERVICE, ELECTRIC (GODERICH) LIMITED 30 VICTORIA ST. N. Dial 524-8581 Show off youth' sumrraer tan et the firer biu e`ocal event ,•,of the fall.° season -the Cementite' Bell-Mep10 Leaf Chapter, I,O,D.E., H,arbourllte Inn, Fridey, September 22, Get acquainted hour, courtesy of Chapter, 9:10 p.m. Dancing to Lionel, Thornton 10-1. Re. freshments ' and lunch. Dress /optional. Proceeds to Alexandra Hospital. lt'It be fun so. contact Tots and Teens'or any Chapter member fi stickets. A big evening for $10 per couple! 3/ Goderich Women's Hospital . Aux- iliary will meet Monday, Aug. 18, at 2:30 p.rn. in Auxiliary rpoms at the hospital.. 37 Eighteen Attend L Monthly. Meet KINCSBRIDGE Eighteen. members of St, Joseph's Coun.4 Gil, Kingsbridge, 4ttende1l the monthly meeting at St. Joseph's. School. A reading was given by Mrs. John Howard spirit, nal convener, taken 4'pin the. League Magazine. Educational convener., Mrs. North IP AJ2 • AKQ104 4-432 ' West East * 73 +110864.. • 632 • 875 + KQJ 1065 4 A987 South * KQ95 • ♦ K 1076543 • J9 4 Everyone is vulnerable Dealer is South The opening bid ??? 1 The_ h.ansl. above posed ,ij co& problems for many pairs. South was the dealer and ,a11 Souths who opened the bidding with three hearts found themsel- ves playing in four hearts, and seven was an absolute lay down. This is definitely a very poor three heart` opening bid as°it breaks a few cardinal rules for open- ing preempts. Firstly, never open three of a major hold- ing four cards in the other major, secondly, never open a three bid when your partners hand can probably make game with you when he holds substantially less than the required 15 or 16 he nerds.to bid four. South has two ;al> ,rnati- ves as the opening badder''.• 'i -le can bid one heats--. -r tre- Tr - ass: Tf 'South '`bids " one heart the auction should go North three dia- monds, South three hearts, North four hearts, South five clubs, North five spa- des, South five no trump '(grand slam force), North" six hearts: A daring North may decide to bid seven figuring the contract is at worst on a heart finesse,. Those souths that passed originally:w,hi.ch; incidental- ly is my 'choice have a slightly tougher time. North `will open one dia- mond, South should bid two hearts, North will bid four hearts, and .South should try five clubs, as his hand fits his partners so well in ' diamonds and hearts. North will bid five spades or 6 hearts, and South will then have no problems. The actual re- sults when this hand was played were that many Souths' opened three hearts and missed the coldslam. 1 ATTENTION ...FARMERS STOCKSHINE A New Type of Oiler Designed To Handle All Sizes of Cattle • FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: EMIL JANCIK WEST LORNE, ONT. • o PHONE 768-1889 CAMPBELL'S SPECIALS ALL BRANDS CIGARETTES WITH PURCHASE OF $1.00 OR MORI • 335 CARTON, 5% Prov'. Sales Tax Included , REG. 1.19 FACT TOOTHPASTE ".r� ' .95 REG. .53 MODESS 12's 9 .43 REG.'"1.89 BAN 'ROLL-ON DEODORANT 1.59 REG. 1.09 SCORE HAIR CREAM .99 FOR ' UPSET STOMACH. - REG. 1.25 PEPTO BISMOL TABLETS REG. 1.59 RIGHT GUARD SPRAY -DEODORANT 1.29 REG, .1.69 SOFTIQUE BATH 'OIL 1.39 REG. 1.25 DRISTAN NASAL SPRAY & TABLETS 1.09 - REG. .711" ALKA SELTZER - __ .69 REG. 1.92 a- AG -1 & AG 1-B FLASHBULBS "' ° 1.49 REG. 2.04 M-2..& M2-B,,FLASHBULBS 1.59 MISS, CLAIROL _ REG. 2.50 HAIR COLOR SHAMPOO _ . 2:09 , REG. .99 LADY PATRICIA HAIR SPRAY _ - .79 REG. .9$ CLAIROL SHAMPOO .87 REG. .98 DR. CHASES NERVE FOOD, .87 REG. 1.29 ORAFIX DENTURE ADHESIVE - 1.09 REG. 1.29 OZONOL FIRST AID OINTMENT - . 1.12 TWO PAIR GOLDEN GLEN RUBBER' GLOVES - ._ 1.39 WE DEL �p• IVER , CAMPBELL'S 168 THE SQUARE Reis . Meltenburg,, gave six points on "Why I am a nim. ber of the Catholic Women's League of naa," - It was agreed on to have an imaginary bake sale after each Mass this corning Sunday, with Mrs. Stain Doherty in charge - of early Mass and- Mrs. An. tone VanOsch in, charge after t1e,...•evkn o'clock Mass. blit was agreed to have a box for 'Save a Family Plan' at each meeting for in- terested members to put a don. atton so we can help a poor family" in another country. ,. It was decided to hold a banquet for the graduates after the gymnasium. is ready; Father. ,Caruana gave a talk on preparing the children for Holy Communion this year and he made an appeal • to the mothers to be responsible for teaching Catechism- to their children. Father also explaiiied the Sacrament of Anointing of the Siek. Father Zammit gave a short talk on Australiaand we also welcome Father to the Parish. Meeting was adjourned by tvlr ...I,lm ...Martin...l2uring .the social `hour thhe-•'mystery box' The Oecierich $' • nel•Star.. Thursde ,.".S, .Naalrer, 14, **0 e 0 Junior League Registration y BOYS & GIRLS: SAT., SEPT: 16th FROM 10:00 A.M. TO' 12 (NOON LITTLE BOWL: Huron Road 524-9966 A10,..., k ,,,.. n . -N. z.71 tie IIs ,.�4 .` 4 OLD •-FASHIONED s) CUTT'S RED & WHITE Foodmaster n P Open Nitely Until' 10 p.m. 91 VICTORIA ST. 'NORTH GODERICH LADE RO -SHORT d?} RIB ROASTS ,a 59G Cubed Stewing Beef or GroundChtick " 69c WIENERS 2, LBS. 99.E Ib. Cross Rib or .Two Way Roasts LB• BREAKFAST - SAUSAGE• LB. 69c 59c MAPLE LEAF - SWEET PICKLED Cottage R�IIs LB: 69 READY TO EAT -SMOKED -PICNIC STYLE PQRK. SKO'ULDER ., AYLMER - 10 -OZ ' TOMA 0 : SOUP 4 for 494. SUPREME ' ASSORTED. COOKIES 1 -Lb. Box 49v, BALLET BATHROOM TISSUE 4 Rolls For 47c SOLO -'148. PRINTS MARGARINE. , 4 Lbs. For 89c 1 u .DANDY -DEALS EVERYDAY-"LOIN-PRI'CES-- DELSEY TISSUE BLUE BONNET MARGARINE 24 -OZ. LOAVES RED & WHITE BREAD CIGARETTES NYLONS . 3 QT. JUG ,OF MILK PLUS. DEPOSIT 148. PKG. WESTONS SODAS 2 Roll Pkg. 29c 2 Lbs. 65sc 5 For 1.00 Carton 3.69 4 Pair For 1.00. 79c 3 For 1.00 MAPLE LEAF SALMON 1/z's 59c KING SIZE TIDE 1.65 5 3c HEINZ - 15.OZ. TOMATO CATSUP ' 29c 1. CULVERHOUSE 20 -OZ. TINS PLUMS - 5 For 1.00 CARNATION - -TALL TINS MILK 2For33c BIRDSEt'E , FROZEN PEAS 5For 1.00_ ..dammemon STRAWBERRY OR RASPBERRY -24.0Z. AYLMER JAM � 45c .WESTONS Chelsea Buns 't' ONTARIFYNO. 1 'RED & WHITE APPLE. 45c APPLE HEAD LETTUCE 2 ; 19cF MACDE APPLES 79c BWE GRAPES . .n .PIES 25 LBS. 3411, BAG "C" GRAN ,INIAC APPLES:S'LB. BAG - NO, 1 SMALL Cooking g 0 39c Onions 49c 99c 4