HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-09-07, Page 12IQ H-0 Mr. and Mrs. ldota. Bradley and family were ueSts at Brenda MacLelnaan.'s wedding in Wingha1n ou SaEturs 4i'- * * Reuben Wilson has returned dome from Victoria Hospital in London, * * Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ember. lin Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Finlayson * * Mr. and Mrs. Peter Leeson of €im,ira were recent yisitors SUNDAY to the cornu ulity. Harvesting' is again in full swing after, the rainy spell. Mr. and Mrs, Allan McChar, ..les and Susan of Beaconsfield Quebec, ,Mx. and Mrs, Donald McCharl,es, Scott and Heather of Brantford and John McC'har-, les of Petrone, were with Mr. • and Mrs. Oliver McCharles dur. ing the weekend. * * * Mr. and Mrs., Eldon Brash ley.. and family motored to Tor- onto on Sunday, Where Phyllis will teach for the coming year. SERVICES ST. GEORGE CHURCH Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity -September 10th 8:30 a.m.-Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m.-Holy Communion and Sermon. 'Sermon by the Rector ' (Nursery School far pre-school children) Rector: REV. G. G:,NRUSSELL, B.A., B.D. • '°�Cttssv►Ss4 uensiathsinstisten ""CORNS -H: •"DOTTERER /-. ..v THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA North Street United Church Rev. SULVDAY,.SEPTEMBER 10, 1967 10:00 a.m.-Senior Church School Resumes. 11:00 a.m.-Junior Department. (Ages 3 - 9) , 11;00 a.m.-Morning Worship Sermon: REV. G. W. KAISER, B.A., ASHFIELD - Supervised Nursery Choir Rehearsal, Thursday, 8 p.m: J. Donald MacDonald, B.Sc., B.D., Minister Mrs. M. Hetherington, A.T.C.M., Organist and Choir Leader - Knox Presbyterian Church' THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister William Cameron, Director of Praise • SUNDAY, -SEPTEMBER 10th 10:00 a.m._Church School - 11:00 a.m.-Divine W..is44 p Sermon: "Studies 'in the Westminster Confession: (6) "THE FALL OF MAN"(Nursery and Junior Congregation) - RALLY., DAY IN THE SUNDAY . SCHOOLS -° ' ENTER TO WORSHtr DEPART TO' SERVE THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA , Victoria Street United Church The House • of Friendship 9:45 a.m.-BENMILLER Worship Service. 11:00 a.m.-Worship Service...,.'.' "_ "THE •RE-ENTRY, PROBLEM" Mrs. J. Snider Vidroria Organist Rev. Leonard Warr Mlss P. Durst Benmiller Pianist FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) MontrealStreet Near The Square 10:00 a,m.-Sunday School. 11:00 co. -Morning Worship. - A Welcome To All - Minister: REV. HENRY de VRIES, Phone 5248792 CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET ▪ 1▪ 0:00 an. -OUR. FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL' --► (OUR BUSES WLI. CALL AT YOUR DOOR) - PHONE: 5247150 11:00 A.M. - 7:30 P.M. Speakei .REV. KENNETH KNIGHT Oak Park, Michigan "Come Where You Are Never .A Stranger Twice'" OBITUARIES HAROLD R, CURRIE Harold R. Currie, Sarasota, Florida, passed away recently in Sarasota Memorial Hospital He was 70 years old, Horn in Goderich, Mr. Cur. rie lived in Dayton, Ohio, be.. fore moving for Sarasota six years ago. The deceased had been employed by the Uniyer. sal Atlas Cement Company, Fairborn, Ohio, as an auditor for 35 years. He was a veteran of World War 1, ,Canadian Ar.my..d .of Maitland Lodge 33 AF and AM of Goderich. He was also a member of Pine Shores Pres- byterian Church and of Gulf Gate Country Club, Sarasota.' Survivors include his wife, Laura E. of Sarasota; a datigh. ter, Mrs. Douglas C. MacPher. son, Brighton, Ontario; five Farmers Getting Crop Off The farmers in HuronCounty have been taking advantage of -the good weather, and halie, the � 2arxest f .spring• r�?? n awe well under way. .In "'thc rt`►"Y whole; 6-5 percent of the spring - grain harvest is completed Yields are down somewhat in the southern part of the county, but are average in the north. Spine white beans have been pulled and will be ready to har.. vest within the next few days. The majority of the whitebeans in the county have turned color and are not too far off Mat. urity. There are some cases where the beans were planted late and_ thus, the harvest here will be much -later:- Ground is being prepared for fall wheat which will be planted within the next few days. The corn crop is maturing very favourably and will pro- duce a high yield if it escapes an early frost. -UNITED HOLINESS CHURCH 9:50 a.m.-Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.-Worship Service. 7:00 p.m. -Evangelistic Service.• PASTOR J. DOWp Prayer Meeting - Tuesday evening, 7:30 o'clock "A Vielcome Awslts You" Wesley Memor jaI-Church THE FREE METHODIST CHURCH IN CANADA Minister: The Reverend A. R. Harley; Th.M. 10:00 a.m.-Sund.y " School; 11:00 a.m.-Worship 6:30 p.m. --Vesper Service and Sermon. 7:15 p•m.-Discvsafon 'Hour= refreshments served. -- Tuesday, Tuesday, 8:00 p.m. - COLLEGE FOR CHRISTIANS tf Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Corner of Elgin end Waterloo Sts. REV.. ROBERT CLARK, Pastor SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th • 10:00. a.nt.•-Sunday School Class for all ages. 11100 a.m.--Morning Worship. 7:30 P.m.•.-Evarigifistie Service. - All Welcome grandchildren; and a sister, 'Ts�rs. Harry Mossip, Quebec . Harry Funeral was from Pine Shores Presbyterian Chut'ch with interment in Sarasota., Memorial Park. MRS.. MADELINE KING Funeral services were held last Saturday, September 2, l9�.67 Or Mrs. Russell King at the Arthur Funeral Horne. The for. mer Madeline Youngblut, she was born in 4ub'urn, the (laugh- ter of the late John Young blut and Ida May Shultz. She was in her 57th year. Mrs. King was a member of ` Knox United Church andalnem., ber of the UCW. She was pre. ,. deceased by her husband in 1966. She is survived by four step- children, Mrs. Harry (Mar. egaret) Phalen,'Acton, Stewart . King, Toronto, Mrs. Warreft (Pauline), Mitchell, Sarnia, and Donald ofStrathroy; onebxother, Percy R. R. 1 Auburn and two aunts, Miss Clara Shultz of Huronview and Mrs, George James of Goderich, five grand. children and two great -grand. - children. Rev. M.-Ttvberts-"Roberts took place in Ball's Cemetery. The pallbearers were William Moss, Reg.• Hamilton, Donald King, Stewart King, Douglas Youngblut, Gary Youngblut. The last application- of lawn fertilizer should be put on no later than September 15, say horticulturists with the Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food. This enables the grass to develop a good ioot system, andto harden -off beforewin- ter sets in. .Apply a complete turf ferti. lizer with a 2-1-1 ratio such as 10-6-4 at 'the rate of 10 to 15 pounds to 1,000, square feet. • To avoid burning, apply when the grass is dry andwater in. Higher ° Yields And protein �,weer Seen• .. In 'SoyIeansT New :technology in soybean compatible for good weed cony production in Ontaribhasboo.$t. troO. Perennials. can be con. ed hopes for greater yields of trolled the corn part of the this high value protein crop, sequence, Annuals are handled says pr, W.S. Young, crop effectively in both crops, scientist, Ontario Agricultural Inoculation of the soybean College, Guelph. seed is essential, especially if Chemiobl weed control, the crop is beingput i1} oa fief ! proper ; 'inoculation, and new for the first time. A Stioke early maturing varieties all should be used: to rovide ef- contribute to the increased yield, fective and cc mpl to inocula• • potential.tion, Follow carefully the di. Strains in experimental plots " rections on the.coo}tainer of the at the Urilversity of Guelphwer,e inoculant. well podded by July 31 this Fertility, of fields which are • year. This is earlier than the to beused for' soybeans bears' usually •used varieties and, It attention. Though soybean's means that the yield potential often do not respond to ferti. is higher andthat the production lizer applied directly to -the area can be greater. crop, it is essential to have New early strains of soybeans ' high fertility if high yields are are now being used in experi, expected. Hereby.is another good. mental work. These fit the grow, reason for a corn -soybean Be- ing season in central Ontario quence. The residual fer'tility better than established varie. of a corn field would be most, ties.. effectively used by soybeans. Effective weed control is now Nitrogen added to the soil by possible with chemicals, Annual ' the bacterial action on the ro9ts -weeds have been completely of ` the soybean legume plants controlled using chemicals like can benefit corn; in the follow- treflan and linuron or amiben. ing season. SonkW fertilization Detailed recommendations are still would be required for both found in Publication 75, Guide crops. Gerferal-- -recommendations --to Chemical W eedControl, Ont xz;tsPai i s s�,tfgro44,140r : b4a/aarl1a'S'ti---rand"s- "_-15c4'ash-ru and Food. should be followed where spe. A weed control program to cific information is -not avail• eliminate perennial weeds able based on a soil tet, _ would have to be completed be- fore the soybean crop is sown in any particular field. Soybeans do not compete with quack grass, Canada thistle, and other similar weeds. A corn - ''soybean sequence would be most CAMPBELL'S. SPECIALS ALL -BRANDS ' CIGARETTES' WITH PURCHASEOF $1.00 OR MORO 3.65 CARTON �1 S% Prov. Sales Tax Included SPRAY DEODORANT - REG. 1.59 RIGHT GUARD 1.29 REG. 1.49 "SUDDEN BEAUTY" HAIR SPRAY 1.09 REG. 1.85 TONETTE 1.59 REG. 1.09 TAME CREAM RINSE - 1_ .99 REG. 2.25 CLAIROL`SILK & SILVER - 1.95 REG. 1.29 NOXZEMA SHAVE BOMB ___- .99 GILLETTE = SUPER - REG. .75 ., STAINLESS STEEL BLADES .50 REG. 1.07 VITALIS .93 REG. .69 . VICKS .VAPORUB .54 REG. .35 KLEENEX 400's 2 for .59 .95 . .97 REG. '1.09 BUCKLEYS COUGH MIXTURE REG. 1.09 BROMO SELTZER r' REG. .91 BAYER ASPIRIN .69 REG. 1.49 DODDS KIDNEY PILLS 1.29 REG. .98 WERNETS POWDER - .88 PREPARATION H --� REG. 1.49 S.%IPPOSITORIES __ 1.29 ' REG. 1.19 REEF MOUTH WASH .99 .59 - _, SHEAFFER ._ REG. • COO CARTRIDGE PEN:,;wiith- 4 cartridges WE DELIVER CAMPBELL'S 168 THE SQUARE.. Persons with a medical histo-`` ry of hay fever, asthma or other allergies should_consult-a_phlrsi r� clan immediately when stung by a wasp, the Agriculture Depart- ment advises. nar 11. MODEL 166C•F DELUXE ELECTRIC DRYER Deluxe in every sense of the word, this model incorporates every feature you would expect in a' top-of-the-line model. Nickel stainless steel drum --- Rust -Proof! Chip -Proof! Corrosion -Proof! - with a lifetime warranty, - MODEL A78CF DE -LUXE AUTOMATIC WASHER -A deluxe model, which gives you every needed, useful , ,featur Separate s iitr les .mull va4112c-440, #0 rinse water temperatures, spin and agitator speeds; Three -Cycle washing selection for complete flexibility, 4 SERVICE ELECTRIC ' (GODERICH) LTD: - 30 VICTORIA ST. N. 5244501 S { D & WHITE Foodmaster FRESH KILLED Open . •Nitely. Until 10 p.m.' 91 VICTORIA ST. NORTH GODERICH HiCI(ENS 4 fib. Avg. Ib. BREAMS SAUSAGE LB. CHICKEN LAGS or • HOMEMADE STYLE - BY THE PIECE Head Cheese . _.� EMPIRE d,4 BACON RED & WHITES BREAD LB. LB. PKG. • ' BY THE PIECE B+O �GNA 59c �. BREASTS - - LB. 39 1.1 LB. c SCHNEIDERS READY TO EAT BAR -B -Q 49c CHICKEN 79WIENERSc McLARENS - 24-0Z. JARS - SWEET Mixed Pickles MAXWELL' HOUSE - 10-0Z. JAR Instant Coffee MIR LIQUID 24-02. BOTTLE DETERGENT 2;69 RED & WHITE DON UTS KADANA 100's QOZ. 1.00 • TEA BAGS 69c 24 -OZ. LOAF MILKO - 348. PKG. - INSTANT SKIM MILK Kraft .Dinners VAN CAMP'S Pork &..Beans GIANT SIZE OXYDOL PINEAPPLE, GRAPEFRUIT - 48.02 TINS LB. T69c 2 LBS. . $11. Delmonte Drink HOSTESS - 69c SIZE - CHASE 8 SANDBORN - 148. PKG. P °59c COFFEE POTATO CX11 S R 1.15 69c 89c 89c 3 i1.00 79c DIEV CYL LIQUID - • p89c LSGv Z ke_ -Puddin. 3.9 POTATOES c • 50 -Ib. ba Ont. No. 1 1.19 LETTUCE 219c GRAPEFRUIT 8 79c Hood OATS `:69� d R A N GE S 2 0DozT9cRobn REDI FABRIC FINISH.... 69c