HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-09-07, Page 11acei Seine, 4f' 4thee benefits that 00115 get out of belonging to experience long to be remem. with a stint .us a radar tech,. vironment — once theyget that tiered • •and treasured, by any nician in the RCAF - he is uniform on they are ll the tr Cadets are Obvious to boys now in civilian life and a suc, same., and they are all treated them. -r ;.Ike a chance to,attend 'rife summer of flying atLon. , cessful representative of an the •same by the officers and c1 summer camp, go on exchange On was another mentor. ,'.electronics firm inlr.ondon. Roy- instructors, v$iits overseas, or learn how , " able one. It was a six Weeks' Venn,who served several Years It is perhaps among the less to fly at government `expense, intensive course of thirty fly in, the RCAF and then left his fortunate boys that the' most these are the things,that often ing Hours and sixty hours of boots on' to patrol the s. ..are -good • can be done, Cadets can police a attract .004's to join cadets : in ground school instruction with 7,as .a local ' lice constable be. 'open lot of doors for these the beginning; And there is the end result of gaining a oils fore- joining,the OPP - andLar. boys that might otherwise res kw doubt' that these tangible vale pilot's licence and the ry Jeffrey who attended the Se. main -closed. Max Cutt, as .CO ,ben .ef,tt ire worthwhile, ,� .. -coveted air .cadet wings with -nio r 'Leaders', Course n Camp—4e-the-S•quadren, used to say that it, As! cadet I attended sum, no personal expense to the in. Borden . and then traded in his if cadets could keep Inst one mer camps at Aylmer, Clinton, . dividuai, cadets or their parents. marching boots, fora pair of boy out of reform school the am sure that you as business that One. night a week and few summer camps would. radically reform the Makeup of a young pian, but nonetheless it can be one of the more positive in, fluences that help determine the path that that' young man will follow. If a boy came- out of his years as a cadet having acquired nothing_ more •than• a sense of pride in his appear. ' ance an,d.a,.degree of, politeness and 'respect for authority, .1. , and Trenton, spent one summer The• memorable' experiences skates, whole operation would be pus.. and professionaleo le . would 4 betting •• MY private pilots ..here again -were many -,the I think you would find that tilted. I think he accoq pushed feel that your investment in him t' licei#ce and air cadet wings in thrill .of the first solo and the all of • thesepeople have fond this in many more than just had been amply rewarded. 1400' at the London Flying consequent dousing with fire memos, of ,t;°it cadet days, one case. Let me just say' here that. Club and spent another summer extinguishers when you stepped And they S; o'w' i1• all agree too Cadets give the boy 'from • the . I hoPe that when you do be., orn, a drill instructors' course, out of the cockpit after that that at least in some small unfortunate home something tp come sponsors for the squadron in'4' Abbotsford, British Co: • none too smooth landing, get. way their . training in cadets feel he belongs to -- and can you will ' be active ones, Make• 'lutnbIa. i ting lost on your first cross ' helped them in their later lives. lift him out of his environment siire that your, committee keeps From this course I was chos. cquntry solo •and then finding' So then, I think that more to something at least a little in touch with' the operation of 4 enas a member of the Inter, as if by a miracle of . some sort important than these, tangible bit better. _ 1 , the sgtiadron .-• not only,, .with , nsltIO : Drill - Team to repre. your destination just off Your rewards are those things more For the boy who has, on the officers and instructors - " sant. , Canada • against a team ' left wing tip - and the shaking difficult to define but nonethe. , the other hand, been overpr0. but with the boys thernselves - m de • up • of the finest of the -up received in your first less so vital that are gained by tected at home, cadets can help let them know that your club U.S. .OIvil Air Patrol cadetrs mishap that time the control.. a boy in his years as a cadet. to bring him out of his shell, is behind them all the way - :in the'BeuuTrophyC••otnpetition, column,which should have been Habits such as developing and teach him to get along not just financially - but more That year `the drill -Con ti. bolted down but wasn'‘came out pride 'in one's appearance - with others. For some boys important - behind the spirit tion was held on the big s ge in my hand, just on the point the shoe shine, the press, the that first summer camp is the +of the movement. at the C.N.E. in Toronto. We of landing,resulting in a couple' haircut. - are instilled - .and first real time they have been You wound be surprised how • 11, a trophy for Canada and of giant bounces, a blown _tine, -..-once_.g+ained are not -easily for. away. from home. At first they --aware the -cadets are of the .:..: #�P " � s tz.vro{ttxi l tand..;_...gotten:.,..Punctualitpand� 1 �d k- 0:,� ..:soot�sorin' b siel�,., -- ; i the .E. that, year,used unceremonious haltonthegrass :. attendance are stressed - find themselves taking part in tive sponsoring` ommittee's • clips of the' competition off the g Rrunway at a busy Lon. helping , ¢ to develop respon. the wealth of activities- sports, support goes a � long way - to. on his-show4hat creek. _.., ..don...aixp t..,.13nLabave_a11 the sibility in the boy. L„ f fls...son ai..:,.making .tha-squaclr•an..,•.a "Thila Was prettyheady stuff lasting friendship of fellow Through drill and discipline • firing and instruction courses good one. , for a small town boy from Huron cadets who have come through ' the boy learns respect for au. and enjoying every minute of I have said little of the mi. county with the special custom the disappointments and joys of thority - an element that seems it., litary nature of the air cadet tailored ..uniforms.- made.to-be.. six weeks cif.hard_work.together- to be. lacking in some segments._ Living withadozenother boys- ' tnbvement. I am sure you aa11 --' worn-rfor-theme first -and-last TFre-old•-542°Squadron°had lots-- of our society today. his- own°--age-imtheiv-largebut , scalls.¢ that -the i�rilitarrystra:Tme If a boy has leadership) po. not luxurious tent home for work is regarded, as secondary tential it can be developed as two weeks does a lot to teach in importance to the mainaim- he progresses through the such a boy haw to get along that of citizenship training ranks..„ ILhe..hasa•:he-ean� ate ,, f- h others. It also helps_-him-,in,va..tbrgad:T ense-•-in a live and least learn - the importance of•to gain -self confidence --and a growing youth organizatio•n. The co-operation and achieve the degree •of maturity. services do not approach this sense of accomplishment ,,, The Cadet Squadron then is as a recruiting ground for the time on the day of -the com• of other cadets with experience petition - the big double soled , just as great - Don McBride, boots that we shone religiously son of Cecil • McBride of God. ,trice a day for a month till 'erich, won a_fiyingscholarship, they-weretikemlrrorsbutaga • was-••-sent-on-the United- King. ;never wore until the competi. dom exchange tour. Don went tion ' - the -special North Star on to ,a career in the RCAF aircrait:_trip- over, the cl s.:,,•....afth'n- g a from FAIL ,. e t , ,,a-,.: ind;.o C liar-- sac ety- #xi=..- , regular forcesr -°L either-is°this- iaecl�%rrt� irr 'red -Moss; -son -of John -Moss; k or.order as required. rho went on the -U.S. exchange ' There is something for every visit now s vice principal boy in cadets - there is equa. in the Sarnia public school sys., city of opportunity - a boy's tem. Keith Finiga.ni a country success in cadets does not de. 'boy, who liked the cadet life pend on his father's income or, well enough to follow it up the happiness of his home en. to-'1'oronto for - the big day - and 'of "course the hours, days .and weeks of practice that re.-' suited in .the closeness of team co-operation necessary to make ' the intricate drill routine go like a well-oiled machine. An •, • miniature and by learning to the interest of air cadet officers live within the framework of the society represented by the squa- dron the boy becomes better ' equipped to take his place in- society msociety at large. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnston, it would, be foolish to think Milton, and Mrs. George John. PERSONAL 1 ONE 1967 DEMO 11" PORTABLE TV You lull find a place for this little model almost •.ny place in the hobs' or maybi in' your trailer. A reel buyl ONE 1967 ROGERS MAJESTIC SAVE s25. 23" CONSOLE TV This Is a real year-end saving on a truly fine model of black and white TV. See it soon! 'ONE 1967 ROGERS MAJESTIC SAVE 570. 25" COLOR CONSQLE TV Enjoy the wonder#ul •wrld of Rogers Majestic color this Fall and Winter. Coss _In for • demonstrations ( LARGE 1 ONLY 1967 DEMO ROGERS MAJESTIC STEREO The stereo pictured here features a Phillips:* ' deluxe four -speed record changer. Four 8 -inch duo -cone speakers. FM/AM radio tuner with solid state multiplex. A truly quality set. i V Hear itl SAVE UP =O;125, SAVE $12L - ston, Goderich, attended the wedding in Toronto of- Miss Joan Husbands, Bart'ados, and Mr. Neville Ross,. Trinidad. The wedding too1C lace at St. Anne's Anglican _Church, To. ronto. The bride was formerly on the staff of the Ontario Hospital here and Mr. Ross is on the • staff of a collegiate inWindsor. Bend wire coat hangers up at about three inches from the ends to keep narrow shouldered slips and dresses from falling off. or irtatructoar,s `that / have had conts•ct with, ' If a boy, frOM his exposure tQ cadets, dedided be Wanted to join the service, he would be that nnich better equipped to dO well' there, ut .for most their. fQ;ur'or five years in -cadets may well.°iorm their only limit With the 'forces -+ let us hope that world cgndi. tions will allow- this to remain Canadians are basically not a military people, but certain, qualities of the .military lite are valuable to mien no matter' what career they may choose!' - The Royal Canadian} Air Cadets then can provide the , framework to Provide - Canadian youth with those qualities. As a teacher, I feel that the curriculum of•studiesoffer. ed to the cadets is a very prate tical one and one that appeals to boys of this scientific age - meteorology, navigation, . en. gines, radio, armament, mis. sales, • nuclear defence, first aid, leadership and .citizenship training are just some of the areas of interest. -toPr- , ,.,• leech s these subjects can make learning fun - and, after all, in \a voluntary organization of this type-- that has to be the main aim - the boys have to enjoy what they are doing - and they will,whe• ther it be in the classroom, on.. thea -parade- square; on-bus- trips nsbus•-'trips or at a weiner roast or a dance, But while they are enjoying their, lives as cadets, they are also acquiring - to some extent consciously arid to a great extent unconsciously - those attitudes and attributes r.t'hat ill.help makeihenrbetter citizens of tomorrow. money to C -Q -school me An HFC Shopper's Loan pays for a your back -to -school. sho -.1•12g. repay TIFC conveniently. Get -yon Shopper's Loan from Household now, Borrow up to $5000 - Take up to 60 months to repay Ask about credit life insurance on loans at low group. rates HOU$EHOLE FINANC GODERICH • s •35A West Street—Telephone-524-7383 "",�,..'�tTi�'41,��$!�i({'�1QtS#='C�•�f,-�.,>.:;.: a.:�,k.s��"R^':�k�rxrmF ..sit-.., ° Ask about our- eo.etzing hours ry !eeparkin Ovrpipht fear -registered atgists us downtown Phone ,iv,LEGRgpy 52* !132 DA' OR NIGHT • was`'' Agent for 34.hr. FILM DEVELOPING .. the finest Detroit has to offer in convenience, comfort and hos- pitality. In the heart of the downtown office. theater andspping area—within easy access of the city's attractions. Statlelr Hifton located right across the street. Modern guest rooms all with bath. radio ... television. Excellent food. moderately priced in the at- tractive Tuller Coffee Room and new Cafeteria. • Special tourist and group sleeping rooms to, alpcommodate from four to six persons in a room: Wide choice of B�all!rooms. Meeting Rooms. Sample Rooms—excellent Convention Facilitiele., ••. AIR-CONDITIONED 800 rooms with bath from s SPECIAL RATES FOR GROUPS . FAMILY RATES ... No Charge for Children 12 and under H: A. IMAMLR, General Manager • WOodward 3.5200 FACING n GRAND 'CIRCUS PARK DETROIT: MICHIGAN - '✓rib- az, Evening Grandstand Shows Two Shows Nightly at 7 You've seen him on TV: You've heard him on rec- ords. Now here he is WAYN E NEWTON MANHATTAN ROCKETTES Sept. 8 and 9 and 9 p.m. London's Favourite GORDI E Evening Grandstand Shows Sept. 11, 12 and 13 Two Shows,Nightly America's Best Known Tenor Genial Master of Ceremonies DENNIS DAY et 7 and 9 p.m. Thi Quick Talking Funny Man ,HENNY YOUNGMAN GORDIE TAPP, EVENING GR�►ND5TAND SHOWS TERNAT� NALC'RCUSShpt. 14,,16 and 18 d Two Shows Nightly. a! 7 and 9 p.m. AFTERNOON GRANDSTAND SHOWS Sept. 14 and 15 at 3 p.m. and Sept. 16 at 2 p.m. QUANTITY OBLACK& WHFTETv,s tW0'hlivo just purchased a large quantity' -of ' +Will.'• Thera aro three different models and ;Mikity dollars" on each, one. t .. 1967 television you colt leave SAVINGS UP TO 4 s60. f "TIME Home OF COLOR TV" .311 MARY ST. 524-9576 AFTERNOON GRANDSTAND SHOWS FRIDAY, SEPT. 8, AT 4:30 P.M. .WAYNE NEWTON — CHIEFTONES Pius Variety Acts SATURDAY) SEPT. 9, AT 2 P.M. GORDIE TAPP and the O.P.P. Motorcycle Precision Ride anti LOU PROHUT and Special Gue"ats -- LONDON'S NIGHTHAWKS BARBERSHOPPERS following Warriors' Day Parade and "3rd" RCR Centennial Guard Ceremony MONDAY, SEPT. 11, AT 2 P.M. Ladies' Day — Fashion Varieties '67. d0RDIE TAPP •— DENNIS DAY. Miss Dominion of Canada DONNA BARKER. Special Guests -- LONDON'S MAPLE KEYS, ' Ladies' Barbershop Quartet; O.P.P. Motorcycle Ride. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 12 and 13, AT 3 P.M, GORDIE TAPP O.P.P. MOTORCYCLE PRECISION RIDE -- ARTHUR ALLEN'S Famous Working Collies - `s•-- Plus Selected Variety Acts... DAILY CENTENNIAL YEAR CAR AWARDS 8 RAMBLER Western Ontario's Showplace of Agriculture • industry. • Education a Entertainment .Since 1867 THRILLS • STARS FUN • SPECTACLE for the whole family ADULTS $1 CHILDREN 25c at ell times Continuous.,Entertoinment and Special Events on the Fair Grounds • Under the Silver Dome • The Debutantes -- Saturday, Sept. II • The Little Sisters -- Monday. Sept. 11 • The Brothers -In -Law — Saturday, Sept. 16 • Horse Show Nightly at 7:45 p.m. • Livestock, Competitions Sales O. Midway and Kiddieland • Homb and CUti- nar Arts- • Farm -Machinery Show • warriors' .Day' Parade • -Art and Photography Competition • Commercial, Government a n d Educational Exhibits • Daily parade through grounds, 6:3.1 p.m. • Roving Singers e , Labatt'ir'.Wuh.•. der•Bande -- Courtesy Labatt's On- tario Breweries Ltd. • Chleftones Canada's Ail Indian Bend, i Gal- lagher Motor* Square Mending and Old Time Fiddlers' Competition • Go.Go Dance Party Sponsored by Coca -Cots Ltd. • Trout• Fishing Pond • Pearly Ceti Rovin Ban. • Canadian Wild Animal, �isplay • Francarro and Estreleta S. F+iih. iorl Shows Nightly 0 The- Sponge Pluhge • Pbny Pulling Contests. • Allen's- Pervious Working