HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-09-07, Page 3INBORN Mrs. Ralph -D. Munro visit. edlast week in Ottawawith her acn, Hobert Youngblut, Mrs. Youngblut, Susan and Bruce and also spent a day at Expo. . *. * * �. "Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Plunkett spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Bob Daymon at Jordon. * *, * .: • The 99th 411filversary of the: Auburn Baptist Church will by • observed 'next Sunday, Septern- • bar 10 with two sPecial seri, ' • vices at 2;30 p.m, and at 7130 p.m.The guest speaker will be Rev. H. de Vries Of Coderich and. special music will be sup- llied by a male quartet from the . Goderich -First Baptist Church, Everyonb is invited to attend these special services; * * * Mrs. Stephen Medd of Ilder. ton and Mrs. Fred Rouse of Goderich visited last wee); with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S: ohn. ston. * * * Mr. and Mrs. C. McIntyre of W Ingham visited one day last week with her aunt, Mrs. Al. Fred Rollinson and, Mr; Roll- -Anson. - * * * A F.. ited recently with -Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Phillips and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Armstrong. , * * * John 'Wright of London visited -last- week -with- R ibert Arthur and MissJayne * * * Friends are pleised to learn London, where • he had under- gone surgery. • * * * • Members of the Walkerburn Club took' a trip to Colborne Township's Centennial Home last week and enjoyed it, Tea was seried at the hOme of Mrs. , Guy Cunningham When they re- • turned. , Missej Faye and Maryanne Blake of Brussels visited lasit week with their grandparenti, §Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirkcon, nell. MRS. WEB PRADN,OCK Phone 520;4095 Masters 'aul and Michael' Haggitt of Zurich visited last week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Haggit and Stephen. * * * Master ' Derrick Cartwright spent a few days last week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, William Rueger and family. • * * * Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raithby returned home last weekafter visiting in Ottawa and Expo in Montreal. , • a a, * Friends' are pleased to• see Mrs. Elmer Sproule able to be • home after spending a week in , Clinton hospital,_ • * * * Mrs. Bert Crai& is visiting with her sister-in-law Mrs. George McNall in Blyth, Mr. McNair -1s a patient in Clin, ton hospital. * * * Mr. and Mrs: Ronald Liver- more, GOrrie, spent the week - ,end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Haines and Edward. * * * Mrs. James Craig -returned _home_last Saturday after being The Clinton Junior Farmers . held a special meeting in the Clinton Agriculture park when Robert -Edward of. Australia. - was the special guest. He dem- onstrated his accuracy and skill in ' throwing the boomerang'. ' Robert" show• ed pictures of his country which were enjoyed by all. George Townsend of the Sea, forth club presented the guest with a, Junior Farmer sweater and crest. Miss Barbara Wat- kin.s led in recreation which was enjoyed by all. ay Tribute Early" torieerst hon. 4144210 hark, the pest speaker at the aiinnal Hope Chapel Ceineter/ friends gathered tO hon0"those who had labored on this earth. Mr.. Fingland spoke on the .text "What mean ye by .these etaneer! whi9h "Its the flues* tion 'asked abont the meniorial Placed by the Children ofIsra,e1 when they entered thepromised He spoke of the hardships. of the early settler in Hullett Township and stated that they were great men and women of faith, full of courage' and not afraid fo sacrifice but wen - shipped God and 'they have passed the 4torch ,on to suc, ceeding generations. In closing he askeeif these memorials meant what they ° should-- and urged all. to do their duty as faithfully as the early pioneers to help build the Kingdom of God. The choir was led by the organist, Mrs. -Elgin J sling, Colin ingla.nd, of Wingham, Ole* speaker at the annual Hope ,Chapel Cemetery memorial ‘; service held last SultdaY, *Paid. high tribute ' to: early pionee'rs of Auburn district, Nearly one hundred descendants and friends gathered at the cemetery to honor their•dep,arted ances- ,tors, Pfetured here, follorVing the service' are several meMberS of the cemetery boardeLeft to right th,ey are: Henry Hunking, secretary - guest speaker. (Photo by Mrs. Bracinocis) lent in Victoria hospital, Len - Mits. es Bradnock visited her aunt, Mrs. Sherry. Wilson London, who 'is a patient in St, Joseph's Hospital, last Fri- day. • Afro, , Charles 'Ondm9470 and family Qf ylelted last weekend with Mr.., and -mrs, Barry Cuchnore. Mr* and Mrs, .0414 Olalm left on Monday for n 'Oren Visit the lattees sister and brother411,1aW, Mr.. and Mis, Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Blake ation spent in the Eastern pro. vinces. Mr, and 'Mrs. tfrloYd StoOk visited with Mro.$ And .100, Eldon TO0 isPent, the Weekend, With heir brOther And etster440440w, and Torn COolce of SanItrAte there, She attPlided the , wedding OftheirdaegliteroiToYes , t? Anbrer,Kenagy (*Saturday. Will Yee re‘rned heirie 08 Lynne and DOUglas Lawson are holidaying with their -grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Gilds don. eason At Harbour Mr. and Mr s. Harry Williams are attending Grand Chapter of the 'Eastern Star in TOTOnto this week, Dr. and iMrs. Frank Norman day visitors of Mr. and Mrs. z. William Norman. Detroii, spent the past week HOLMESVILLE - wiwiitoh iMetrnedd toAnDgx- BROWNIE DRIVERIN THEATRE CLINTON Box Office Opens at 8:00 September 7-8-9 DOUBLE FEATURE •- Shipping at Goderich harbor has- been active this season despite the Seafarers' Interna- tional Union strike presently in effect. A total of 53 lake jteighters has called at o far. A log of ships that have cal. led at Goderich harbor during the past few weeks shows that the -following vessels loaded salt at the north pier: August 8, Sta.daconna, cleared for Erie, Pennsylvania; August 10, Par- ker Evans, cleared for Mon. treal; August 11, Maunaloah 11, cleared for Fort William;'Au. gust 12, Elizabeth Hind- man, cleared for Sault Ste. Marie; August 14, E.B. Barber, cleared for Erie, Penn- sylvania; August 21, G.A. Torn- linson cleared for Erie, Penn.; cleared for Montreal.; August 24,' B.S. Alpena, cleared for ' Erie, Penn.; August 27, Tomlinson, cleared for Erie, Penn.; August 29, S.S. Wiarton, cleared for Montreal. Two grain boats have un- loaded cargoes at the grain -elevators of Upper Lakes Ship-. ping Company ,duringwthe past week. TheSe were the Alex:ander Leslie and the Matmaloah 11, both of which arriyed August Arthur Youngblut arid Fred Seers spend last week at Expo. Mrs. Ben Hamilton visited_ last Friday in Londonwith Mrs. Norman Hamilton who is a pat. SUNSET DRIVE-IN THEATRE HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 PHONE 524-9981 GODERICH SUNSET T▪ HEATRE -ALL DOUBLE FEATURE SHOWS 7mmortfAlventure! Coming Next Thuri., Fri., Sat.': - "FASTEST GUITAR ALIVE" 31. Mrs. Allen 'Has 93rd' Mrs. Benjamin Allen, Vic- toria Street, celebrated on Sun- _ day September 3, her ninety. fifth birthday. Arnong those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Trow of Stratford, Mrs. Blair. Seaborn of Ottawa, Arcii McCormick and Miss Lynn S atterthwaite of Mun- cie, Indiana, Mr. and Mrs. Har* old Williams, Dr. and- Mrs. Harold. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lee Mr. and Mrs. Christopher 'Lee, Robert Lee, Mr. ' and Mrs. Austin Young, Miss Esther Garrow, Mrs. CharleS Young, -MrS, Douglas Mitchell, Mrs. Helen Hargreave and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mem- Parr Tele Lake Ontario steamers used to dock a very short' distance\south of Front ante yonge Streets in Toronto until the late 1.„920's, as this photograph, taken in 1924, shows. By boat, car, train or plane . . . the Lord SiMCOe Hotel is close to all tranSportation. Room rate's are sensible;overnight parking is free, and you can rdlax in the friendly 'atmosphere of thd dining- and lounge facilities. Change your pade; enjoy Torbnto more by staying at the Lord Simcoe Hotel, where the only oldlashioned convenience is the serVice. in toronto, stay at HOLMESVILLE - Mr. and Mrs. Williain'Harris,yisitecl at Expo 67, Montreal last week. MiSs Isabel Hiutema of Lon, don and R ob ert Grigg, Kitchener spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Grigg. -Miss Dawn Grigg, Mrs. Mut'. iel Grigg and Mrs. ElmerTrick left on Tuesday for a holiday' at Expo 67. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tre- wartha and family, London and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bond, CUD. ton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bond aria farn- roit for the Weekehd. Staff Sergeant -J. F. Heard., with the Dental Corps, Trenton, Visited Mr. and Mrs. N. Heard on Saturday. * * * -Jim-Heard, Garret and John Voscamp are at the Scout camp WHERE THE BAD GUYS ARE GIRLS! A 'general store in the village of Auburn, operated'under the Taylor name for the past, 43 years, was sold recently and the new ownex's, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robinson,- formerly of 13elgrave, took over the business last Friday Here, Mrs. Taylor, <is shown extending a greeting to the new proprietor, Mr. Robinson. Mrs. Taylor has moved to her npw lime on Maitland Crescent. (Photo by Mrs. Bradnock) • Taylor's Store Changes After 43 Years After 43 years in business Taylor's Store, Auburri,opened for business last Friday with the new Owners, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robinson of Belgrave. The ,new owners have both operated, store businesses and are well_ known in this district having lived for many years in East Ivawanosh township near Bel - ,td L.cae University and Kirig Stree:ts Tel‘Kone 362-1,8A8 Hands Business ,rrave. Mrs. Taylor has succesfully. carried on the bus- iness since- the death of her husband, Gordon R. Taylor, in February, with the assistante of lier sistir-ir-laiXr,'Mrs. Ben Ilan-0,1ton, who has .clerked there for t.4e past eight years. 1Virs. Tayl8r 'has moved to her new home 'on Maitland Crescent. BINGO at LEGION HALL SATURDAY, SEPT. 9th The prize for each regular gamo will be $12.00 . Sponsored by Branch 109 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION No One Under 16 Permitted To Play Stewart Steenstra is a pat- ient in Clinton Public Hospital as the result of a motor ac. cident on Friday evening. * * * the holiday weekend with Mr. ahd Mrs. Nelson Brown, Det- -roit. observed as Rally Promotion SundaY _in the Holmesville Un- ited Church when the Sunday School will' worship yith the congregation at 9:45 a.m. ,The UCW,, will hold its first meeting of the fall;ceaSon On Tuesday September 12th with Mrs. Jim; Lobb and her .group in charge of the program. HOTEL (LINTON JAMES 'COBURN LEE J. COBB Color Cartoon At 10:15 FEATURING / ,, SMORGAABORD Reservations PH.: 48273421 tf The world's deadliest and most dazzling female agent! MONICA VITTI DIRK BOGARDE At 8:20 After September 9 Coming Next 'Friday and Saturday "IT'S A -BIKINI WORLD" The University Of Western - Oniario Clinton and Stratford Extension Classes 1967-1968 (Far University Credit) CLINTON French 20 (First Year) begins Saturday, September 30, 9:30 a.m. 'Geography 39 begins Saturday, September 30, 1:30 p.m. Classes meet in Central Huron Secondary School • English 49, Philosophy 20, Psychology ‘20, Psychology 39 begin September 25,: at Central- Secondary School, Stratford. STRATFORD English 49 (Lit. of the 20th Century) begins Mon., Sept. 25, 7:30 Philosophy "20 (Introduction) begins Sat., Sept. 30, 9:30 a.m. Psychology 20 (Intiiiduction) begins Sat:, Sept. 30, 1:30 p.m. Psychology 39 (Exceptional Children) begins Sat., Sept. 3P, 1:30 'P.m. Classes meet in Central Secondary School , Other Classes are offered in Clinton,, London, Owen Sound, Woodstock. All the above &edit courses meet_for 16 th.ree-hour 'sessions and are open to both credit and nonl credit students. Credit courses tuition fee is, $100.00; the nori-credit courses i's 550.00 and is non- refundable. Students previously acimitted to the Univers0 should register immediately for Extension Classes. Registration forms are ,avsilable at the Summer School ard Extension Depaihront, Uttiversitii of Western Ontario, London. CLINTON THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO (CLINTON EXTENSION CLASSES) (For Universiy Credit) • The University of Western Ontario Extension Department is planning 'to offer two couries in Clinton this .coming fall and winter at the Central Huron Secondary School. These courses are offere-cl particularly for the teachers of Clinton and surrounding area. Classes will be throe hours in length atid the fall meetings will be held on the following Saturdays: September -30; October 14, 28; November 4, 18, 25; December 2, 16. On Saturday, September 30, French 20 (First Year French), will begin at 9130 a.m. and bn the same day at 1:30 p.m. Geography ,39 (Elements of Econ'omic Geography will begin. Both eouroos will he instructed by professors from the University of Wil#eiti Ontario. These two courses to he offered In Clinton .will he presented for a total of 16 thros-hour SossIonsi Four courses will be offered at Central Socondory School, Stratford and will begin on Monday, September 25 hnd on Saturday, September O. - THEATRE GODERICH oN...tiE SQUARE ' FIRST RUN FILMS IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT - Entertainment Is- Our Business . trwts' JOE. 410BIRTMITCHUM t. THE GUNFIGHTER TH SHERIFF' , IT'S THE - - BIG ONE , ' WITH THE 1 , , , , 4,.,....„.....,,,, ..„ -:-.,..„,,, ill .. ,.., , , .._ ., ''r . 7 ' ' . ,,,,,;*„..0e a a i Et11001 Or , Showtimes 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Saturday Matinee -`-- Sept. 9 . 2:30 p.m. Children 35c "The Black Knight" Serial - "CAPTAIN KID" v-itit , Madill E•CAINE 4. ,i, .... , tAMBI9 4..r. u •,____.,....?",...„,TecHNICOLOile AmirriarmeparimeminmorsonsirmiimmS Stewart Steenstra is a pat- ient in Clinton Public Hospital as the result of a motor ac. cident on Friday evening. * * * the holiday weekend with Mr. ahd Mrs. Nelson Brown, Det- -roit. observed as Rally Promotion SundaY _in the Holmesville Un- ited Church when the Sunday School will' worship yith the congregation at 9:45 a.m. ,The UCW,, will hold its first meeting of the fall;ceaSon On Tuesday September 12th with Mrs. Jim; Lobb and her .group in charge of the program. HOTEL (LINTON JAMES 'COBURN LEE J. COBB Color Cartoon At 10:15 FEATURING / ,, SMORGAABORD Reservations PH.: 48273421 tf The world's deadliest and most dazzling female agent! MONICA VITTI DIRK BOGARDE At 8:20 After September 9 Coming Next 'Friday and Saturday "IT'S A -BIKINI WORLD" The University Of Western - Oniario Clinton and Stratford Extension Classes 1967-1968 (Far University Credit) CLINTON French 20 (First Year) begins Saturday, September 30, 9:30 a.m. 'Geography 39 begins Saturday, September 30, 1:30 p.m. Classes meet in Central Huron Secondary School • English 49, Philosophy 20, Psychology ‘20, Psychology 39 begin September 25,: at Central- Secondary School, Stratford. STRATFORD English 49 (Lit. of the 20th Century) begins Mon., Sept. 25, 7:30 Philosophy "20 (Introduction) begins Sat., Sept. 30, 9:30 a.m. Psychology 20 (Intiiiduction) begins Sat:, Sept. 30, 1:30 p.m. Psychology 39 (Exceptional Children) begins Sat., Sept. 3P, 1:30 'P.m. Classes meet in Central Secondary School , Other Classes are offered in Clinton,, London, Owen Sound, Woodstock. All the above &edit courses meet_for 16 th.ree-hour 'sessions and are open to both credit and nonl credit students. Credit courses tuition fee is, $100.00; the nori-credit courses i's 550.00 and is non- refundable. Students previously acimitted to the Univers0 should register immediately for Extension Classes. Registration forms are ,avsilable at the Summer School ard Extension Depaihront, Uttiversitii of Western Ontario, London. CLINTON THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO (CLINTON EXTENSION CLASSES) (For Universiy Credit) • The University of Western Ontario Extension Department is planning 'to offer two couries in Clinton this .coming fall and winter at the Central Huron Secondary School. These courses are offere-cl particularly for the teachers of Clinton and surrounding area. Classes will be throe hours in length atid the fall meetings will be held on the following Saturdays: September -30; October 14, 28; November 4, 18, 25; December 2, 16. On Saturday, September 30, French 20 (First Year French), will begin at 9130 a.m. and bn the same day at 1:30 p.m. Geography ,39 (Elements of Econ'omic Geography will begin. Both eouroos will he instructed by professors from the University of Wil#eiti Ontario. These two courses to he offered In Clinton .will he presented for a total of 16 thros-hour SossIonsi Four courses will be offered at Central Socondory School, Stratford and will begin on Monday, September 25 hnd on Saturday, September O.