HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-08-31, Page 7• A Its. Thumb reedom, Of The Press :Inviolate By C. MacLeod Ross. - Last week we concluded that 0mbtdsirpanship was not for us. What then is the alternative? A quick answer and one which can be ,supported by muck evi- dence is; The liberty . of the Press must be kept inviolate, so long as it retains its in. tegrity and is strong. ' So long as liberty is not :spelt I.,4 �C,.-F�-N-C,-E. Oh yes, there IS the {yellow Pres&' the slate 4: ,but if you are so concerned ted: and biased press, subsere ylent to its advertising income, about your -rights, you too must discriminate and patronise` a newspaper which presents a fair case on which ".you can form a - judgement."There is no time today for a nebulous, grey op. Intim. 'As. the saying goes: 11 faut parier - you must back one side or, the other. Io-ehoosing our source of new we are hel- ped by the competition of the - FOR YOUR ..ywstk C • ._•.., for v market place w11eh'usually de. Columbia.. Le Rol 4101100f *r+ the' long run it is hard to+beat cider that the paper which hews rested in the Newark, New ,Ter• the Press as.. the watch -dog to the truth will survive. It 'sey riots, once ran •a "hate the of the citizenry, for the scan. is only with the papers of small whites Black Arts theatre which- - dal, once exposed, whether it circulation -- local papers -� .. got ".$115,000 in federal Ands be Profumo or Qerda, the that a monopoly is fenjoyedt. before police discovered an , steady beam of publicity Its. m The Press 'has the advantage arscacche in the theatre. The uayly enforces action by the res. of a coesjde1 able .array of ex. South West Alabama Farmers' ponsible government agency, perieticed tentacles-whlch fan Cooperative of Selma,Miss., the firm or 'Whatever agency is examine a given subject•indepth ° recently .received 700,000. responsible .for the nigger in front -the Office. of...Econonhic the woodpile: opportunity (O,hnL0.).This Coop THE LOCAL PRESS numbers aeng its ,principals. 'xi aril .. and thus disrnver what the ,6 causes of a given situation real• ly were - all of course Within the limits of human fallibility. For example. take • some of the later comments on the grave riots which plague the. United States. That well-respected paper 'Barron's' reports that Marion Barry, former national head of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, later charged with disorderly conduct on the grounds of the Cant. tol, was hired. at $50 per day by the ' top ganization of John°pp , assn tailed c With the Kremlin -financed World Youth Festival'andMissShirley Messer, a prime participant in the Black Panther movement, designed to overthrow the government of the U.S. . Thanks to O.E.O., "the U.S. taxpayer now has, a chance to fieance his own destruction" reports, the paper. The general obtuseness of O.E.Q.is defend. anti -poverty or. ed by Sargent Shriver, who the -District of heads L.B.J.'s anti -poverty program and Sargent Shriver MALCOLM - MATHERS GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT 46 WEST ST'. ' , 524-9442 • is, -like Brutus, ' an honourable man, but that does not mean that he does not ocdasionally • wear blinkers. - Use,.HFC money- to- buy . back -to -school- needs An HFC Shopper's Loan pays for all your back -to school shoy�/y,,. in Later . repay HFC. conveniently. Get your.- - Shopper's Loan from ' Household now. Borrow up to $5000f •�- ---Take-up-ta 6{i > s°^o-repar Ask about credit life insurance on loans at low group rates j HOUSEHOLD FINANC -0,"?.14 � GODERICH • 35A West ,Street—Telephone 524-7383 (above the Signal Star) Ask about our evening hours �• e Parkin Overnight foie' registered guests is downtownLi n • The foregoing refers to the powerful daily Press. What are the comparable obligations and respppsibilities of alocal news- paper, possessed, as •it usually is, of a monopoly in the dis• trict?? Based on, the axiom that, money is the root of all evil, it is of the greatest import that the doings of the biggest spender of public money - the local council- should be fully reported. No longer can the electorate be satisfied' with the catalogue which the office -hold- er gives of what he has done, at an annual town meeting. The .._ number -of -street lamps he has Mr, and Mrs.,. ,tI'rnest M Cartney of Dodsland, Saskattr Oman, have been visiting the past few weeks with Mr, and Mrs. Lorne McCartney and relatives in Seafortk and Cline ton. * * * Miss Violet Bogie sof on. den and 'Mrs, Christens Mills of Ferndale Michigan';have,been visiting at the home of their brother Reuben Bqgie and Mrs.. Bogie. They also attended the .Colborne -Centennial. ' * * * Visitors with Mrs. Ernest crag, during the past few weeks have been, 'Mr. and Mrs. Bill•' Whaley Sr., Mr. and Mrs. pill Whaley Jr., Belleville; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bradley and Miss. Lynn Bradley, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Godkin, Lon. don, and Alvin Windmill, Nova Scotia. .* * * ' Mrs. Don Aubin .attended a shower for,, her . sister, Mi•sS Sandra Leachman, prior td'her. ' wedding in . Hillsburg on Fri- day evening. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Don Aubin at. tended a:school Centennial re. Just • now some experienced- erected on B. • street; `the ts�b, t; w.�cih»ti.*.wcsrrr:a -«n. ° the o ag• ain i he' `(� Sp �in s ~ mea he s p y. a � ; � .." - c+ '-' the Vietnam battle. They stress lesley and Essex streets. Such the need for a native leader; post-mortems are not enough on AUBURN - Miss Myrtle the problem is political slot which to decide whether he is Phillips of London is visiting military; the coming election worthy of a second term. has been rigged to ensure an essentially unchanged trnvr�rn_ We need reports on low 'A' •union at Badeno..ck, on, Satur*. day. fK * . Mitchell , Qrb$sman, Prow fess pr at the State University of Texas `than -returned to San ,Antonio after spending'the past week as a guest of Mr, and Mrs. D. A. Campbell, Wilson Street. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Repaid Carter and Mr.' and Mrs.` liar0ld Bogie attended the funeral of Mrs. „ Bogie's brother-in-law Pr. J. Moss Beeler atMeridianNiiss,, His. wife was the .former Sepkia , Kempten4 When, did Niagara come into the pk..ture?. this week with her cousin, Miss Laura Phillips and other rela. voted; what his ax ments were tives here. ment; a continuation of heavy- ' ' * * * handed police tactics; the same for and against a certain mo. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Mac. tion. How else can the elec.. generally corrupt officials in to t�s�Aiati oSleie iu - fi Kay. left_ on_.Monda a rola eg .,7. g, ,,,. : thp:f -pravirrces; the: amemr ksczn, or t it vii a =in- Sault Ste. as a o ncillor'� Th councillor'? e electorate pirited native army; more war, is adult. It wants to know why These are just contemporary $X00,000 must suddenly be examples of the service of a found out of a blue'sky for an. free Press. They could not be other school. - •voiced by the government. Such Why two gym reports give the reader a naris? Why electric -eye doors? broader view. Enable him to Why one -storey and not two? assemble some facts to' set'Surely there *as some dis• against the official 'r'elease', cussion. $oma production . of which" unfortunatel figures in support. Who: put 3 �ap • p'ften his.�fitiger on Th We`ilt"SpoUand states a case which- is polis. how and by whom was he voted scally . oriented, It is . certain down? Who showed foresight and, that no Ombudsman, appointed who was for a short-term Com- by the government and subsere vient to it, could turn'up avid. promise which wasted money? ence that the Anti -Poverty Pro. It is all vital • information on which the electorate can garm was rotten at the core; . de. that the bus was being missed cide to support 'B'. rather than in Vietnam because the solu- C . • It is their sole way of improving' the representation tion was security rather than Margaret and William and their guns.• and were it• provided by the press- it -would g . g o far to brin nephew Ian Roberts of Wales forward the best brains we can Marie after, spending the sum. mgr months here. * * * Allan Craig, Peter -McDonald. and John MacKay are camp- ing this week in Northern On. tarso. * * Miss Frances E. Houston re. - turned -frorri a-trio-tiie East Coast with London friends last Monday. * * * Miss Diane Kirkconnell of London spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and -Mrs. An. drew Kirkconnell, * * *. Rev. and Mrs. M-. R. Roberts, It .. could be., --argued.. that _ the --returned. fiorrre° after-a-morrth's foregoinir examples ters for an Ombudsman in any find. It is a ,duty of the press. event. Consider then, the Tor- As it is,' it would be impos. onto 'Telegram's' column -Ace - sible for anyone relying solely tion Line, which attends to all . on the accounts as they are , -#mannbr of domestic troubles. published to write a 'character' Whence its potency? Purley the for any councillor,• either of power of the bright searchlight the town, still less of the county. -of publicity. The power to make Just blank nebulosity. No public the errors of the ag• praise, no blame. No opinion. ,gressor, and is some cases to No interest. No detail, No won- , expose the charlatanism of the der we are accused of aggressed. Honest publicity is being irresponsible and apa. a very potent weapon. Lord ' Thonson's 'Sunday Times' in London runs an in- vestigative service called 'In.. .. sight' which has brought to light rogues in the drug° business; rogues in the 'antique furni- ture' business; rogues in fin. ance and insurance rackets etc. Monopoly or not - it is a sued! And the paper has not been__, sacred.- Obligation ` of the pro. , thetic. Without a strong and ready press, we are deniedthe bricks with which to 'build an opinion, pro or con. It is to be hoped that local papers will acknowledge this their obligation to the public and become mirrors•rather than winding sheets of public affairs. James Richardson. & Sons Ltd. Serving The Feed Dealers of Western 'Ontario PHONE 524-8388, GODERICH vacation spent in theMaritimes and at Expo 67. . * * , * Miss Judy Arthur has accep- ted a position on the staff of Huronview while she is awaits ing her call t0 train at Owen Sound hospital as a nurse. Distemper is commonly con. sidered a form of influenza. A medical bill. A clothing bill. A car repair bill. They all seemed to come at once. Jack needed money in a hurry. Answer: A Niagara Loan. Jack talked it over with the manager of the nearest Niagara Office. Besides getting„the money, he got a -lot of gopd_eciv ce o -bddgeti, ith.a.__ Niagara Loan, Jack was able to pay all bills at one.time. And repay the loan' on easy terms to suit his budget. When you need extra money for any good, reason, ood,reason, you can expect the salve courteous, quick service' at any one°of 300 Niagara offices. NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED Member of the Group of Companies Arelhl NIAGARA . LOANS . notriLdin 29 KINGSTON SY. Phone 524.8357 IS 'THE PLACE TO COME TO ENJOY YOURSELF THIS a • .. , the finest Detroithas to offer in convenience. comfort and hos. pitality. In the heart of the downtown office, theater and shopping: area—within easy access of the city's attractions. Statler•Hlltteh located right across the street. Modern guest rooms all with bath. radio . television. Excellent food, moderately priced in the at. tractive Tuller Coffee Room and new Cafeteria: Special tourist and group sleeping rooms to accommodate from four to six persons in.a room. Wide choice of Ballrooms. Meetin` Rooms, Sample Rooms—excellent Convention Facilities. M.. N al D • 'AIRc•ONDITIONED 800 rooms with bath from ` �• SPECIAL RATES FOR GROUPS FAMILY RATES ... No Charge for Children 12 and under, H.A. KRAMER , General Manager Woodward 3.5200 FACING. GRAND CIRCUS PARK DETROIT. MICHIGAN OWL SUPPORT THE GODERICH & DISTRICT LABOR COUNCIL DANCE SATURDAY, SEPT, 2 — ARENA Dancing to "The BLUETONES" °Refreshments and Luncheon 3.50 Per Couple .• 8 p.m. 'til THE S.S. SOUTH AMERICAN Arriving 3 P•M. DST Departing 6 PA. DST SEPTEMBER 4th , LABOR DAY WE REQUEST THE SUPPORT OE ALL GODERICH CITIZENS. IN EXTEND,•- ING A "WARM CANADIAN WELCOME" TO THE SHIP'S PASSENGERS AND ASK THAT OUR 'LOCAL. MERCHANTS DO EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO ACCOMMODATE THEM. t SPONSORED Mt THE . OCWEUICII TOURIST COUNCIL 34,'35 4,,11 Yf you are NEW -TO -TOWN or - have just moved into a new home' GQDERICH'S OWN ... ELCOME BERV'ICE would like to call on you with "housewarming gifts" and in- formation about your new loca- tion. The -Hostess will be glad to arrange your subscription to the SIGNAL$TAR. Call her at 524-9525 Dances -Parade -Open Air Church Service - Tug -of -War — Soap Box Derby—Children's Races—Barbecue—Speaker and Bands SATURDAY 8:00 p.m.--Dance-at Arena—Miss Union Maid and two maids of honor chosen, SUNDAY 2:30p.m.—Open Air, Interdenominational Church Service. We extend a warm invitation to everyone to come to .this service. MONDAY 2:00 p.m. --Parade. 4:45 p.m.—Soap box derby. 3:00p.m.—Introduction of guests and guest speaker. Barbecue operating from 1:30 on. 4:00' p.m.—Tug-of-war and children's races: 8:30 p.m.—Street Dances. These street dances- are our way of saying thank you for your support. There will be two 'bands, one old time and one modern playing qn opposite sides of the Square. It's free for all and all are welcome, be our guests, we'd love to have ,you. • - FOR PARADE - ENTRIES •. Contact Earl Williams, R.R. 2, Goderich, phone 524-7012. There arm' five divisions, old, new,,comic, horses and decorated bicycles—lst, 2nd and 3rd prizes given in each division. . FOR SOAP BOX -DERBY Entries contact Gecirge Osmond, 145 Widder St., phone 524-7451. -- 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes in as many divisions as entries make necessary). ,"even Man Teams for Tug of War Get your teams listed with George Osmond., Remember the, welders at.- DRMCO have a team that is pretty hard to beat. Are they really as good as they think they are? . • Entry Forms for Miss U.niofl Maid will be handed out at the door the night of the dace. 'Tice two runners- ,, up will be her maids of honor. There's a trophy 'as well', as a prize for Miss Union Maid, and prizes for the 'Maids of honor. Of course they. will have a place 'of' honor in our parade. 'w "J4•$