HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-4-21, Page 81illiIll1Y fiji$01130510ff. Special-IJ.raw a line frons tint L ke Shore directly east to Kippen azul tlion by way.efStait'a et0d. Cromarty to 1 ul- Iarton and Ritsseidale, then south to Iairkton'and 'V'oodhanrthou west again • to Clanaeboye:atid tci^ntiu.titrngbJ way of McGuire, Ai' aunt. Oarrnel,Corbctt and: Greenway at Greed Bend you have ,.tire outside Boundary of the held whieb THE MART. aims tocover with its goads and eus touters. TO secure ,thiswe have to ceop a large supply and,certainly are not failing in tins respect. Our store is literally crowded with goods and l3oliday,Stock ready for seekers of Iloi- iday Gifts. Evor•y desireable thing we Could, think of has been placed to meet our eustoriners wants and iro v we cor- dially invite them and their friends to call and pass a pleasant half hour in looking through. We wish to make our store worthy of Both our Customers and Ourselves and now with little fear ask for their verdict. J., G•RICI THE MART. Exeter. LOCAL. JOTTINGS. rereenal eientten, Mr. B. S. O'Neil and wife spent Sun- day and Monday in London, -Miss Mame Sanders is visiting friends in Detroit. -Miss Eurith.Myers is visiting her father in Fingal at present. -Air. Frank Oke, who has been spending Good Friday and Easter in town, re turned to Toronto Tuesday. -Mr. M. Vincent left here for Toronto on Tues- day morning•. - Miss Aggie Dickson, of faoderich, once a teacher in the Public School here, and who has been the guest of Miss Clara Vosper for a few days, returned home on Tuesday. -Mrs, McTavish, of Detroit, Mich., is visiting relatives and friends here. - Mr. Geo. Baker left ou Tuesday morn- ing for London where he has accepted a position as travelling agent. -Mrs. Homestead, of London, who has been the guest of Mrs. Ilooper for some days, returned on Tuesday. -Mr. W. J. Hol !away, of Clinton, was in town during ,, .the Easter Holidays spending a vaca \\tion with his sister Mrs. R. N. Rowe. - A. L Russell is at present in Rid-. getown 'on business in connection with the ministery.-Miss S. Sweet, who has been in London for several months, has returned here on a short vacation. - Miss Emma Hicks left on Monday for London where she intends remaining for some time. -Mrs. Thomas Ching and family, of Toronto, are the guests of Mr. Walter Carley. -Rev. Wm. Mar- tin, pastor of Caven Presbyterian Church, left for Scotland on Monday where he will remain for several months for the benefit of his health During his absence his pulpit will be occupied by a student and the wishes of the Rev. gentleman's congregation and many sympathizing friehds go with him in his travels. -Mr. Alf. Coffin af- ter being the guest of Mr. W.D. Week es for several days, returned to Mill brook, where he is engaged in business He was once a resident of our village and his long absence has greatly im proved his appearance, -W. J. Duck worth, Insp. of G N. W Tel Co. of To• ronto, paid the town a visit on Tues day. -Mr. E. De L. Samwell who has been engaged as clerk in the Molson's bank here for some for some time past left on Tuesday for Loudon where he will be engaged in a similiar position we wish him every success. -Mr: Robt Pickard, of London, formerly of this place, paid the town a visit yesterday (Wednesday). -Mr. Robert Brown, Principal of Watford Public School, is visiting his brother, T. A. Brown. -Mr. Jas. Parkinson, of Trout Creek, Mus koka, formerly of Exeter, is visiting here at present,-Robt Pickard left for Toronto on Mbeday,-Miss Fanny Pinch left on Tuesday fey Toronto; where she will attend Alma College.- Miss Elizabeth Verity is visiting in Toronto. -Miss Hattie Jaynes, of Lon- don, spent Tuesday in town, -Miss Tottie Crocker. of St. Marys, is visiting her mother. ---Miss Mabel Torn, of Godericli, is visiting her grand parents here. -John E. Tom, I. P. S , was in town on Monday. --Miss Amey Beaman is visiting friends in Seaforth -Mr. A. J. McTavish and sister spent Sunday in St. Marys. -Miss May South eott left for her home in London on Tuesday. Sick List, Mrs. George Weekes has been con fined to her bed until Tuesday with an attack of ulcerated throat sinee their arrival on. Thursday last. She has fully recovered and it is expected they will leave for Chicago on Friday -Mrs A. Allen, who has been ill during the on alescent.-Mr. 'y Weeks, is C V Hast five , John :Wood butcher. has been ill for :come time with the mittens axil is now slowly progressing frotn the attack. - An oper.rtion was performed upon the person of Mr. D. Johns in London on Good Friday with satisfactory re sults. '.1teettate, The.Canadian Order Chosen Friends have secured W. H, vIeelte, .Dramatic and.I3utnorous Impersonator, to give an entertainment inn Drew's Hall on Tttesday evening, Ani ii 26th, The Ouelph "Herald" ha.s the; following to at regarding thg c nil rtaan-,r o f :t, ses any I"1 a utl ntst that . s Aleceke Sul it J ever v�isitdd sriri,ttty; and he has only to be heard rola appreciiited In his elm raett11 1mpisrsona:tinns he kept the Ilood's Pills oar() Sick IIeaidaelre. -4 The Big Bankrupt store is the spat �, . Prof,• C Conte aiitdl: heat. k i.fMoehe on the for then and boys suits; another large 2G'th'iust, ti 'eralls aOt~tnts per pair, 'ouowls make, at J. li, Grieves. Our assessor, MrJames Ieet,ona, c Wed. bis task; on Saturday, Grieve has a few More of those fine Black Vi'orsted Snitinge left at ,S.G, Read the change of "ad"oflobert N Rowe and Bissett Brea in this issue,.' Do you want Yatis Corsets, 95e, is the price at the Big Bankrupt Store,'` Mr. in. Tolland is getting" to be quite atin expert in handling the bicycle 5000 rolls of imported wall paper•' et the BigBankrupt Store f romiat Cents up. You can tell T. H. Grieve's customers by the nobby snit and the neat hats they wear, , Ere long env merchants will be greeted with this salutation, "pound of eggs, please." There aro five Fridays anct Satur days is April, This will not occur again until 1994. Can't do better than buy your car- pets, curtains, poles and blinds at the Big Bankrupt Store. Dr. Low's Worm Syrup has removed tape worms from r5 to twenty feet long. it al- so destroys all other kinds of worms. Buy your new dress at the Big Bankrupt Store, styles the latest,assort ment the largest, and prices the low- est. Mrs Samuel Buckingham had a de- licious rbeuberd pie on Suedes,- which undaywhich is the,first we have heard of= grown and eaten this year. Remember the date of the concert in the Opera House, April 26th., Tickets 25 cents, Reserved Seats 35 cents. Plan of Hall at Lu.tz's Drug Store, Mr William Dealing, of Stephen,fin- ishei seeding on Saturday last, having completed the task one clay earlier than he commenced last year. Our Public School Teachers and Sch- olars are now enjoying the Easter va- cation until the 25th instant, when' they will again resume labors. Division Court was held here on 1lntnday, His Honor, Judge Doyle, pre sidiitq. The cases were'soon dispensed with, the majority of them being laid. over until the next sitting. + The Huron Expositor says that Mr. Wm. Hawkshaw has rented his hotel to Mr. Waiper, Jr., of Exeter. Although retiring from business Mr. Hawkshaw does no; intend to leave town. William Hill, assistant superintend- ent of the Sandwich fish hatchery has deposited 1,000,000 young whitefish in Lake Erie at Port Stanley, 1,000,000 in the lake at Lemington, and another 100,000 at Kingsville. Who said the colored race was not progressive? There are new 2 colored women lawyers, 24 doctors, 6 civil en- gineers, 19 photographers and 32 art- ists. There are also 112 colored wont - en pursuing studies auroad. ` . Exeter Lodge No. 67, 1. 0. 0. F., in tend celebrating their 73rd annivers- ary by attending divine service in the Main Street Methodist church on Sun- day nett when the Rev. Bro McDon- agh will deliver a sermon to the Order. Mr. Richard Skinner, of St. Marys. has given up the position as egg gath- er for Dunseith & Co., of that town. "Dick" has been a faithful servant and. knight of the road • for the past ten years for Mr. Dunseith and was a good worker. Are you looking for Black Silk or Black Dress Goods. If you are the Big. Bankrupt Store is the correct spot for you. One day last week while Mrs.George Davis was attending to her household duties, she had the misfortune to fall, and in so doing sprained her arts. The same having received proper care and attention she is now slowly recovering from her injuries South Perth Liberals in convention assembled collected a fund of 61,500 to protest James Pridham's election, Half that amount expended on election day might have purchased a majority, small, but sufficient to keep James '!'row nn Parliament. shipment just opened, See the values, before buying. Goodod Friday was a ttvel by J `the , clo£ tis,yill.orasaholiday tied newly all business plaecs Wore closed for the day, Service was held ui the Trivitt Memorial ehnreh morning and d bdrb fairly well l it t onded. Many ofr our sports wended their way 'tothe river and other small streams. search of the "tine y tribe," while others sought for amusement in many Ways, C)i� h"ridgy last a very painful a,eci- dctnt befni Ella, eldest daughter of Mr. Jolui Evans, while getting over a barb 1lig tvirr, fence.. It 'appears shetrid some other; girls were, getting over the feree the top being a scantling, and just as they surmounted it the seantliug broke ill • the centre, letting' then, to the ground, and in the fall her leg nefort- unatety caught.it one of the barbs and was torn frightfally, "The Bells" was a marvellous display of voice culture, and "The haven wag, rendered in a way that certainly :y of , to his auditors a new idea of the poen, Hie Humorous selections Were greeted with roars of laughter. To be fully ap- preciated one mast hear him and once hearing him will create a desire to hear him: again. -[The Daily. Advertis= er; Tiffin, Ohio This is his second vis, it to our villlages Come and hear him on the date April 26th. Popular prices 25 and 35 cents. A larnn exploded in the wino e' of Cobblediek and Folhand's hardware store on Saturday evening and bu..5 for the thoughtfulness of one of the propri- etors would have done considerable damage. As soon as the occurranoe was noticed he rushed to the 'winiloie and seizing the burning lamp threw it into the street, and afterwards smother ed the flames with his overcoat which had becanue ignited in the 'building. Save the loss of,,the lainp the damage otherwise is trifling, A pleasant evening was spent in Failson's,hall on monday evening when a .argesnumber of brethren frons -Hen Sall and Lrediton were present with the Exeter Lodge of Royal Teleplays of Temperance. A lengthy program was provided and carried out, but the iuost novel feature was the mode ofs'eeuring a.partner to sit down to', tea together which was=done by picking en egg with the name inscribed thereon. The gathering remained in merriment un• til a late hour when it came to a close, each feeling satisfied with their even ing's sport. When the news of the death of the Honorable Alexander Mackenzie reach. ed us on Mo;+day morning, flags were hoisted at half-mast on the Town Hall and Carling Bros.' General Store as a last tribute to the remains of him who had just passed away. The social given under the auspices of the youug people in the James St, Church on the evening of Good Friday was a great success. The room was neatly decorated, a sumptuous repast provided, and a lengthy program was carried out which niet- the wishes of all. Proceeds amounted to $86. On Thursday morning. last week while Mr. Samuel Cobbledick, Sr., was riding on a platform wagon on his premises the hub struck the corner of a building, when the gentleman was thrown 'upon the ground, receivieg tt severe shock. His injuries not being of a serious nature, he has fully recov- ered,' On Tuesday evening County Con- stable Gill searched a gentleman, of Dashwood. for a watch which heel been stolen from a person in 1'-leesall, but not finding it on his person Allowed hint to proceed on his journey. The man is a citizen of the above named village and was in our town donna business throughout the dray. For the year 1892 pickerel cannot be caught het,ween the 14th dny of April and the 15th day of May. _ Black brass between the 74th clay of April andthe audience in.rnar9 of:latuehtet, and was 151h day of riunn. white fish and 'trout Joudly eneored at the conciusiolt of i between the last day of October and each seldietiotn, the first day:ofDecember andspnekled nor'wanted.' trouibeforethe 14th day of A.pi•li or A good smart 1>oy vi' -anted at once to after the 14th day of September. All ,learn the art of phetography-, Apply to other kinl$s : of fish may be ert,ttgltt ;Joseph Senior, Fixate)': threaghOts the y>o;er. On ATauday last last while Mrs, Sam' C lleyz is. 3Aradoz of Sarnia, i s `Jeeltell and Miss Bella, ,Acheson were„ taking adrive up the London ; Road they. unset, It appears they were about to visit Mrs,Lamb and when en tlr ging the horse to go in the gateway pulled the wrong line, the horse making a,. sudden turn, upsetting the meta pants out, They escaped unhurt with the exceptions of a few bruises, The buggy was badly used up, `1 he Minister of Agn ieulture has re• ceived the following cablegram from the High Commissioner for Canada: "Owing to the hoof and ilioutli disease Cheshire is declared an it>fected conn try. The orderhowever, exempts the e landing place of Canadian cattle, so that such Islay be carried through the country to uninfected markets. If the t tension of the disease leads to further precautionary measures being taken, Canada is•surc to receive the most fa- vorable consideration from the author ities. I recommend that only the best cattle -that is, those whose value would not be materially affected by mptilsor•y slaughter --be shipped for the'•present. Dairy cows had better not be shipped while the outbreak. lasts," Farms fey !sale. The undersigned has several first class farms for sale on easy terms. J. SPACrtrxA;s, Exeter. The bells in'the tower of the Trivitt Memorial church pealed forth in joyful tones on Sunday morning, after being silent several weeks. Very appropriate sermons were delivered oy the Rector, Rev. F. H. Fatt, in the morning, after noon and evening, concerning the res- surection of the body of Jesus Christ. Large congregations greeted the speaker an each service, and in the af- ternoon the scholars of ;the Sunday school were present and., presented their Lenten offerings, which amount- ed to nearly $10.00, and is intended for use in the school. The reading desk and communion table were beautifully decorated with lilies and flowers. Most people suppose that the menu• facture of tobacco consists merely of taking the leaf and pressing it into plugs. The fact is, however, that the process is'a very delteate one, and the least false step will injure the flavor. The leaf must be carefully attended to for months` after k leaves the planter's hand. it must neither dry too quickly. nor too slowly. Even after it has reaeh ed the fastory the utmost delicacy of manipulation is required. Tho weath er must be carefully studied, for if there is too much moisture in the air when it is pressed it will mould, and the same will happen if too much mois- ture is sprinkled upon it for the pur pose of opening the, leaf. Again, if it is overdried in the oven it will turn crisp, and will nip the tongue in smok- ing. It is by careful attention to all these points that the "Myrtle Navy" has been "brought to such perfection. The firm who manufacture it have their own storehouses in -Virginia, and from the time the leaf leaves the plant. er's hands until it is turned out of the factory months afterwards, in plugs, it is under the care of their skilled and trusted employes. W atateat. Never too late to mend, 5000 pairs of boots aid shoes that need repairing to be left at the leading" boot and shoe store next door to the post office. G. Manson. For 65 cents. You can get the Exeter "Advocate tiledieal Adviser and Farm Help sent to any person in America. Only one price for two papers. • Now is 'your time to subscribe. 3 A1)Piicationr;. It takes only this to thoroughly re- move Dandruff, stop- itching of the scalp, and make the hair soft and pli able. In fact, Anti -Dandruff is a pe feet hair tonic -all say so who use it. Card of Thanks. The Stephen & Usborne Agricultural Society wish to return their many thanks to those who freely and liberal- ly gave contributions for the spring show held here: also to the Exeter, Us - borne and Stephen Councils for their liberal donations. A. G. Dyer, Sec'y. Be Careful! Co Slow: 'April smiles and weeps by turns,and is as frickle as a girl with two beaus. She is warts, one days and cool the next. The sensible man and woman, es well, will pay no attention to her vagaries. The robins may be deceived, the sap may run and the trees may bud, but the safest course for as is to refasa to shed our warm clothing until she, at least, has run her course. Council i roceedintes. The council met pursuant to ad- journment at the Town Hall, Exeter, 13th April. 1892. All present. Millet es of previous meeting read and pass- ed.. T B Carling -Spackman -orders for the following sums --George Kemp $11.25 for ringing town. bell to llth April; I Armstrong $7.75 labor snow plow, and Jaynes Creech $2 charity to Jas Gould; do $1 to Airs. Wilcox, -Car- ried. Carling -Ross• -that the reeve and treasurer be authorized to borrow such Burns of money as may be requir- ed,'not exceeding $1,000, on the credit of this corporation for current ex pencil. ture.-Carried. Tender for ringing bell from Geo Kemp, $.1 per week, not accepted. Mr. Kemp to be offered 75e per week. Tender for use of weigh scales from Geo. A. K. McLeod, offer of $20 to 28th January, 1893, accepted, Spackman -Ross. By-laws No's. 7 and 8-1892 were duly read and passed. Christie -Spackman --that Mr: Treble be instructed to remove the old Pound building immediately.- Carried. H. Spackman -T. B. Carling -that the Road Commissioner be instructed to put proper protection around shade trees at Town Fall groittid.--Carried. Carling -Spackman -the council make tour Of inspection on S iednesdas ` 20th inst. at half nestonne o'elock, and the Road Com. instructed to procure a ten- der for that purpose. -Carried. The clerk to ascertain prices of cedar. Ad- journment until Wednesday :the 20th Inst, at 8 o'clock. M. EACru.TT, Clerk. A shoot at blue rocks took place on Good Friday ou the Agricultural Grounds l•etween a number of our sportsmen. ' A strong wind prevailed throughout the afternoon making it somewhat disagreeable for the marks- men. The shoot f^rr the gold medal re- sulted thus: E. Bissett ' 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0-6 I. Handford 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0-6' G. Anderson 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0-6 J. Taylor 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-7 R. J. Eacrett 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0-4 A. Loadman 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1.1 0-5 F. Collins 0 1 0.1 0 0. Ret. A.J Snell 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 n 11 0 1. 1-6. Mr. John Taylor winning, aiid is at present possessor of the laurel, which is always to remain the property of the Gun Club, The second match, a sweep• stake, was arranged and the result is as .fol lows:- 1011000101-5;. 1001010010---4; 101000001-3: 1101.101110-7; 01.11101010-6; 1 b 0 0 1 1 10---0; 0110101000--4; 1 0 0 1 01 1 1 0 1-11: J. Loadman 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0-4; : G, I isle 0100111101-6. The man making the best score in this mstch was also to receive a silver med- al, to become hie own after winning it tiyta times, Mr, John Taylor also snc;- toeded in obtaining it and the first money, While R. J, I+anvntt cxtfio 2nd, � •tnd A Loadrn in 3rd. Me. Taylor is to be con n•rsitulated. bit hie secccss, which no tloulrt tsa surprtsa to many,- even. the.old..ef sports. E. Bissett L;Ilan dford G. A.ndersor, T. Taylor R. 3. Eatcrett A. Loadman F.Collins A,';1, Snell 500 P.4Iit -OF- Y TO BE SOLD AT alf Price A LARGE STOCK OF A.f ERMAN ALL PAPER 10 CHOOSE FROM AT I. E. JSpackmall & CO si Bagri ErL s 13LZ)CT=, E!'ETER, d� [n Dress Goods. and Dress Trin nings W�e.th e � the Lead. in Gent's Furnishings we See And that is 'ilst'ivlmt %1l ht ippon to these s 011- " clld, l.lsll ��r~1Ll1rr 1Ve rtr F✓ clrivorly T (acting ' llo�� oilel�l� to tie1 L1} 1 1Q. a 'ONONE' HAVE NO EQUAL. L. New Tics, •r New Shirts I �, our range of - (white Si colatecl.1 all in Latest Styles. New Hats. and Tweeds. Our Spring, Suirings arc 4mply imnlelTise, Ili wall a elf- p � � pY pp, we have all the newest designs. If you *ant it said that you have the prettiest papered room in town you 'will have to procure your paper of See our w,ow shades, curtain poles, carpets and lace bur.- tains. ur-tains. We ha,' it good range of fine and coarse shoes, also a quantity of our • Celebrated, 25 et. Tea left yet, which some of our merchants are trying. to imitate ,.; • T THEY CAN'T DO IT, YOU KNOW. C RUNG UARDRN (I11U FIL1) LSI All Kinds of FENCE °7 !' IRES. LAWN MOWERS. A,LA.]3A. TINE in all Shades. s ►> AISY CHURNS. Full line of Tinware, Cheap for Cash at BISSETT BROS. AD THIS: Amidst all Blow &"Bluster ROB -.0..N. ROWE Still takes the lead in the Furn- iture business. I am too busy to call on l:.eaple in need of furniture, but please drop in my warerco.lns and see my stock and I will try and suit you in this line. Ordered Work neatly done on shortest rt notice. Remember I have also a handsome line of Undertaking Goods always on bald. Any calls in this line will be promptly attended to and satis- faction guaranteed every time, Stand next Molson's Bank. ROBT. N. ROWE. FOIL SALE OR TO RENT. 'Chose promises known as the Cornet ereirtl ITotel in the town of Clinton, together with the Stabling and appurtenances. tnces, Also those prerni:ieSinthe tillage of Exeter • known as tht,Queen s lintel and. the brick store ad.• joining the hotel and, used a.s a general. store and Post. -Office. The above property `will be sold on easy terms. For •partieuiars apply to the proprietor, Jrr ov PoIssrt it. rot 5. gaitland concession, Tiro I. Tp., Ecn• miller P. 0. FArtms FOR SALE. \Vest half of lot 10, Concession 5 in the to wash tri of trsborne.in t he eoanty of A uron containing therein 5t 'teres more or less K There is about fi 1 acres cleared and the bal- ance h, bring mixed with black ash and cedar. A good wind -mill with a good well • of water and welt suited for shock raising., For further particulars aprlytotfeo. Hunt- eer,rRidgetown or to John Hunter, Jr. Exeter reTexeltrAteraelnelemarneereMeneMOsiravemayanoserrtcra This Space Belongs to Cobbledick Tolland.