HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-4-21, Page 11Sub,serAbe .tbr Tho EXETER ADVOCATE, Onl,vtifsift from la ow J21, nu;iry ist wee ttivo It a ,trIal, .......,t:vur.arscuuuuttoo.r..rtLvuirm.r.ufv.eraera.. tars.",ausaimr..smoutuatonallevraransanqmotart VOL. IV. 0.15 122252.2 The Moons Bank. (Chartered la, Parliament, 1835.) Paid up Capital .... $2,000,000. Rest Prind. . 1,100,000, lIead office Montreal, IF WOLEERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GENERA", MANAGER. Money advanced lo good armor's ou their owu notes with out) or novo eadorsers it 7 per cent per annum. Exeter Braneh. Open every lawful day from AO a. m. to 3 p. ro., Satardays 0 a, in, to 1 p, A general banking, business transacted Four per cent. per annum allowed for mon- ey'on Deposit Reoeipts, Savings Bank at 8 N, DYER HURDON Exeter, Jan 28, '88. Sub Manager THE Oztter Ativoratt3 Is published every Thursday Mornilig, at the Oilise, MAIN -STREET, -- EXETER. By the SANDERS' PUBLISHING- COMPANY. TERMS OF SUBSORIPTIObT. One Dollar per annum if paia in Aavance. 031..50 if not so paid. .23.a-a-ertaaisaa, nza,toif No paper discontinnod until all arrearages are para. Ativertisements without specific directions wW be published till forbid and ahargea accordingly. Liberal discountmade for transolent ativertisernents inserted for Long periods. Every description of J013 PRINTING turned out in the euest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques,aloney ord.- era, &e. for advertising, sulk:notions, cite. to be made nava ble to Sanders & Sweet Church IlLreetary. TRYVITT MEIBOBIA.t. Cnuaona-Rev. Y. H raft, Reetor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m and 7 p.m. Sabbath School, 2.31.) p.m. llif.rrnotawr Citumiii-james-s, e V. A. L. Russell, Pastor. Suuday Services, le.se a. m. and 6.30 p.m. Sa bbath School, 2.80p. re. Mall; STREET -Bev. W. bIcDonagli, Pas- tor. Sun lay Servioes, 1/00 a.m. and. 0.30 p.m. Se, bbath School u.80 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN OBUBOB..--E8V. W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Services, if a. in, au. 6.30 p. Sabbath Se kool, 945 a. m. SPracesslonal Cards. Panson's Biook two doors nortb of Oarling Store •., MAIN STREET, EX ETEB , extracts teeth withoat pain. Away at rlenas.II oa let Friday; Ansa Craig ou 2nd anti ath Tuesday d. 'Au ; anld.; on last Thursday of each. month. OII. INGRAM, Darfriffr, Member Royal . College, Dental Surgeons, successor to 1/. L. 'Billings. utftee Over 20$t Wade Exeter, Ont. A. safe antte.thetie given fur the painless extrautiou of teeth. line Uold P illinga as required. Nediea• 13 WHITELY, MD, rex., Pet-ysaank:g u• and. Surgeon. Office and roaidence-- Corner Victoria and ElgiIi streets, tioderich, Oatario. Talt. J. A. ROLLINS. OPPICE-MAIN ST. Residenee-Coruer Andrew aud North Streets; Exeter, Ontario. 1 "aa. T. P. koLAIJGATLIN; MEMBER OP .L/ the College of Physicians and Surgcona Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Accouch- ear. Office, Dashwood, Ont DR. T. A. A.MOS, M. D., C. , Member of _ . College of Physicians and Surgeon, Ontario; licentiate of the Royal 'College ot Physicians and Surgeons Edinburgh; licen- tiate of the Fatality of Physicians and Sur- geon, Glasgow; Yellow of Trinity Medical College, Toronto. Office -Dr. Cowen's old stand. • t , D II, COLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICPF.; I .1-1a, Olt, a0onve3rau0er, Notary Public, Office -Over Bank, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. ▪ IL DICKSON, BARRISTER, soniorrom 1.4. of Supreme Cotirt, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commission.er, Ste, Money to loan Ofiace--Fanson.'s Block, Exeter. LLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIO- itors, Conveyancers, &c. Money to loan &to per cent. • B. V. ELL1.0t. J ELLIOT • • • Auctioneers. TT BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Auet- ...1_11.. ioneer for the Counties of Pert& and Middlesex, also for the township of usborno Sales promptly attended to an cl terms reason ble.Sales arranmecl at Post °lace, Wineholsa AROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Moen s- ecl Auctioneer, for the 00 MI ties. of Hur- on anti Middlesex. Residence: 1 mile south of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mail or othor - wise promptly attended to at reasonable prices. T-11 BOSSENBERlaY, "{email Ontario, Lie - Jai . eased. Auctioneer for the Counts of Ituron and. Perth. Charges moderate and a a tisfaetion guaranteed. LHARDY, Licensed Auctioneer for the . County- of Huron. Sales Conducted on reasonable terms. ..Parm and Parm Stock a s pecialty. Pull, arrangements can be made 112t this office. I]RT'D W FARNOOMB, Prov inoial Land .11..? Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office, Liver Post Office, Main street, ykotor, Oat. DATV D MILLER, Veterinary Surge en, Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, (Successor to Wm. Sweet, V. S ) Over 18 years practice. Office and residence ono Moak oast of Richara Picini S 84o10. Oppdaito Skating Rink, Exeter, Ont. venve 1110••••• verVa<1.3•407•BManom1.1.14111011•Enan;Wenalinimbl000roman OR SALE. __- The Brick Cottage situated on Jamea.a b., earn postal of tax, rooms, also two lots on which tho tattle is located fa Offered for sale 'Vim proprietor luta anorbe.r residence on William street, a frame house with seven rooms'good eaftion, splendid water. and ;It ny other a03133331 odaf)ons, which will be sold or 013 tecl 315 the parties may what, Per i'n r tiler particulars apply to Mit. Isaac BA. wet; a, Exeter, Chit swIry3r.as4.•arillmalnavalermarrre2vu•cralarattatitreivanlicatulammaftwoMmie, pROPERTY FOR SALE. ent0 folio Wine valuable property corn Prig. 111 g lots cast half 15, Thames "total, by mi- tt; 333 01011)011 t 1;4 adreS. On tho land is a suleudia fro me house and stable, good •tvoll, a num bor of young trees,' awl many other accommodns atio. Also twe a( roo tm.,a Hif,Thtf,6,1 stre,et, north of Lain') Road, For l',0.1'111 25) DAVI nertisUlttvi apply to JoHN TuoMrsoN, P 9, ▪ 513 5 52,3235.52,223,5525,253...5,22.........5.2..m,v2,2."..,^ 51:71425252501225153,1.55213551,A2P52.25:35,3555555.5,.5.55:525.:55535.255 •••••• HOTEL FOR SALE, EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDA.Y APRIL 2,1 1802, The Devon Po tel and property, situated VA miles south of Exeter, eom prism g 1i1S Of 1411d, with i'vanio stable 013d 611 Oa Will be sold on reasonable terms, Pooscasion given at any tiMa. For further particulars ap-ply to L.11 1/leltson, barrister, Exeter, or to M, Kellam', proprietor, on tbe premises, •••=0.,,,...nnontzumweswassonnan.amaxounameassomna.......aa•Andm.uor FARM Foil SALE. On hundred acres, Ul oro or loss, being Lo con . 8. •I owlish p of 11$ born e, Oounty of Huron, 08 acres under good. cultivation, 'well drain c a, gooll oruluvrd,two frame barns from e a table, Two Storey Brick Dwelling, & two good \rolls of water on the premise...For further particulars a oyly to MIL JOhN Coss on 250-13 St. 'Rho 3)1 1LS, 084 ,aut...a....s.yasmegar-vyurtecnarmisz.1,.....umw.ac No Other Sarsaparilla has the merit by which Hood's Sarsaparilla has made such a firm hold upoti the confideece of the people No Other combines the economy and strength which makes "100 Doses One Dollar" true only of Ilood'e Sarsapar- ilia. ' No Other possesses the Combination, Proportion, and Process which mitkes Hood.'s Sarsaparilla peculiar to itself. 4 AlliArilla VEAL. -In London, the wife of John Veal, of a de -lighter. PlIAIT!- In Dash Wood, on Loth inst., ' the wife of Wm.,PhaT of a, sun. sttlEATEM DAW.--In Exeter, on the leith inst„ George Thomas, infant son of Thos. and Ellen DaW, aged 2 mouths, 8 'weeks and 3 days. Caerfremose-In Goderich Township, on April 1.8th, David Cautelon, sr., aged 81 years, Hannisx.--InClinton, on April 13th, Alex. Hillen, aged 53 years.• ...1.921002,MMMIIIMISIMMR101 ,3)firne tti u s Escape. Mr Sam. Staniake atid son, Silas, of Sodom, narrowly escaped being killed on Tuesday night last between 11 and 12 o'clock, by a colt, which they Were driving, running away It appears they Were About to leave the Alatision House when the horse became fright. ened and started to run,going up 'Main street at a break -neck speed and when in front of the ADVOCATE Offiee gave a sudden turn and hurled the occupants from their seats into the road,. ,Statilake alighting on his heed on a largo steuee and r4±ceived a veny bad at:alp-wound and otherwise bruising him. The son struck against a post but escaped unhui t. Mr. Stanlake was thought to have been dead when first noticed as blood was Oozing from the wound and he bore ai ghastly coun tenance, •Aledical aid was at once 'stem maned and the injured man's wounds *dressed. Vestry Ueeting, The annual meeting or the Easter Vestry was held in the Trivitt Memor- ial church en Tuesday .afternoon when only a small attends nee was present. The Re,V. F. H. FFitt opened the meet- ing with prayer and occupiedthe chair during the session. . Moved by B. S. 0,'Ne41, seconded by B. V. Elliott, that R. II. Collins act as vestry c.erise- Carried.- Minutes of last meeting were read and on motion of D V. Elliott and seconded by 13 S. O'Neil were adopted and the wardei,se, were .ingructed to have the. same inscribeci in the proper minute book. 'I he Auditors repert for ,he seat 18 91 ases.read. and accepted on motion of B. ..ST a)avis Rev. Mr.'Fatt reported on behalf of the building committee and stated that they had received a number of teeders bu', none were entertained:on account of 'being too high, and a.. tullee state ment is ex peeted to be given in a few days as other provisions are being made to curtail eiperises. With refer- eece to chaieging the entranee to the shed aud providing stable for , Rector's horse, it was left in the hands of the building committee. , Messrs. Ernest Elliott soul N. Dyer Burden were ip pointed Lay Delegates to the meeting of.the Synod. It was then moved, that this meeting .adjourti until May 3rd, 7.80 p. in, which was earned unani- mously. Tha meeting sots then brought to a close by the Rector pronouncing the benedittion. Blyth. William Campbell, clerk of the di- vision court, has been appointed a jus- tice of the Peace, by the Local Legis- lature. -Mr. S. H. Gidley is now trying to organize a new band and has sue eeeded in raising the necessary sum 'required to purchase the instruments. The Good Templars have organized a glee club in connection with their order.e-Mrs. Robert Slater is slowly re. covering from her illness, --Mr. Robert Riddell has gone to Manitoba where he intends rentaining for'some titne.--Mr. J. H. Chellew has purehased the pro. perty belonging to T. C. MeElroy, at the south end of the town, paying the price of $750 for the same, -Mr, Frank MeConnel is slowly recovering from the injuries he sustained a shert thee ago. -Miss J. Lyen inteeds leaving on a Visit to Stockton, Cal,, sometime a - 'bora the middle of May. -The annual Easter' vestry meetingwas held on Mooday evening When a large amount of business was transacted -Divine Service was held in Trinity chnreh on GOA. Friday at 10.30 nm. -Mrs. Jamie - Soil la still very low with a Cancer trotible.----Mr, Triton Hullett, has pnr, elmeed the Rogerson property for the SUM Of $960,, 133 r•;,1 Bid d114110 , Air. Jas. A. Dempsey is very 111 with the mumps and La (3rippe.-frho pils of S. S. No. 9 intend going to S. S. No. 1, Stephen to take part in e return spelling meta with the pupils of that school on Friday uext.--The sawing is ail over ow and the championship of Bidcluiph goat.; to Geo Hodgins and 1 hs .e.tkinson with a recent of isg seconds, Stephen, Death has again visited and taken from us a young' man just in the prime, of life, in the person of Beery Clarke. A short time ago he took cold and co11. sumption followed which he bore with ehristian patience until Saturday ev ening when the cold hand of death took bine where there is no pain nor sickness, He was a member of Credi- ton L. 0. L. 1843. The members, in company iv th brothel% from Moray, Centralia, 0 l'OEDWIly aiid LAIOBT), fon- e I the, to nun to the Brinsley cern etery and the Rev. Mr. Shore read the burial service of the English church, the brethern encircled the grave and a beautiful burial se,rvice in the orange ritual was read by Bro. John.Neil.Dis Wet Master, of Ce»tralia. The breth evil join tvith brotherly sympathy for the friends of the departed brother, "Blessed aro the dead that die in the Lord." . Clinton. Mrs. W. T. 01u is said' to be slowly recovering front the &here of the re inoval of a tintior hy a surgical °per. 111013- (he Chilton -Driving park As Sociation has :made arangements to .hold a meeting on the 24t1t May. The program will be, 2,35' class for trotters :and ricers $100; a 3' Minutia :trot • or pace. purse $80.' Also .Bicyclerace, purse $20,a1So 200 yard. foot reee,purse $Se All events are .open. -Mr. B. Kennedy,: son of deputy reeve Kennedy hag bought the Reynold's, outfit.-Mr W Ross, of Goderieh, was here,:an,Good Fridaea--Rev. Mr. Salteite, Of Brussels deliveredan impreseive sermon in the Rattenberry St .1"uthodie1 ch arch on Suuday leen ' liensall. SAD ACCIDENT.- On Tuesday last while Air. Wm Reith of lot 24, Con. 2 Has, a.nd wife were driving near Rod. gerville their horse became frightened and unmanageable upsettingthe rag and °emirate a ndekicked untilltSfreeti itself from the buggy. Mrs. Reith was at once removed E0 a farm residence and her injuries dressed but she is not expected to recover. Mr, Reith escaped unhurt but the bug,gy was badly smashed. After propuringest rig from Air. McDongal Mr. Reith drove his wife home and then returned for Atte broken buggy his son accompanying him. They fastened the rig behind the one they wereriding in, and ,started for, hotrie, but had not proceeded far until the horse became frightened and ran away upsetting them both in the ditch. Mr. Reith alighting, on his head and "received such injuries that he lived but a few hours after House cleaning is now under full swayonany homes being thoroughly renovated. -Messrs, Dardis and. Berry shipped a carload of good horses to the Boston market this week—Rev. J. S. lleriderson delivered his lecture meth- lep, "Rambles throngh Wonderland,"in the Presbyterian church. Chiselhurst, last week ton large gathering. --Mrs. H. Arnold has been visiting frieuds 111 London for sOme time. --Mr. Reichert, and family, of Zurich, have become residents of our little burg. He will lenk after the (lax mill.--Voad Friday was observed here as a holiclay,--Sper, ial Easter song 5e1011e was held in the Methodist chord' on Sunday evening and a large number of hearers were in attendance, aed a very appropriate sermon was delivered by the pastor -- Mr. and Mrs. James White are at pre.s- ent spending a vacation with their son in-law in Detroit. --Farmers are now busily engaged seeding, the weather being all that could be wished for to accomplish their desire -Miss Bertie Hodgins, of Lonclonaves here last week attending the funeral of her grand- father Mr. Adam Berey.-Mr. William Cook flas decided to rerrelin with his father and look after his interests in in roller flour vills -Mr. Urquhart's saw mill is now on a fair way Of com pletion, the WOrknian eontinning their Mors dails•.-The Y. M. P. 1. Associat- ion has closed for the Season. The see- retary's treasuree's reports show the sotiety to be in a. flourishing core dition, finantially and otherwise. -The Revs. Messrs, Irwin and Magee exchan- ged pulpits on Suntle,y last. --Large quanttties of salt are being mannfact- nred on aceonnt of the men swotting full time Many friends ot Mr. Arthur Coxworth, who reside in this neighbor- hood, will be pleased to hear of his re eovery from it severe attack of rheu- matic fever. He is at present in Van- couver, B. 0, end is reported to be gaieing in health. -The location and site selected for the new flax mill is 6011th of the salt bloek, and the stoe,k- fielders ate wished every success in their now industry -The steam ploty began operations in ditch in the swamp last week, but owing to the machinery being new has not made great' heed, way, Rillsgreen. Kippen. We leare that Mr, Thomas C, leman made a very succeesful sale of the ear load of horses he took to Manitoba a short time ago, realizing good priees --- Mr. H. Smite has one to Dakota where lie Wilt remaie during the, sum mar mon ths.-Miss Alartha b'orrest 38 41 Present ongagod 1051011113 dl.ess mak- ing 131 Exeter. -Mr, Thomas Maxwell 18 recoveringfrom his late attaek of ilItit 80 , lee/ narpley. , Farmers in this vicinity are busily engagedseeding, but on account of the reeent high winds the fall crops look yery bee -Miss A. Al.Pollock has been spending liar Easter vacation in visit in her many blends in Parkhill and Grand Bend. -Mr. T. Re IIayter is bus il,y engaged pi epartug for the ereetion of a new barn on Wed .esday of this week. -Mr. Alex McGinnis returned from, the Miehigan lumber woods last Week lookiug hale and hearty, —lca—evon. -- consideTable amusement has been hacl here during the past 13 eek. spear - lug sneltere.--Mrs, Martin, who has been ill.for some time, is progressing slowly -A few days ago alr, George Webber lost a valuable rriare, from un- known causes. 1)13. atiimal appeared to be in good health until within a short tinic of its death. The loss wil. age regate a nest little, stint to Mr. W. - Seeding is about finished around here, -The hard frost which has visited us during the past week is very injurious to the fall wheat. Moorsville. Fire broke out in the residence of Mr. Win. Taylor last week and had it not been for the titpnly aid of several of our citizens it would have been coin pletely destroyed. -M-. Joseph Cobblt dick has sotd during the. past Week 43 head of cattle to a buyer in Lobo' 8 to Downing broa, of Lucan and 1 to Mr. Thos Prior, of Exeter, making a tetal of 47 head. Good prices were realized from each sele as the enamels were in spleedid 0011(1111011 -Out .little hamlet IS tether quiet on aceount of the Me- mel's bele"' beey seedingee-The re- mains of the youngest child of R Webb weied anterreein the Nursery cemetery last week; it enly Lavin been ill a short time. The parents have the sy m pet hyesS the community. eas 'romarty, Mr. Robt. and Miss Lizzie Whyte were the guests of Mr. James Mcl'av ish, of Tirckersmith, on Sunday last. - Miss Harburn, who has been in Mit shell for the last month learning mil linery, spetit Sunday at home. -Miss McLaren, of Seaforth, spent Sunday last under the parental roof. -Mr. Robt. -Richardson, of Exeter, was the guestof Miss Livingstone on Sunday last. -Mr. Robt. Norris, win:pis learning the print- ing in the Times office, Exeter, was vis itin,g relatives here on Easter Sunday. -Miss Lizzie Laing is at present con. .fined to her bed with a severe attack of intlamtnation and an anxious one awaits her speedy recovery. -Messrs Miller and Jacobi of Hensel!, spent Good Friday in this place. McGillivray, Many persons in this ricini‘ty Nrho have been afffictetl with the measles are slowly recovering. -Mr. William illeirgan, 9th concession of this town- ship, sold a heifer last week to Donn) ing Bros., of Lucan, that tipped the scales at '1730 poun.les-Our football elnh is now being properly organized and visiting. clubs may expect a diffi- cult team to encounter this year. -Mr. W. H. Pearson has disposed of his farm on the 16th, and inteuds purchasing. again in this vicinity. ---Air. .Ainsley Baynton,of the 14th3had the misfortune to have a valuable brood mare badly disebled a short time ago, by being kicked by another horse. -The differ- ent diseases which have been prevail- ing around here, such as measles. mumps and ia grippe, have abated and all are (ince more enjoying good health. I Corbett SEi Thee Hyslop has returned hothe from Ma tritoba.:-Mr.. Judson Corbett atid family leave this week for British Coleimbia'Where lie intends tereside.--7 PRESENTATION AND ADDRES. Mr. James Pollock: The teachers and scholars of the Cor- bett Presbyterian Sunday School, hear. ing you are about to leave us, are re, :ittetant you should do so without carry ing with you some mark of our esteem in some tangible form. We, therefoje, beg you to aecept this tie and pin as a reminder of tho pleasant 'time. we have been .associated in working 'tee ge,ther in this Stinday School. Hoping that the lessons taught and lettred here may sink deep into Weir heart and bring forth fruit to yoUr Own good and God's glory is the prayer of your co workers. Signed on behalf of the teachers ,and scholars of .the sehool, BoneerlItok, Superintendent „ Mr. J. Meta lustiest, J Teacher,. 'ad Mr, 13, Blair is now in the employ of Mr D. D. Wilsou and is busily engag ed buying eggs freak the farmers. - Misses Lizzie and Grotto. Meilis have juet returned from Regina, Man. -Miss Gretta has aved 1,1 the west several yeers and before leaving Was inade the r.:cipient, of a Gold Wateh 1033(1 Until) by the members of the Methudiet Church in Regioa; both young ladies aro welcomed home by many warm friends -Rev 11 Irvitte is completing plans for the camp -meeting Le June. -- Mr. George Logan has began work on the barn of Mr. ThurnaS Mellis and is rapidly pushing it forward . --Many of tht3 farmers in this section arebusily engaged seeding and some of them are nearing the completion of the work, - _Rev, H.S. Magee preached in the Meth- odist ehurch on Sunday evenings to a very large audience. Greenway. ;Mr. W. J, Wilson and family, Miss Ltlla Brophey and Mrs. Jas Brophey left here last Friday to visit friends in Bayfield and Winthrop ,Charles Hohln has decided to retire from farm jugend has putchased C sou's, sr., house and lot, -Air. SVilson moves to the town of Parkhill fli.st of October. --air. ;filo. Carts and soit,Clias, svere in Hanover last tve,ek ettending the funeral of Mr. Culls' brother. --•Mr. John Bloomfield left here last Friday for his home in Briusley has de- cided to visit the, North West --Aft,s. Jas T. NVilson and grand daughter, A1yith, returued home from Athens last week ---Ietette VEMENTS.-110 be t English is belittles; a .new fence in front of his residence. -Mr. Jas. J.. McPherson is remodelling his house.- W J. Wilson has had a new fence built around the Boston House. , Bayfield. Mr. J. E. Morgan, Jr.'has left for Fairport, Ohio; and will be greatly mis sed bo 'many of our young people. -Mrs. John Swartz, of Clinton, has been visit frig here of late, -The many friends of Mr. Lison will regret to hear of his se 111508 illnese, being unable to leave his homoon Lopdon-Mr. Thomas Uprich- art has returned. from • Ireland much benefitted in health -Great preeara- tions are being made 'hero for fishing, during the comiipe Season -Charles Gardiner, of McGil?Collegea Montreal, and Charles Logan'of Detroit Medical College, hase been home on a vacation ,,--eMrs, H. Grier and latiee Mau Parker, ifttliatharn; -11 a Ye. been- 1; aside ge.in our midst -John Pollock, John Erwin,Jno: Morgan, Frank Kiegan 1.1.nd James and William Fergusonhave gone to Cleve- land in search of implovment. Mav success go with them is the wish of. many in this neighborhood: Crediton, We are glad to see so many of our old friends back visiting us again. Amongst the number are,Messrs, Robt. anti Alex. Clark, who 'have returned from Wisconsin, after a stay of three years, and intend remaining during the summer. --Mr. & Mrs. Pack and, child, of London spent Easter with her father, Me' 11 Lamport -We are pleas- ed to see the smiling filet:of Zwi ker. of Walkertop; in our midst again. Misses Wiggins and Russell spent Eas- ter at the respective homes, Goderich mad Eliinville.--Farrners are busy at the sprint" tilling. -The ceops need rain vei7 much. -Mrs. Michael Stephen left for the. U. S. on Tuesday 19th. inst., where she intends visiting her daugh- ter. --Miss Libbiti Ring loft for London on 201h inst., where srmintends remain ing for some time. -Mr. M. Hertzell, who his been in the II. S. for some years returned home last week. Dashwood The cold hand of death carried away the youngest daughter of Mr, Fred Wurtz on Tuesday of last week, at tne age of 4 months and 2 days. Funeral took place on Thursday. -Mr. Frank Litt, who has been visiting his old home in Sobrinerville, retnrned on Moo day, accompanied by, his mother, who still visit for some time, -Miss Francis Harris, dressmaker, is at present very ill-Mi,Jacob Ilartleib is very ill from an attack of la grippe. -The Rev. Mr. Bean and wife left on Tuesday of last week to attend conferente at Camp- den. Mr. Brown, of Crediton, occupied the pulpit on Sunday last in his ab sence.-Mr. Henry Willert, who has been circuliiting a subscription liet for the erection of a telephone between here and Grand Bend, is meeting with sucetiss aud has received so far over $200. --Mrs. Wm. Plia.if presented her husband with a bouncing, son on Fri day last, lath (3181 -1 millinery op- enings of Messrs, Kellerman Bros. and John Hall, were yery snccessful aud attended by large crowds of sight- seers, and each department were niag• nificont scones of millinery noveltiee, which reflect; great eredit ou the milli nate Those who have not vieited those places should do so. --Mr. Thos. Snell, who has ben attending Clinton High Scheol, is visiting home at pree ent.-The residence of Mr. John Pope WAS put up by auetion on Friday hist but wee not sold. The hid, whieli was $340, not being up to the reserve. - Services were held in the two churches here on Good Friday, 100311-"'W. C)471G-1 Tito ADVOCATE •01110E --Maw 111 nood II;j)1,5, Tna4 BilN, Letter Li a p‘i v I 22 I ,<:s .fact 4111111111 lif priatily,', Around About Us, Air, James Cumniog has routed his farm on tho Kieeee road, south of Ed- inoitaville, to Mr, W. Ja Hudson for a. p151104 01 boo 331115 101 6325 per year 111 advanee, end the tenant pees the takes and doee the road work. Tho farm coiitains 100 aerea, Itis a high reet, but is to goud farm aud in first- class condition. Mr. Hudson 18 53, good farmer and a pushing, littlest:acute farmer, and Mr. Cumning coald not have placed las farm in better hands. Mr. Cumuing gets this year'5 strop and gives up possession on the first ef Oere• ber. Centralia, Miss Lillie Hill, of London, spent Sunday ander the parental roof, -Mr. J. C. Sheardowu erns -visitiug friends 111 Lucan last week. -Mrs, John Quance just recovering from a severe attack of lit grippe, Mr. Thos. Handford has returned from Manitoba after disposing of a carload of horses -Air. Wm. Oke caught a mud turtle in the swamp last week that weighed 11 pounds. --Mr. Jas. Abbott has commenced work with, Mr. A. Q. Bolder, of Exeter. at the egg business -Mr. Jacob Brown inteeds moving to Miellia'a n 1st May, whers he intends 0it into business. Suc- cess "Jake "---11fr. JI•ts. L Armitage., of Lucan, graduate of Toronto Vethiary college, has started business here and will be ready to treat all diseases heir to animal kind. Give him a call -1: notieed in Biddulph new of your last week's paper, where it stated that in the, spelling competitiou between seven different schools, the first match wee won by No. 9, Biddultele Irons No. 1, Stephen (or Centraliaa Here I must ' take the liberty of telling the Biddulph correspondent that he was in error when he stated the fore,goiug. The match was fairly 30011 by No 1 .Step• hen, for when there Was just one stan- ding on it side, the No. 9 pupil took two chalices at a word, which isnot ac- cording to rule. That gave the match by all means to No. 1, Stepheu. Lucan. . Good Friday was observed here as a holiday.--alr. Alfred McRoberts has gone to Clinton where he has a situat. ion on the L. H. as B. railroad -Gard- ening, -,began in earnest during the few evarm days which have just gone by. -Mr. Stewart Scott has gorte to Maniteba, where he will remain for the summer. --The dramatic and humor oils impersonations .given by W. E. Meeke, under the auspices °Vette Me- chauics' Institute, on Thtttsday even- ing last week was largely attended. The Prof. nederstands using his voice to perfection, and his selections are full of Humor, Pathos and r,Tragedy.-Great preparations are beim)mado for the celebration of the 24th of May; horse- racing beingthe principal attraction - Mr. John Fox is preparing for the erect ion of a brick residende on Main street during the coming summer. --Mrs, Ma hat, of Port Austin, Mich., has been . . . . visiting her sister, Mrs. Harrigan, for some time. -The annual spring Show of Lucan Agricultural Society was held on Wednesday, the 13th inst. There was a very good show of horses. The following are the prize Winner/a-- Heavy draught stallion, aged.--Ist, Coursey Bros. &o Stewar'ts "Joe Ander- son"; 2n31 Hewitt & Kay's "Scottish Hero." Iietevy draught, 8 -31 -old un ported -J d McRoberts. Heavy draught, Canadian. -C& L. Patrick Roadsters; aged -1st T, Hey's "Four Lines"; 2nd Ed Hanhan. Roadster, 3 - yr -old -1st, W. Dann V S ; 2nd, R. Me- Leod's '001(1017 Gift " Carriage -Thos. Berry. Z urich. Mr Geo. Buchanan is spending his holidays at his home He has been at- tending the Goderich College Inst. -- Horace Hardy who is attending the Goclerich Coll, Inst is visiting at home. John Kibler after completing a couree ih the Canada Business College, }Tamil ton returned home last Saturday. -Mr. Chas. Bossenberry of Hensall was re g - newinold acquaintances here last Fri 2:5 day --Sir. John Komiding, of Tilson- burg is at present visiting relatives in this vicinity. -Mr. A.B. Faust left laet Monday. for Michigan. May success be with you Alf.--alr. Albert Tiffin and Air. Chas Latta were in town lest Sat- tirday-Good Friday and Easter pass- ed of quietls. Services Were held in all the churches here. --Last Monday as Mrs. Treff,y and her derighte.r of the Sauble Live were driving home they met a team with a big load of lumber on the hilt about a quarter ef a utile west of Zurich. Their 'horse became frightened at the load and ten into the ditch throwing the occupants ent and smashing the rig considerably, other- wise nothing serious happened and it seems mirectilotte that no berme were broken fte the diteh was a pretty deep one. --Council meeting waS hold here in the town hall last Saturday end the principal business tvas the dividieg up of the school Sections , -A great many of our citieens took t etroll down to the "Big Marsh" last Friday to seethe now dredge, which is 110Ve ready for operat- ion. -Every person is now preparineto clean up their yards and dig and prant the gardens and the early spring is Making eVerything Adam Richert and fernily moved to Hensel! last Friday.