HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-4-14, Page 1Rutbsoribe for
Only T/5 from now bill ,Tanutiry
if, 1$03. Give it a trial,
The . is B'ank. .1,-0E1 SALE. 2eiec1,11antects
• SA go0c1 :i'once , .
—when need of
leak+ Hand. BUIS, tette
and Eiivelopes•-ia fa
,is of printing,
(Chartered by Parliament, 1855.) The Devon Hsnieraboyweted itt to 'Brewster.0rediton,
otel and propery, situated
Paid up Capital..., .. .. $2,000,000.
Rest Fund..., 1,100,000,
and Mrs L. iMeLachlan left on Tues.
day of last week for their new home in
IVIeuttobit, tiecompanied by the best
wishes of their many friends and rela-
tives in this neighborhood. -.Mr. T Vine
had 'a wood bee on Tuesday of last
week and succeeded in getting several
cords of word cut up.
2),t miles SO uth of Exeter, comprising lo‘g ac-
res of hula with frame stable and shed,. will
be sold on reasonable terms, Possession
geven ab y time Pox further particulars
apply to 1. -t, Melts o n , barrister, Exeter, or
to Ai. Rolland, proprietor, on the premises.
One hundred. acres, more or less being
Loh 1, con. 6, ip of Ds -borne', 'Ceunty
of Heron, 90 acres under good cultivation,
well drained, good orchard,two frame barns
frame stable, Two Storey Briek Dwelling, &
two good wells of NV a bur on the premises.For
fur tiler partieulars pyly to
Alit. TOE N Couaisii
250-13 St. Thomas, Ont
Auction Sale of Horse, Buggy,Cutter
and Household Effects, on Lot 2 con. 10
Usborne, on Friday April 1.5th 92, at
o'clock p. H. Brown, Auctioneer,
Lewis Walker, Proprieton
learn the art of photographer, apply t�
:Joseph Seeior, Exeter.
Italia bolt- NaCial.
A reinbow social will Le given us
the basement of the James st. 'Nether -
dist chui.ch on Good Friday evening',
when a lengettly peogramme and re.
freSlimenie3 Win be dispensed with. All
are Welcome. Admission 15 cents.
Cricket filfeetl,not-.
The ttnnual meeting. of the Exeter
Cricicet Club will be held at Mr. L. H.
Dickson's law office on Tuesd;ty even-
ing next, Apeil 19th at 8 o'clock to
elect officers, etc , for the coming. sea-
son. F, ELLIor, See'v.
111r. R. E, Bailey and ids daughter On Wednesday' the Snring Show' Miss KreUtZinger, 9f lijdb.,brir,y, is
at'e vieiting friends in Mitchell, -Mr. was held hero and a large Humber of the g.10,st of And Mrs. E. J. Ea
fariller8 were rresent from all parts ot
the couutry. A large number of horse
men and animals were ine attendance,
whieh tends to make all soli g.ather-
ings a success. Below we Oat: the
prize list, --
Bares; "New Hall" Coward Bros; "Lit-
tle Joe" Berry &McNevin. 8 YEAR OLD
"D1%31011-011" Pat Curtain; Charming
Charlie" Wm. Harris, COACII HORSE.-
"PaSclia" DOW and Teunant. Cast -
MAGI) CLASS; -"Gren era I Grant" W.
W. Reyington ; "Mambrino Star" Wm,
Dunseith; "North Zetland" Jos Pura -
prey. RosensgER:-"Sir Bonner" ,Tho,
Biisett; "Gold 131i -d" eVorcither:
SpEcea. re --"Drigh ton t Cnriain ;
RoensTEa.---"Pasednt ' .Dow & Tennatnt.
BULLS. --AGED pui.L8–"Princa 'Alb-
ert", Fred Baker: 2 roan onn.--"Royal
Cressida", John Kerr; "Schilo", George
Lawson; "Canadian Prince", T. Mor -
foe k. YEARLING BULL.-"Jttelc the
Ripper", Isaac Hill, Jr.
Head office Montreal,
'Money advanced to good Farmer's on their
otvii aotes with one or more endorsers at 7
per ceat per annum.
Exeter Branch.
Open every lawful day from TO it. m.to 3 P.
Satardays 10 it.na. to 1 p. rn
A general banking,. business transacted
Fonr per cent. per annum allowed for mon-
ey on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 3
per cent,
Exeter, Jan 28, '88, Sub Manager
Oxieter tivocatie
Is published every Thursday Morning,
at the Office,
One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance.
11) 1.750 if not so paid.
21.6--iraxts.slxi.e- mattes cal.
No paper discontinued un til all arrearages
are paid.. Advertisements without specific
directions will be published till forbid and
charged. accord.ingl$. Liberal discount made
, for - transcient advertisements inserted for
long periods. Every description of JOIl
PRINTING clamed 0111 111 the finest style,
a nci at moderato rates. Cheques, m oney ord-
ers, &Q. for advertising, snliscriptions, etc. to
be made payable to •
StMdCrS• & Sweet
Church DireetOry.
Fatt, Rector. Sunday Services, 11 m
and 7 p111. Sabbath School, 2.30 p01..
MEritoni CIIIIRCII-James-st Rev. A. L.
Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services, 10.30 . 111
lld. 0.30 P. Sa bbabh School., 2.30 p. m.
MAIN STREET -Ray. W. McDonagh Pas-
tor. Sim Serviees, 00 it. m. and 13.110 pan,
Sabbath School 9.30 p. m.
Pastor. Sanday Services, 11 a. in. and. 6.30 p.
01. Sabbath Sc 11001, 3.-15 a.m.
1Pr ofi:issi anal Car d S.
.•••• .R. KI.NSMAN, L.D.S, Fanson's Block
two doors north of Carling Stere,
ate MAIN STREET, ExETER., 11160-G0 teeth
without pain.. Away at lionsall on 1112
Friday; .A.1.1641 Craig on 2nil. and ltd Tuesday;
and. Zurich on last Thursday of each month.
ri H. INGRAM, Deb:v.8T, Member Royal
V • College Dental surgeons, successor to
R. L. Billings. • Ortice over Post Office
Exeter, Ont. A safe anaesthetio given fur
the painless extraution ot teeth. line Gold
Fillings as required. ,
t..1 • and. Surgeon. Uthee and residence -
Corner Victoria and Elgin streets, Grocierich,
If Residence -Corner Andrew and. .North
Streets, Ex.eter, Ontario.
If the College of Physician.s•andSurgeons
Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Accouoli-
eur. Office, Dasliwood, unt,
- --
DR, T. A. AMOS, M. C. M , Member of
College of Physicians and. Sairgeons,
Ontario; licentiate of the Royal CoLlege of
Physicians. and. Surgeons Eclinburg,h; lieen-
tiate of the Faculty of Physicians and Sur-
geons, GlasgoNv; Fellow of Trinity Medietil
College, Toronto, Office -Dr. Cowen's old
1-bo 011, Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Oflieo-Over O'Neil's Bank, 2.xoter, Ontario,
Money to Loan.
.1.4. of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con.-
voyanzier, Commissioner, &c. Money to loan
Office -Fans on's Block, Exeter.
114 itors, Conveyancers, &c. Money to loan
at 6 per cent.
Atat tOrteerg.
IIBROWN, Winehelsee. Licensed knot-
. ioneer for the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also for the township of Osborne
Sales promptly attended to and term s ra a so n
able.Salcs arranged at Post office, Winchelsa
A'T. ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Licens-
ged Auctioneer for the counties of Hur-
on and Middlesex. for
1111110 south
of Exeter, Ont. Stile Orders by mail or other-
wise promptly attended to at reasonable
17 BOSSENBERRY, Tiensall Ontario. Lic-'
ensed Auctio eer fbr the Countys of
Huron and Perth. nChitrges moderate and
satisfaction guaranteed.
T HARDY, Licensed Auctioneer for the
1../. County of Huron. Sales Com:incited on
reasonable terms. Farm and Farm Stock it
s pecialty. Full arrangements can be made
' at this office.
I,RED. W. FARNOOMB, Provincial. Land
12 Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office,
liver Post Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont.
riiAIVD MILLER, Veterinary Surgeon,
Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College, Toronto, (Successor to Win, Sweet,
V. S Over 18 years practice, Office aol
residence one block east of Richard Pickards
store. Opposite Skating Rink, Exeter, Ont.
TIio Brick Cottage situated on. Iamos-et,,
composed of six rooms, also two lots on
Which the house is located is offered for sale
'fhe proprieter has another residence on
William street, a frame house with seVOn
rooms good garden, splendid water, and
many 'other itecomodations, whieh will be
sold Or rented as the pa rtiee init,y wish. For
further particulars apply to
Exeter, On t
Tim following valuable property tom pris,
Ing lots east half 75, Thames Road, by att,
Measurement IA acres. On the land '
itlolid frame house and stable, good well,
nuinber ofyoung trcesf and many other
aeconimoditti ons„ Also twe acres of hind
Situated on Mani street, berth of , Lake
Road. 'For ,terms and pi.rtietdars
ta Jens TROMI.Sb,ti P '
But what Hood's Sarsaparilla dses,that
makes it sell. ad has given it such a
firm and lasting held 'upon the confi-
donee of the people. The N,oluntary
statemenis of thousar,ds of people prove
b,yond doubt that this prepa.ration .pos-
sesse,s wonderful medicinal power.
Hood's Pills cure zodstipation by re-
storing the peristaltic action of the ali-
mentary canal. They are the best
family carthartic.
Girl WWI ted.
A good girl wanted a,t once for
which liberal wages will be paid Apply
to Central Hotel Exeter
Fat.einstfir sale.
The uddersigned has several first
class farms for sale, on easy terms.
J. SraoreetaN, Exeter.
tre ant tee.
Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of
boots and shoes that need repairiiiee to
be left at the leading hoot and sloe
store next door to the post office. G.
For 65 cents.
You can get the Exeter "Advocate",
Medical Adviser and Farm Help sent
to any person in .America. Only one
price for two papers. Now is your
time to subscribe. •
nurse N'ote%.
Mr. Hugh Brown has bee,n encraged
for this season to travel that eelern•ated
Stallion "Mambriano Star" owned by
Wm. Dunseith, of St. Marys, and will
remain here over Shriday with, him. -
At the Mitchell •Spriti„g Show held last
week Messrs. pow an:ITenn t secured
1st priie ter. that - celebrated German
Coach Stallion, "Pascha". He also' oh
tained.1st prize in Kirkton on Friday.
Pretty Pink Paper.
. The grand Easter edition of the Al-
bany Telegram for the. issue of Satur
day, April 16, Will be -printed on pretty
pink paper with beautiful blue ink. It
will be a paper worth preserving as a
souvdnir. There will be Easter poetry
stories, historical articles and beautiful
illustrations. Think of it, 16 large
pages of reading for 5 cents. Ask
your newsboy or newsdealer for a copy
tihootiiim Match.
A Shootieg Match at blue -rocks will
take place to -morrow (Good Friday) on
the grounds of the Stephen and Us
borne Agricultural Society. TheGold
Medal for the chatnpionship, now held
.by Mr. Edward Bissett, together with a
Me.dal, presented, to the Gu n
Club by Mr. Thomas Bissett, will he
awarded to the one W110 does the beet
shootiog. Sides will be chosen for a
sweepstake which will be open to all
comers, but parties not mernbere of the
Club will not be allowed to compete for
the ,inedals.
By Weiglit.
The fact that Canadian er_rgs have
had to come into competition with eggs
from almost every other country, the
British market has made it necessary
to grade the eggs so that they are
practically sold by weig.ht, as they are
graded to weigh 13 lbs. 15 lbs, and 17
lbs to the long hundred -that is 10
dozen. The larger egg's is where the
profit is in handling, ror the smaller
have little or no value in that market,
To induce producers of hen fruit to
raise breeds that lay large egg; the
buyers are about to buy by weight.
This aril' tend to bring all the large
eggs to the market and the shippers
will consequently have better goods
to handle and ship and will be better
able to pay the outside market price.
Spring; Show,
The Stephen & Usborne Agricultural
Society held their Annual Spring Shew
here on Tuesday last. The weather
was all that could be wished for and
the show of horses could not be surpas-
sed. Following is the list:--HORSES.-
owners Hewitt & Kay- "Macombie"
Bean & 13anting, St. Stephen. 3 VICAR -
OLD ORAUGHT-"German Chnrlie,"
Harris; "Young Columbia" Ben Allen.
vit-oLD DnanGirr.-"King William",
,John Essery. AGED C'ARRIAGE.-
"Pascha", Dow & Tennent: "Bookmak-
er, Jr." I. Armstrong. AGED Roan-
Serieu.---"Fourlives" Thos Heyi"Bonner"
Thomas Bissett; "Gold Bird" Robt. Bata
benne Baoon BoaSel,-"Edinburgh"
ilaS. Berry. Buse' HEAVY DRAUGHT. -
"Scottish Hero" Hewitt & Kay. BEST
LW TIT Horts n burgh", James
Berry, BULLS. -Aged Bull, C. Aids -
Worth, T. Shipton, S. Hogarth. 2 yrs.
T. Coates, 1 year old, Coates,
Bich Delbridge. Best Bull W &
Smith. JUDGFIS.--Horses, B. Auhry,
Geo. Kramer. Bulls', T. Ballentyne,
Jai. Petty.
Dr. Campbell, of SeitfOrth, writes as
folio ws:-
Philadelphia April 6th 1892.
DEAR slit —T have spent about Six
weeks walking the great Hospital* of
this large city a,nd will also take a run.
to New York beifore coming, home. I
intend to reach Seaforth and resame
my old practiee on the 16th n•ist. flat.
in poor health, nearly dead With La
Grrippe,but eetuen in excellent etrength
Miss Flantingan, of Limeriek i slow
ly recovering from her late illness --
Mr. A. L. O'Neil, of the 15t18 con , Lon
don township. sold a fine grade cow to
Mr. L. O'Neil, of 2nd con McGillivray
on Monday for $50. Lew is dealing in
first class milke..is now.-4'he many
friends of P. Raik.,,an, of Limeric,k, who
had bis leg broken and was injured in
tanally by a bl le of hay falling on his
chest, will be pleased to learn of the
favorable improvement in his injuries.
-Many of our farmers in this section
are busy seeding. this week. -Mrs. Wm
Rowe has returned from the Hnited
States to reside on the old homestead.
-Mrs. Shouldice, has returned to her
home in London after visiting -friers&
here for some time.-Inetead of spring
showers of water in April this year we
have heavy falls:of snow.
- Stephen.
Mr Samuel Seeders is lillailyentmg
ed hauling material. for the erection
of a new house.-ThsAsTRous FIRE -
A very disastrous fire occurred on the
premises of MeSsrs.Ratz Bros, Khivae
on Tuesday, 5511 inst. On the morning
of the 51.18 there was every indication
of' rain, and Me. Rates thinking' to take
advantage of it, set small fires to rub-
bish around the mill, expecting at the
same time the rain to pre -vent thetn
from spreading.; but unfortunately the
rain was light and a heavy wind arose
carrying' tire to the barn a•nd other
small buildings on the premises, which
were soon a mass of ruins. Thee talc
ing coursa across the road it ignited
the barn belong to Dennis Collins, also
the outbuildings, ancl soon all was
burned to the ground, including a
teens of horses, several pigs, buggy,
cutter, mower, hay, grain, in fact all
their contents.
Quite a little eXcitement was creat-
ed in this community by the strange
proceedings -of a• man named David
Shine, who has been in the employ of
A. Bushfield. On Monday last week
he informr‘d Mr. Bushfield that he in
tended ra ng his hoist at id buggy for
a driVe of some 20 or 30 miles,. and on
the, latter protesting against this liber-
ty he struek lsitn, threatened' to shoot
hint, and drove off with the buggy.
Mr. 211518175 Id had ft Warrant issued for
his arrost,-and Constable Pepper capt-
ured him S.KBPreholm,mi the following
Wednesday. -He and.•the • horse and
rig were ne'neh; the' , ly9f,qq; heince
ornamentedL with a black eye and the
rig pretty !easily shaken up,' J,ohn
Aikens, J. P., the- acting magistrate,
after hearing. the evidence ordered him
to be imprisoned at Stratford for one
month. This will perhaps teach him
better manners for the futire,
Ms'. snowstorm stopped sedding
around here. --Miss Minnie Sweet, of
Exeter, is the guest of the Misses Col
well. -Miss Amy Heilman London,
is visiting the Misses Hicks, -Miss An
nie Anderson is visiting. friends in
Exeter. --Mr and Mrs. Quarry spent
Sunday in Parkhill. -Mr, W. F. Boyle,
of London, spent Sunday in our midst.
-Mr Jake Brown who was in Strat-
ford for a few days on business, return
ed home on Tuesday, -The phonograph
concert held on Monday evening was a
VerY successful one, pleasing everyone.
-Mr. C. Wl.Smith has started to raise
Isis cheese finitery for the • purpose of
making. a concert hall of the top part.
Charlie is a very enterprising young
man, -Our sporting boys have joined
the Eden Football Club again this
year. What is the Matter with having
She club called Centralia, They intend
playing, it Exeter the 28th of May.
That handsome silver cup won at
sa Craig is now on exhibition in the
Pest Office here and is qttite an attract,
Mother earth. has had on A coat, of
sneyS for the last- few • days, .but the
warm rays of the sun have made their
appeeterteee and spring . is here' Once
raereskirs. W. B. MeLerin has been
eng,aged as assistant• 'teacher in the
corner store .on the 'premises of: Mr: R.
Patterson. -Mr. ;John Reith and family
haVe gone to Britisn Columbia, • where
they intemd making 0. new homeee-Mrs.
T. Wilson and femily have Moved to
their own:farm in Dixie. -Miss Thimap
soo, of 'Toronto, has been the guest of
Mrs., II. Arnold during the post week. -
Mr. William Cook has returned house
friem the Harnilton Paisiness College
having passed ered.itable examina-
tion paid securing a diplomaseeMr. Wm
Denipsey,SvIte haa been engaged in
She •Obse.ever 'office for some time has
gone to Brandon where he has secured
a OttlatiOn 0.3 printer. f Farmers have
begun seeding in this section,Init have
been delayed by the fall of snow which
meal red a few days ago. --Mr John
&array left last week fer Detroit
wheee he intend:: taking a situatinn 777
a bank. May his future be crowne,d
with saccess as it has boon in the past
are the wishes of many in this village.
-Workmen are b usily ehga ged Ina
irlg•prepi.rations for the erection Of
several fine residences in our midst
during the coming summer.
Biddulph Council.
The council met pursuant to ad.
journment April 3rd; 1892. All pres-
ent, The follcwing appropriations
were made for the present year.
• Div. No. 1.
Div. 150 -new read $75, gravel road
$200e townlines $125,
Div. No. 2.
Diy..150-gravel road' $50, townlines
$30, C. Sr R. $75. ,
Dry. No. 3.
Div. 150Townlines $40, C. S. R $125.
Dtv. No. 4. Seaforth,
Diy. 175-0. S. R $175, Townlines $40.
• Div. No: 5..
The -hostler at the Queea's hotel
Div. 1#5-sTrewnline $115, •GS: 11.-$150, foun-d, on entering the bunonThurs
St. Marys • gravel -road $100, village of day mprning, the body of a man lying
G•rakon $40,eillage of Clandeboye $30 'dead intent the • floor, with 'Meeks of
By law No. 4 appointing pathmasters, blood on the face and on the floor a
feneeviewers and poundkeepers was short' distance from the. body. Several
dttly-passed. The clerk was instructed recognized the body as that. of a man
to advise the Tp. Engineer that the who had been seen about town the
tOuncil would expect him to be prompt previous day. He gave his name as
in ,havingehie awards carried out -aid Hoggbits. and said he was a carpenter.
eesponding to calls made on him in An inquest was held last evening by
accordatice with the ditches and water Dr. Smith, and, from the m•edical evi
courses Act. The followings accounts dente given as the result of a careful
Were ordered to be paid:-Treas Luc- post mortem examination by DaMack
an rent of Hall to hold Div. Courts -per ay,. the following verdict Was rendered
Oder' of Stidge Mackenzie $20; do at. an- early hour this mortatege • .
Townline a.10 moiety .7.59; Treasurer "The deceased catise to his death
London township stripping gravel pit. from concussion of the brain, caused
moiety $5; Bryant Bros. ois a/c print by violent contact with a hard, smooth,
ing.$20; Miss E.A. Atkinson station. •slightly rounded surface, but whether
ery -for auditors 75c.; Sep. S. S. 6 equi- such injury was inflicted by a wea.pon
valent to 'Co. Pub. school grant $27; W. in the hands of some person or by a
Lewisgep bridge div. 3 25c.; D Hut fall, the jury cannot decide . from,- the
chinecin•rep culvert Div. 3 $1. The evidence co 'far obtained."
Court of Revision was ordered to be . The post-mortem examination me -
held on the 30th day of May. • The vealed a Very severe fracture of the
Connell adjourned to meet • again . oil' skull, with an indentation as if made
Monday, May- 2nd. 1$92, at 1.0 a.m. with some sunlit weapon. There were
• W. D STANLEY,. Clerk. .several fia2tured ribs, .and a. dislocat
ion of the spinal coltimn. Naturally
there is considerable. conjeettire .as to
the cause of the unusally severe in •
juries, but She whole matter seems to
he -thus far wrapped in mystery. •
Mr James Kelly of the North Bonn -
dry Biddielph has purchesed the 100
acre fatal on the 6th con. from Mr. Wm
Thompson fnr $6000. -The farmers in
this township has commenced seeding
in real earnest but the snow storm
which put ill appeera nee 00 Friday
lest stopped them from pruceecling with
their work for a few d a Ve. -Mr. W. 'W.
Revington of the 2nd con. attended the
E :eter Spring show on Tu sday last. -
School section No. 1.8tephen,paid school
Se, vino No. 9, Biddidnli 0. visit, on April
ist for the purooso nf opening the soil
lin g' competition which was ennounced
a short time age to take place in 7
neighboring Schdols. The match Opon
ed at 4 o'clock under the generalship
of J. Delgetty, Teacher for No 1 while
Miss Hamilton of No 0 assisted. After
minute.s of giving and baking had pass
ed by it resulted in favor of -No 9 un-
der which circumseteses No. 1 retires
from the field of competition, thus leav
ing the honors for Biddulph. They no
doubt will deam it a pleasure to Sympa
thize with the, aspirin°. students of No 1
as they were th as calh7d upnn to submit
to the unpleasant realities of April fool's
ay. GOOD POLICY: ConSider well the
ability of the Opposition beford dis
playing personal attainments.
The little son of Anthony Allen, who
tnet with an accident from a penknife
in the sugar bush some time ag.o, is
slowly improving. His wound has
been properly attended to,and although
not 01 71 dangerous nature, is very
painful. --The literary society closed
for the season last week and an extra
effort was made to provide a good pro-
r,ra,m which proved a success. Through
out the winter many evenings of en
joyment and mirth have heen spent
and much knowledge has been obtain-
ed from the discussions which took
place. --Mr. Campbell has been elected
deputy -reeve by a majority of 62
votes. He is likely to make a good
officer. -Farmers have been :busy of
late preparing for the spring work.
Messrs Hormrth of Cromartv, com-
b, „
menced digging the cellar for the er-
ection of it DM house on Monday morn
inge-A woodbee took place on the
farm of Mr, Duncnn McLaren on Tues
day last week. About 20 cords of wood
was cut and 'everything pissed off
quietly. --Owing to the fine state of the
weather last week the farmers in this
vicinity were busy Heeding. but were
forced to stop on account of the snow
storm. -An addition of four new mem
hers Was added to the Order of Chosen
Friends on Saturday evening. The
Lodge was instituted last fall and is
progreSsing favorably much interest
being taken by the members. -Our lo
eality has lost another of its young
mon during the past week, the ocettr-
ranee taking place on Thureday, last
week. The Dolton referred to is Geo.
HOgarth who resides about two miles
from the Village. His WAS of
short duration,doniing first from a cold
Usborne Council.
(To late for last week)
Council met on 2nd inst., all present
Minutes of previous meeting read and
adopted. An account from Hart & Cu
for Harrison's Municipal Man ual,blan ks
&c., amounting to 810.65 was paid on
motion of J. Halls -W. Ke•dd. T. Cam
e,ron-J. Sheir, J. 'White & Son were
paid $39 being. amount of tender for
printing for 1891. By. law No. 3 with
regards to cattle, horses,pigs and sheep
flout running at large upon the high-
ways of the municipality Was then read
and on motion of W. Kydd-J. Halls
was passed. Mr. Robt. Fletcher pre-
sented a petition to have his lot chang-
ed from S. S. No. 6 to union S. S. No, 13
T. Cameron -W. Kydd it was decided
owing to the recent changes on the
School law, to take no action in the
matter. Mr. Jas. Rowelitre presented a
duly attested claim for damages for a
breeding ewe killed by dogs, J. Sheir-
T. Cameron two thirds of valuation,
amounting to $9 was paid. The follow
ing orders were granted viz; ---J. Slea-
mon wood for Hall $2: white & son
printing tender 1801, $39; Hart & Co.
Municipal Mannal &c,, $1.0,05; W.
Holman registrations $11.80; J. Atkin.
son tinderdraiii our halt $2,50 W. Min -
ere repaire to hall and ground $7.04; '1'
Brimacombetkeep of A. Ca:mleha.el $10
W. Bell grayel 8884; M. Satnwell keep
of J. Hewitt and irife-2 mos, $53;,1, Row
eliffe sheep killed by dogs, $3; .T Vail
repairing etilyerts 85e; Whitd Son.S
printing $2.50., On Motion the eoitticil
adjcitirned to meet again May 7th at
and terminating, with inflanitnation, 11, a in. • G. W. 1/0tStaNs
this week . -Mrs. Geo. Baker, oF Brus
te's is at present visiting hos friends
and rclativ(iS 411 51115
Koehler se has purchased the farm of
Fleury Lipphordt of the Goshen Lille
Lippliardt, intend to move to town.,
-A great many of the farmers in this
vicinity have eomtnenced their seeding
-Mr. Jacob Smith, of Milverton was
the gues of 'Mr. Chas Greb, %Ye were
pleased to see 5.1r. 91111557111 our villutPe
once more as he was a former resident
of Zurich. -The millinery seasons have
cornmencet1,-Mr, D. Steinbach has se-
cured the sery icee of Miss HolTman, of
Stratford to conduct the tnanagen,ient
of his milliner.y 'department mid is now
prepared to supply the wants of the
1adi3s in all the various branches of
millioery --Air. S. Davis of Centralia
paid our town a )(lying visit }eat Tues-
day. -Mr. Jonathan Merner, of ltlarel-
lute, Mich , is visiting under the pere.nt-
el roof at present. The climate of Mien
must agree with Jonathan as be Is
looking hale at (1 hearty. -We were
taken by- sueprise when the snow KOT11,1
on Alonday last cause on after leaving
had such hoe, spriug like weather tho
previous week. No doubt it was the
winding up of winter as the snow soon
melted away making the roads rather
Around About
Ira Bio, of 'McGillivray, 75a8 COM -
milted for trial be Squire Smith oa
Fridge- morning 011 a charge of lageeny
of 900 pounds of flour from Joseph
Sidda.II, of Lobo. Samuel Sheardoevn,
She lad charged with participating in
the stealing, was discharged.
Mr. James Cumming' has rented his
fifty acre farm on the 8th concession of
Tuckersmith to Mr. R. Kennedy for a
term of five years, The farm contains
50 acres, and Mr Kennedy pays $150
a year. He. has got a first class lot
and will work it in connection with his
own farm. • Mr Cumming also desires
to rent the homestead farm on which
he lives. This is one of the best farms -
in this township, and Mr. Cumming.
should not have any trouble in renting'
TIM JeWish Passover commenced in
London on Monday evening at sunset
and will be observed for eight days:
The first, second, seventh and eighth
days of the festival are sacred, mid
upon those days services will be hold
in the synagogues at the same hour as
on the Sabath. During Passover
manner of leaven Is prohibited, In
the twelyeth chapter of Exodus it is
declared that the soul that partakes of
leaven during the Passover shall be
cut offi and, consequently, no Israelite
worthy of the name will violate the
Paschal law. Under the head of leav-
en is included all malt liquors and ail
wines into whose composition any
species of grain has entered. For do-
mestic purposes raisin wine is general-
ly used.
• A deputation Srom the town of St.
Mary's represented by Major White and
Mr. John Clerk, introduced by Mr.Prid-
ham, 'f. P, and accompanied by Messrs
Wallace, Tyrwhitt, Darin, White Hen-
derson, Taylor, Fairbairn, Hutchins,
Marshall, Daly, McKay, Cargill, 'Hugh-
es and Macdonald M. waited upon
the minister of Public Works and tbe
Postmaster General April 12 and urgea,
the erection a public buildings, to hi -
elude post office and custom house in
that town. The" de.putation pointed out
the receipts from postal and custom
sources in the town warranted better
accomodation being provided, and`that
She rents now paid,if capitalized,would
provide a sum sufficient for the pur-
nose These representations were so
ably presented and contained' such
force that there is a strong prospect of
the request being granted.
FINN. -In Exeter North, on 7511 inst.,
the wife of Henry Fink, of a son.
.13.1EA TITS
HOGARTI1.- In Hi bber non the 7518 insle
George Hogarth, aged 24 years.
GRAY. --In London, on the 10th inst.,
Jane, beloyed wife of Wm Gray,age,d.
30 years.
WEBB.--At illoorsville, on 10th inst.,
Willie only son of Bd. Webb, aged 2
WEENts-IIARRIs.--In Guelph, 013 the
135h inst., Mr. George Weekes, of
Exeter, to Lillian M., daup.;hter of
Mr, James Harris, of Gatelph.
WELLs-Beetriet.-In Logan. on the
fith inst., by the Rev. .A.
8011, of Attwood, Mr, Win H. WeTIS,
of 'Toronto. to Jennet, daughtess'Ot
Mr. John Battin, Of Logan.
Cnatienns----Rattres.-In'Legan,On the
6th inst., by the Rev. A Tiendereione.
of Attwood, Mr: Alexander Chal-
mers, of Msnkton, to Lettie,dangla-
ter Of Mr, John thttin, of I.Aghri.
COL011OuN.-HART -At the gesidenee
of the bride's father., Ftillarton 03
the Oth inst,,by the Bev. Carey:Mr.
Arthur Colothonnlaibbert, to Sax;
all, third daughter of Mr. Joliet •