HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-4-7, Page 8yv IIULIDf(Y R"'110111101 S"peeial-Draw'n, line from the ladle .Shore directly east to Fit lieu and then by way of Statin and Cromarty to I''u1- lemon and Russeidale, then eolith to la irkton and Woodham their west again to Clandeboyo arid terminating by way of McGuire, Mount Carinel,Corbett aucl Greenway at Grand Bend you have the outside Boundary of the field which THE MART aims to cover 1r'itil its goods and ells tanners. To secure this we have to keep a lairge supply and certainly are not failing in this respect. Onr store is literally crowded With foods and Holiday Stock ready £orseel:ers of Hol- iday Gifts: Every desireable thing we could thins, of has been placed to meet aur customers wants and no v we cor- dially invite the and their friends to avail and pass a pleasant half hour in looking through. We wish to make our store worthy of Roth our Custom ors and CerselYcs and now with little fear ask for their verdict. .7 GRIGG, THE MART. Exeter. LOCAL JOTTINGS. Fersonal mention. Messrs. A. L. Handford and R. N. Creech paid Devon a visit on Sunday last.—Miss Amy Neaman, of London, is visiting friends and acquaintances in town at present.—Hers J, T: Westcott, of this place, was visiting her cousin, Mrs. J. H. Petty, of Heusall, a few days last week.—Mrs. James Hill, of Credi- ton, and Mrs. George Easterbrook, of Burlington, who were visiting at Mr. Wm Westcott's and Mr, J. ET Petty's, Heusall; last week, returned to visit relatives in this placeou Monday last. —Mr. Blaze, tea agent, of Loddon, has taken up his quarters at the boarding house of Mrs. Thomas and is at present busily engaged canvassing. the citizens of the village.—Mrs. Z. M. McIntosh, of Detroit, formerly of Exeter, is visitiaa• eclat ves and friends in this place. -0 & Mrs. Henry Dialing, Exeter North, have returned after visiting relatives near Brussels during the past week.— Mr, Hugh Ross and wife left on Mon- day morning far their home in winni. peg.—Mr. W. G. Brown, of London, for rnerly of Woodham, who is at present engaged in the phonograph business, gave Mr. and Mrs. David Spicer a call on Monday.—Mr. Joun Dearing. and wife, who have the guests of his father, IIr. William Dearing, Step- hen, for several weeks, returned to their home in Marlette, Michigan, on Monday evening.—During their stay in and around the vil,age they called on many friends and acquaintances, who feel sorry to hear of their return, but may their future be one of joy is the Wish of all. --Miss Bella Acheson, who has been visiting relatives in Il- derton, returned on Tuesday.—Mrs. Geo. Knight, of Ilderton, sPent Thurs- day last in town.—T. P. McHugh, of Calgarry, N.W.T., is here buying a carload of horses for that section of country.—Miss Mon teith,Thames Road, Usborne, and Miss Forrest, of Hay, are learning the dressmaking with Miss Susie Tait, of this place.—The follow- ing. parties left for Manitoba Tuesday. John V. Crocker to Pilot Mound, John Stewart to Crystal City.—llr, Halls, of Elimville, left the Exeter station on Tuesday morning for Willow City, North Dakota.—Mr. Bert Webster has returned after an absence of several monihs.—Miss Sarah Herd left on Fri- day last to visit her s.ster in Itlyth.— Measrs Daniel and Arthur Davis left on Wednesday =ruing for London.— Mrs. Louis Short; of Woodstock. is visit ing her cousin Mrs, Peter Bawden', of this place this week --Miss Ella Ho ward who has been on an extended visit to London, Sarnia and Paint Ed- ward. returned on Tuesday. reset: ]fast. Mr. John Hawkshaw has recovered sufficiently from his illness so as to be on our streets again.—Mr. Harry Hoop- er, who has been laid up with an at tack of rheuinaticm, has recoved suf- ficient to he'able to attend to his duties —Mrs. Edwin Braunci eras stricken last week with a severe attack of la g i I e and rheumatism.tism. At one time her recovery was uncertain, but she is now improving slowly.., --.Mr. Alfred Sheere has recovered from a severe at. tack of munips,having endurea a very painful time,—Mrs. Daniel Davis is gradually irnprovutg in health and a speedy recoyery is looked for. -111r. Wesley Handford, of London Road is still in an uncertain condition. rite Silver Dollar "M." There is a popular idea prevalent that the minute letter "i11" to be seen at tt,e base of the head of Liberty on the face of the present issue of. the American silyer dollar stands for `°mint," and is an evidence of the gen- uineness of the coin beafiing it. This is a mistake. The "iM" sands Or Morgan, Geo, F. Morgan, who is the originator of the design. • Upon the same, side. there is another "M," also the initial of the designer, This is to be found in the waving locks of the fair goddess,. .and is so cleverly'e'.oncealed in the, lines of the design that.it earl only be.: seen after a long seruttny, •In fart,; many have seen it clearly ence, but on r(;•. Search,owing t0,' its ObScuritw', coulfl not find it mu again nassisted, *See c+n cool. You can get the Exeter °rlldvnratu", Medical Adviser and Parin ii&!i sent to any. person :in America, Only- one price far two papery. Now is your time to.st.bserdbe. nog Wonted, 'A good 'snetrt bay wanted at nice to Ware the girt of til nmt.ratifiy, apply to J'os'ertli Scntbr, Exeter, The Spring Fair will be held here on Tuesday April 12th, Overalls 50 Cents pee pair, our own make,et J, Grieve's, Seed Seed Seed, Garden and field seed at Cobbledick & Folland's, The river is ver,' high at preseni on account of the snow xnelting, Grieve has a few more of those fine ISlaek Worsted Suitiugs left at $10. If you want a first class farm, on easy terms call on John Spackman, Exeter. Tho Most Agreeable restorative tonic and. mild stimulant is Mitiburn's Beef, Iron and Wine. Read Gidley's change of advertise ment in this issue. They are selling cheap. Mr, Thomas Acheson has erected a commodious woodshed at the rear of the hotel. A large number of our citizens were busily engaged sowing vegetable seeds last week. You can tell T. H. Grieve's customers by the nobby suit and the neat hats they wear, A big run of dress goods at Richard Pickard & Sons all the new things are ou exhibition. A new telephone has been placed in the office of J. W. Browning by the Bell Telephone Co. Richard Pickard & Son are showing a very large assortment of Gents. Felt. Hats, Shirts, Ties, &e,, if you want a first class job of cave - troughing done leave your order with taobblediek & Folland. Holy communion was administered in Trivia Memorial Church on Sunday last by the Rev. F. H. Fatt. Dr. Low's Worm Syrup has removed tape worms from 15 to twenty feet long. it al- so destroys aft otherkinds of worms. Wire shingle nails are being used by all mechanics and are sold by Cobble dick & Folland's at reduced prices. Laborers began scraping the mud off main street on Tuesday morning and the road is now dotted with many hills, During the severe windstorm on Saturday last the smoke stack on Ross & Taylor's planing mill was blown' down. The Ladies are all invited to attend Richard Pickard & Sons millinery open ings on Friday and Saturday April Sth and 9th. Mr. Thorns Handford, Jr., began ser- ving an apprenticeship at marble cut- ting with Weekes Bros., of this village, last week, .11 is not what its proprietors say, but what Hooch's Sarsaparilla does, that makes it sell, and wius the confidence of the people. Cobbledick & Folland have secured the contract of putting an iron roof on the brick stores, formerly owned by James Pickard. A London despatch says it is semi? officially announced the the gener{;gt elections in Great Britain will to e place in June or July. Dont fail to attend Richard Picl rd & Son's grand millinery opening, on Friday & Saturday Sth and 9th It will be the event of the season. a On Saturday during the heavy" gale of wind Mal Q. Bobier's large sign was blown down, and two individuals narrowly escaped injuries from the fall. Mr. James Dennis purchased the house and lot on Sinucoe street, lately occupied and owned by Mr. Jno.Welsh, one day last week, paying for the same .$325. Farmers state that the fall wheat has wintered well in this section, and so far has not been injured by frost; a large area was put in and a good crop is anticipated. Richard Pickard & Son's grand Spring Millinery opening will be on Friday & Saturday Stli and 9th inst., Every lady in Exeter and vicinity is in vited to attend. Over four tons of wire was handled last week by Cobbledick & Folland which will be used by Dennison and Williams iu erecting the latest patent waver wire fence. Mr. Wesley Bissett, who has been unable to attend to his duties for some tune, owing to a lacerated thumb. which he received in the foundry, com- menced work last week. During the past week the weather has been very'warm and the fish are beginning to appear in the river, and our local sports have succeeded in cat.' chino a few of the finny tribe. One day recently while Mr. win. Bowman, of Usborne, was en„aged its cutting fodder with a straw eutter,had his hand drawn into the rollers calling a portion of the first fingers off' and ot- herwise bruising the hand. Several of our sportsmen are doing considerable talking just now over the proposed new changes to the game. law which is at present passing through parliament. Remember it is a good law that will trieet the wants of all. Thai annual meeting of the Exeter branch of the B. &.F.. ruble Society, will be held. in the James street Church on Sunday next at230 oclock, p, m.,when addresses will be delivered by ;Rev Dr. Potts, of Toronto,.,and a nuraber of other clergy. • The returns of immigrants arriving inc•the quarter are now, eornpletely re• wised and are divided .as foller's by the. Dominion immigration a;'ents:'Manito• ba, 4,3115; territories, 2,699; British Co- lumbia, 842. Total 1,904 for the first three months, A Phonographic concert en in the Methodist • church, Centralia tin Monday evening next; and also in tart: Edon c hurab, on T'ua.day as'eniat '.' 'fins Will be shhfitSt appearance of the famausrconccrt phon(tgraaph aiid he, the Source' of Much interest.. • Mr.. John Dauneoy end Willie m Wood exchanged Moines on Wednes- clay, Do you want to see the finest assort 'spent of wall papers ever shown in ESR eter. Call at Richard Pickard & Sons. Petitions were filed at Toronto la(at Friday against the returns of the non. J, C. Patterson for West Huron and W. Smith for South Untaria, The Ladies Guild of the Trivitt Me- morial Church will meet at the resida once of Mrs. John Spackman this after- noon (Thursday) for the transaction of business. Richard Pickard & Sons are making their display of Spring millinery on Friday and Saturday next. Every lady in Exeter and vicinity is invited to attend their opening. Agitation is far from changing the political compleetiou of Canada fast as a day's work in the harvest field will change the personal ,complexion of a representative farmer. District Deputy Grand'Master White of Mitchell, will pay an official visit to Lebanon Forest Lodge No, 133 A. F.l& A. M., on Monday evening next. Visit ing brethren cordially invited to at- tend. The first angler to start out this season was Mr, N. Dyer Hurdon, who began on Thursday last week, and al- though the water in the river is high, he succeeded in capturing anumber of the finny tribe. During the electric storm on Monday night, a large elm tree on the side road just north of Mr. Wm. Snell's baro was struck by lightning and a large groove was gouged out of the tree from the top to,the base. It is announced that the examinat- ions for .entrance to Hi ;`h Schools and the public school examination will be held this year in June instead of July as formerly. The 28, 29 and 30th of June are the dates fixed. The brick hotel at Birr on the proof line below Lucan was burnt down on Friday morning last. It was owned by Mr. W O'Neil of London and occupied by Mr. L. J. Scott of Birr. There was an insurance on the building. Some merchants who supply goods to Farmers' Institute Societies are charg- ed with receiving two invoices -one for themselves and the other fur their cus- tomers, the above giving a clear profit of 25 els. while the latter only shows 12, per cent. We understand that Mr. A. M. Wil- son of Greenway, is about to move in our midst shortly and open up a gro- cery, confectionery and baker shop. We welcome Mr. Wilson to our town and may his new sphere be crowned with success. Bills are posted throughout the vil- lage asking for tenders for ringing the town bell and the uee of the weigh scales at the market. Estimates to be given to each contract seperately aud which will be received until Wednes- day April 13th. MONTi1)AL, Aug., 4th, 1391. My bead was literally tall of Dand- ruff and nothing applied 'gave vieible relief until using Anti -Dandruff, a few applications of which has so thorough- ly removed the dandruff there is not a grain to be found. W. H. O'RisGAN, Ry. Mail Clerk. Mr. James Beer, who is at present busily engaged assessing throughotit the village, gave us a call last week, He has made rapid progress in the work since he began and reported hay ing added a largo number of names tj the lists which heretofore had been left off for reasons unaccounted for. The Celebration committee for the. 24th of May met on Wednesday even- ing and have decided to carry out a lengthy program consisting• of, sports &c., on that date. No • pains will b3 spared to make this one of the most en- joyable days ever spent in Exeter. Particulars of the attractions later on. Mr. Thomas Bissett prescnted the Ex eter Gun Club with a Silver medal last week, which, after being won five, tinges in'successionbecomes the proper— ty of the shooter. . A shoot will likely take:place on Good Friday when this Medal, and the gold medal which is at present in the; hands of Mr Ed Bissett will he competed for. April Will produce spring bonnets !,..F4.9 Hers. M.. R. Merrick, Of Toronto, Ontario, Cured of Catarrh and Neuralgia Good authority his said that"neuralgia is the cry of the nerves for pure blood." The prompt action of Hood's Sarsaparilla on talo blood, combined with its toning tend strength- ening effect upon the nerves, make this a grand Medicine for neuralgia and also for catarrh, eta. We commend this letter to all having such troubles, and especially to Sagff'oriig Woimen "For a good many years S have been suffer- ing !roic catarrh,. neuralgia and CEneral Debility L failed to obtain permanent relief from medical advice, and any friends feared. I would never find anything to cute me. A short time ago I was induced to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. At that time I was unable to walk even a short distance without feeling a Death -like Weakness overtake me. And I had intense pains from neuralgia in my head back and Iinlbs, which were very exhausting. But I am glad to say that soon after I ben taki 1 flood's Sarsaparilla I saw that It was (1Ji11g 1110 good. When I took 3 bottles i was entirely Cured of Neuralgia bra I gained in strength rapidly, and can take a two-milewalk without f(0 ln tired. I do not suffer nearly so much froni ca- tarrh, and Dud that as my strength increases the catarrh decreases. I am indeed a changed woman, and am very grateful to Hood's SeirstarmiNa for what it has done for ale. It is my wish that this my testimonial shall be published in order that others suffering as I was clay learn stow to be benefited.” MRs. M L. 11IEnnrcr, 157 Elan Street, Toronto, Ont f'loor's PILLS euro nth Liver I'.is, I;illctts- uess..,cordite, lndiaeation, 0iak I_catlache, • SALE REGISTER. Auction Sale of Horse, Buggy.Cutter and Household Effects; on Lot 2 0011.10 Usborne, on .Friday April 15th 92, at 2 o'clock p. m II. a Brown, Auctioneer, Lewis Walker, Prrprietot $7 5,000.00. —Ail persons who want— CH E; ant— CHS MONEY at 5,, 6 and 6t. PER CENT should call —at the— Off Ce of i b corn zas —SEND FOR — ILLUSTRATE II [1YAL�F77 ETTT E of Ladies Speciaities'. ADDRESS: The. Parisianlgcdical Appliance Co., 19 Queen-st. E., Toronto, Ont. iifention this paper. hi Dross Goods and Dress Trimmings We take the Lead 1n Gents Furnishings uMp✓.1>;om,s:lllay4 �t,,vtip.TaC1t.;, And that is ,just what 'will happen to, these splen- did bargains we are IVMTnow offering to k.Tkir the Public. .FLa 9 t 1,G. See r GONE!, HAVE NO EQUAL. r New Ties, New Shirts See our range of !colored)t_ ;, (white & a,ll in Latest Styles. New Hats f and Tweeds. Our Spring Suirings are simply immense, In Wall paper we have all the newest designs. If you it saidl p y want that you have the prettiest papered room in town you will have to procure your paper of - CA r—J-c- =RCS. See our window shades, curtain poles, carpets and lace cur- tains. We have a good range of fine and coarse shoes, also a quantity of our Celebrated 25 et. Tea. left yet, which some of our merchants are trying to imitate, BUT THEY CAN'T DO IT, YOU KNOW. N ING Ma. DAVID NEWELL (Stratford P. 0.) has been appointed Local Inspector for the Can- ada Company in the plaee of Mr. Jno Snack - man resigned. Parties having Canada Com1pany business to transact will find MR. NEWELL at IIA acvY KS.IAW'S HOTEL EXETER, The first Thursday of each month, com- mencing February 4th, 1591, Has been appointed sole agent -for the THE MIME DRY EARTH CLOSET. Cheap, compact and a splen- ctidarrangement for a bed- room. A want in every house- hold supplied at small cost. Call at once and see it. o'r.Rowe. Lning Real &tate Age&iy I.F YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farm IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell Town Property IF YOU WANT TO Borrow or Lencl'Money IF YOU WANT Collections 'Fake Call at Mr, he. Spactlnan's Real Estate Agency. Business Transactions strictly Con- fidential. Intending purchasers will receive the best advice its selecting land or town sites. Also agent for Allan Line and State Line Steamships. Office- Main Street, Exeter, Out. Address:—JOHN SPACKMAN, Box 44 READ AND LEARN. That oar Planing Mill, Sash Door ,Fr, Blind. Factory is fitted up with the latest improve men ts. We are prepared to do planing and matching, band and serollsaw•ing turning moulding, grooving and all kinds of mach- ine work on shortest notice." In our LUMBER YARD you will find a large anti well assorted. stock of all kinds of l,nildin5 material•;. Pine and hemlock lum- ber dressed and not dressed. See our stool: of x x and x x x Pine Shingles manufactured by the best makers in Ontario. We also have a large stock of A r Cedar Shingles which aro excellent value. No. 1 Pine Lath con - .•tan alp in Stock We have a. large stock of barn sash which we can furnish with or without glass. We are fitted up with mach- inery specially adapted forrnaking all kinds of Tanks and Cistern s, which we can furnish to our customers on slot notice. We show something new in this line for watering cat- tle in the field or barnyard. Our celebrated. Bulca ng Cabinet is still wt - tract ing m rich attention, aud giving entire satisfaction whenever used. Call and examine the above named stock, all of which will be sold at lowest prices ROSS & TAYLOR, LOR, Main St.. Exeter and hats; cricket, lacrosse„and baseball 7 l , times clubs; better'roads: busy u t nes yvith farmers energetic action by Board of Health; Easter holidays for the public school youngsters; house cleaning;ddet - ter health to invalids; a sidewalk par ave of baby carriages by attentive nurses; corner loafers; beautiful weath•• er. In the report just issued by the Min ister of Education for the year 1891., Exeter has a library composed of 2,297 books, a membership of 103, and the number of books issued during the year was 8,170. Although the mem bership is much smaller than several neighboring ;towns and villages, the number of books taken out to be read. has largely exceeded them, " Many of the friends of Mr. Tyndall and E. G. Cosh will be pleased to hear of the success both are making in Gananoque, The former has accepted a situation in a large tailoring establishment with an increase of salary, while the latter aceepts the position vacated by Ml. "I'. Both being former . residents of this place we are glad to hear oftl}eir pros- perity. Energy and skill will tell, '(`ho prospects of a Largo attendance of pleasure, seekers is being; alreaely make known. The proprietor of the pleasure grounds, Mt'. John packm an, intends erecting four more cotta tees fou' their accomodation, aiid has pitribased a nttniber of row 1)0111s which he will acid t1 Inch already larges collection, Ile. will also have'two large pond slots to Gated in the leave' opposite the grounds, Parties wishing to. secure the C'illa SEW uldapply early, A DI{. T. Ao USE IT I y`R Difficulty of Breathing Tightness of the Chest Wasting Away of Flesh Throat Troubles - Consumption ronhitis, Weak Lungs Asthma, Coughs Catarrh, Colds xygenized Emulsion of Pure TATLEW ALL t I �.dl To LAATO V•T � NTO# 1 "