HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-06-22, Page 14, Sit uslir,Thi' . $y3 June 22,.11 617 1 , The . exxc�t Superintendent of, Hurohview, Harvey Johnston, is here being presented with the key to the new section of the senior citizens rest home at Clinton, by Huron countyrarden, Donald McKenzie, Chairman' A. D. Smith, seated behind, watches the procedure closely. INCREASED SAVINGS INTEREST Paid 9n 5 year debentures of $5,000 or more 61/2% paid on 5 years for $100,pr more 6'/,% paid on 3 & 4 year'debentures 6% paid on 1 & 2,year debentures n THE ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY established 1870 ASSETS OVER $80.000.000 CAPITAL & RESERVE $8,750.000 Yes. I am interested m your attractive rates of interest offered on debentures. ❑ Please tell me more about this system of saving. o Enclosed is my cheque for $ .. . for a....._..... .... . year debenture. Mr , Mrs.,MM1ss. Address •• Tel. Complete and rneil•thts coupon to -ONTARIO LOAN ANLL DEBgNTU-RE COMPANY 137 Dundas Street at Market Lane, London Ont. Or call: 432-4158 525 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, Ont. Or call: 633-0950 L - 453 Dundas Street, Woodstock, Ont. Or call: 539-2051 1-11 ¢ Business Directory4. Ronald ' L. McDonald CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 39 St. David. St., 524-6253 • Goderich, Ontario R, N. BENTLEY ACCOUNTANT' 4 Britannia 'Rd. E. -- Goderich Phone 524-9521 • CL�:22 eJAOCL2Co/L- FINANC1ALv COUNSEL e 23 WELLINGTON STREET NORTH GODERICH, CANADA 524-9088 Mutual Investment Funds a Specialty REFRIGERATION and APPLIANCE SERVICE All makes-=- All types GERRY'S APPLIANCES • The Square Phone --524-8434 "Ph: Store That Service • Built" • -' 'Tel. Bus. 524-9531 Res. 524-9143, PETER S. MacEWAN IN.URANCE AGENCY REALTOR 44 Nunn Street Goderich, Onr. Alexander and. Chapman GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Building Goderich Dial 524.9662 G. C. WHITE Accredited Public Accountant 88 Elgin Ave. W. 524-8797 Goderich • Ontario mar Ann Landers Dear Ann Landers; My tuts. band and I have a set card game every week with a very nice couple. We enjoy these card games, but more is invol. ved than "pleasure. We play for pretty high stakes, 'Phis couple has an U -year+-. Qld daughter with an obnoxious personality. She, is one pf these overly bright kids who knows, a lot for her age and has a real .smart mouth, 4.tIrst the child just kibitzed ,tbjeA game, -but but - lately she hap teen play. ing some hands'1or ho>rfather, _ and she is awfUUY darned lucky. It's bad enough to lialre this punk • hanging aroinid , ;but al}, lowing her to, °' play ;in more than my husband and I can tolerate. - We have children too, Ann, 'but we would never permitany.,, thing 'like this in our home. Will you comment, please.? +; MIXED DEAL R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST- The Square 524.7641 M A.M. HARPER. • CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 55-57 SOUTH STREET . TELEPHONE GODERICH, ONTARIO - 5247562 Before Investing ... Investigate UNITED ACCUMULATIVE ' FUND LTD. ALBERT J. SHOR=E Representative UNITED INVESTMENT SERVICES LTD. - 924 Quebec St. 5248164 Dear Deal: The parents should be told to keep the child out of the card game or find another couple to play with. Losing isbad en. ough - but the indignity of being clobbered by an 11 - year -old child would ruin anybody's evening' • * * * Dear Ann Landers: I just finished reading another letter in your column from "The Other Woman." Why do we hear so little about "The Other Man"? In my circle I know four affairs. If I count myself, it's five. Three of us work outside the home, two do not. We are between 26 and 44 - not abeauty among us, but all reasonably, attractive, except one who is quite homely. We all have good husbands, fine children and at- tend church regularly. I am not looking for approval. I KNOW infidelity is wrong, , but I need to know WHY we ,do it, Why can't we find fulfill- ment in our daily lives? I hope you will print this letter and help me as well as thousands of ,other women .,who, are look- ing for answers.-SOULSEAR- CHING Dear Soul: Married wo- men who have affairs. are looking for ego -bolstering, or an element of excitement that has vanished with mar riage - or ,did not exist in the first place. Often the husband is blameless. He may be incapable of supply- ing the special zing. But sometimes it is the hus. - band's. fault because he has Out _Of the become too lazy, too Com. placent and too indifferent to make the Wert to keep the love light burning. A mature woman who' makes a reasonably good selection realizes that no marriage can maintain that white -heat intensity, • for. ever. •_ 'She accepts the steady glow' in place of the blazing flame and'she keeps hersel# busy - and remains faithful. * * '* Dear Ann Landers: Help! Help!' 1• ani a13 -year -olid. boy who has. a 17. -year-old sister who- thinks she ismy mother; She nags me somethingterrible Game Nearly Hundred In Attendance At 32nd Harrison Picnic The thirty-second annual Harrison jicnic was held at Seaforth Lions Park " on Sat. urday June 10, with 95 in at. , tendance. A picnic dinner and supper were enjoyed by all, The races were held , as us. _ual, . in the-spaciou's pavillion. and 't - raintid ° iarciper-any— sports: 5 'and under, Brenda Hackett and Peggy Willert, Steven Hunt and Ian 'Hackett; 8 and under, Darlene Burdge and Bernice Willert, Bobby 'Orr and John Hunt; 12 and under: Darlene Willert and Mary Heard, , Charles Broadfoot and Bill Collins; 15 and under, Sha. ron W ill ert and Darl en e W illert, Bill Collins and Charles Broad. foot; young ladies Barb Willert and Hazel Collins; young men Ken Taylor •and,Bruce Collins; 15 and under shoe scramble, Dorothy Collins and Diane Col- lins, Bill Collins: and Richard Hunt; elimination race, Sherran Burdge; -potato race relay and bottle with water relay, Dor- othy Collins' team; water in balloon relay, Cryan Hodgert, Roy Taylor, ,Bruce Collins, Ken Taylor; youngest person, Alan Hunt, 'son of " Mr.- and Mrs. Bud Hunt, Stevenson Avenue, London. • - Additi�nal:'R. Dairy farmers will receive a rebate of 2.7 cents per hun- dredweight from. the 10 cents - per: hundredweight .export ass- •,istance holdback retainedby the Stabilization Board under last year's federal dairy ,program, Agriculture . -Minister J. J. Greene announced last week. During the 1966-67 dairy year (ended March 31, 1967), the fed. eral governmentpaid a sub-.' sidy of 85 cents per hundred- pounds of manufacturing milk: Ten cents of this 'was' held back to assist in exporting sur. - plus dairy pr-oducts. COME TO THE -RED GABLES AT GRAND BEND ENTERTAINMENT •AND DANCING EVERY FRI. & SAT. Music By ELGIN• FISHER AND HIS• n'WESTERNAIRES 4 Featuring AUDREY JOHNSTON and FRANCIS SCHRAM Licensed Under L.C.B.O. - Oldest person, Mrs. Hawk. wood 'Calgary; longest married couple, 'Mr, and Mrs. Jack Ails. ° enhead, Brucefield; weight of 'couple nearest 333, ,Mr'- 'and Mrs. Chester Hackett, Luck. now; heaviest couple Mr, and • •Mrs. Bud •Hunt; family present whose ages • add to 100, Mr. and Mrs: Ken Harrison, Brant. ford;, Lucky register No. 6'i, Mrs. Cliff Hackett, Goderich;, lucky plate; Ken Taylor, Luck. now; lucky draw .of Centennial desk pen; Mrs. Dora Heard; Holmesville; number of candy in the jar, Jim Collins and person corning the furthest dis- tance Mr. and Mrs. GordonSel. enski of Nova Scotia. -During the supper --hour a • minutes silence was observed for those who had passed away. It was decided to hold.the.1968 picnic at the same 'park on the second Saturday in June. The officers for neici year are president Mr. Ken Hs.rrison,• Sec. -.treasurer Mrs, Ken Harris_ son; directors Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Harrison, Mitchell, Mr. and, Mrs.„ Allan Johns, Exeter, Sports, Mr•-. and_Mrs. $ud Hunt, Mr. andAMrs, Harold Willert, H ensall. a. REO RIDING MOWERS THREE MODELS Check these conveniences -- Reo-Matic Drive, Float -A -Mow Mower; Dual, Range Transmis- sion! `Check these -safety f tures -- Safety wide • sign; Safety Park Safe "Inside Ride" FEATURES GALORE ea- track de- �t . � t,.�'"�.,".~yiw"'`.::::.•�` ..i, Parking Brakes; Reo Skiff Model RR -47 PRICES FOR EVE1RY FAMILY BUDGET "0 Come in and check our prices, too! There's a Reo Rider to fit every pocketbook, including ,ryours. There's la Reo that's , right for you. Reo Lawn Skiff Model RR -67 %,'• `S r�:+'.:rte' WE BACK EVERY REO W E SELL t Reo •-- made by Wheel Horse, the best known name in power mowing equipment is backed by the strongest guarantee In the industry. That's why we say -- YOU CAN'T BUY iT BETTER THAN REO! - Reo Lawn Skiff Model RE•6.7 - F i to Announced Canadian prices for dairy products are. higher than those in international trade. The ex- port assistance fund is used t� . make up this difference on dairy products .in surplus sup- ply that are disposed of on in- ternational _markets. Cost of export assistance in 1966-67 was' '7.3 cents per hundred pounds of milk on which sub- sidy was paid. The total amount of 'the re. bate to be distributed to dairy -farmers is about $2,8'74,000. The Canadian dairy • cbirtm- ission togs over administration of the federal dairy program on April 1. The subsidy rate this year is $1.21 per hundred pounds of ,manufacturing milk compared with 85 cents last year. The export assistance holdback this year is 11 cents - per -hundredweight. ' and 1 am sick of it. I hate it especially when she nags me in front of MY friends, - MY mother also tells me what to do a lot, so I get it from both sides, I 'know I h.ve to take it from my mother, because that's- her job in lite, but do yon think it is right than should get dPiibIo nagging? Please hurry your -answer I'm cracking uP. -OVER- BOSSED , Dear Over: You don't say what your sister nags you -about but I'll het it's the same stuff your mother nags you about. Do what you are supposed to do en tie, first nag; then your sistezc won't, have anything left to say. . ty� IT'S: THE OPENING WEEKEND AT THE CENTI;!'NNIAL (1 Concession s9uth of Carlow,, turn right, first farm on )eft) SA.TURD4Y FEATURES Guided tours of"home, 1 p.ml,•tiil dusk --, Homo baking sale 2 p.m. -- Craft demonstration, pioneer needlework afternoon.' and eventing. J A 'SUN'DAY FEATURES 11111111111111, G ided-tpurs. of home, 1 p.m. till' 7:40 p.rn. Official Opening 8:00 p.m. GUEST SPEAKER: tare. Jack McLaren, Benmiller, presi- dant of Huron County, Historical Society. Music; by the G. oderich- Town Band -- ADMISSION TO HOME --25c • 10c .- y IC ICE Our great Closing -Out Sale of all surplfs stock will be over .I Saturday, Juiie 24th. You still have 'time to save up to $200 on quality, nationally advertised furniture. - Be sure to shop this sale for unbelievable bargains !,. !. SALE ENDS THIS SAT-. HERE IS .A :SAMPLE OF THE GREAT VALUES STILL AVAILABLE BAR STOOLS Regular $5.95 - ONLY :2.99 r�. BLACKSTQNEFURNITURE 34 WEST STREET .- GODERICH Buy Right• BuyReo-• Buy Now Distributed by. ,T ItR111- INDUSTRIES Ito Labro 1, Avenue, points Clans, Ousbac. • A Division dl F(-'1 Canada Limited, by 'r 7Uhee/ 7/vrcee ARGYLE Mairine $c Small Engines., 88 BRITANI`�IA RD. GODERICH Conve`rt-to modern Natural Gas now, and- don't pay a thing until October. You start enjoying the benefits now. Benefits only a gas heating system can -give you, such as belanc,d heat and humidity. aconstant supply of fresh fil- tered air, ever~ heat throughout the whole house, and free service. There's nothing like Natural Gas for complete comfort and eff,ciency. Install a new gas furnace now. You won't have to pay thing until October. See Union Gas. or your heating contractor. A§k`about the "4 Steps To Total Indoor Comfort.'• UNION GAS 07 ti