HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-06-22, Page 6This GOdtri S gnaf-Star, T ay, a >Ie. 1907 4 Centennial a �• I know many of- you braved, the rain Saturday to vsit Hol. mesvifleis big Centennial par* ale and see * the outstanding exhibits they had on display in the school,, It was certainly too bad the weather had to be S4 miserable, • but as genial Jerry Gidnn said, "what's alittle rains we're harmers!" Then r suctdiE y realized, I couldn't tell farmers from townsfolk because they, were ALL smil. Ing; • What a happy lot they were and soaking wet too! I sure hope 'they will bring their wonderful floats to the Goderich parade• July 1st and By Mrs. Walter Rathburn lel everyone enjoy the efforts of these busy people. It also made 'Me think that there must 4*1 be quite a number of people in the townships who are el. iible for ji Sheaffer pen Co. 4. ,award. How about it? There are many in Goderich "District" who are doing things which deserve honorable men, tion, Come on, be bkg enough to give it. Who kno, someone might take anotherook at you and realize how m h year have. been doing in th centennial year. • I'm glad, o say the July 1st parade is coming along just fine: Any ' you who haven't t,sta had better hop to i , – !t'-s—iater than you think! Don't, let me down, •- I've oeen pulling for the biggest and "bestest" parade for Goderich in the last hundred years. so get cracking! .• And girls • get diose appl- ications in for the beauty con. test. You don't trunk you're a beauty? Well, you don't have to be. You need personality and a bit of talent • or a desire to do and be someone special: The prizes are real good and a hundred dollars wouldn't hurt a bit . - would it? Come on, grown-ups, • encourage. these girls a little, they may not react this page, so tell them about it: Girls who have already won or have competed' hi; other dis- tricts-of is.tricts-of Huron County are el- igible to enter this contest - and the Goderich gals will give them a real run for the money, , as we sure have some Dolls here. How about that old 1867 arch. way at Kingston street and the Square? You see the Old Home W eek Committee is on their' toes. We need ladies' groups to do SOMETHING for Monday July. 3rd, on the Squareor i wherever the excitement s. If you can dream up sbmething then., let the committee know ,--right away. Homemade bread and rolls and such goodies would really sell: Come on girls you can do it. _ in .-. bathing suits by Jantzen We have an excellent selec- tion of bathing suits. The latest styles. Get • yours to- day. The finest brandavail- able, Jantzen. Martha Guild -Meets Cleans Church AUBURN –' The June meet. ing of St. Mark's Anglican Guild was held in the church and all took part in ,the •general clean. ing before the melting was held Mrs. Orval McPhee was in ' charge of the business ses- sion. The minutes were adop•_. _ ted as read by the secretary, Mrs. John Daer. The financial statement was presented by the treasurer, Mrs. Andrew Kirk. connell. A letter' of thanks was received from. Mrs. Ed. • Davies. for treats and kind. nesses shown to her in the hospital. from 6.00, . Plans • were made for the Centennial meeting to be held on July 11 in the Community-' Memorial hall with, guests from all the village churcnes, chur. chesQfrom Blyth, BelgraveAng. • lican church andWestfield. Mrs Tait Clark of R. R. 6 Goderich;` will be the guest speaker' and .IZAW SON will give the history of Huron county. EARL NOTICE TO DESTROY Noxious WEEDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all Property Ow`iers in Huron County In accordance .wfth " the Weed Control Act, R..S.6. 1960, Sec. 3, 13, 19, and amendments thereto, that unles's nodous weeds growing on their ,lands are'' destrroyed by' June 34th and throughout the seas,,n, the Municipality may enter upon the. said lands and ':ave the weeds des- troyed, Charging the costs against •th' land in taxes, as set' out in the Act. The co-operation of all eititeiis is solicitg . ALEX' CHESNEY, Watt! Impactor, Coufty of Hier* Rev. Robert Marshall of Strathroy was guest speaker' at a Veterans° Week dinner sponsored by Branch 109;, Royal Canadian' Legion last. Thursday evening, when Dr. G. F. Mills, mayor of Goderich,and members of council attended. A former airman and prisoner of war, the speaker enjoined the veterans to tolerance, and avoidance of bias, on the basis of race, creed or ideology. At. left . Is Rev. G. G. Russell, St, George's Anglican church. At right, Legion President Harold Chambers and AVM John' Sully who was honored by presentation . of a life membership in the branch. (Staff }photo) Y Hot humid weather turned the Veterans' Week' "banquet at the Legion hall last Thursday night into a shirtsleeves affair as the "old sweats" sought, relief from high tefiperatures, Here . a • ore Than 150 Convene AUBURN – "Seek Truth" was the theme of the second Huron county C,G.I•LT. rally held last Saturday at the United church summer school site near God. erich: Mrs. G. W. -Tiffin of Wpngham wase' in charge of the day's. program and welcomed all .girls and their leaders from various parts of the county. Registration was in charge of the Benmiller group, with 'Mrs. Frank McMichael, Mrs. Kenneth Fisher; Miss,S!Arley Fisher and Miss Jane Fisher registering the girls, leaders and guests. A singsong was led by Becky Howes of Clinton and this was , followed by a "worship service taken. by the Goshen group. Those taking part were Bar- bara Keyes, Debbie McKinley, Susie Symonds and Mary Lou McKinley. " .-- GUEST SPEAKER The guest speaker, Rev. Mac. Carson of Wesley Centre, Ham. ilton was introduced by . Mrs. Tiffin. He told of his work among the teenagers in Ham- ilton and what a challenge it was, to.' try to fulfill his mis. sion. He chose to speak, on the theme-- "Seek Truth" and ' asked what was it? He went' on to define truth in the light of our society today ..and the, part that the church,. should play in today's world. He told the girls' that thely ' should be truthful to themselves and see themselyes as they really are, as God accepts them as they are. Mr.. Carson stressed to find out the truth about God and --start by saying "I be. Neve." The girls divided into groups with C,G.I.T.. leaders as guides and discussed self, getting al- ong with parents and society. Lunch was served by God. erich ladies to 150 girls and leaders from eleven fistricts .in.. the coiWy Auburn, Ben. miller, Elmvale, Seaforth, Clinton, Belgrave, Londesboro, Goderich Presbyterian group, Goshen, Winthrop and W Ingham. Kenneth Scott of Londesboro led in the singsong .to begin the afternoon's program. The groups discussed the topics – "Why go to Church" and"First - Offers", under the leader$ Mrs. Marjorie layter, - Mrs. Norine Gnay, Mrs. Ruth Axtman, Miss Gloria i1umball,'Mrs. Ron Bell, Mrs. Murray. Underwood, Mrs. Margaret Anderson, Mrs. R. U. MacLean, and Mrs. Agnes Moon. Other age :'groups dis. cussed other topics. Mrs. John Wray of-Goderich conducted the graduatiorrcere• mony and was assisted by Miss Gloria Rumball of Clinton, Mar. cis Lumby and Jennifer Cadman sang two duets. • • . Mary Joan Corrin of Wing.m ham gave the valedictorian ad. dress. The graduated present were presented with special Centennial pins and corsages. The .graduates were – Lond. esboro, Beverley Lee, Barbara Burns, . Pat Little, Lloy Shad. 'dick, Donna Youngblut, Wendy Caldwell; Winthrop, Yvonne Price, Belgrave, Audrey Cth 1 Moisture Adequate, Farm Report Soil moisture 'at present is quite adequate due to theheavy rains of the last few days. Sp. ring grains and corn crops. are developing satisfactorily. The planting of white beans in the county is nearing 'completion and growing conditions are nor- mal. - Some of the hay crop has been taken off in some loca- tions and looks quite good due to the • rains and warm temper- ature of the last few days. Some lodging of hay has taken place in the heavy crops' but isn't serious; reports D., Inglis, ex. tension assistant for -Huron co. unty. C:HOOSE FROM- THESE GREAT> CAMERA .FEATURES The Swinger Regular 24.95 Centennial Special 9.95 YOUR OLD WORN-OUT CAMERA IS WORTH MONEY Here i3 a Fabulous "Trade -In" Offer 9n your old camera. We don't care how old or in what con- dition it is. Trade in now to a brand new automatic KODAK INSTAMATIC CAMERA OUTFIT. >IMSTANATIC Drop id!,!m Pop on/,S. y, . 4s / LIST PRICE $24.50 TRADE-IN' ALLOWANCE 1 ON YOUR S;I:D CAMERA $10.00 YOU' PAY ONLY 14.50 OFOER END JULY 29fh HENDERSON BOOR STORE THE SQUARE GODERICH • tes; Wingham, Mary Joan Cor- rin, Janie Adams, MelanieHar. ris,. Sheila Cruesen and Pam Walden. The closing Worship service Hr�-' was taken by Auburn. ,Joyce . Leatherland read the Scripture and gave the 'm'editation, i'o11. owed by prayer and the bened. fiction by Sheron Collins. ,-s ,; COLOURFUL b1. Western Canada BROCHURES 2. Maritimes and Expo 1. Gaspe -and Expo 4. Bay of Fundy and Expo FOR YOU R 5. New England and Expo • . -6. Historic Virginia VACATION 7. California 8. Alaska & Yukon PLANNING 9. Canada, West to East 10. Expo,'67 ' . Send for your copies -now PLEASURE Clip and mail this ad to us. CLIP AND MAIL THIS AD FOR FULL INFORMATION NAME. • ADDRESS HANOVER TRAVEL SERVICE 290 10th Street Hanover, Orli.. — 364-3270 fIanoirer-Travel also offers.: f ive-day Expo Tours, Aug: 7th, Sept; 17th a-nd•Octo er 6th. • Write For Information -For all your travel needs contact this agency general view of one of the•tables shows a ,mixture of veterans from World Wars 1 and l,. enjoying the meal prepared by the ladies of the Legion Auxiliary'. (Staff Photo) ( This Week's Photo Feature 'this especially well-planned family size ,home' with four bedrooms is situated tiwo'Nooks from the Square. 'It features a large eotutemiporac7 kitchen, living room amd dcin ne nooin, full basement, forced -adz gas-fired fuam9e a. Medium price. $1,950 down, $95.00 monthly, P:I. Complete ilietails available • from: Exclusively Listed • By HAROLD W. SHORE REAL ESTATE BROKER DIAL 5247272 millmommoimor 38 HAM• ILTON ST. Vinyl wear layer MAPLE LEAF VAC PACK WIENERS COLE,MANS VAC PACK LB49c Breakfast Bacon LB. 79 IN THE PIECE Pearneal Bacon Chicken Legs SHOULDER VAL CHOPS GEM COLORED v LB. LB. cr 79c 49c 65C MARGARINE La 25 4, SUPREME SWEET MIXED -154Z.. Warmer •. Softer • Quieter • and easter to keep clean Design combinations mateh any decor in your home Inexpen- sive beauty and luxury with Vinyl Cushionflor all through' the house. • Softer • Easiest floor to keep clean pickles or Relish : 29c SUPREME HOMOGENIZED Peanut Butter FACBLLE ROYALE 3:LB."iuLi.05 0 M• Paper Towels 4R0LL5 gqC • OVEN EVERY DAY UNTIL • 6 P M. , OPEN PRInAYS TILL-$ P.M. . r