The Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-06-22, Page 5."4
Not ..Uodentopd.
The Arpuir, Miele het(' its
.15tIminer meeting injhe parlor
on June, 19 With PettY PYke And
her group In charge. Lucille
,liendereen read the SOrtpture
lesson; Betty. DAM Offer edPraPP
er. Alice MCOreW played the
Plano for the anYnins.
Betty MacKenzie, Edna Pol-
lock, Ruth She,eck ,and Betty
Dyke reviewed . pert' four of
the study beck, the subject,
"The Indian Canadian: , Who is
Photo by R.3. Nephew
- Marriage vows were exchan.
ged by Judith Ellen Mathers,
Godcrich, and David Alexander
. Mahood, Agincourt,- Ontario in
_St.. George's Anglican Church
on Snterday. Jfine 3,1967. Rev.
Garwood Russell performed the
• late afternoon ceremony.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Blethers,
Goderichand the groom's par.
• ents are Mr. and Mrs. . Alex.
ander Mahood, Agincourt. •
• Candelabra with lighted iv.
ory tapers, . tall standards of
white shasta Mums and white
gladioli With emerald foliage,
and similar bouquets adorned
the chancel of the church.
Mr. Mathers gave his clan.
ghter in marriage. Her formal
wedding gown of pure silk peau
de sole was fashioned on sheath
lines- with a cathedral panel
atn '•Ittleitigis from ) the k back
dee i tit weeoop ed • neckline
utlined with hand-clippcdCap.
lace framed the fitted bod.
• ice and similar lace edged the
eiboW-length sleeves. Her bout
fent shoulder -length veil of pure
- silk illusion **Is caught to a
floral peau de soie crown sp.
rinkled with seed Pearls and
she carried a bouquet of white
• madonna lilies, stephanotis,
cream. sweetheart roses, and
orchids. •=.
•. Mrs. John B. Sully, Goderich
waS matron of honor andbrides.
maids were Gaye Passy, Tor.
- onto .and Diane Mahood, Agin.
court, sister of the groom. They
wore floor -length A.line gowns
of delphinium blue shantung with
empire bodices featuring deep
scooped necklines and elbow.
• length bell.'shaped steeveS. The
brims of their miniaturebubble
hat headpieces were made. of
matching material and the'cr.
owns of gathered tulle were
tuederlaid with forget-me-nots.
Their bouquets were white sh.
asta:e -cream tre_e_stes,.•
and .,yellow and talisman rose.
buds. .
' Groomsman wasVincent Cas.
cone ofUxbridge. Keith -leathers
Goderich, brother of the bride,
Gordon Mahood, A gincsaurt, bro.
therof the *groom, and -Donald
Hagen. Kitchener, ushered, •
The i'ception was at the
Little Inn, Bayfield. For her
da.ugliter's wedding, Mrs. Mat.
' hers chOee a ciel blue draped
chiffon sheath dress with a hat -
• of' swirled tulle in a chain.
pagne shade. Her accessories.
were matching and her purse
corsage was a yellow cymbid.
ium orchid. The groom's
• mother *ore an apricot .shante
ung ensemble with. matchingacs
.cessories and a petal hat in
lanceof apricot and yellow.
Talterisea,reses,,arid. stephano.
jis,fornief her corsage. A spe.
cial guest of honorat the wed.
• ding , was the bride's maternal
grandmother, Mrs. Francis
Baigent, Toronto, wearing a
navy silk shantung jacket dress
with , navy and white access.-
ories and a corsage of sweet.
heart roses and freesias.
For . their wedding trip to
Quebec City, the bride changed
to a pale yellow sheer boucle.
wool. suit with matching 'titian
straw picture hat: Black pat..
ent leather accessories and a
yellow cymbidium orchid cor.
sage completed her ensemble.
Mr. and Mrs. Mahood will re.
side in Scarborough,. Ontqxio.
The bride is a graduate of
Victoria Hospital of Nursing
London, and the groom is a
graduate . of the University of
. Prior. to her marriage the
bride was entertained at many
social functions both, in God.
erich- and Toronto.
Goderich Couple Celebrate
65th Wedding Anniversary Here
Mr. and Mrs. George Proc.
tor, 104 Anglesea street,. God.
arida; celebrated their 65th
• wedding anniversary at their
home with open house on Sun.
day afternoon and • evening.
About 100 guests called.to_ offer
Both Mr. and Mrs. Proctor
are natives of Goderich Town.
ship. They were married on
• June 18, 1902, at the home of .
the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Harrison, con. 4,
• Goderich 'township, with Rev.
John -McNeil of Bayfield Pres.
byterian Church officiating.
Since their retirentent they
have lived in Goderteh. -
• They have three 'sons Cyril
• of Goderich, "Alvin, GOderich
Township, Harry of Mitchell;
four grandchildren and 11 greet.
• The attractive' arran dtea
table was centred with roses
gr-Wri in their own- garden.
Pouring tea in the afternoon
was Mrs. Aliened Rogers, niece
of Mr. Proctor, ancl in the even.
ihg, Mrs. Lorne Therlow, sister
of Mrs. Proctor. Assisting In
serving were granddaughters,
Mrs. Charles Kellestine, Mrs.
Charles Orr, Mrs. John Prop.
tor, Mrs. William Proctor. Re.
ceiving at the door were Mrs.
Cyril Proctor and Miss Mad.
eline Naftel. Mrs. Mable Hig.
ginson and Mrs. Alvin Proc-
tor convened the tea room.
Congratulatory messages
were „received from the Queen,
Prime, Minister L. 13. Pear.
sine. Rt. Hon. John G. Diefers.
baker, Robert McKinley, MP for
Huron; and numerous friends,
including Rev. G. L. Royal, min.
ister of Knox Church, Gode.
Centennial Salute
6:15 - 6:30 P.M.
. A quietdouble-ring ceremony '
was solemnized in the Salves
tion Army Citadel, Goderich, on
Saturday May 27, when Joan
,Catheeine Elizabeth Redford,
datighter of Mr. and Mrs. Nor.
man Redford of Goderich be:
Caine the' bride of Ross Arnold
Hallam, son .of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Hallam of Lucknow.•
_Captain Roy Wernbold officf.
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore a floor,
length gown of organza over,.
taffeta, with a natural waist.
• .line, lily -point sleeves, and a
bateau neckline.' The bouffant
skirt was., decorated with lace
appliques, and an organza bow
caught at the back waistline
• .accented the cathedral train.
Her headdress of seed pearls
• lield a- shoulder -length. Veil of
scalloped tulle.
Attendants were Mrs. John
Proctor of A.R. 5 Goderich, •
as matron of honor, Evelyn
Johnston of Goderich, and Beth
Hallam, sister of the groom,of
Lucknow. They were empire
of light blue fiesta crepe
ed with white ' guipure
lace. Their headpieces were of
tulle, topped with rases.: .
Cynthia Proctor, niece of the
bride, was flowergirl. She wore
a short version of the brides.
maids' dresses. ,Ringbearetr
was Robert Proctor, nephew of
the bride.
,Cecil Hallam, brother of the -
'groom, was best man'and.
ushers were Norman 'Redford,
brother OP the bride,: .6.nd- Roy,
Hallam, brother of the groom..
The reception was held at
the Tiger Dunlop Inn. Guests
were received by the bride's
mother in a twopiece dress of
light blue fliswered silk, white
accessories and a corsage of
,pink *roses. She was assisted
by Mrs. Hallam., in a blue
two.piece flowered silk dress,
white actessories, and, a cor.
sage of pink roses.
The bride's travelling .ces.
turne was a three.piece aqua
linen suit trimmed with mit.
..ching lace white accessories,
'and a single strand of pearls.
After their trip to the Brute
Peninsula • and points noith,
the cotiple will live at R.R. I
Before her marriage the
bride was entertained at show.
ers given by Mrs. E. Taman,
Godertch, Captain and Mrs. R.
Wombold, Goderich, and Miss
Evelyn Johnston, Goderich. A
trousseau tea was held at the •
bride's home.
Mrs. Kerr Hostess
'To -I 0 D E Meet-
• • . •
Members of the Maple Leaf
Chapter, I.O.D.E. met at the
summer home of Mrs. A. G.
Kerr,' nayfield • road , for the'
June meeting.
• The members •enjoyed a de.
licious potluck supper followed
by a short business meeting
conducted by the- regent,Mrs.
R. Breckenridge.
, Correspondence- from the fed.
eral office • was read and re.
ports from the various com•
mittees were presented.
Mrs. .A. G. Kerr announced
-that plans for the Centennial
ball , to be .held on September ,
22nd were completed; Mrs.
• Frank Currie offered her home
on Essex street for the Sept.
ember meeting. Mrs. A. M.
Harper thanked the hostessfor
her kind hospitality.. The nat.
Jowl anthem brought the meet.
tog to a close. •
AnthropOlogists believe that
the North American Indlan or.
izetnally came to tifie continent
from Northern -A.eitt by way of
the Bering Strait. 'There is a
remarkable similarity between
the children of Formosa end our
Indian children here' in Canada.
"There are tiro main obst.
acles which hamper the Can.
adian Indians' • acceptance of
, Our society and our acceptance
. of him. The first Is his way
of life. which we do not, and
willnot, understand. ,Thesec-
ond obstacle. follows naturally,
the first. The Indian Canadian
has pride in his won traditions
and does not want to lose them
in process of becoming a Can.
asitent citizen. His cultural her.
itage could enrich ours, if there
were not too much of a blood.
- thirsty 'cowboys and Indians'
picture." •
. The Soltition- lied -With us,
not the •shy, sensitive Indian.
is to be hoped that since
. the, present government has
createda new cabinet post for
Indian affairs, that Canadians
will show Moreconcern for
the future welfare of • their lie
dian citizens. Given equal op-
portunities, they can become
responsible citizens." •
_ President Georgia Schaefer
presided at a short business
conference. Summer and early
fall plans were discussed. Edna
6' Pollock reported On the. Pres.
• byterial meeting in Clinton.
There will be a special Pres.
byterial meeting in $eaforth on
, September 13, Miss MaryWhale
and Miss Ida White will be
guest speakers. -
Ruth Skeoch and Marion Mills
• received the offering and Betty
Dyke spoke the dedication. The
net Arthur Circle meetingwill
be on September 18 withAudrey
Royal arid her group in charge.
The meeting closed with prey.
er. Hazel McCreath and her
"• helpers. served coffee during
the social half-hour:.
1.4.0C104.$11. Mr. and Mra,
Ewan MacLean and Dan gabs
Lean Were feteetft•Cof Mrs and
•Mrs. Allan MacLean and tarn.
113, Of colltn0004 recently.
Thursday aftera0Ort the WMO
of AshfleldPreshyterheichtireh
held their. regular MeettPg at
the° home .-of Mrs, EW411 Mace
Mr. MI Mrs,
Creight epent a few days with
relatives in Detroit.
A very enjoyable ;afternoon
was spent ‘ at North Ashfield•
public school; on. Wednesday.
Teachers and Wells presented
a program of cheruses,dancee,
songs)arel skits to parents and
friends all gaily deckedod in
Centennial costume. After the
entertainment cookies and tea
were served and a social time
David Elpheck had two cows
, killed by lighting during the past
week. A shdontheDexterfarIfl
was demolished and the Robert
Mac,Intosh house had fuses and
bulbs damaged by the storm.
Attending a wedding in Nor.
them Michigan during the Past
weekeed were Mrs. DuncariFar.
rish, 'Kenneth and David.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Luther
spentthe weekend in Ridge.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Newman
and family have moved tato the
former Barkwell'house.
A shower for Sharon West
was held Monday evening at
North Ashfield public school.
Miss Edna Cook of Owen
Sound/ spenta, few days with
Mr. and Mrs. Henry MacKenzie
and family.
P011,Mit091c. The, sinno
ineetispot the U.c,V,, was held
Tuesday Aernoon at the benne
of Mrs. Murray Wfls�nItiatit a
good attendance. Whenthe MOM.
hers were assembled the hos.
tess. assisted' by Mrs, Merlow
Johnston, servec,I tea, Q
Mrs. Wesley Jeffetson had
charge of the meeting,the theme
'was "Take Time, Let us take
time for all things." 0.1 need
Thee every hellr" was .Sunigand
Mrs. Jefferson led In prayer,
Mrs. TornArmstrongeondliotixt
the business; An iirrttation
from St;- Helens to attend a
special meeting was accepted
Hobo teas are to Ise in the,
next Awe weeks. A bale is to
be packed in the church -base..
• ment'Wedziesdeir afternoon.
Mrs. Stuart, thamney gave
the minutes of the previous
'meeting and the offerieg was
• received. "Take time to be
Holy", was swig and Mrs. Jet.
ferson gave a talk, on t'Devo.
tion." Mrs.SamThompsouread
a poem "Minutes": Mrs. Sohn
Hildebrand read the Scripture
lesson. Mrs. Stuart Chainney
and Mrs. William Hardy gave
a skit "Take Time". Mrs.
Hilliard Jefferson had charge
of the chapter in the study•book,
Mrs. Margaret Leddu read a
poem, "When I have Time".
After singing "Rock of Ages"
Mrs. Jefferton closed the meet.
Ing with pra‘yer.
.(COntlIttled froin Patta
SOMO et that reel eopPtil
hoe(lorb nasic was SONS
neat', by gliherv Trick's ore _
". stra along with sena /4,044,
i;eit Craig and ,Piek
More musical entertainment
.• was provlded W.W.II:am/411Sr
, and .his On, *be Piked sev,!.
era bagpipe • ftlaea; It. was IQ* -
shoilio. he followed by highland
100* that .the SCotttsh•'Atitiates
.dancing and this WO • the Cafe .
as Joan Milier eNeetiteti The
stops of ,the )4041antifttngi most
• During this'pertoded tile pro.
itraeeftilly, , . • '-`• •
gram, another Yereim.oe.sen.
• .•
eine .P0Mar ONO', throughthe
• ..century In CanadaviaS:Pretle•D.
ted when Matt Driver's eqUare
dancers tookthe stage andwerit.
through the set 'of calls to the
'lively accompaniment Ofyiolin
The mood of the show chin.-
' ged subtly, •following the. mus,
• teal portion of the program,
When the number, "Fond Mem.
ories of Fashion" Was staged.
During the enacting of thisfash.
ion Pageant, accompanying sl.
Ides were projected on a screen
The subject matter of thepio.
tures wa,s chosen to empties.
ize the particular fashion being
presented, and with the aid of
the commentator's voices that
of Mrs. Les. Pearson, the nes.
through, most pungently. This
talgic mood of the dhow game
number was planned by Mrs.
William Lobb and the. project.
tionist was Melvin Bell. •
Next, was the play, "True
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pfrim- Blue and Trusted" : 'leder the .
(der, Benmiller, wish to am • direction of Mrs. F. Powell r
• flounce the • of their , which was rist ready to start
when guessed' it ... some
daughter, Irene -Mabel, to Mr.
Barry MiLlian, R.R. 5, Goderich, unwanted, unscheduled stage
son of Mrs. Charles Merrigs_ and .
effects, a_heaick.downpour- of.
the late Charles Millian. The
rain , interrupted the drab's.
wActors, actresses, and theatre
wedding will take place Satur-
day, July 8, 1967, at 2:30 P3111* audience -alike were obliged to
!n Benmiller, United Church. scurry for shelter within the
classrooms of the school or
head for their cars.. -
Considering that the rain had
threateeed to cancel the whole
Friday evenipg show, the come
mittee members of Goderich
township must have felt for..
turette that their program ad.
vanced as far as it did be.
_ fore being Stopped by the sho.
• wers. Only one other4 number,
a. public school choir, -directed
by 'John Siertsema, principal
of Goderich toweship central
school, accompanied by Miss
'bonnie Snell, had to be can.
celled other than the play.
These numbers, were • pre.
sented Sunday evening under
more pleasant Weather condib.
ions and this time the outdoor
programs d
c e u le d
went_ right through ae-
In addition to the play andthe
public school choir, the adult
mixed choir presented More
melodies during the Sunday ev.
ening performance. Included
also was the fashion show which, -
Was presented again owing to
the fact that only half the audi
ience who attended Friday. ni»
ght's presenta:tion sat through
the rain to see the end of it.
. •
Results of the parade Jude.
ing carried out Saturday after.
noon were as follows:
vilieschool, rt
(blacksmith. float); Porter's Hill
(store float).
, Comedy seellosi je Taylors
Corners, Ebenezer, _Tipperary.
Best Decorative eetry -Jack
Merner of Bayfield, Centennial
birthday cake.
Lando and family or origin-
- Murphy',family of Clinton.
Best. horse drawn rig - Bob
Harris of McKillop, ClintonLe.
gion Auxiliary, Norman Pepper.
Best decorated bike - Mrs. '
Jim Blake, Cioderich; DavidPo.
cock, Goderich township; Mar.
iare Thompson, Goderich town.
ship. •
Funniest clown- Ken Merner
of Goderich township, as old
time prospector, complete with
horse. .
Prize won at the dance fol.
lowing the barbecue at Clinton -
for the best old costume went
to Mrs. Charles Whitely of
Goderich. "
Many volunteer 'WOrkers and
participants contrtbuted to the
outstanding success of the
three-day event, and to all who.
contributed in any Way goes the
thanks of the members of the
Goderich township Centennial
.committee, who were:
• Chairman, Everett Menlo
wain, deputy reeve; master oi
ceremonies, R. E. Thompson,
clerk -treasurer; variety shOw,
Mrs, Don Middleton, Mrs: Wil.
liam Cox; church service, Mrs.
L. I3ond and Mrs. William Cox;
parade, Grant Sterling, reeve,
with Mrs. G. Ginn and .Bill
Jenkins; displays, John Stet.?
tsema, Robin Thompson; spotlit
Gerry Ginn, John Siertserna;
grouted's, Harry Oakes, John
Semple.'barbecue MrS. G. Ginn
• Mrs. L. Bond; booth, Mrs. G.
Sterling; dance Mrs. Don
Lobb, Bill Jenkins:
Come To The
iwLe C!reit 0014,,, 4
•111n• entennia1 RaiI.Iv
Free Methodist' Church,
JUNE 29th
Services 2:15 p.m.' .
• Speaker: Mrs. E. A. Cooper,. Welland, Ont.
Se,rvices 7:30 pan.
Speaker: Mrs. E. Brown, Sarnia, Ont.
• , Special Singing With The -
A welcome is extended to all former members, associates
and friends. This is an opportunity to renew. acquaintances.
D. In Memoriam'
COOKE—In loving memory of
frhom43 H.. Cooke, who . passed
away Jute 14, 1963.
—Sadly missed but not for-
gotten by the family. 25
McINTYRE-17.n . loving memory
of iso dear son and brother,
Jimmie, who pased away June
23, 1941. •
.A tribute 'Of love and remem-
brance, •
To a dear son, one of the best,
The joys that he missed in life's
• journey,
May he find in God's garden, of
• • rest..
-7-Ever remembered by .Mom
and Sisters. • 25x
E. Cards of Thanks
PROCTOR—irhanks to neigh-
bors and friends who called,
sent Cards and kind regards,
and for those who helped in
so many' ways to make nye
•day one to be remembered,
on the - occasion of our 65th
Wedding anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. George Proctor.
25 •
BOGIE—I would like to express
my thanks for visits, cards,
letters and flowers sent to me
while. I was a patient in the
hospital. Special thanks to
" Dr. J. R. Leitch, Dr. R. W.
Flowers, the nueses and girls
in green on first floor east.
Mrs. Rod Bogie.
F. Engagements
• Mr. and Mrs. Edward S.
Hewitt wish to announce the
engagement, of 'their, edatighter,
Hilda Marie,'ste Frederick Norris
Sampson, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Sampson, all of -Ceode-
rich. The, ,veedding will take
place July 15, 1967 at 1:30 pan.
in Victoria Street United
Church, Goderich.- 25
Mi. and Mrs. Kenneth Mc-
Dougall, Auburn, are pleased lc
announce . the engagement of ,
their •'ori1t7" daughter, Laurette
Bernice, to Mir. Gordon Leonard.
Gress, on of Mr. William GTOSS
and the Iate Mrs: "Gross of R.R.
1, Auburn, The wedding will
take place Saturday, Jule; 15,
1967, at 2:30 p.m. in Knox
United -Church, Auburn.
• 251
Westinghouse 30" Deluxe Range
ow;.. You Can
Broil Both
ides At Once!
F. Engagements
• Mr. Lenard Boyce, Goderich,
wish to ariounee the "engagement
of 'his daughter, Nancy Harriett, -
to Mr.. William `R. M. Benson,
son of Mr. and Ars. Manley
Benson, Palmerston. The. wed-
ding 'vvill like place at _Wortley
Road Baptist Church (250 Com-
omissioner's Road), London, on
Saturday, July -8, 1967, at one
o'clock. 25x
•The engagement is announced
of Giace MaiietStrong,. &tighter
of the late Mr. and Mrs. John
Strong, Seedorth, Ont., to Mr.
Patrick Ryan, seer of Mrs. Mary.
Ryan and the late Mr. Patti&
of Dublin. +. • d'
roman Cattt
July 8, 1967, at .1:30 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. 3. Stanley Ryan,
_Goderith, are pleased to• anes
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Edna Alis,on, F/O
Brian- ikrbert Dowds, Gimli,
Manitoba, son of W/O. and Mrs..
Albert X. Woods, Winnipeg
Manitoba. The wedding will take
place Satutday," July 15, 1967,
at 12 o clock noon in Victoria
Street Lilted Church, Goderich.
-Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phillips,
R.R: 1, Dungannon, wish to an-
- nounce the engagement of their
'daughter, Beverley Jean, to Mr.
Lewis Cardiff, son of Mr. and
Mrs, • Ross Cardiff, R.R. 4,
Brussels. The wedding vvill take-
, place July 22 it Christ Church,
Fort Albert, at three o'Clock.
-.9.,coming Events
BINGO --41,250 cash prizes,
Ally 1, 11:30 P.m. sharp at (ode -
rich Arena; 1 game, for $600;
one special game for $200; 17
regular games or $25. Admis/
sion $1 per person. Sponsored
by Goderich Kinsmen and Lions.
5 ff
• ,•
A Centennial 'Drumhead Ser-
• vice of praise and thanksgiving
.will be 'held on Sunday, July 2
at 3:30 p.m. isi Goderich -Court
House Park for the residents
of Huron County and their
friends and visitors. 25
"Centennial Hoine" Colborne
,Townshipwill open Friday, June
24. Official opening, 8 p.m., Sun-
day. June 25, See display ad in
this paper. • 25
Goderich Horticultural flower
show this Saturday, June 24, in
North -Street -1JnitedChurch
• • tries accepted betwee
ra;11112 noon. Open -to the
public, 3:30 - 5:30; 7 - 9.
June 27, Tuesday,. Simms-
bord harm and turkey supper at
Holmesellie, United Churc h.
(Note change of date), 5:30 p.m.
to 8 o'olock. Adults $1.50;.chil-
dren 75c. Auspices UJC.W,
, 24-25
Ham and strawberry supper,
cake, to.6, tin, Wednesday, June
28, at 6:30 p.m. at ,Victoria
Street United Church. Served by
the United Church Women. For
tickets please phone 1696.
Centennial dance at Auburn
ham, Friday, June 30 (9:30 -
1:80), Ian Willbee's Orchestra.
Sponsored by C.O.F., Benmillsr.
Lunch (punter. Prizes foir -Cen-
tennlal citstume. Dress optional.
25, 6x
19 Years' experience doing ail types of domestic and
industrial reefs. ,
FROM ,$149
FLOO". D t6ATING---:-10,00 Per $q.
Prompt -- Efficient Worknitinship
6244p61-:-.„ • "
• Mr. and titre. A. G. Flower
and two children, Linda and
Lori, North Palm Beach,
Orida, are spending theist ViO.
ation• with Mrs. , Pawyerts per.
ents, M. alid Mrs. Earl .000.