HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-06-08, Page 16orieh Signal -Stara °11114r$445t, June S humb 967 Considers "Death Of By G. MacLeod Ross THE M.'KING OFA HEROINE One of my occupations while watching the waves roll' in, was to read the 618 pages of William Manchester's accouet covering 135 hours in November1963. With typical. disregard for the pledged word, the book had been released to me ahead of, the publication date imposed, by the publishers. It is Moth graphic and' detailed, So much 'so that you become a rn?m`,er of` the 'official family'. The fabulous research and crafts, rnanship with which the multitude of pieces .is fitted together, stamp the author as a most able writer. H .s book is called "The Death of a president", but the story concerns the making, of a hero. ine. Those who have only react accounts of accounts call it con. troveesial,• rether as, they did of Lord Moral's "fit' irisf'Church. i1L: The Struggle for Survival". But the chief controversy was, the very one which took Kennedy to Dallas, weere theState's Dem. ocratic party wes qr i ven with fact. ionalism. It was really L. B• Johnson's busii ess to reconcile, but his elevation to the vice- presidency had made him oracb. ically impotent, since he had been stripped of all patronage. Grudg. " ingly Kennedy went himself, feel. ing that it was, nevertheless, an imposition. Like all tragedies, this one was pervaded with an ler- of in.•' evitability. Act One, Pretno:iition. ActTwo. Tragedy. Act Three. Aftermath. PREMONITION • No one knew better than Ken. nedy that exposure, like patron, age, was a source of political strength. To him it was simply unacceptable that an American president could not go into any American city, That Texaswould be rough he knew full -well, but like Churchill, he ,believed that - courage was the one quality that guaranteed all the rest. Mean. - while the political cannibals were waiting- to' eat alive any unsu. specting outsider who"might ,ven. ture in. The Governor, Connally, • a' link with the Texas gas and oil interests, was determined to make' personal political capital out of the visit; Having apologised for -the visit, to the powerful citizens' commit. tee which ruled Dallas, he as. sured them he would not become Kennedy's .J errand boy'. And as a corollary, he intended tQsnub S enacar Yarboro•igh, the only Texas libe.al to hold statewide office and Kennedy's main sup. porter there. Thus .calculated dis. courtesies, as a very minimum, were guaranteed from the outset .antithreatened to ruin ,the whole visit. Qn the night of November 20th, the White Housereception was followed by ganting. The band was playing selections from 'Camelot' and 'My Fair Lady'. "Don't let it .be forgot/ That once, there was a spot ......Then darkness enveloped the mansion. The Brussels ball of June 14th 1815 ended in a peal of 'Napo. leon's cannon: The company danc. ing in the east ballroom on Nov. ember 20th 1963, was composed, for the most part, of theKennedy, official family - secret 'service' men, close advisors. To them the ocCe.sionwas .entirely normal. Life was at flood tide, with a future of thousands of such even. Ings. There was no inklieg 'that in three days time, the corpse • We Have BATHING Not Like This YESTERDAY THE COVER -ALL v LIKE THESE 0 of the President, whose they had sworn to protect, would be lying here, on this very floor, in a box.' The frontier may have seethed for one brief •,,shining moment to have been ase mute and silent as fate, but all &'rent), the • Democratic national corn. mitteeman from Texas had liar. •bbred a premonition. The atmosphere of Dallas had become so highly 'charged 'with' inflammatory, statements that he asked that• the, city bei excluded from the tou. it wasn't sale! A Dallas resident had saidt "Keil«; nedy is a liability to the free world". Handbills were,being dise • tributed in .Dallas streets • that very morning: "Wanted for Tread; son", belch/ a portrait of the President. Even Connally allowed the people in Dallas were 'emot. Tonal'. But the key to all the absolutism was Ted Dealy, the, publisher of the"MorningNews", with his antiadministration cru. sade. But to offset the qualms, which •the4)resident courageously sup. pressed, he had the great joy that on this, for the first time, this ° wife hadagreedto accompany him 'on a -political rout. She had only just recovered from the loss o - a son, but had pulled herself together and now Kennedy was doing all he could to ensure she would enjoy the trip. She had to:d him; "There's Just one thing I couldn't stand. If I -lost yo:t", And so it was that Lancer and Lace, the code names for the President and . Jacqueline res. pectively• set off.. on Air Force aircraft 26000 code .i , ;'n 1 no 1, for Dallas and the assassin. e• TRAGEDY, Intime all fate's shadows ern.',. erge and become visible. Some of the' invisible shadows: dom. mander • Hallett U.S.N. had,,just- been "posted' as the, President's assistant naval aide. In 1959, while attache in Moscow, a youth with a -southwestern« accent had appeared at the desk to renounce his American • citizenship. The Ha1.letts both remern' ,e •ed the face and the name' of Lee Harvey Oswald ani tho igh they had ne e•ce.i: int )rma ion of him, be. lieved he was still in the Soviet Union. • • Beit Oswald tv. s net in Russia. In June 1932 he had retractedand returned to Texas. His defection, then' his bizarre behaviour in the United States., had brought him under the active surveillance of the F.B.I. His file lay with F.B I. Agnrat-Q'H•esty; -iii the Dallas office and Hosty knew he was employed at the Texas school book de.. pository, which provided the deadliest sniper's nest on the route of the President's mator. cade route. But Hosty failed to. make the connection. He was not even notified of the route to be followed. His interest, he recalls, was mainly, would he catch a glimpse of Kennedy,. The depository lay at a tur••i wilere the motorcade must slow down. The aecepted drill was fot' such an intersection to be check. ed in advance, rilt was not checked on November 22nd. Trge, 20,000 windows overlooked ,.the route. You could not put a man -in every window. As cacti successive -shadow emerges, but always inthewxoiig time sequence, yottlbegin to real. ise what .a cat and mouse gime fate was playing. As leaeleeen-,,the secret service advance man in. 4,„ .1 g Coming in ° Near Future spected the route . on November 18th with Curry, the Dallas police chief, he asked: "Say! What's the Texas school book depository?" Oh, it's juska warehouse for text books. . • And so it came about that an Austih editor, contemplatingDal. .las predicted:"He will not get through this without something happening to him," However the Warren Commission found noevi• dence to connect • the, crime with' Three' Old Home Weeks Well now! - There are three big "old home weeks" in the next few months. The weekend of ,June 17th finds Holmesville in full swing with theirfestivities. They are doing everything in a big way. Their parade they claim will be even bigger than the one Goderichwill have on July 1st. Then they are claiming great things for their giant B..1t.B.Q. soends good, - and I'm sure it will be good, They expect every- one veryone to come in Centennial cost. ume, and I'm sure, now, that there will' be a big majority of merrymakers in costume. They have a big program lined'up for the evenings and also open air church service on Sunday. They will have ,many prizes for many different events and it all sounds wonderful. Good luck, have fun and I know you will have large crowds come rain or shine! Goderich old home week should be outstanding too, altho' they are worried about the sma11 number of names and addresses they are • receiving. They have invitations ready to go- just give them some names.• You noticed the ad asking for the good looking gals to register for the beauty contest. There will be some wonderful prizes forthe• lucky "queen" and her "prin. cesses" or "ladies in waiting": So girls don't be shy about put. ting: in yo,lr name. We have some good judges lined ti i and they have decided you won't have to parade in a bathirfg suit -(darn! I think that is :the nicest part of the contest - it really shows off their nice tan.) This contest is open -to' the ' townships of course - and there are sure Some 1-ovelly girls liv- ing in the country! . • The. Goderich ladies are a bit slow about deciding what•they will do oa genday, the third, so please try to get( together and make a good showing for this, special week. You won't be sorry, • I'm sure. Entries are rolling in just fine for the parade. I hear there will be some very special floats. There is also quite a number of srilall entries. This is good! You need the clowns, the TALL men, the -children's entries, besides YOUR VAC U UM CLEANER. STORE the> horses and ponies. • , I hope the teenagers show off with some special floats: They have so many wonderful ideas that they should start right away • • to work on them. My, but June • is a busy month, 'and July will be busier. This month a wonder. ful little artist, a real clever. gal, is opening an old school to teach art and crafts. This is a Centennial project and M:.ss,Ann F°aiirservice, who is quite well known in this area, would be.. happy to have you stop in and see her setup. The school' is just a couple .of miles frdm.B.'.yth, on the road to Welton, so take a drive put and see it. . Another "Must" is a trip to the Alain 'Homestead on Con.5 1 concession south of Carlow, the Colborne' Centennial' home. The resideits of Colborne have .. really been working to refurnish it as it was in 1867. There will even be t'sing songs" Sunday evenings! Sunday June- 1Lth thee Confed. .eration caravan is in Goderich agricultural park: Seems we've been waiting all year for this big day. Besides seeing through these fabulous, caravans, there will also be special entertainment •going en, So go- to church early and, then go to the -park --to see this one-ort--a-kind Confederation caravan. Tuesday the .13th Knox Church ladies have their famous "Senor. gasbord". startimg at 5:30. Don't mss it. Martha W5th only twenty-five calories in one small three inch toineto, Ontario's greenhouse tomatoes are a boon to the weight wattcher_ •.•.id rn.ie = it.ess:er to meet sone of•� your vitamin requirements. Eaten raw, ,they are 4 good source of Vitamin'C and a' fair source of Vitamin A. Store only fully ripened tom. ,toes in the refrigerator, recom. mend food specialists' at Mac. donald Institute, University of Guelph. If immature tomatoes are stored at a cool temperature they tend to become watery and flavorless. lierione the' city's , atmosphere of hate. (Concluded next week) *The D,eathof a President, by Wil. 1. liam Manchester: Harper & Row. $10,00 in the U.S.A. $12.50 in Canada. CLINTON LEGION 1.000. in' Prizes Plus ,Share -The -Wealth. hi Clinton)>s New Community Centre EDNESDAY, JUNEI4 ' Regular Gionne3 Start fat •9:00 P.M: w 12 REGULAR GAMES for $25.00 Each 3 EARLY BIRD BINGOS for $10.00 Each 1 SPECIAL GAME for $500.00 1 SPECIAL. GAME for $200:00 2 SHARE -THE -WEALTH GAMES Admission: $1.00; Extra & Special Cards, 25c, 5 for $1.00; Early Bird Cards: 10c or 3 -for 25c Proceeds for Clinton Community Centre Fund 22-3b CJ This Week's Phot Feature MAKE JUNE YOUR 'LUCKY MONTH .BY PURCHASING " THIS BRAND ,NEW HOME- BUILT BY EASTBANK BUILDING LIMITED Constructed of pioneer stone,this three-bedroom bun- galow features -wall-to-wall , nylon broadloom in The bright, large living room, pure vinyl" floors in kitchen, dining room and bathroom, gleaming oak floors in the three extra large bedrooms. In the smartly contemporary kitchen ai+e the latest designed cupboards and counter by Cardinal of London. The four -piece bathroom is beauti- fully tiled with Roman Onyx Cerafriic tile and house is heated byforeed-air, .+gas,fired furnace located in the -Bill basement along with the laundry facilities. Priced: at $16,900, the do%yfi paytnent is only $2,400, withbalance on N.H.A. mortgage, payable $124.00• monthly P.I.T. Exclusively Listed By HAROLD W. SHORE' REAL ESTATE BROKER DIAL 524-7272 38 HAMILTON ST. ESTJICTIONS GODERICH.-: ONT. SEE- OUR LARGE SELECTION OF QUALITY CLEANERS' BY EUREKA, GENERAL ,ELEC- TRIC AND LEWYT' BEFORE YOU BUY. Hutchinson Radio -- TV -1 Appliance 308 ;Huron Rd. . - 524-7831 you are NEW -TO -TOWN or have, just moved" into a new home GODERICH'S OWN ... • 0 • et .J, 4,1 TODAY 'THE COVER-UP .• 10.00 up ♦wwln4.unM4i.mWgJ1yYCC�mfiVsv:fiW[..%,Avert.HfiY+)WL.we�pN.NMn'O+Ya..:W�:VPIRSC1.9Ka1'.�`>N>n%.c_vJ+'I.nCntraO.q V+.'++.•n 1E1 WELCOME SERVICE o would 'like to call on you iwith Mhousewbrming gifts" and in- formation about your new loca- tion. The Hostess will be glad t8, arrange.your.-subscription. to--lhe-. SIGNAL•STAR. xr+/•vv4ttFi5':.W:1n;uYp,iA+r1iNXC0lGPS iY.1Y.4YiW`H'Cl'CJw'HcYA;:'NnsxYYvn-P:'Y.n.xwrn.ti Call her at 524.9525 .wwcn IN 'AREA ',NO; 1 - , - Watering May Be Done On, TUES., THURS., SAT. . • Between 6. p.m.and 9 p.m. - IN AREA NO. 2 Watering May Be Done •O,n MON., WED., FRI. Between 6 p.`i and 9 `p.rp. The Whole Towri May Use Hose Service Sunday 8 0.4n..n. ' m. to 11 O YOUR CO.OPERATION IN ADHERING TO THESE TIMES WILL BE `GREATLY APPRECIATED •1. •