HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-06-08, Page 61,1 • SUNDAY SERVICES ST. -GEORGE'S 'CHURCH „Tido! SundayFeast afof teSt.` Br Triniarn�aty-s b#sunt 11th 800 a.m.-71101y Communion. 11:910 a.m.-Morning. Prayer and Sermon'• CHURCH, SCHOOL 10:60 atm.-r-Grades.3 to 9 . 1 T:00 amt... -Nursery to Grade 2'• June 17th at 4. Bart'( Choir from Regent Park; Toronto - Evensong and. Recital.,. Rector,: REV: G. , G. RUSSELL, B.A., B.D. ' Organist and Choirmaster: LORNE N. DOTTERER North V A64 Q10873 1095 • South Dealer ;Seeth Nod* St Soo& vulnerable The bidding : Seeds 1 diam. drew trumps and riiffi d out • m4y's two " remaining Barts. Now "South's best hance was to play the ace nd king in both black suits nddecide which black suit o'.play for a throw-in play, oping that the defender ho 'got throwr in would of have the other black suit .card to exit with. As :hem•&r-ds•••-�ie��t�.c....�cinnin lay was, after wishing four West North East pass 2 clubs pass pass 4 diem. pass pass , 5 hearts pass pass pass pass Opening Lead : seven of hearts. At the table declarer was • n his hand after three ttricks in each red suit and 'tf led the spade ace. Reese • dropped the queen ! Now the declarer had to consider the possibility Cof this card being a singleton. If it was ' a singleton he had to play three rounds of clubs. If The above hand occur- East won he would be for - red in an international. ced to give'declarer a ruff match and featured Terren-:: and a sluff, if West won he ce Reese in one of the best' would have to do -the same, defensive plays seen in a or play away from the jack long time. Sitting -East,1;, of spades. Declarer played ,Reesewas defending against this way and • was beaten six diamonds and 'this is when Reese won the third what happened; club and returned the spade two. Now declarer had to Tspade trick as well. Declarer won the heart;.. lost a SEE US YOUR RAYIN NEEDS A Complete Stock Of Atrazine Kornoil EPtam Trop'otox plUs 64 Embuiox E Amiben Patoran 50W "AT COMPETITIVE PRICES HARR1STON FERTILIZER LTD. R.R. 4, Clinton Phene 482-9133 Highway 8—Halfwayilbetween Clinton and Seaforth B13.04.NSH7R,E.- C LE AVE 'Sharon Rose Ann Cleave, dau. ghter .of Mr. and Mrs. Logan 'Cleave, R. R. 3 Bayfield, became the, bride of Ailan Brokenshire, -- Whitney Brokenshire, 'on Sat. urday, Jane 3, at Payfieid Bap.. tist church. Baskets of white and -yellow gladiolas mixed \vial, deeper shades 'of yellbw giant chrysan.. ting for the afternoon ceremony enhanced by the numerous light. 'Pastor Bruce. Eaton of Bay. field !conducted the double.ring rit bride was lovely in a gown of White empire waisted chiffon over taffeta., elbow length lace bell sleeves ..anci_aace_ _appliqued yoke; her floor •length tra:n was • trimmed with lace bordar. A bon., ffant illusion waist • length veil • wal in place by a cluster of lace 'holv.:1rs and seciains.,She mingled. with trailing ivy and. The matron of honor, Mrs. Eug. elle O'Brien, Z. tiriCh, and brideso maid, Miss Dianne CleaVe.„ ,field, the bride's sister, *ere dressed identically in empire waisted floor.length daffodil yel. low chiffon over taffeta -accented with wnite 'lace moi'la at waist and neckline from .-Arh'ch were trains of yellow chiffon. The flower girl, • Miss Debra 0113.rien of Zurich yas in .a gown of -avaite matching the bridea with lace yoke on skirt of peau de sole. The ring bearer wiis Wayne Oke ;Vera -Jack, Cleage, .a brOther of the bride, and 'Dennis Amacher., -Ushers were Eugene O'Brien, Zur Leh and Charles Kablfteish. The w4dding reception was held at the Little Inn, Efayfield, The bride's mc,ther wore a pink sheath dress with three quarter coat of pink lace, white access'. ories ;lad Carried 'a white rose corsage. A !IVO. piece. . turquoise silk worn by the bridegroom's m who carried a white rose corsage. For their hoaeyrncoh to., the. Western provinces,. the bride 'chose a two-piece turquoises:ilk salt with black and white aceeSs. ()ries. Oa their return, they plan to reside in Zurich. Four snowers were given for the bride: the first • was held at the home of Mrs. Dou Oke,, Zurich; the second was arcanged by Miss Ruth Anne Stickle and Miss Bertha Zontag at the home field; a third shower was held by the Willing Werker group o! United church, Bayfield and the fourth was spoesored by Baptist. church ladies at the home,of Mrs. Ken Perguson, Bayfield. 1 NAMING YOUR, FRIEN6'D Auburn Church Wedding Scene A bouquet of spring flowers and lighted candelabra ,made a wi-etty setting s in _Knox- United Church, Auburn, when Rev. M.R. R oberts officiated for the wedding Township and Charles Richard. - son Merrill of R.R. 1, Clinton. Given in marriage by her eldeSt son, Wayne Millian R.R. erich, the bride wore a pink lace sheath dress with matching acc- eSsOries and carried a white Bible crested with pink roses, Her maid of honor, Miss Pat Malian; daughter of the bride, wore a green lace tent dreSs over a fitted peen silk sheath with white accessories and she carried a white .Bible creSted with yellow carnations. The groom was attended by his 'For a wedding reception held in the Sunday school room erthe church, the bridal party was aSs. isted in receiving the- guests by Mrs. Mel Green of Lucknow, aunt of the bride. She wore a pink linen dress, wnite accessories and a white carnation corsage. Following a: wedding trip to Merrill will reside on the groom's farm, at R.R. 1, Clinton. A reception took place in the hall when relatives and friends gathered and danced to the black Hawk orchestra. Following lunch MT. Maurice' Bean read an ad. dress of congratulatiOns and Mr. Ken Swerd of SmeOth Rock Fall's preSented them with ,a parse of, money. WATT Audrey Elaine'Hoy of Gdderich 'Nati: of Goderich in Clixiton Pei). Photo by A. MonOwell florets and they ca:rited colon. and p:nk miniature carnations. Faith Hoy, cousin of the bride, tecbstal church on Saturday, may ' 13. Rev. John West, uncle of the bride, offitiated• at the double. - The bride is the daughter of Goderich. Groom's parents are 'Mr. and Mrs. Leopold Watt, of The bride given in marriage by' her father, chose a floor. length ernpre aown of peau de 'sole, with haie?e.t neckline, lily point sleeves and shouliees !en. gth train, The bodice and- train weie adorned with Jewaled lace appl!.quea. -A large satin rose held the full cathedr 4.1 train. A Victorian pearl headdres held usion scalloped veil and she.car. sensation roses with stephanotis and trailing Ivy. The bride's sister , .Misa Phyllis Hoy of Georges Brook,.. Newfoundland, watt maid of noapr and. bridesmsids were Eunice Hoy of CoderiCif,'COU-Siii-of _the hr ide, and Lesley P, erion 'of Chatham. They "wore floor -length identical gowlis of aqua lagoda,- was flower 'girl, and Jami,95..cour Hor, brother of the bride, and Guests were received at the Tiger Dunlop Inn by. the bride's rnoiher wearing a powder blue guipure lace sheath coat and clress ensem7c.le with navy acces- sories and • a corsage of pink sensation roses. The , groom's mot,her chose a . navy blue en.. _semi)!e . with white accessories .and corsage ''Of -wnite Carnat. For travelling the bride 4eose three.ptece :light green wobl- suit with matching,hat and white accessories and wore a corsage of pink and whir:a carnations. The PRE -NUPTIAL EVENTS ,Prior to her marriage the bride was honored at a rniscellanexes shower by thee night -nitr-ses--oVe, - Alexandra Marine and General . hospi'al at the home of' MrS. •Klp White 'and a miscellaneous Alfred Hoy. THE UNITED CHURCli OF CANADA SUNDAY, JUNE 'Mb, 1967 10:00 a.m.—Senior Church School, Children of thit- iunier congregation attend the 11 a.m. church service and sent "The Mission of the Church." "A DECENT ENOUGH DEVIL" ittpervised Nursery — Welcome — Rev. J. Donaid MacDonald; B.Sc, B.D., Minister .ance. Reed, Organiit. and Choir Director will pre - FIRST ORTGAGE LOANS VAILABLE UP TO $10,000 ,MORTGAGES,LIFE INSURED TO ELIGIBLE• BORROWERS AT NO> EXTRA COST GODERICH COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LTD. 39 ST. DAVID ST. 5247931 REGISTRATIONS FOR THE TOWN OF GODERICH RECREATION and SWIMMIN ' Naming your friend, as executor of your estate may well ,be *vidence 'of your good °pink:in gnd. • faith in him but is it fair , gither to him or to 'your PROGRAM REGISTRATION FORMS ,Registration iorms may be obtained from the Town Hall or the principal's office at the Children must be registered by June 17, 1967 Registration -forms are to be returned with the fee to the Town Hall or to the Schools. If he is a busy man with , his own affairs, either his business or your beneficiarieS are going to suffer. SWIM CLAS$ES Swim classes will be held in two sessions, Jtily or August. The preference should be listed on the form. • VISITORS and OUT OF.JOWN CHILDREN . Acting as executor is a full ti.me business for VICTORIKand GREY TRUST. The Peet allowed a trust com- pany are the sante as for an individua/. private executor. VICTORIA' AND GREy ....4.„,,,,g,.,......, ., ,.. , „.....„„z.,,,,,._,....,./.....,... GODERKH Out-of-fpwn children and children visiting relatives in Goderich during the summer niay,picic up their form at the TOwn Hall. PROGRAMME WILL INCLUDE * VOLLEYBALL 40 SOFTE141.140 NATURE HIKES • BADMINTON * SOCCER SWIMMING 40 CRAM'S 40 BASKETBALL i0 TENNik'?' THE FEE OOR R.EOISTRATION. WILL $3.90,,. a. Mbroamiebban.ax.rtavasamovbbarabaca.,,bAbabroatiaabbabbo_si.r.r...boaaabatictiamr=4:trY,==caist7;siabb•Mob:V;(.1(▪ or..;eb((...a4bat,bsaubbhaM•INMWObtAbb:WAllatailtilitb01,AntbiMilitsbb,.,4*Marifabl. THE PROGIRAM WILL, COMMENCE :JULY' 3 AND :END SAT tIRDAY, SEVTEMBER. 2 Knox Presbyterian Church THE REV. G: LOCKHART 'ROYAL B.A., Minister William Cameron, Director of- Praise SUNDAY,. JUNE llth 10:00 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 'a.m.—Divine Worship.. Sermon: "The Finality Of The Christian Revelation." The REV. MERVYN E. TUBB, Ridgetown, Ontario — GENERAL ASSEMBLY SUNDAY -- (Nursery and Junior Congregation) ENTER TO WORSHIP DEPART TO SERVE WESLEY MEMORIAL FREE METHODIST CHURCH 11 'a.m.—Communion. -FIRST_ BAPTIST CH,URCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) Montreal Street Near The Square Guest Speaker: Mr. D. MEDLEY, Stratford • 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship. 7:00 p.m.—E-veriing Worship. Minister: REV. HENRY de VRIES, Phone 524-8792 THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Victoria Street United Church The House of Friendship Rel.,. Leonard Wart 10:00 a.m.—Sunday Schoel—All Deparhnenft. 11:00 a.m.—Memorial Sunday for the Veterans. "ATOMIC BOMBS" 10:00 a.m.—BENMILLER Worship Servite and Sunday School. Mrs. J. Snider Victerie Organist Mrs. Ben Straughan Bentuiller Pianist 'CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET 10:00 A.M.—OUR' FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL 0 • (OUR BUSES WILL CALL AT YOUR DOOR) • PHONE: 5247150 11:00 a.m.-L-Preaching Service. 7:30 p.m.—Preaching $ervice., "Come Where You Are Never A Stranger Twice's UNITED HOLINESS CHURCH 9:50 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service. 7:00 p.m.—Evangelistic Service prayer Meeting — Tuesday evening, 7:30'osclock - SAMUEL M. MILLER, Pastor "A,Welcome Awaits You" AT, THE STOPLIGHTS, • Bethel,Perifeccistail. Tabprnacle CornAer of. Elgin and ,Willerkto 'Sts. REV. ROBERT CL -ARK, Pastor SUNDAY, JUNE lith 10:0 a,rne--4unday School Classaa for all masa. 7i30 pane...Evangelistic Service. ;i911 Welcorne,‘w., et •