HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-06-01, Page 16�p
Arie Debrune is shown'hereplowing
a five -acre field for corn ground on
his father's farm, which is situated
bn `.he south side of Huron county
highway 12 which runs between
Clinton and Bayfield. Corn is an
important crop in Huron county,
both as livestock !Red and as a cash
crop and the acreage planted in this
crop. is increasing steadily each °
year. (Staff Photo)
James Richardson & Sons Ltd.
Serving The Feed Dealers of Western Ontario'
PHONE 524-8388, ,GODERICH s
let Initial Payments
The Honourable Robert Win-
ters, minister of trade and Ecom•
merge, made the following state-
ment in the House of Commons:
4. WI%'Speaker, •I wish to inform
the House of 'the Goverum�at's
decision on the level
el of the Cana
'adia i Wheat Beards initial pay.
ments to, producers for the basic
grades of wheat,oats and barley.
to bedeliveredduring the1957/a$
crop year.
Th,e initial payments, effective
August 1st; 1967, will be as
Lower speeds lengthen ith'e life
of your car's tires, claims the
Canadian Highway Safety Council,
and you get bonus mileage from
there. As speed rises, treadwear
accelerates and you pay the pen-
alty of higher cost 'per mile.
corning to.
to' 00 ready
'Wheat; No, 1 Manitoba North.
ern, basis in store Fort William/
Port Arthur or Vancouver, -.$1.70
per bushel.
Oats:—No. 2 C.W. Oats, basis
in store Fort William/Port Art.
hur $0.65 per bushel.
Barley:—No. 3 C.W.. Six Row
Barley, basis . in store Fort
Williarn!Pdrt Arthur $1.06 per
These payments represent an
increase, of 20 cents a. bushel'
"for wheat, 10 cents for barley
and 5 centsfor oats. The initial
Fifth Brussels Night
At London Raceway June 3
The fifth annual Brussels Night
will be held at' Western Fair
raceway in London on Saturday,
June 3. Brussels residents and
those from neighboring towns and
villages are invited to clip their
local newspaper coupons for free
admission to the track to help
celebrate the event.
Feature event for the Brussels
celebration will be the Brussels
driving park pace, an early cloy
ing event which will go for a
purse of $3,000 added. This is
-one of the richest of the raceway'4
spring events. It is conditioned
for non -winners of $15,000 in1966
and should provide some. of the
"fastest racing of the season.
The Brussels night at the Lon.
don oval is•celebrated each year
.in honor of,the Brussels driving
park association which -was char-
tered in 1891. The . charter for
this association which allows
fourteen days of racing each
year is used by the*Western
Fair association.
Current directors of the
Brussels driving park associa-
tion who are descendants of the
original Brussels directors are
.W.S, Scott and George Baeker
of Brussels, D.C. Warwick; Owen
Sound, and Scott Burchell, Perth.
Post time for the first race
on Saturday night will be 7:45pm.
and the dining lounge will open
at 5:30 -pm.
payments for all other grades of
wheat, oats and barley -will be
established later by the Canadian
Wheat •Board. "
Make it easier on yourself and
the tomato ..remove the skins
of fresh tomatoes by plu`hging
in boiling water for ene minute.
Cool at once • in cola water and
the skims will come off easily
without gugging, adviseloof spec-
ialists at Macdonald Institute,
University of Guelph.
Not 'all the seeding operations proceeded smoothly this spring
as evidenced by the . above- scene. The Goderich township farmer
who became .a little too impatient to get working, his land before
it had dried sufficiently got himself into a real mess here.
Public School Children Plant Centennial= Trees
• Eiy Bonnie Mugford "
On May 12, Robertson Mem,
"orial public school planted sev.
eAty.five trees for our Centennial
prdjeet. A very kind rnan, Mr.
Jansen;.irorn i ae department, of
land's and forests took the time
to come and help res.•_ ' '
r That morning everyone: was
waiting. impatiently for his turn•
to pant a tree. The older pupils
got a younger pupil to help them.
Mr. Jansen and the older pupil
put the tree in. Ater this Mr.
Jarisch packed the ground down
around it. These trees are plant
ted on the -west side of our school
from Blake street to Bennett.
In years to come we hope to
see seventy-five healthy trees
blowing in the breeze.
It's time for a trouble -free -Toro!
f you own a cheap powerrinower now, you probably know all about
expensive repair a.pc) miserable summer Saturdap. You're
probably ready for a trouble-free TORO..Come on in and see one!'
• ,
Ai0 t
New Whirlwind by
& Small Engines,
Get to know
and see
Enjoy the vacation -of -a -lifetime at
Expo 67 in Montreal. It's easy with the
help of a convenient Niagara Loan.
- See the manager of your nearest
Niagara office.. Heil! give you complete
-details on how you Can experience
the most exciting holiday ever.
exhibition. You can have the money
-.within 24 hours. Payments can be
arranged to suit your budget.
Today's the bay to visit Niagara.
For a vacation loan!
Member of the Group of Companies
The Confederation Caravan
1s on its wav!
It's bringing hundreds of things ..for )%ou
The Caravan is bringing Canada's story fo you.
And it's really exciting!.
B7eryone in town is going tosome.
.A of people you 1S110\‘' be taking paq't
in the Centennial displays and .celebra.tiorrs
that will he staged at the -Caravan site..
When. the Confederation Caravan comes,
don't miss out on -any of,the f un!
Get ready!
.Canada's coming
to you!
irlAirp.,,seateo), chs.r.centent Cominission.
arid brought td yoti NvilifIliii.7-E-8;:ilyieilitiOW"iiry'Firiff—
Provincial Centennial Conunittee and your Commfmity.
This summer, enjoy Carling Cinci Lager Beer. It goes down a little easier, satisfies a whole lot morel