HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-06-01, Page 15-4r Read... his Summer The annual sucker play Tranquillity is'the most t eve- That's the only way to settle sive thing in the .world. At that. And I thought everything least, it is if you have a family. was Cleared up and I might get There ,must be a few rich, hap- a • smidgegn , of tranquillity. fty bachelors. who can put their What a hope. (Air prodigal 1 feet`up, read a book and take a turned up the next day,"al►d we "trip , without beceMing in- had to kill a roast of beef. And 1 volved in several hundred irri- t was expected to. take him tations. ' • •'side and have a "good, , talk',' Every spring I gay, through with him Ind `astraighten him the same routine, and I can't out." " ' „ . ' understand -why a, n. intelligent, He was tanned a'nd;„fit, with' man can be so stupid and suck -a beard that makes him look ered annually. All' it proves to like a minor prophet. Had just' me is that experience teaches,. ' had- a •pleasant six week's, bum - you nothing, contrary to the ming around Mexico and the .- old. saw. Southern states, Worked for Each year, May beckons like his keep,here and there, from a beautiful 'maiden clad in the selling fruit in a market to flimsiest of draperies. Every being a servant for a wealthy - year I pursue her, panting (or , couple. He's 19. puffing). And each year she'Had broken a finger. Indian turns out. to be an old bat wrestling on the beach at Aca- garbed in potato sacks, with a pulco. A mexican doctor set it, wart ori her nose, falsies, and had breath.•badly, and it, has to be rebro- • The worst ,of _the Winter's ken and reset.'• grind is' over. And I look for How do 'you have a "good, green leaves and, a warm straight talk" with a kid who .- breeze, for a soft rain and a just grins, listens to the blast, warm sun, for a little cool fish- • and says, politely, "Dad, I have ing and some hot golf, a little all my life to go to college and 'puttering in the yard. Notht- settle down to a job and raise •ing, wild, colorful or exotic,' .a family. What's the rush?" Just a touch of tranquility. And What, indeed? every' May it eludes me, with It offends my puritan up - the ease an. eel would elude an bringing, the whole protestant elephant. - ' ethic of ' hard work, and the Mostly, 'it's the Old Lady's capitalist -materialist outlook of fault. Like many women, she our society. But I can't help a begins to see all that shabbi- sneaking agreement with him. ness, in the yellow Spring sun- ` I've been hacking away for light; and acts accordingly; For a solid month, I've been look- 20 years; and have wound . up ing at drapery material, wall- with a.couple of kookie kids, a _ _. �•_ kook-ie,---wi-fe -a---ear-owned_.-bY, paper and"- chesterfield -cover--"- ing. • Saturday night, I'd had the bank, a good-sized 'aloe - enough. I. told her flatly! that I didn't' care if she decorated the whole house in pink and pur-, pie, but to include, me out. Oh, we -1. Now the family has Then I get a one-hour. lee=' ' . decided we're :going to Expo, ture, citing various neighbors and there goes the last hope of and brothers-in-law, on . my a modicum of tranquillity. And short -comings as a husband. So 'what the heck! Tranquillity is I finally tell her which of' the for old 'guys. And I ain't an old materials- I detest. And thein guy, he said shakily. gage and'a job. that is draining my life away., drop by drop. What; indeed;lis the rush? she tells me what rotten taste I There's,always next Spring. • And I bridle. Yes, -I literally) have. bridle. It's 'quite a trick. I tell ' her I like the chesterfield as it is: We've' only had it 16 years. I •a k he what's wrong with g r the• drapes' we have? I refuse. { -to admit the rug needs clean- ing. And then, as they say, the fat is in the fire, sputtering in iretions and burning n tjlly,when it hits. And I stomp out into the backyard, quivering with rage, and fear, and glare at the "compost heap"; a pile of old. leaves and stones I didn't get raked last fall. And she' stomps right after me and glares at me. And I stomp right in again and blurt defiantly, "Well, have it your own way, Clear." LOCHALSH fM��Ml N �NVNNr • {r, r nv-.y..x rrnr •�wrn+�,w. rr :`� r/•'i}Nf{ r?^'s'^.vj'e•'*'rny,�4'r• .• ,A--eceekly heart-• 'ori -theme-- --. tario dep`1lrtment of lands and for. ests *statesthat the provincial parks in southern Ontario opened on May'12 and will close Sept. ember 17. "Work is progressing in the prepaaration of the campirigareas an IP $r peoi.te on vahatign mai! have a Central Iiuron,Softball teams. is ed fairy mes of thein 14 safe and enjoyable shy at these P, y" . .. games 4. camps." • _ time, . schedule . last .: ,week„ If Some words of advice are con. you re wondering holy the CIS% tained in the recent report which executives planned schedule SPIRTS +y.�^Y.'7S,r>7'•'�r.. 1f.,xrlSri�r 97.C4+,s�:'rr ylrr� tw .t ..�� g�tryrr`Y/.+1i,r•`}}frPr• r,{} `l' r/v, CentralHuronSoftball PlaysFirt FoursGame ,l+tubin wan relieved by 13111 Black 'early in the fifth inning. Evid. ently Black kept Holmesville off the scoresheet for the remainder of the game, 'according to' the states: ` "a camper would de well, which called far a "gross" of results, to check and recheck his equip. games to be played during the meet after"'a long winter storage. .. regular . schedule, this • is a the It' can be very ,frustrating 4o way it works out, arrive Pa.t vamp and find .that the Each team meets another team children had the tent poles out :"your times.' There are six other during ' the winter anddid not teams for it to play which means' replace. ,them." that one team will play 24 grimes, Q°rher" dinxoreseen difficulties Multiply ,that figure by the six Which might 'arise without a pre. ether teams who will each Splay cautionary check' are: W 'camp 24 games and you arrive at 144 stove not • working, no mantles<, games. for the lantern, axe or hatchet Dungannon, which finished missing, mice got ip and chewed second from the top in the CIISL holes In the tent, tires °.op the' standings last year, have start.; trailer. showing .a cut or binge." ed out this years season with All these camping frustrations the same battery, Don Aubin is may be avoided, the report con. • their regular pitcher -arid Elwin eludes, by, "an evening or two. "Sonny" Petrie is catcher. spent in checking this'equipment If Aubin gets into difficulty, which would save on tempers.and Dungannon coachJack Ceasar has make for a much safer and more one or two relief- pitchers who enjoyable holiday for everyone.'' are quite capable of getting the • At Point Farms provincial pitching chores done to Ceasar's park, five miles north of Goderich Satisfaction, It's understoodhere on highway 21, employees are pre. that this was the case in last paring for 'what; parks superin. Thursday night's game when' tendant, Cliff Bates anticipates, will be, another busy season. Painting of campsite buildings, 'grass cutting and tree : planting activities are keeping the Point. Farms park staff 'working stead. ily. - MORE SPACE 'An "additional two hundred, acres have been .acquired by the Ontario department of lands and --forests- year --forestsyear of two farms adjoining Point Farms park' land to- the south of it. This property, which form.. erly belonged to Jim Horton, R,R. 3, Goderich, will increase the size of the Point Farms park .to approximately 600 acres. The recent addition to thepark will not be used for campsites, but will instead, be partially reforested to provide shelter and a natural habitat for wild life and fowl commdii to this part a". Ontario. Itis intended that certain crops- will be planted and grown to provide feeding grounds for wild fowl in the area, ' r Since the Ontario government Miss Donna Eliphick attended established the provincialparks a birthday party for Miss Wendy ' as public camping grounds, based Hamilton on Monday afternoon, on payment of daily or seasonal permits the parks, built and The . WMS_of Ashfield Pres. `maintained by the department of byterian Church met on Thursday lands and forests, have each year afternoon at the church. become increasingly popular with weekend and holiday campers: :..Mrs. Emtie- MacLennan was . hostess to a Tupperware party Day visitors, those who wish • on Tuesday evening. • only to use the public beach area provided by the park, may enter Mrs.Dunean FarrishDsividand ` and use the facilities all day Kenneth., were recent visitor swith upon payment of $1.00 for their relatives in Detroit vehicle, regardless of the number 'of occupants. A 'season's ticket is..also_ issued for - the sum o° $5.00 which allows the day visitor • Mrs. Finlay MacDonald, spent a few days with her . sister in Detroit. to use any park throughout On. ENJOY THE' FINEST FOOD Mr. and Mrs. -Oliver McChar. tario for picnicking- or bathing IN TOlA!N Labor Speaks --- Published -bit GODERICH and DISTRICT' At the time of writing this it seems probable that the Evapor- ator Plant Workers of the Sifto Salt Company will be forced to strike -on the first of June. " This is no spur of the moment decision. Negotiations hal/ been carried on for four months. After all; this time they can only be described as fruitless. We are aware that even at'this late date, last minute calks may show/enough hope of a settlement that the strike may pe averted. Everyone -concerned hopes that this will be the case. Labor only uses the strike as a last des. p:erates ;resort 'to remedy ori. justice. But we must bear in mind that .when the • employees con. corned: tbok their strike 'vote, the results were 33 to 1 in favor. So, there is no doubt the course, they have decided on, is the only possible one under the circum. stances., „ The Goderich and District Lab. our Council wish to state in the strongest possible. term's, that we support these men in their de. cision to strike, if they find it. -�eeessar3�. a .- I " a�. r es accompan e y• ' rs. : e = .. on --of -the-parse Alton and Joanne attended the open season. District 10 meeting for agricul. Those people who use the pro. ttiral societies in Ayton o:i Wed. vincial parks for camping pay a nesday. daily fee of $1.50 ' or a• we"ekly•, Chinese Food Our Specialty ALSO TAKE-OUT ORDERS OPEN DAILY 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Open Friday and Saturday Until 12 Midnight . q The Esquire Restaurant "524-9941" W.J. Denomme FLOWER SHOP Phone 524. $132 DAY OR �.. NIGHT Agent for 2A -hr. FILM„DEVELOPING amount of $9.03 for the privilege Mrs. David Elphich was judge of- parking their trailer or pitch. at the.spring flower show in ing a tent on the campsites. LucknoW on Saturday. Point Farms .. superintendant C.E. -Bates stated that 185 camp- sites ampsites are provided at this park, Paul's Delivery .. Local Grads Owned and Operated Eby Paul Spain Local Delivery Service Local Hauling ANYTIME Goderich and district grad- uates at the University of Water. 100 were announced recently. They are: J.D. Kalbfleisch, God. erich, master of mathematics. Bachelor of arts: B standing,, W.K. McGee, Clinton. C' stand.. ing, L.M. Dailey, Goderich. Bachelor of arts, honors: M. C. Dorrance, Seaforth, And if they " do . go on strike we will support them; . financi- ally, morally and physically as _heeded, until they receive an acceitable contract. In addition, we have no doubt our member unions will give full co-operation and we will have no hesitation in recommending to them, that -they do so. • , , d ,$i-ing Clean ound.rhe Corner Join Your. Neig ampaigno'° Here. . _ Firs gzard this i a. reminder that you Can be �priri� +�lean�U� Week is coming up shortly, and s good citizenby joining your neighbors in doing a bang up job :of spring Clean-up. More than0100bone firesoccur in Canada y day,saystCanadianUnderwriters' ' Association, and every yearhundreds of byes are losXtluoub Vires in homes:. it is ill; your own interest to. clean, up :your, home durin'Spring Clean. -Up Week to elnipate fire hazards and, to protect' your family and yoUr property against Pre..' w Carelessness is the cause of mosfl►oine fires, the Association 'says. Letting ,unneeded, combustibles stack up in the attic or basement is , not good or smarthousekeeping, it adds, Ford sales al"..0111.400aking recon cord Ford sales mean record Ford deals! Come in today! This is your best time to buy a new Ford. Right"fiow, you can' get, a better deal from 'your Ford dealer on .every car he sells -because . Ford sales are increasing all across Canada -and setting all-time records in many areas. The result is a better deal for you. But there's another reason for buying a new Ford, besides the better deal you -can 'get. It's the quality you get ip F.prds. This quality is the, reason more. and more people are switching to Ford from other makes. It's something you can sense the moment you begin a test drive in a new Ford. And it's something you can count on mile after mile, year after year. See your. Ford dealer today, Check the quality that comps with Ford's , 'famous Quiet Ride and then check the better deal you can get! You're ahead is a ,_r let built! • EVERY 1967 FORD CAR IS EQUIPPED WITH THE FORD OF CANADA STANDARD SAFETY PACKAGE AND BACKED UP BY 'OUR MORE COMPREHENSIVE 3 -POINT WARRANTY. GODERICH MOTORS LIMITED 35 SOUTH STREET 524-7308 FORD YOUR VACUUM CLEANER STORE. SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION OF QUALITY CLEANERS BY EUREKA, GENERAL ELEC' TRIC AND LEWYT BBFORE YOU BUY. Hutchinson . •~par"tii�arra-.-Z..-...3SA:�:'INirSti�._:.Y:T;Blhttie-Sr24a730:a- .' (above,the Signal Star) $24.1131 Ask about our evening hours • 301 Huron ad. Map out a change -of -place vacation with an HFC Traveloan AMOUNT LOOF AN MONTHLY 60 months 48 months PAYMENT .76 months 30 months PLANS, 20 months c2 months 8 100 $ $ I - 1. • .. $6.12 $9.46 300 18.35 28.37 •• 560 23.73 32.86 51.24 1 000 41.45 58.11 91.56 1600 . 57.72 2500 73.35 90.18 ... 3000 88.02 108.22 4000 101.01 117.37 144.30 5000 126.26 146.71_180.37 Above p yments Include panellist end Interest and are based on prompt repayment, but do not Include the cost of life Insurance. Map oiit a change -of - .pace •vacation, too, for good health, good work. Do it with an HFC Traveloan, It'll provide the' money for every travel expense. Later when you' return, you can repay HFC conveniently. Ask about credit life insurance on loans at low group rates HOUSEHOLD FINANC 43optiticm. • ',o v,ni .,,,