HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-06-01, Page 6b., The QoderiCli Signi1, +taar* ` urs , Jane 1, 19967 911 Aroo CIubs Convene 'For Achievement Dungannon.- Jnstitute Honors 0 The acWevement. (lay far horn Huron Women's Institutes at the*. Making globs on the theme"Wor'ld afternoon. session. Most Of the FQQ IS in Canada," was held an girls and their leaders were in Saturday at. C.1L«S.S, Clinton. with Centennial dress and gave the 140 girls participating. The mein, air of the gay nineties to the bars , of the, Bolmesv lie club' program. that received county. honer cert• FINE EXHIBITS . ificates and pins for completing The —exhibits set . up by the ° 0 Club projects were: Nancy Ginn various clubs were very color. Marilyn lyn Rodv$ ani1Ssnla W;sa. fol: The ' HelrnesviIle club with Dianne Roches. eoeived a. certif. their commentator, Susan. Lobb :irate for comoletiag four pro. jets. Each Of the 1,3 members received a silver spoon for coin; plettng this last project, ' The Centennial project —"A World of. Food In Canada" was coMpleted last Saturday in Olin.. ton when 4..H girls (rain Auburn, showed the treasure ttoye .with tiny dolls dressed their nat. tonal costumes and told aboUt fn* to 4.bod. Mary. Lyni Forbes of Clinton spoke on their club exhibit, "Come dine in Great Myth, tlintoni, Clinton II,: God. Maureen Miller of the"Goderich Mo_vis, Tiger bunlep with many utensils as candle and ,Varria Clubs attended and other 'lands. Tbey also ianswered quizzes. about Canada, ene quiz ghowing where .peoples of other countries setped and what . 'foods they had introduced :D Canada. Miss Sharon Carroll, Huron County home economist,was in charge: of the day's program and she .was assisted by Mrs: Joan horne economist for Kent and Essex Counties. Centen. nial pins and leaders badges were , preseWed.to: Au-oura, Mrs. Wes. Bra.dnock; Blyth, Mrs. Luella McGowan, Mrs, Larry Badley, Miss Brenda Nesbit; Clinton I. Norman Tyndall; Mrs. Bill Holland, Mrs. Keith Tyndall; M:rs. William Porter; Hensall' Mrs, R.M. Peck, Mrs-. '14rry Caldwell, Hensa1111- Mrs. Donald Travers, Mrs. A. Munn; Holmes. ville.Mrs. Eldon Yeo, Mrs.'F,rank 'Yeo;- M -orris -Miss ,-Ivlary Anne Phalen, MrS. Jack McNichOl, Tiger Dunlop -Mrs. Albert Durst, Mrs. Eric Raeipurn; Varna- Mrs. Miss Katherine Fear, R.12.#.3, Blyth_ was•honored *hen she was presented with her proVincial honors and pm by Mrs. Wilfred Coicloogh, prosidAt of West Personals sview visited the past week with her Mother, Mrs. Jambs F. Thomson, Britannra Road. Miss Marilyn Tebbutt has ace. epted a position as bookkeeper' at the office of Peterman products Co. London. She iS a graduate df Goderich B:isiness College. hive returned from a trip by air to v,isit Mr. and K. Trietz, Winnipeg, alSo Van. couver, Victoria and Sari Fran. mOlds, butter prints used. one handred years ago on clisptay.. The Cranbrook club.with their cOmmentator, Sharon Fisher, spoke an ' their exhibit, "Come Marie Trewartha sspoke on Clinton II, e);hibit treaSure trove and Debbie Anderson of Hensel). I, spoke on their colorful exhibit, "A Danish luncheon" featuring wich so popplar in Denmark. A humorous skit, "The Fathers .of Confederation celebrate July 1, 1867," was done by the Morris club with Miss Wry Anne Plialen taking the leading part assi-sted Nichol, leader 'introduced the skit" with all the players in costume 'of 1867. guage," was an interesting skit with ail members 3aking Part ing 1,,n a Pioneer Kitchen" was done by the Tiger Dinlop •Club. The_ :Varna club- gave' their skit on the "Fathers of Confed. eration celebra„te. in 1867',' Au. burn club Presentediliel dem- onstration on .2. typical dish of another nation with Brenda Ball, Connie 'Hickey and Wendy Sch. neider making Indian padding. PRESENTATICMS Miss Carroll presented Mrs. leadership award c:xtificate from the Canadian council on 4—H clubs. M.75. Joan Whitfield comme ted on skits, demonstra. tions and exhibits and Miss Car.. Toll presented • certificates and spoons. Mr. Co]clou-gh presented county hondrs , and pins to Ruth Bere,Auburn, MaryLynn Forbes, Clinton; Marie Trewartha, Clin. ton; Cheryl Tyndall, Clinton; Nan. cy Ginn, Clinton; MarilyaRodges,• Goderich; 'Sandra Wise, Clinton; Margaret Phalen, Blyth; Shirley Fisher, Goderich; and Barbara Bremner, Brussels. The day's program was closed by all re. peating the 4—H Pledge, John Lodge New President Knox Presbyterian Y.P.S. John Lodge was elected pre. sident of the Presbyterian Young' People's society at Knox church oa Sunday, 14ay 28,, He succeeds' John ,„White ill this, office.. The ininister, Rev. G,L, Royal, On. ducted the ceremony, of install. ation after a banquet prepared by the young ladies. Of the sop. In addition to, JOhp Lodge the officers for 1967,48 are, BetSy Jerry, vice - „preSident, Kathy treasurer, David Royal, carninun- ications, 4nd Karen Mills, .social convener. ,with fitting words, •of two lawn chairs was made -to Mr. and IV,Irs. W,illiam Wark who are retiring as adult a.dvisors after several y,ears of ekcellent service, ''The rri,miSter in ifts remarks .4P9MPilmented the soclety on the Axle showing ,over . the past year pzrticalarly in the field of rnissi. ionary, enterprise. M.?. Royal es, pecially inentioned the care of a Korean orPlan MIR $100.00 con. tributed to the Missionary budget ., of the congregation helpipg to attain the, pastoiate's hope of $15,000 for .mission's as 'a eniory ..of. „Late: -A4.mtfee: Wte met at the 11=0 of Mrs. C, Crozier. Nt7s. W. Zinn presided, During a short memoriam sex. ' vice a candle was lit in tn01110X4', the late Mrs, Ctiarles Mcgee • Eighteen' members answered the roll call "a good quality in a farmer's wife." Mrs, ,E,Rivett gave the mQtto "The price a The d,?legatei to attend Abe district annual: at Clinton are to Mrs. R. Finnigan and Mrs. IL G irvkli. It was decided the Instit— ute Would go t6 HurOnview for the birinday party in July. Miss Flora Durnin gave. a talk on gardening Whi.ch was very in. samtive. -An auction Of auto. graphed apro;is took ola.'ce, The entennial , project, and the $100, , given to the Good Samaritan innd for loCal help: arid care,:. The 'Season will officially close on June 4:3 with a barbeque and swim party at the home 'of Mr. 3:6 St. Helens 1:6 ' Mr. and M Tom Todd and Miss Isobel Miller spent a., few days in Montreal and attended "Expo." Ivan McQuillin it'IS among the University. of Waterloo graduates oa Saturday. He received his Bachelor of Science degree....p,fan will continue .on at Naugatuck chemical plant in Elmira, as a .chemist now, Mr. and Mrs. "Fred McQuillin attended the grad- --natiorr- and spent the weekead. with Mr.andMrs. Ivan McQuillan Congratulations! Ivan. Mrs. David Garnour, Jeff and Steven of Montreal are visiting with her parents M:. and Mrs. Harvey Webb, while Dave is at- tending a Short course at W,.!sz. ;:,ern University, L-ondon..A the weekend With her sister, Mrs. Sheldon Martin and Mi.. Martin at Galt. Op Monday, they .attend. ed•the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Edvmrd Young at Elkton, Mich. Spring clean -Up • Can, Be Extended To Cliurch Hall Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rose—and farnilY• of Gu6lph visited on the weekend with Mi. and Mrs. Har. •vey Webb. Ma; and Mrs. Warner Smyth of Teeswater, M:.*. Claude Haugh. ton o! Toronto and Mr. ,James L ittle and Linda of AShfield were Saturday evenihg visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Errington and family. Awe cru9e --meeting will be 110(1'0 the cAse 'OF FIRE At home.— Quickly get everybody out of the house. 'Call the fire department 03e sup eVeryonO in Your fire departmen0 At ptiblin gatherings — Walk,' do not run, to the nearest exit. Call the fire de,, Partment ,immediately. Keep Association WEEKEND AT EXPO 67 Fr'orn Hotel Bedford, Goderich Picking Up At: $69 Pill ADULT Cost Includes Round Trip by Highway Cruiser • TWO PASSPORT5 TO _EXPO el TWO NIGHTS. IN HOTEL , • ALL TIPPING AND BAGGAGE • TRANSFER5 FROM HOTEL. TO EXPO. AND BACK MAKk JUNE )(OUR LUCKY MONTH BY PURCHASING TH.IS BRAND .NEW HOME- !WILT BY EASTBANK Constructed of pioneer Stiine, ,this three-bedroOm bun- galow features. wa•114to-wall ,nylon broadloom fn ,the bright, ' • large Jiving . room, pure vinyl floors in .kitchen, dining ' TO= and bathroom, gleaming oak flO6rs .the three extra large bedrooms. " in the smartly conternporary kitchen are the latest designed' cupboards and counter by Cardinal of London: The four -piece bathrooim is beatuti- • fully tiled with Roman Onyx Ceramic tile -and house is heated by 'forced -air, ,gas-fired furnace- located in the full basement along with the laundry facilities, . Priced at $10,900, the down payment is, only $2,400, with balance on N.H.A. moRgage,.payable $124.00 monthly TRAVELWISE, 432-8161 333 Adelaide St., London • Exclusively Listed By HAROLD W. SHORE • • -REAL ESTATE BROKER DiAL 524.7272 38 HAMILTON ST. The COOLEST BUYS on the HOTTEST ITEMS! Following the busy winter social season, Spring' Clean -Up Week provides a good time to sprae up ' the scxial hall 'of your church, .the Canadian. Underwriters' "Association said today. 1 Household Uses SPECIAL SALE • - Stock On Summer Needs! At -Pre-Summer Sale Prices. ANACIN TABLETS 119 MOUTHWASH — 14 -OZ. SUGG. LIST. 1.40 CEPACOL Mouthwash 99c SANITARY NAPKINS, 12's SUGG. LIST 53c CONRDETS „4„- ;$C)R 89c AQqA NET Professional HAIR SPRAY SUGG. LIST 1.19 CREST th Paste LAWNMAFER 18" ELECTRIC MOWER 'Powerful 110 volt, amp. G.E. MOTOR . . . the most economical, cotvenient, efficient mower you never heard • . it'6 that quiet! • Swing -over handle, no clumsy turning. Plug into standard., hdusehold ou.tlet. .Twin side discharge chutes. , Off -White engine, attractive Gold Deck. Com- plete with 100' weatherproof cord Sugg. List 1.39 ‘S -OZ. AEROSOL — SUGG. LIST 1.39 OFF! Insect Repellent 99c SHAMPOO—MED. JAR—SUGG. LIST 1:19 HEAD -6i SHOULDERS: 99c 9 9c: A I j). Compare at $60.90 Value BIG 14 oz. AEROSOL SPRAY Drying Spray .Enatnel. Great indoors, great ates kitchen furniture. cribsrlvrought iron, ap- pliances and lawn MO NV Ci'$• Covers plaster. plastic, metal — almost anything! Available. in a Wide array of decora- tor colors.... 3 primers too. A real value! Seasonable Buys — Reasonable Prices ! ATTRACTIVE BUY Magnetic Broom .Compare at $1.49 88 Special Price ob Flagged edge 'plastic bristles create static electricity — bring dust out of hiding, brisk shake and it's clean. 40" enamelled white hardwood handle. BUG ICILLER, 11 9 .SAVE! SQUEEGEE .SP9NGE MOP Sliecial Price 1 .19 Compare at $1,59 • 81/2" wide. Easy grip, wring handle. Var- nished harctwood handle. 4., . 'NIP" WHETSTONE NORTH -STREET . ° 524-7394 CU RAD "0" UCHLESS" BANDAGES BRONZTAN 2 F R 7?c 1'29 29c DELSEY TOILET TISSUE 1Ss —SU -6G. LIST 1.98 GILLETTIO 4.UPER STAINLESS STEELILADES Compare at $6.29 159 :All-Metal---2PORTABLE Pack it uti Togs ake collapsible, pop it in the. ear and go anywhetel Stands 1q1/4" high, firebox depth of 11". 151/4"xn" plated grill, wind-hreaker liood and' a carry handle. Mepps SPINNING LURES 3 sizes . . ,Gold, Silver. and assorted . Save! HEDDON RIVER RUNT Sinks slowly dives like,e real min. rrow 8/8 oz. of sure catch action' *09 EACH . lauare mtSt Kit ", ArtIZOLIIN 11114 OIL REGuzAR - 1.4 or$eal:f7or camping. S. et in- • 7 We reserve -thiiTiiij 1.1,61.4iiirqtaantities on all sale Hems. • $1.29 • T. P.