HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-4-7, Page 1Subaoribe for The 'EXETER ADYOCAVE. Only 'frontno 11,ra uarY 1st 1593,, U'ive it a trial. 19.IVIT11.1.121/Sr..1 Mt,...131(..S.M11.19M371MOCIO. TrarmemenanwrreltovAti, nnor.parrralsramt,... VOL, IV. EXETER ONTARIO, ,TITITS,...DAY, APRIL 7..1892. The Mosons Bank. (Chartered. by Parliament, nesse Paid up Capital $2,000,000. Rest Fund.... .......... 1,100,000, Head office Montreal, F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., tr,ENERAL MANAGER. Money advonced to g,00cl Farmer's on their own notes with one or more endorsers at 7 per cent per annum. Exeter 13ranch. Open every lawful day from XO a. m,to p. • mo iSaturclays 10 a. m. to p, m A generalbanking business transacted Four per centper annum allowed for mon- ey on. Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 3 per cent. N: DYER HURDON Exeter, Jan 28, '88. ' Sub Manager THE (15x,:tter Abviocate Is published every Thursday Morning, • at the Office, MAIN -STREET, EXETER. By the SANDERSPUBLISHING COMPANY. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTIGI,T. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance. •s81.50 if cot so paid. ..5.41.-srertiz3.1-1.s• Rates =a No paper paper discontinued 'until all arrearages are paid. Advertisements without specific direotions will be published till forbid and charged. accordingly. Liberal diseountmade for transcient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description. of ,TOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and. at Moderate rates.' Oh eq ues, m oney.ord- ers, Zito, for advertising, s..tbscriptions, ate, to be ad.° payable to Saii,ders & Sweet PnOristaTons Clrurch nrectory. TRIVT,TT MIDIORIAL CIITJ1l013.--Bev. IL Fatt. Rector. Sunday Serviees, 11 a. na a nd 7 p. m. Sabbath Soloed, 2.80 p.m, MuTuonisT Rev. A. L. Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services, 1.0.80 a, m. and 0.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. m. MAIN STItEET-Bev. W. ItoDonagh, Pas- tor. Sunday Services, 11.00 a. m. an .1 0.80 pm. Sabbabb School 2.80 p. m. PRESBYT.SEIAN CIVIT 11011.-11(1v. W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 5.. m., and 0.80 7). ax, Sabbath Se hool, 9.45 a.m. .1PrafeS0ioual Card is. , 'IL H. is:INSM.AN,L.D.S, Fanson's Blodk two doors north of Oarliag Store., MAIN ST,IIIMT, j ii.It, e.s.tributs teeth without pain, Away at liensall on 111 Friday; Aliso Craig on :hid and .ith Tuesday; and. Z ttrieb,on last Thursday o.t each month. r‘ 1)aw3.is•r, M.ember Royal College Dental Surgeons, successor to 11. L, Billings. Office over Post ulliee It:cater, Ont. A safe anaesthetic' given t'or the painless extraution mt teeth. Vine Gold Fillings as required., micas:tied. B WI-IITELY, if. D., C.)1., 0 o Surgeon. Ofidee and resid.efica- Corner Victoria and. Elgin streets, Goderich, Ontario. 1 -IR. T. A. ROLLINS. 'OFFICE -MAIN ST. Residenee-Ooruer Andrew and. North Streets, Exeter, Ontario, . TIR, T. P. MCLAUGHLIN, MEMBER OF .11 the College of Physieians and Surgeons Ontario. 'Physician, Surge41l axle Acconee- eur. Office, .Liashwood, Ont. DR. T. A.. AMOS, M. 7).., C. 11, Mamba of College of Physicians and. Surgeons, Ontario; licentiate of the. Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Edinburgh; licen- tiate of the Faculty of,Physicia.ns And Sur- geons, Glasgow; Fellow ot"Trinity ,Medical College, Toronto. Office -Dr. Cowen's old stand. 42.2.1.,P1.1•110.1IMPIMIntreklrn•l•WeVOIMInglani,VIIMMIMMIallii,le.11\.,3L Oflice-Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. 1 11. DICKSON, 'BARRISTER, SOLICITOR of Supreme Court,Notary Publie, 0 on- ve-,yancer, Commissioner, Ste. Money to loam Offitie-Ean son's Block, 'Exeter. • 17LLtIOT & EL.LIOT, BR ARISTERS,SOLIC- at 0 pieroorse,ifi.out eyameers. &e. Money to loan B. V. ELLIOT., X. ELLIOT AzitttiOille,eArS. TX BROWN., Win0.1101Sea. Licensed Auct- lis ioneor for the Counties of Perth and MilidieSeg., also for tho township of Usborne 1 Sales promptly attended to and term sreas.on aid e.Sales arranged at Cost °face, Win chelsa A J. :aoLLiNs, late of Manitoba, Limas., . Auctioneer for the counties ofHur- on and Middlesex.. 'Reidence: 1 mile south of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mail or other- wise promptly attended to at reasonable prices. BOSSENBERRY, Hensall Ontaxio. ensed Auctioneer for the Countys of • Ruron and Perth. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. T HARDY, Licensed. Auctioneer for the , Oettrity of litiron. Sales Conducted on •reasonable terins. Farm and Farm Stook a s occialty. Full arrangements can be made ot this office. LIMED. W. FA.RNCOM.B, Provincial Land 1' Surveyor and Civil. Engineer.• Office, Over Post Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont.. TA AIN'T MILLER, Veterinary Surgeon Graditate ofthe Ontario Veterinary College,Toronto, (Successor to Wm. Sweet, V. ) Over 18 years practice. Office and residence bne Meek east of Richard Pickards store. Opposite -Skating Rink,Bxeter, Ont. FORSATE, West half diet 10,, Concession 5 in the 10 33 fish i„p of' 'Me enean the ()minty of 11 110011 containing therein acres more or keit The kf.f hi about. 30 acres cleored and the bal- ance bushbeing ini,ed th black ash and cedar. A gooli wind,thilL with a good well woter 013.0. 3.0)11 suited ter stock raising. For further porticul ars apply ±0 G0. Nun t. er Ridge to, wn or to john dem ter, Xr. Exeter. FOR SAleE OR TO RENT. 'CltoRe premises kr own its the Ciornutercial Hotel in tbe town of Clinton, together with • the Stabling and appurtenances. also those premises in the nage of' Exeter known as the 9,ueen's Hotel and the brick store ad- joining the hotel ana naad as a geoids/et , store lurid Post Office, The above iveport,y wi 11 Ile sol 11 al 608,V tel'Mg. ,VOr 1)011,t1:1e1ler1 1013 .roira 110IPPIEVt_ 1 t 8, ill:IP:V:1(i 00000. '100, Colborne Tit, e P°' • ....:;OVZ"' Tho ADVOCATE OFF10' -.Nviiee Jd,Ile e itins, ten Lesiva eat re V'el4)17(,!3^•^Iii, all kii f printings, ”tIONAC..7..IRV-Vf FOR SALE. • • 11'wo Excellent Farms Lots Five and Rix in Second doncessiOn of Osborne. (V0(1,01'0)30 about 3 in Iles from Exeter, Terms easy, For particultirs applyto 'ELLIOT & ELLIOT, •20th March, 1892. Solicitors, Exeter pito PETTY bOIe SALE. The following valuable property compris, tole:tote Carat half 73, Thames Road, by. ad^ measurement PA aeres. tin the land 10 a, splendi1 frame house and stable, good welt, a number ofyoung trees, and many ober accommodations. Also two acres 'of 11,;:',"'t1 situated on Main street,north, of Lalte Road, For terms anti particulars apply er011ti THOM,PSOIN, Hay P 0. Homm FOR SALE. The Devon Hotel and property, situated 21/g miles sontli of Exeter, comprising l he- ros of land with frame stable an(1 shedi will be sold on reasonable terms. Possession given at any time. Fur further particulars appliy to L. :Diekson barrister, Exeter., or to .1(ellomd, propri eltor, 011 the in'emit,es. ib")A11,1‘.1.1POrt One hundred 110005, 111000 or loss being Lot 1, eon. 0, Township of 'Osborne, 'CountY of Huron, 00 aeres under geol. cultivation, well drained, good orehard,two frame barns frame stable, '12wo Ste 1.1:y Brush Dwolling & two good wells of water 011 the promises,For further partionlars ai,yly to • Ma. JOHN CORNIII 250-1is ht. Thomas, Ont IQUOR LICENSE AcT. Iri accordance with the Provisions of tb e Liquor LicenStrAet. Publie /sLotice is hereby gigen that a meeting of the I,icense Com- missioners for the dist:riot of South II uron will beheld at the vitage of 1:L1)00e11, on Wednesday, April 201M, 103, at 10 o'clock a. in., to coasiclur the applieations for License for the ensuing year. The following are new applicants for Tavern License: -Win Cunningham, Eoya I Hotel, Village of Orecliton;:lra.Bice, Central. Rotel, Village of Oran toti;J J. B.' Weber,DaVs .17 otel, Of Egni o &vine. , , Licenses at present in force: -Tavern 40; Sh op 3. Num Ler of applicants for 1898:- T11ve011 41; shop B. Any petition against the granting of license to any applicant or against the prom isoa, must be:filed with undersigned at least four days before the 13:1 oeti ug of the Board., Wio. if ALLA XTYN -Lieense Inspector, Seaford). 500 •AI A, Ctiria_rr TOTslil SOLI) AT A LARGE STOCK OF AMERICAN ALL PAPER TO cHposE FROM AT E. J0Spackrnall &Co's jS.A.11,VELL'S BLOCK, EXETER. • On Friday lest Mr. "Curley •Tom" Bissett, while assisting in extinguish - hog the blaze on the Commercial House, na.rrowly escaped .deach. He was on tile reef and by some means mis- sed his footing and rolled over several times before catching hionself., Luckily for him the t he did ioot roll off, for if he had no doubt instant death Would have ensued. , . \Vhen the timateur gardener tell two small boys to lotirry home fromschool and toy with twO spades in the rich brown earth, the urchins realize that spring is upon them and hath terrors 1)0 leSS severe than the woorlsawing of winter. Gardening is great exercise when the boss gardener gives two sinall ;100yS power of, attoney to enjoy it on his behalf, • •Mr. Silas Stanlake, of Sodom, has workmen busily engaged, moving,dig- ging drains and making other prepar- ations for the erection of his residence on Gidley street. The bricklayers will begin operations as soon as the cellar IS excavated and 11 18 believed, when the building is completed, it will not onlY 1)0 0.11 impreveinent to the one thateoccupied the former site but a commodious dsvelling to live in. Heeh mon! Hae ye DO read the Epis, tlef o' Airlie? NVhaur bee ye been leevin' gin ye hae not heard tell o' Hugh Airlie? Ma conscieroce, but its 0 goat n' buik-no that laheese ye leen, for ite no but 25 eents. but fti' o' harnely creeks an pawky screeds aboot ane thing an' anither in geld braid Scotch. Mon, when *I got then bulk I jig houch (od till I thocht a' wad dee. It fairly dings them a', It tells a' aboot the, adyentures o' 0. chic:, new tee th& ways o' the lontra an' mony 0.0.110 wha has been in the verra same predeeca Inent will ken hoo tae sympatheeze wi the pnir birkie, Dinna fail tete spder at yer built seller foe the "Epistles o' Airlie," and gin he lute na got it sen" 25 cents tae the GitTP r'sitTNTING rtrntfilfiNG CO , TOrent0. On Thursday of last Week to ehoot et bluerocks took place; on the Agricultur al grounds between a number of our sportsmen. The result of the K:01'04, G. Anderson 1 0 1 1. 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-12 F. Collins 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 11 0-8 E.Fish101 1 1 1 0111 0 1 0 1--10 A second maach tools place la,ter on with the follooeing result: , Thos Ilissett0.`'0 0 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1-8 D, Johns sitt) 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0-6 J. Loneltnan 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 se -4. b'.13istett 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1-7 A. J. Snell 11 001 1 1 11 1 1-9 It is now pretty well understood to lee a dangerous prytice to attempt to palm off wo:thles limitations of the "Myrtle, Naey" tobago ter the genuine a,rticle. In fernier years; that praetiect was the cause of much annoyance, and Messrs. Tuckett & Son were compelled to resort to tile law courts te put a stop to it. Though they have not inet with any cases of the kind lately,. it its al ways a safe precaution for the purchas- er to eee that the, trade mark T. & B.in bronzed letters ieestaleped upon each plug; no plug everelesiees the factory without it, end to appropriate the trade mark is a punish/oleo offence. An exchange eays:-.e4-In Novsmber last the Reliance Electric Company of Waterfoid, contracted with the eity council of Stratford to light that city with 70 electrie lights at 20 cents per light per night, the lights to be 2,000 candle power. 1,1 the later part of Dec ember the Reliance. •Company sold its Contract to the Stratford Gas (..)otripany and an electrical ex plrt has since de- elared the light furnished•ie notup to the standard agreed upon. The sale of the contraet to the gns company Leis never been recognized by the council and the Itelialice Company disclaims respoesibility In the mealiti,ne the city is getting its light free, the cram eil having refused to pay for the light on the ground that it is not equal to what the, e glean -lent calls for. The, trouble, it is expected, will terrninate in a ;awsuit." Hew foolish our citizens were at not taking the agent at his of- fer when in our villeg,e- Now probab- ly we would be haviug lights free, On Saturday afternoon about:, 3 o'clock the soot in ;o chimney Pit tho Commercial Hotel was discovered to be 'bulldog. Volumes of smoke brirst footle, but in a. 3.03111 11313.3. all was thought to be over. Shortly after this, 1)031 3(1, the. tiosmiths working in Cabbledick aed Follatod's tinshop dis covered the roof to be ou fire. An a- larm quickly sounded through thc vie lage tied. in a few momeets eager .hands were rushing- towards ehe scene to render assistance. Ledders and pails were at once procured and men climbed on the roof and sueceeded in alla,yileg the fiames before the torrival of the tic elegiac, which, however, was, not long ia responding to the call. The fire was caused by a spark beilig blown underneath the ridgeboard where it ignited •the shingles and was soon fanned into a flame by the strong wind which was blowing at 104 time. Had it not been for the speedy action taken by the citizens, /to doubt many here would have witnessed one of the 'worst conflagrations that has ever talc, en place in Ex.eter. The damage has been repaired and is fully covered by insurauce. Farsaces. Get yo11 mille pans, milk cans &c., re.paired at Cobblediek and Folland's Garrivaatett • 'A good girl 'wanted at once for Which liberal wages will be paid ,Apply to Central Hotel Exeter. ' raritali for Sale. . isesThe uadersigned has several first chaos fartns for sale on easy terms. • J. SPACKmAN, Exeter. W RIZ tea . Never too late to mend.. 5000 pairs of boots andshoes that owed repairing to be left at the leading boot and shoe store next dbonto the post offle,e, G. Manson. Eitel Sowiem. On SaturcleY April 2nd Mr. Wm. Pi 1) who resides but a short dis- tance west of this village, began tilling, the soil W ith spring grain. The land' was then ia a good state of 01.31±13. 11100 but shoo it has 1.o carne motetened With. warm growing showers, and. trom appearances vegetation will begin ear- ly in the spring,' Speckled Tecult. An order-b•council has been passed changing the period for the :dose seas- on for speckled trout, Instead of as heretofore, extendieg from Sept. 15th to May 1st, the close season will in fut- ure end on April Ise' Anglers NS til thus be able to eecure this delightful species of the filmy tribe when the fishing is at its best 'and a month earl- ier than. heretofore. TOluteco vs. Clam. 'This is from the Hamilton Times While Mr. Mowat is trying to keep the boys Df Ontario from learning to use tobacco, could'nt he spare a chunk Of his "best eonsideration' 'for the girls who cheW gum? The nasty creatures wag their jaw e like a pair , of sheep shears, they won't allover when spoken to, they stick stale ehews to the table logs aud the headboard of the bed, and they spread diphteritt and other mili,g- nant diseases this:nigh the school sec dons by swapping (thews. Tobacco is bad etiough, but whoever saw tiny one borrow a chew of it from his neigh- itai..1.0, snout, A. sooai of this nature will take place in the Jetnet Si, Church oa Good Eris day 5100. .r the auspices of 'the Young People"s Society. Christain Endeavor. At,. lengthy program is being prepared and itoo edmiseicin foe of 15e. will he charged„ inse yeasetett Bigamy Case. This ease, ceine up for heating before Justiecgi5,esell; Lewis aed Eilber, on Tiie,ssley last, pousnant to adjournment of ',Jet week; -About a score 91 witness - ea werceeNamined and the eft Sa for the peoseculion seems to.. grow Seriously strong itgainst prisoner. Owing to the fact that, the sonetable was unable to Serve. Pocess upon second .wifa the matter ,oifas adjouened fel- another week Beilgof 000 was accepted for the pris- oner in he meantime, Dining the latter pert of last' week millinoneeneenings commenced at Mr E. J, Spentnian's, A. J MeTayith, Mrs. D. Spieeeeestitiel Miss, Horn'all of which had 1aie4: aisonels of, visitors anxioue to yiewl...ieSlatesit styles .and fashions :for the oeeleiseinetneter. Eaeobs depart- ment was eeeestit magnoticent dis plays ots' d'dirrefitt' 'etyleS- 'Of head gear. 4 beantiful sVeht in 0.1137 0± these do ,toesopte$ to pass.around and see the "q:.ttlr;styles and shapes , se ole gently profusely decorated.' In most toll't..as-tho.: trimma ings re 1131ported fSteiieVierepti. 'tend are :of the most dellAete Seadeii:, The Ladies at the. need Of tlse above departments , lieer- ve Much oseelit fer the artistic Marl Iler in whioh 11' work 113e8 beep done. Ow- ing to, 131i'ea-f SPerce, we talon& do jus• tice 10± g3 1g 0 ?tiller aecount of these este b bele ft,71‘41G ''ildfeyote Id say to a II at • - • . wheha pleasut e of WiSitlllg •' le n 18 t° Val 1 C011peir CouneitSeilfigby order of the Ineye at the ToweJeell,,Exetee 1st April 1892. All Press...TV...The Minutes of fennel- meetin es"eaed. end. confirmed. Orders wets, grak4ilefor the following slims vizi -aJ as 1,c,:<,h $14, advice re Dor wards taXlieSedo ,'eharily ±0 Mrs. Wit - cox ; do :9,4,:',14±3 Uo;u1d; 'de $1.50, Mrs Mrs. McIeTosh and Geo. Foree$4, 'for gravel. Christie - Caeling,T;Oaeetenders be asked for use df igh:ssceilee and ringing towii bell. Cegrie.d.s'etitie,Soatll was granted per- niiSsioh theeirdnt so door -step in front of his 3keehlugiiduse,..4The cleik to pre- partaby eiw•te.Vitoint 0. ponnd keep"e Utielteg-.- Spa-et:man that the Oad coin • sK4i.s.81.011eSeeetesioeted 19 yenogyese the, geitaesairib of tiie fenee's as are re- quired from the did market, grOued ±0 .the Tosvn 'Vert' i' -giseuncts..--Carritel. Spackmaig-LPOss that Messre Carling endeChristie e, committee to direet .the removal -of fentes off the old mar- ket ground -Carried. .,The clerk was instructed 10 have why law...drafted. to establish 'market on the Town Hall 'site:. The. council adjourned until ‘Vecluesday the 13th enst at 8 o'clock p m. IiiI.EAeRETT, Clerk. Sodom.. MR. EDITOR. , DEA' bIR.- As CeitRin parties in Sodomaare of the opinion that certain events that, take place in public meet- ings should not be published, and as noy (leaden differs from theirs in this respect 1111 consequence thoveof resign my position as Sodom correspondent. Spring Fairs. Exeter...... Crediton .. . .. Luc 11) Granton Brucefleld... St. Marys ......... Listowel Strathroy 1,c,31.tetPO fklerton Woodham. • 41 f • 11 1111% Aaron qawver, of this place is preparing to build a brick residence, this coming summer, which will add greatly to the appearauce of his preon- •ises.-Mes. S1.,arling, of Anderson, has moved to the house of .her daughter, Mrs. S. Ford.. -Mr. Albert Copeland has gone to Manitoba, to seek a fortune for hiniself.-Mr. Richard Ford has been home on a visit from the Commercial College, Stratford, and is loo,king well, -Many of our citoeeus are busying themselvee this week cleaning up their yards and giving things in gen eral a thorough renovating. -Some of our farmers began seeding in this sec -,tion last week. 12: 13; 13; 14; 15; 19; 22; 22; 8, 14, 20. Mitchell. The assignment is announced of T. H. Race, proprietor of the Mitchell* Re. corder, the Reform organ in that town. After the unseating of Mr. Trow, The Recorder in a bitter attack on W. G. Glenn, the successful petitioner, acme ed him of t[(ting out of revenge, said Mr. Tow had over been the meane of keeping him out of penitentiary, and stated that Glenn would commit mur- der if an opportunity offered, The tor ttchs formed the besis a a libel suit whieh was settled at the Huron Aseiz, es, live paying all cosies and his law. yor apologizing in court for die appear-. ance of the article. Friday, laet week, bor's mooth. Go for the gum , The Recorder was handed over to the Mowat, •tender mercies of the sheriff. Brewster. 'Farmers in this vieinity are peeper- ing start,their 8p1'i413' work, --W. 0. Erten, who Spent the Winter i Miehi• gan, has eaurned hetne.se-Mr. & Mra J. O'Erien spent Sueday t Gr 311(1 Botta viehing Mr. Yen valkenburg, who lying at the point of death. --Mr. & Mre. Thoe Vine were, at Erucefleld 00 business host week. -Mt', . 0 Taylor of spent part of last week vieit lug his uncle Mr. le 13.. Belley,--The population of the Se,uble, Hee is increas iog. Mrs M, 'Whitmore presenting her husband With a fine bouncing bake girl on Saturday last. Biddulph. Miss Anode Prout wes visiting -friend in Exeter last streek,--41iss Maggi Hamilton was the guest of her sister Mrs. R, Atkinson, on Sunday. --Miss L McFalls returned from Corbett or Sunday last where she had been on a visit. -Mr. Marshall Atkinson left fo 106west on Saturday where he iutends making his future libine.-Mr. James Dempsey paid Wm. Irodgins it short vielt one evening last week.-Mr.John 'McFalls, who has been visaitig friends 10 Stratford and. Parkhill returned home on Mentlay.-Our • line is noted for its many sawing matches and a large amount of wood is cut owing to the inen sawing On ti Tne:. On Tuesday Mr. George Hodgins had 63 cords cut and Mr Hodgius and Robert McFalls beat all time, making as fast speed as McColl and Hoffer. Not bad for 3id- dulph. -The 811011 has alt disiipeloored, seeding is about to begin, and farmers as 113,331 are busy . -A 01frolt,of Stoat• ford, has dispoSed of his house and, lot iu Ellin vine to John bleinous, of the same burg. • 13russels, Assistant Manager Jarvisc of the -Merchants' Bank, has boon here ins ("oohing into the facts in gegard to the suspension of McIntosh and PileTag- gart's private bank. The assets are placed at about $95.000, while the lia- bilities are only about. 873,000. There was $50.000 in deposits, 812,000 of this lseiete very lately Withdrawn oVe• fug- to a, eeport that difficulty w is ex peeted. lir. Me:Fagg-art, the senior partner who is now engaged in lumb- ering in Alabame, has hyain 0e00e2.:11i cated with, and is expected here daily. In the meantime C. B. Aginstrong, of London, is ecting as receiver foe the iefe,rchants' Baiike-McIntoshhes been a', resident of Brussels for :olgint 15 veers, and enjoyed the highest regard of the people, and as a MR rk 01 (111 esteem -in which he was held in Brassels was electedgeere last January, by accla- mation, after a three years experience as councillor at the Board. • McIntosh wrote back from Windsor that he lied plenty of surplus to square off ac counte, claiming to have a margin of over $20,000, but saying he had not nerve enough to face,his troubles. Miss M. Quarry. of Parkhill, is visit- ing here. -Miss Rebecca Robinson, of Grand Bend, Was the guest of her sis- ter, Mrs. T. Handford, last 3.0(01 -Sit Ed. Prom, of Biddulph, paid our town ViSit on Saturday last. -Mr John Neil was the guest of G. 0; Essery on Monday. -our farmers are getting their tools sharpened and ready for the spring work. ---The wrestling match on Mongly evening between J. Daley aed G. Brown was a draw and will be • de (tided on Monday evening next. A number of our young folks sPent quite a11 enjoyable time at the residence. of Mr Sheardown on Monday eveningein- dulging he 6 games, taffy pullig1 netc. 6 Some of the, farmers have common. eed seeding already. -The Misses Rol- lins, of London, are spendiug a few days With their sister, of this place. - Mr. 'Wes Handford is still, very ]ow with inflammatory, rheumatism and is not likely- to recovera-eGeorge Essery and family spent Sunday ia Crediton the guests of Mr. C. ,Beaver. -Bert Knight and Art Spicer, of Exeter, were in the village last week on business. - Mrs (Rey.) Allan has returned froth an extended visit to loer mother in Lon- don. -Dick Davis, of Exeter. was the guest of the Misses Rollius on Sunday Mrs. Jas. Swenerton, of Grimsby, is vis. visiting, the scenes of her girlhood. - Geo. Hoskins and Ed. Willis, of Exeter, paid us a flying visit on Suuday.-Ev- erybody should attend the grand photo o,graphic conceit to be given in the Methodist church of this place on Mon • day.evening next, as it is the ftrst of the kind ever given in this locality. 411P Greenway A very large congregation assemb- led in the Boston Methodist church last Sabbath to listen to the manorial ser- mon of the late J. R. Watson. Tile p11S±014 Rev. J i Holmes, preached a very impressive sermen from the text Thesa1..IV-e13.-,'12r. and Mrs. George H. Morgan, of Briesley, spent last Sutu. day in town -A protest Wag filed egaiest our mayor lest week for lsrib- cry mod cerrUption and on Monday last he res eigned; It appears Ile is too ancient. He belee,ed the bill for plarok sidewalks and says he prefers to Walk in the middle of the street (the Irish- nian's sidewalk). -Mr. Janie« Pollock rcnte,d his house to Mr, A. McLaughlin and 'etatteel for Wayire, 'Nebraeka, OAS 0.. NO2 1. 1. week --Mr, A. Al. Wilson leas sl'eed140,.`• to move to Exeter, where he inteestes opening up a 3010001 ,3' aud beleery, family will be missed by their,- es:anew friends 118 they are kind tied eeighbors, and faithful worliete litS.Sese, church and. Sabbath school -Mt steer, eitoar AcciDriNT --- least Sabhatleie,see:e- mg es Mr. ,I. 'let:IAA's little boys- weesta attending their loorses one of placed his hand too near the knifs at' the cutting box and load it cut lee ss frightful manner. The doctos has - little hopes of lois recovering from:, etas,. effects. Luoan. One f Lucan's fairest daughte'rs'. Miss Minnie OUTILlingliare, was nease.ite to Mr Robert Rowntree, of Toreate Junction last week. The bridie Vfn1P,' waited upon by MISS Anode Magazin-- a(1d her (the bride's) cousin Afiss Atte& • Hodgins, while the groom was assists by Mr, C. Foster, of Carlton, anse. el'ess • groom's brother, Mr. D. Rowntree a 7 r Weston, the ceremony being pm -forme -a e by the Rev. R. H. Shaw in the preeetaseg of a n u in bee of invited guests:The wee's,- dines presents were numerous and^coste ly, and the bridal dinner luaving betV,,I - partaken of, the happy couple left oree the afternoon train going east weth tree best wishes of all. ' e Our Spring Show svill be her& et, s Wednesday. April 13th, -.-Ab the tereete of the tenth session 02±00 London, rtresl- Ica! College, Mr. R. W. Shaw. of tasi•. place, was successful in passing' honors. --Farmers in this viciserty stre lousy preparing for Spring- work-, w1d.. in all probability saeding will soon, ia full swing -Mr. Adam Neil lute; 71.- t Lir n ed from Illinois beinging with.' h11.' a $3Ven year old I'm Ouch Draught ste- lion. As this is thr3 first breed ever - introduced in this section we wish‘ the • owner every- success. -Mn 9e,o1,,gt: - Pogue has been successful in passieee- - his final examination at Detroit. Seism--; ' of Medicine. Lnean will soon be naes • ed for M. D's. erediton. Report of school section, NO. 2, Sitc.47-t hen, for the month. of March. -The lowing are the names of the -first. tv.T., • pu pi's in each elass:-TV classist tin Salter, ';!ici Willie Salter. Si. 27,5,. ist Ed. Lawson,Rod George Salter. III, 1st Lillie Lawson, 2nd AnnieSpen- cer; II, lst Thos Edwards-, 2nd, LaWS011;,,Sr, Po. 11. 1.st 'Wesley Hietze,te, 2ecl Minnie, Garrod; Jr. Pt. II, lee;feeetise, Sims and Thos Garrod equal, 2n0. by- EsseivaPt. 1, 1st Jos Sinis, 21131 Nee, • ry.Gower. Average attendance 2C; • the month, 32. A. Ess nave 'feathers -- Stem LIST. -Mr. Link had the miereate- une to get his leg broken last wattee. while wreetling. He is slowly Teepee-. ering. Scarlatina is ia the - netgleboes hood of Crediton South, Mr. J: Wilsom'ea and. Mr. J. Laroport'e little daughtagre, having it. Mrs Jos Sims is slowly m- oos -cringe The Royal Templars- Temperauce was in Shipka 011 F3140,.. evening lest, to a concert there 'teases - Royal Templars intend holding, a cote - cert in the Town Hall of this vil*gestes on Friday evening the 81)0 fflepee which the Rev. kr. MeDonagli 10Wee- pected to speak., and the Exeter .loci,g,v• is expected also. -Our new laindloedie. Mr. Cunningham,' has arrived' in tessee.3 to take the place of Walter Claeks.--leint. Bice takes possession of the :Royal . Ye' DU May 1st. --A very fine display -dig millinery is being- shown at, C. Zwitile er'sstore. • People will find it to thig.;'..,er advantage to give him a call. Tire - shop is under the care of Miss K. Zwiess- ker.-Our base ball club intends. gisr- ing a cencert on the evening c.,:f±31173 spring fair, April 1310, A ',good 3:),^u:. gramme is expected. Come early sisitatel: secure a good. seat. -A new dressmetl- er has come to our village in the per - eon of Mies Mienie Rau. Any persona' wishing a neat: sui t will do.Well to- gaitte on her as she is highly recommended., -Mr. Smallacombe has oponed np at. tailor shop one door south, of Cleekles harness shop. He has struck theisitelele:' place at last. -Mr. Israel Smith/ :Nasse. moved into his late father's houses --- The services on Sunday last waresetheas ducted by the Rev. McGee, a Hemsall, Collections were taken up mornibee end evening in behalf of the Edume-- . ional Fund, ---The township cona.c5LS met on Monday, 4th April. tffir members present except Mr: Eilber.-- The daughter of Mr, Tritz passed etwareee and was buried in the German eenactzr•r- on Monday last. -Th 3 country aroontie,i here is beginning ,to hooking sprisers- • like as the grass and grain have' netti4g, great growth since the rain ora Fr/dale's night and Sunday night: Peopleape.' busy preparing for the putting fp 01; the spting .crops, -It IS with feelings at, regret we are called upon to chronitelte the death of Mary, beloved wife of' Samuel Lamport, of this village, took place at her husband's reeidenesta early on Tuesday moraine; after ae brief illaess of one inototh after confieseee ment, The deceased's maiden' flamer - was Mary Dick, an adopted dangletee • of Mr. Alexander Dow, of Exeter. Tlao• deCe(1sed was 0.1 1110 time of cleathaged:, 22 years, 7 months and 27 days) was highly spoken ()flee- all svho 1211.0.13 0 pleasure of becotning acquei•nted wStle her. The funeral takes place this ernoon and will ,proceed to the Exeteer cemetery. She 10)tY08 a husband!! • 1.1,11t1',,!` ono infant child. The husband hes Otte S, mpathy of the villagerS in, Ms s'AAAt bete tt- ern e n t '