HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-05-25, Page 14•v Ave sa. Paul's Wintry egro Leader Claims Discrimination- Growing In By G. MacLeod Ross DISCRIMINATION, 11 Rustin, the negro•14ader in his article in the London Sunday times -bemoans ditscriminatibn against the'suntouchablesr' of India; Ile alight haveadded the religious prejudices as between Hindu and `Moslem; „the tribalism of Africa; rica; even the division of Muslims into Siinnih and Shias. But .the. negro leader will never modulate his appeal by acknowledging . that there are negroes and negroes, just as there are whites and whites. I have seen Hindus wham I Paid on 3, 4, 5 year debentures or 6% paid on 1 & 2 year debentures 4 THE ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE ,COMPANY established 1870 • ASSETS OVER S80,000,000''' CAPITAL & RESERVE $9,000,000 MEMBER 1',TA141) CEPA$ T h$JRANCE CORPO.RAT)oN' ,Yes. lam .ntarested in your attractive rates of interest offered on debentures. Please tell me more about this system of saving • Mr. Mrs. Miss .... . .. fel. ..°. Complete and mail this coupon to: . ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY 137 Dundas Street, London, Ont. Or call: 432-4158' . L•1 L Address 1pathed and despised, yei I have 'been proud to find friendship and. comradeship with such as the gen. #le Kapoor, a Peshawari Hindu. . Possessed of a brilliant mathe• matical brain, tar superior to my own, here was a modest, sophist.• icated, loyal, hardworking offi- cer, whose.•honaurs degree from Glasgow University had been foil. owed by 10 years residence.,in England. The same can be said of Chinese ;gentlemen I have known and I salute RungFungHs• sang. ,I have met Pathans of whose cunning bar a•z ism I am reminded when I read of 'onditions in Dal. las, Texas on ovember 2$nd 1963. But egltal y I have been prbud to associatewith nen like Khan Bahadur S ,arbat Khan, sorinetime Political AgentTochi•,- N.W.F.P, and one whobefriended me so often. ". England did not mature over. night. The feudal serfs of the el. eventh century, should. they re. appear today in their thousands, would be, collectively, just as in.'r compatible as is the collective ne. gro. And no one will deny that the feudal conditions under which many negro slaves lived in the U$ 2,500 Gal. Per Hr. Against a Six'Ft. Head For Not $49.95 But Only before' emancipation, produced a extralegal strategies. If direct Much more socially compatible action is now taken, without viol. individual than have the factories ence, many of the uncommitted and easy` -money of Detroit and (that, is the discriminators) will Chicago since 1939. Nevertheless •' be pulled the right way and de. the paternalistic 'climate of life clare for immediate relief", on a plantation merely condition. So once again we encounter the ed the negro to , become a ready same old, discountenanced cliche victim for the social welfare that 'laws' will make the negroe„> measures which .are so lavishly __collectively acceptable irlWest. offered in the Western world. ,ern society 'as neighbours, In New Orleans I walkedwith my employees, friends and acquaint. Southern hostess when a negro anoes, How can Bustin believe begged from her. "Get off that that a "law” cast change apeople sidewalk ,and take Off yo'a hat" whose state of development is she said. The negro disappeared still hundreds of years behind that. down a side street. When we got to ,of the majority with which they her home my hostess' children demand unconditional equality? if surrounded her asking for cook. "laws" fail, and every sane man les, They were followed by their knows how ineffective they are to negro nurse. My hostess kissed change social 'attitudes,; then, like her children and said: "You just all the other leaders, he counsels do what Majnrny Lou thinks best ,V direct action., p for you". There you have thebas. Rustin skirts a valid solution is contradiction in its•stark. nessl , 4 • RUSTIN'S SOLUTION Rustin's recipe for redress is first, resort to a law or laws. "The only alternative to law" he says "is • direct action..,,tfe coloured minorities will take to Huron Unit Cancer. Society Hears Encouraging Reports A' general meeting of the Huron Unit of the Canadian Cancer Soca. iety was held earlier this month in. the Council Chambers of the Wingham 'town hall.. The president Harvey C.' John. ston chaired , the., meeting. _ED. cot raging reports were heard from all departments. It is ex. pacted that the objective for the campaign will be reached. Gordon Leggitt and his "Bell Ringers" delighted those present with several musical numbers. A very excellent essay on smoking and its relationship to cancer, written by Douglas Eedy of Holyrood, was read • by Mrs. MacNaughton. Appreciation of his Easy Terms Offer Expires Sat.r May 27th CANADIAN Sunproof. Paint Sunproof Latex Cementhide Rubberized Masonry" Paint Save t75 on Gals. Save 75c. on Qts. Aavilable in White arid Custom Mixed Colors work and splendid example to other young -people was eit.• pressed. Reverand Mr. Hamilton pre. sented a pictorial tour of Canada from Peggy's Cove to the, shores of British Columbia. The pictures • were of the highest'quality as was his accompanying commentary. The little cradle, made ariddon. ated to the• sq'd'lety ,.by Mr. and Mrs. Tiesma was on display at this --meeting. It was unanimously v decided to present this gift . to the Princess Margaret hospital in Toronto. Ladies .of the Wingham .branch served refreshments at the close of 'the meeting. Labor Speaks. 'Published by ,rGODERICH and DISTRICT LABOR COUNCIL All too often, we who belong to Unions have_ letters • read at our meetings ' 'asking for financial help for other Unions, who have been._forced to strike. As, a rule • these letters tell us what they are on strike for; often it is hard to believe what small wages men are expected to work.for. These other towns are• like ours; the Union men receive at least aver. age wages; so what does the non. union man get and how is he ex. pec.ted to live, on it? Unions haven't been able to get YOU GET MORE, PAY LESS IN FRIENDLY.CONKLIN COUNTRY • e .the profits yet. Not while theboss goes to Florida every winter and 'ais workmen can't afford to goon camping trip for . a week. Not while the boss •drives a new high. priced car and the worker drives a piece of mobile : junk, Not while his kids go to a private school and his workmen's kids have to quit ' school dt sixteen 'to ga to work. • Not while the worker has to, piIt his wife to work to keep his home ,together.. Not while he has td have a second job to try to .make ends meet. Fellow Workers, there isn't a single one of , us that the boss keeps around because he likes our looks or we're good company. If we're not making a profit for him, we all know what happens. 'We're outl So far all the Unions have been able to do is get a start made. Some of course have done better than others. But, what about you, who don't as yet, belong .to a `py th-Your pay a cheque and your hours , of work? Is there room for improve. m ent? You can get together and do segfthing about it. ' If you wait t. for your b64S to give you a fair share of the profits you make for him, you'll still be waiting wndn you get your only ride in a Cad: iliac; one way to the cemetery. It will be too late tlien.do it •• . now! re when`he says; "We hear that time willtake care of the problem. Time in itself solves nothing; it is what is done with the time that counts{'. Having regard to the centuries it tdok the world to emerge, it wouldbesur. • prising' if the collective (negro did ,'. ,not also require a considerable per, iOdloo. Not,.that it need be measured in centuries of course, .having regard to the potential ad. vantage, Q>n,livirig'beside a:modern. civilisation, There Iso none ' who would, not wish -to see the collective. negro shed his inferiority .Complex; show pride in . being negro and anxiotits to conform to the usages of the rKtajority. Would it not .do more to establish his image, if he and his leaders employed a --,more subtle, approach and thus proved that he deserved recogn. ition, rather than trying to com• Mani it? For'.it doesnet require .great sophistication to Whence Rustin's "direct actio without Violence" will lead. Owned and Operated 'h'Y Paul &Pain Local Delivery Service Local Mauling ANYTIME EOR'YOUR FIRE' INSURANCE See oHPhone ` MAICQLM MATHERS GENERAL INSURANCE, AGENT 46 WEST ST. 524-944Z- • Give dour rnoney a chance to_ show its true colours Brighten your whole outlook on savings with a BONUS SAV, (NGS ACCOUNT. It pays a full 41/2% interest, calculated on your minimum monthly balance, credited to your account every six months. No chequing privileges to tempt you in a weak: moment ... a special golden passbook to keep reminding you that 41/2% is special ! Want to breathe a little colour into your savings? 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