HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-3-31, Page 8170, mer $NNOVNOEJJI] Special—Draw ai, line from the Lake Shore directly east to Kipp= and them by way of Staffs anti Cromarty to Fu1- iarton and .Russeldale, then south to Kirkton and '% oaiilatn then west again to Clandeboye and terminating by way of McGuire, Mount Carinel,Corbett and Greenway at Grand Bend you have the outside Boundary of the field which THE MART ams to cover with its goods and cue tamers. To secure this we have to keep a large supply and certainly are not failing in this respect. Our store Le literally crowded with goods and Holiday Stock ready for seekers of Hol- iday Gifts. Every desireable thing we could think of has been placed to meet our customers wants and no r we cor- dially invite them and their friends to call and pass a pleasant half hour in hooking through. We wish to make our store worthy of Both our Custom ers and Oursehes and now with little fear ask for their verdict. Z. GRIGG, THE MART. Exeter. LOCAL JOTTINGS. rerNonal attention. Miss Jessie Vesper, who was spend- ing a few days in Maple Lodge last week, returned home on Tuesday.— Mr. Jas. Acheson, who visited Alpena, Mich., last week, returned on Saturday last. -Mrs. Wm. Daw is visiting her sister in Woodstock.—Mr. Alexander Taylor began serving an apprentice ship of three years at tinsmithing with Cobbledick and Folland on Monday morning under the tutorship of Mr. Alex. Forsythe.—Mr. Bert Knight ,was visiting in Ilderton on Tuesday even- ing, returning. on Wednesday.—Mr. Arming, nephew of Nm. Arming, of this place, left on Monday for Alpena, Mitit., where he is engaged in the U. S. Life Saving Service. Miss Clara Hersey arrived home ft om. Richmond Hilt on Saturday eveuing •Eugh Spackman; hardware merchant, was in the Forest city on business Monday. -- Mr. W. H. Moncur visited London last week.—Mr. Arthur Carr has returned after an absence of..three weeks. -Mr. William Harding received word on Saturday that his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Gray, was very ill, , and left for the city the same evening. She ' is now slewly recovering and is considered to be beyond all danger.—Mr. McFall, .of Seaforth, was yisitiug his daughter at the residence of Mr William Grigg on Sunday.—Mr. Wesley Trevethick was visiting his parents at. Crediton on Sunday.—Mr. A. Spicer began to serve an apprenticeship at tailoring with Mr. Robert Knight on Monday.—Mr. Fred Farncombe of London is in the vill- age for this week.—Mr. Wm. White, of Seaforth was in town on business on Tuesday.—Mr. Geo. Eacrett Jr. left on Tuesday T for Lucen.—isses Emma 4 and Maggie Demuth, who ' have been visiting at Mr. Thomas Snell's left fur Reed City, Mich., yesterday, where the former has resided for some time.—Mr. John Bawden left on Tuesday for Windsor to seek for employment.—Mr. R. T. Richardson who has been visiting relatives, and friends here for the past two months leaves on Thursday for his home in Lincoln, Nebraska.—Rev. Mr. Fletcher is in Toronto on business.—Mr Ford leaves to day (Thursday) for Trout River, Mich.—Messrs Hugh Ross and D. Johns were in the city this week et on business.—Mr. A. J. Ronnie has re turned to the North West with another carload of horse;+. -Mrs. S. Tait ig at present visiting her son Mr. Thos. Car ling, of Clinton.—Mrs, Loftus, of Lon don, spent the becinning of this week with her mother.—Mrs. Jas. Hill of Creditoni,is visiting relatives in town.— Mrs. Geo. Easterbrooke, of Burlington is visiting under the parental roof. -- Mrs. Ann Heaman, who has been spend ing the.past six weeks in London. vis iting her son, returned home on Satur day —Miss Edith Dyer has returned af- ter spending a vacation with friends in Palmerston.—Mr. Bull, of McGillivray. left for Regina last week.=--Ja,s. Miller, of McGillivray, left for V irdena Man., last week, -John Ogden, of Osborne, left for Calgary on Monday.—lenry Collins and wife lest for Deloraine on Monday. Sam Darling; and Sam SVhite, of McGillivray, left on Monday for Winnipeg. A Bigamy Case at Crediton. Bichard Waistell, of the village of Clandeboye, was on Monday last brought before Justices Eilber, Snell and Lewis, at Crediton, upon the seri- ous charge of having two wives. Wife No, 1, who was Susan Cook before her marriage to Waisteli, which she says' took place in Toronto, 1849, lays the information and is prosecuting. Wife No. 2, who was Mrs. Cobleigh before her marriage to Sn'aistell, which, it is alleged took place in Exeter in 1889, lives with defendant at 'Clandeboye On account of the absence of material . witness the case was adjourned until Tuesday the 5th of April, when inter estin ; deyelopements are promised, L. H. Diekson is, sting for prosecutor; R. II.' Collins for defendant. 'New Date YOI." Qen:eu'S alrut .day. The ()Amen has, derided that all bive" thda' fuuetions ere to take' place .:ts usual this year in spite of the deep mourning of the Royal faintly. The date fixed for the official of her iMnjt'sta''e birthday is' 8aturday, May 28th. 'The Queers intends.to Spend. her 'birthday at Balmoral, roe Jts series, You ecu „et the Exeter "Advocate', Medicel Adviser end Eaten help sent to any parson in Anrerien. Only one prise for two. papers. ,Now is your tiin sttliscriber ow r To m r is .t t o r (1'� day) e 1s of Ap 41, 'WI fools' day." Gents see our $S pants made to or. der B. Pickard St Son's. Mats! The newest and best assert-- went at J, H, Grieve's.. Ordered clothing at closest prices at the Dig Bankrupt Store. Miss Horne's millinery opening days. are 1st and 2nd of April. Ladies see those $2.50 shoulder capes at Richard Pickard & Son's. Gents buy your furnishings at the big bankrupt store and save money. If you want a first,class farm on easy terms call on John Spackman, Exeter, Mr. George Bissett lost a valuable milch cow on Tuesdav from the effects. of paralysis. Several parties have been in the. village during the week trying^ to sell maple syrup..' For a fine spring suit try J.H. Grieve All the latest goods for the season are now in stock. SMALL SUGARCOATED Burdock Pills do not gripe or sicken. They are mild and effectual. A complete stock of mens and boys suits at greatly reduced prices at the Big Bankrupt store. DR. LOW'S SULPHUR SOAP is a delightful shampoo. It cleanses the scalp and darkens grey hair Ladies, remember that my millinery opening days are Friday and Saturday April 1st and 2nd. Miss Horne Richard Pickard & Son are selling a big lot of cotton goods at away down prices. Ask to see their 4c grey cot- ton. Farmers in this vicinity report -the fall wheat crop to be in a thriving con dition and every prospects of a good crop this year. It is believed that eggs will be bought this year in Western Ontario by weight as they are virtually sold that way in the English market. Messrs Ross & Taylor have just com- pleted a numberof those baking cab- inets which will be found very useful in every household. Good wall paper for 3§c per roll at the Big Bankrupt Store. • A fine display of the latest novelties in millinery can be seen by calling; at A. J. McTavish & Co.'s on Friday and Saturday, 1st and 2nd April. Dont fail to attend Richard Pickard & Son's grand millinery opening on Friday & Saturday 8th and 9th. It will be the event of the season. Workmen have been busily engag- ed excavating a cellar for Mr. Albert Fuke, and building operations are like- ly to commence in a few days. Mrs. D. Spicer's millinery opening takes pace on Friday and Saturday, April 1st and 2nd. ' Call early and see the latest novelties' " in the millinery line. To day (Thursday) isthe last day for councils of cities, towns, villages, and townships to pass by laws limiting the number of shop licenses therein for. the ensuing year The agitation of celebrating the 24th is still going on and our citizens are beginning to look forward to a gala day in the near future. Fuller panic ulars will begiven shortly. Thursday evening last week Mr John Mclnues lost one of his dairy cows from the effects of inflammation. She was a noble animal and the loss will be keenly felt by the gentleman. A largo number of farmers and ,oth: ens attended the auction sale of land rollers, gates; etc, ou Wednesday aft- ernoon, held on the premises adjoining the turning factory of Mr. Ambrose Cottle, ' For some time past the disease com- monly known by the name of "mumps" has been prevalent in the village.. Up to the present nothing serious has re- sulted and the prevailing epidemic is somewhat abating, "Utah, A Peep Into ' a Mountain Walled Treasury of the Gods," is for sale by News Dealers at twenty-five cents per copy, or will be mailed upon receipt of that sum by J. H. Bns wire,• Gen'1 Passg'r Agent Rio Grand West ern Railway, Salt Lake City. Mr. A. Q, Bobier has secured the ser- vices of Mr. James Abbott, of Centralia to look after his interests in the egg business. Mr. Abbott is highly spoken of and appears to have had consider.. able experience,.and it is believed Mr Bobier has made a wise selection. A short tiine ago a rumor was cireu- lated throughout this village and vi- cinity that Mr. William Harris, former- ly of Osborne. now a resident of Larn- dttlf, Mauitoba, •had Been frown to death. Although he encountered the blizzard, the statement concerniing his death is untrue. • An exchange says that a slick -tong- ued swindler is abroad among the far- mers selling them 25pound cans of coffee, for a ridiculously small suns. When the farmer gets his can he finds instead of coffee he has some nicely browned navy beans with a little coffee essen`ee'poured over thein. A large number of Royal Tcmplars of Temperance visited il,ensall 'i'ues clay evening for the .purpose of attend- ing an open meeting and listening to lecture. delivered by John Ij Tom.. I. P. S They report being well treated by the fraternity of the/, village and having spent a very profitable even- ing. ven-ing_. Now that spring is close at hand par- ties should remember„ while, houseclean ing that the bite,: yards should be 'thoroughly 'renovated in order to avoid those obnoxious odors which arise Worn the accumulation of dirt. In moil'+viler; the air will become, pure and tiles pre• vent those epidhnies which frequently oceitt in regions where filth is gathered in quantities' Sed to this before the health inspector gives you a cath aii@ see t o8a lovely ly capes and wraps at the Big Bankrupt Store, :Diehard Pickard. & Son's 25e. tea is pronounced the best on, the market. James Trow, ex -M, P., Stratford% is. ill with pleurisy which has elected. the action of his heart, Two thousand more immigrants have gone into Manitoba the first three months of this year than in the same period last year. A shoot took place on Thursday last week at bluerocks and resulted as foil ows:—la. Bissett. 8, D. Johns, and T, Bis sett 9, out of a possible 12, v Mr. Mowat's bill to restrain boys from smoking eigaretts or in any other way using tobacco may be very good in in- tent but will most likely be a dead let- ter. Richard Pickard & Son's grand Spring Millinery opening will be on Friday & Saturday 8th and 9th inst,, Every lady in Exeter and vicinity is in vited to attend. Commencing on April 1, the charge on parcels for the United Kingdom will be reduced to 20 cents per pound, and a corresponding reduction of 5 cents per pound will be made in the rates on parcels for foreign countries forwarded via England, The plans and specifications of the Trivitt Memorial Rectory and Sunday school have been passing through the hands of the different contractors dur- ing the past week. Should the .build- ings of the proposed designs be erected they will make a great improvement to the now unoccupied property. A visit to the porkpaeking establish- ment 'stablishment of Snell Bros. will repay anyone for their !trouble. Within the walls are large quantities of meat undergo• ing the different preparations of curing and making ready for sale. Under the management of these gentlemen it is being made a success and during the past winter farmers have found a ready sale for their pork. ' On Sunday while Mrs. Miller, wife of David Miller, V. S., was attending' to her household duties, she stumbled, and in falling extended her hand to save herself, when it carne in contact with the cooking stove, burning the palm of her hand. Having sightly recovered she fell a second tithe, and this time the back of the in- jured hand received a roasting, and it now presents an unsightly appearance. At the residence of the bride, Huron street, on Tuesday evening a marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. A. L. Russell, when Mr. Henry Harris, of Palmerston, was wedded to Mrs. Phoe be Sweet, amidst a small gathering of relatives. They leave today (Thurs- day) to visit relatives and friends in Palmerston, Southampton and Guelph, We join with many friends in wishing then a future, of unceasing enjoyment The reason why "Myrtle Navy" to- baeco has taken so strong a hold upon the smoking community is because it is'the genuine article. No man has a desire to smoke anythingtelse than to- bacco. Even opium isnot smoked far the pleasure of smoking it but fee its soporific effects.; The desire for tobacco is, of course, best satisfied by getting the pure artiste, ani when to ' this is added the finest quality the satisfact-. ion is complete. These two things are combined in the "Myrtle Navy." On Monday evening an open meet ing was held in the basement of the James street church, under the auspic- es of the Royal Tempters of Temper- ance. Tne chair was occupied by Mr. John Muir, and a lengthy programme was carried out. The entertain'nteint consisted of singinO1 recitations, &c., rendered by the members of the order, who well deserve praise for the manner in which the affair proved such a sus cess. Collection amounted to $13.22,, which will be distributed to the. need of several families in destitute circum - stances throughout the village. By an order in council, `bearing date 20th' February last, section 4 of the General Fishery Regulations fur tile. Province of Ontario, established by an order in council of the 18th of July, 1889, has been rescinded, and the Poll owing substitute therefore:—"No one shellfish for, catch, kill, buy, sell or possess any speckled trout (Salmo font- Walls) ont-intills) between the 15th. Sept. and the 31st March, both days inclusive, ' in each year." By this change the open season has been lengthened one month, as under the old .regulation the close season ended on the last day of April instead of March. The recount of ballots cast in South Perth election began before Judge Woods in Stratford on Tuesday hist week. Those present were Wm. Prid ham, M. P..his counsel, Mr. J. C. Clark:. of St. Marys, Mr. G. 0 McPherson, rep,. iesentative for Mr. Trow, the return' ing officer and his election clerk.. The count commenced with polling sub. div. No. 1, following in rotation until the last number was reached.' At El imville whore kis, Pridham had 101 majority there was not a single bad ballott, To the 22 ballots objected to throughout the riding, the judge al- lowed 12 --8 for Trow and 4 for Prid- ham, At poll 15 the deputy counted. two for 'Prow which were 'allowed for' Pridham. Three ballots with the cros Nes above the name Were thrown out. A few other changes wore made, but they effected the reselt very little, the, gain fir 'riclhatn being four, thus ma ing his total majority 22. The judge acted very impartially. and his dadis-., ions, with the e.xCe 1)1,1011 of the )ne rut. ing against the cress above the name, were satisfactory to all parties. t'a['niaeefor Sale, The undersigned h.as Several first class farms for sale on easy terms. J. SPAokat.aN, Exeter. Nil linic!•,y °pealing, Ever lady in Exeter and vicinity should visit McTavish and Co.'s Palate Show )moms 1{riday and Saturday, 1St and 211d of April Girl Wanted. a t !� . A good girl wanted at once for Which liberal wages will be paid Apply to Central hotel Exeter, • **dies. ds. Cait and see our Grand Mliuoiy up. ening on Friday and Saturday, April .1st and 2nd. Every lady inyited. • E. J, SPAOKMAN S Co, Wanted. ' Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of boots and shoes that need repairing to be left at the leading boot and shoe store next door to the post office. G. Manson. Cestui, Haye you inspected Richard Pickard & Son's stock of dress goods and trim wings? If not it will repay you to do so, They have . got '' a'1 the newest things, In fact just what you are look- ing for. Farm Sold. Mr. Phos. Oke, of this village, has disposed of his valuable 100 acre farm, lot 2, con, 3, Stephen, to Mr. Sam Call, fas, of the same township, paying therefore the sum of $5,700. This is a flue farrn and in a good location, and Mr. Calfass has secured a bargain. !Free to':Our Subscribers. We would ask our many subscrib- ers to kindly accept that popular jour- nal, the Medical Adviser and Farm Help as it is a free gift to our sub- scribers and costs nothing extra. Fre have heard of cases in which refusal of this valuable journal have been made, thinking if they accepted it that the publishers would demand a subscript- ion fee. As stated before, it is free. The London Advertiser still calls him "Mr, Hyman, M. P.," probably mean- ing Member 'for Pigsfeet. Col. Amyot has deserted the Grit camp and a new howl about the. Lon- don "steal" goes up. She last time Uncle Sam had a little row Canada gained largely in peace - loving population from the United States. But if Uncle Sam were to have a row with Mr. Bull, it is likely t hat Mexico, not Canada, would be the re- fuge of the skedaddler. Spring Millinery Opening at E. J. Spackman Co's. on Friday& Saturda Y April 1st & 2nd. GOIM! [n1e S D s Goods and Dress Trimmings We take the Load in Grent's Furnishings we that is just' what will happen }to these splen- did bargains we are. I now offering to Public, •_, b , ePu 0,14N �.tl GQN-E HAVE AVE NO EQUAL. New Ties, New Shirts See our range of (white & colored) all in Latest Styles. New Hats and Tweeds. l 1 Our Spring SuiringPp s are simply immense, ID wall. paper we have all the newest designs. If you want it said that you have the prettiest papered room in town you will have to procure your paper of CARLi - - BRCS_ See our window shades, curtain poles, carpets and lace cur- tains. We have a good range of fine and coarse shoes, also a quantity of our Celebrated 25 et. Tea left yet, which some of our merchants are trying to imitate; BUT THEY CAN'T DO IT, YOU KNOW. C'.f .RUNG os. TX CA'AA N. Mn. Dayan Nrwnar. (Stratford P. 0.) has been appointed Local Inspector for the Can- ada Companyin the place of Mr. Jno Spack- man resigned. Parties 'baving Canada Com}}ianv business to transact will find MR. NEWELL at F![ AWES I[Avf'S HOTEL. EXETER, The first Thursday of each month, com- mencing February 4th, 1891. R��TI N. ROWE Has been appointed sole agent for the THE GANANOOUE DRY EARTH CLOSET. .Cheap, compact and a splen- did arralg'enient for a bed- froom. .A want in every • house- hold supplied at small cost. Ca11 at once and see it... Easter Bialltato Aginy IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farm IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell Town Property IF YOU WANT TO Borrow or Lend Money IF YOU WANT Collections :!Make Call at P1r, Jno. Spackman's Real Estate Agency. Business Transactions strictly con- fidential. Intending; purchasers wilt receive the best adyice in selecting land or town sites. Also agent for Allan Lina and State Line Steamships. Office– Main Street, Exeter, Ont. Address:—JOHN SPACKMAN, Box 44 READ AND LEARN. That our Planing Mill, Sash Door & BIind Factory is fitted "pwith the latest improve. menta. We are prepared to do planing and matching, band and scrollsawing 'turning moulding, grooving and all kinds of mach- ine work. on shortest notice. In our LUMBER YARD you will Sind a large and well assorted stock of all kinds of' building.materials. Pine and hemlock lum.- ber dressed and not dressed. ,See our stock ofx x and x x x Pine Shingles manufuctured by the best makers in Ontario 1Ve also have a large stock of A 1 Cedar Shingles which are excellent value. No.1 Pine.Lath con- s'ta+n tly in Stock We have a large stock of barn sash which we can limns]) with or without glass, We are fitted np with mach- inery specially adapted for making all kinds of Tanks and Cisterns, which we can furnish. to our customers ou short notice. We show something new in this line for watering cat- tle'in the ffe]d or barnyard. Our celebrated Bakit.g.:Cabinet is still at- tractiiigmuch attention, and'giving entire satisfsution ..when ever used. Call and examine the above named stock, all of which will be sold at log} e$t prices R. N. RoWe., ' ROSS & TAYLOR, Main St.. Exeter CENTS MC Mg BOTTLE ])R T. Ao USE IT FOR ,. Difficulty of Breathing Tightness of the Chest Wasting Away of Flesh Throat Troubles Consumption Bronchitis, Weak Lungs Asthma, Coughs Catarrh, Colds iii' ' u'i. tilt ,9` p ed Expulsion f OXyg ® Pure SALE TA.STEII,SS. - AL.etA� L Tog TOOT. \Of ONT.