HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-05-18, Page 18,rer, • ss..." £ a • • • The Cilidoh Sighii-SUrt Thiltraka74 M 18, 196? Get Jail Terms • Witnesses . Protest Prosecution Abroad Guerin ..ikinoroso, presiding . Police invaded a private home minister of the Goderich Con. th,ere and: broke utfr religious ser. gregation of 'Jehovah's Wit. vices. • nesses, reported today that the 33 "You will be shocked,"he told members assembled for, the the local group," to hear that weekly ministry school session these ChriStians-werechargedPY at the Kingdom Hall unanimously the Plenary Court of Lisbon with approved a public protest of the being guilty of a crime against' persecution of JelioVah's Wit. the _security 'of the state." It nesses in Portugal. was' ridiculons, he added, for The expression of the congre. anyone to think atheseha.rmless gation followed a report on re. cent development's. in Portugal in an appeal of the Witnesses to the Supreme Court of that land. Mr. Amoroso told the local conz,reg. ation that the Supreme Court of Portitgal had, on February 22 this year, upheld the conviction of forty.nine Portuguese Witnesses arrested in Jiine of 1965 fol attending a Bible meeting. They • make up the entire adult mem. bershlp of the Felin congregation. I'ven TnOre SUcking," the been set for thirty.nine cif those congregation was told," will bec.9livicted. Ten were given sus. the results for the- families 1„0. ' pended sentences. AU fOrtYtIlifle volved. Thirty.five of those con. were fined from, $47 to $170 victed are women who will. be and must pay court costs of -$35 taken away from their families. el‘leThlie hope was expressed that Two of the women aye expect- pnlbic awareness of the treat. • ant mothers. Their babies will be ment of a minority religious, barb in,prison." • Terms of from one and a half in eug-walitnmeitteysettrerineg. relief 41toPCtjfit to five and a half months have . Chrdistians as a security „risk. . teresting ' that the, prosecu rOn : .. .ti Margaret Seager Club Asked • He • explained, "It is m6st in. . produced no witnesses to back , . •, , . . . . . up the ,charges and n6 evidence To Aid At Diocese'Affair to show Nit at any time during the three.da-Mrial. Hence it was unreasonable for the Supreme court to lipbbld theseeconvicte ions." tle claimed that the Por. tuguese press, significantly, had not reported the Court's decision to the public. •, .03 •. o.: Mrs. A. Cummings. Mrs. A. 4 . ' B ourdeau gave the treasurer's The May -meeting of theMar. •garetiOager ofSt. George's Churn was held Monday evening with Mrs. J. Mathis presiding. The secretary's report was read bv Mrs. R„ Brown in the absence report. • Caution Urged With 'Weed Killers The decoration of the rectory kitchen ha.s 'been completed and the bill paid. M.rs. J.Scarnan said. the neW colour Scheme is a vast In Flemish Varieties Alfalfa imp,ovement. Because of the earlier matur. ity and extra -production of after. ma.th, Flemish types Of alfalfa are being grown more and more, b y farmers for stands .up to three years' duration. SpeCial care is extremely important when using, chemical weed killers in Flemish varieties of alfalfa, states D.S. Pullen, associate "ag. rep." for Huron. ' Flemish varieties such as A• lfa, DupuitP,, Glacier, Mega and Sar. anac will not tolerate 2, 4-D, MCPA or MCPB. It is there. fore recommended 'that in cer. eal grains underseeded to -these varieties of alfalfa that 2,4 -DB at 20oz. acid per acre be used as the safest chemical for control of many broad leafed weeds. • Standard types of alfalfa such as Vernal and Narragansett also have a • very lo*„ tolerance to 2,4-D.. (2 oz. .per acre), MCPA. (4 oz. per acre) and no toler. ance to MCPB. Although 20 oz. Per acre- of 2,4 -DB (bntyric form) IS' More costly, it will not harm the alfalfa and will give good control of many boroadleafed weeds. • .,For cereal grain fields not MI. serpeeded with legumes; stand. imisimpainarmia ard 2,4-D products are very eff. ective and are considatedas ow cost weed killers. 1 Weed spray operators should ,always remember that it 'is not good enough when moving from a field not underseeded to one seed. ed with alfalfa,to "simply cut the rafe of 2,4-D in half and hopefOr. the best.". • More, complete information about weed control, in various crops is outlined in Publication 75 entitled "1967 Glide to Chem. ical 'Weed Control", available - from your closest office of the. Ontario Department of Agrid. ulture and Food. •• Above all, herbicides shouldbe • applied at recommended rates' following manufacturers' lapel)... ed directions at the ,prescribed application time. Personals The assistance of the Marpret Seager Club in providing luxe. eon, and tea for the semi.annual meeting at the ,AngliCan Church Women of the Huron Diogese on October 4 was requested. • The recent rummage sale.was the most successful in the history of the club. Everyone enjoyedthe houseware party held after the meeting. 'Delicious refreshments were served by Mrs. F. B. Riley and her comlia4tee. 11 'SO COMPACT AND. 11 PORTABLE. - • More cleaning power and effi- ciency than larger washers- .!"-, and it's compact! Keep it in the kitchen, the bathrooM- even in a closet. • 13) NEEDS NO ' • PLUMBING - • • WeedeOnly a faudel ande drairr', tostartwashing.,Noexpensive • installation, no cumbersome plumbing necessary. Think of the saving!. • • 3, USES LESS THAN 9 GALLONS OF WATER. Yes, less than 9 gallons ofhot water -and less detergent_ tool And you can re -use the hot water and suds for a sec- ond or third load if you Wish. RINSES AND SPIN- • DRIES FASTEFL-T00 High-speed pinner removes soapy water in seconds. Clothes can be rinsed in the spinner, then spin-dried thor- qughly. (Lighter things are dry • enough to iron!) • Mr.,. -and Mrs. Frank Hawkins wbre ,recent visitors to Expo. Mrs. Mamie Sutcliffe has re. turned home •after visiting at Expo for a few days.: • Delegates to MODA tourist conricii gathered at the Stratford country club . early this mi_nth where they held their annual, meeting and, election of executive. Studying the new tourist guide map that the council recently published are: J.H. Aitken, Goderich past -president of T.C.;, Mrs. Marion Owens, Aber. foyle, incoming. president, N.T. Omandy, Goderich delegate; Homer Gerber, St. Marys, vice-president. (photo courtesy S.B.H.) A • TOTALLY UNIQUE '11 WASHING ACTION No cumbersome agitator to waste space. The unique ' 'pulsator' forces water and suds through the clothes. Jt's safer for delicate things,,more efficient for heavier clothing. SO QUICK YET • V) SO THOROUGH Even heavily soiled work • clothes come out cleaner -in less time, too. Hoover's pul- sator•washing action and ex- clusive design take the work and the dirt-oueof washday. For A Free Home Demonstration No Cost Or Obligation' APPLIANCE fig, TV LTD. "The Store That Service Built" • THE SQUARE • 524-84134 WE DELIVER BLUES OPEN 'TIL 10 NITELY SUPERMARKET ON THE SQUARE BUTTER POUND 67c GUARANTEED LEAN MEAi ;Ns "We Trim Our Meat Not Our Customers" SWEET PICKLED OR •• Peameal Cottage Rolls Ib • 59 10 VARIETIES SCHNEIDERS VAC PACKED—SCHNEIDERS-1-LB. PKG. COLD CUTS FoR- 8 9c. --W E N -E RS SHIRRIFF NEILSONS Chocolate Bars 69c SIZE — HOSTESS , POTATO CHIPS MAPLE LEAF CANNED HAMS VRESCA IDEAL FOR ROASTING • 89c 1.69 Plus Deposit • 9c Sundae TOPPINGS LUNCHEON MAT , . R3 -St -4 '•FOR14,:_. KAM 2. FOR 89c ViLLARCESkYKEGF ° 3 UPIES '59c VOGUE 4„, - TOILET TISSUE FpR 70c 400 SIZE" KLEENEX 4 FOR 1 .00. -1-LB. BAG COFFEE • 77c BICKS 14 Dills or Icicles 11-0Z. HEINZ • KETCHUP 2 FOR 49c ft FOR 59c Niarshrriallows SODA BISCUITS McCORMCKS ,-----Atixed.tookies 3 FOR 99c • PLIES 3 FOR 1 3 FOR 1 3;0111RACLE WHIP' 59c MARMALADE 45c 3 -LB. MatINTOSH 96's SOLID GRAPEFRUIT 10 FOR ay co Head Lettuce 180's ORANGES REG. 59c F°R 69t LIGHT BUL 12 et io Ire FOR 39c RELISHES 2 AOC FOR 40 JCOUNT PAPER PLATES 59c HOT DOO and HAMBURG ROLLS FOR'88c 49t Pork & leans - 2 MR 45c ADREZI FT DRINKS 4F0R ., - 430c BRIQUETTES OR CHARCOAL 4 • GRADE A LARGE EGGS 2Dozl9c KOOLAiD 20 FOR 1.00 SUPREME PIES BREAD • 5 FOR .00 10-1.0. NEW POTATOES 'Ipor", 89c *Iv *AM** t. 3. FOR 1'. rs , • •