HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-05-18, Page 17!1oLI►?. omen `turn 21 ypu are, no loner •covered by .your parents' .Hospital Insurance. You must take` out, individual 7 -Membership within 30 days, Gef your tip;• ,,plication form at a bank, a hospital,, or JOU) Commission - NEW JOB? To keep insured fol-' "low the instructions on the Hospital In- surance "Certificate of Payment—Form 104.'" that your present employer is required to give you on leaving. NEWLY WED? Ther"family" Hospital Insurance premium must now be paid to cover' husband and wife. Notify your "group" -without de- lay or if you both pay premiums direct, no- tify the Commission. Your ONTARIO HOSPITAL. INSURANCE Plan Ontario Hospital. Services Commission, Toronto 7, Ontario. W.J.Deiiii0iiii F LOVVE [ -‘Get your require ments e u SHOP fertilizer at ' � - ' • Phone �tt arrrstonFertiliz�rs Young Irish Farmer As Guest Qf Junior` Farmer Here •sits !irCOn a . Bob McNeil, a #Iuroln county When his"fellow ttasreIlers Junior Farmer, entertained a from the British isles are' gets . Young Fariner from Northern ting,,,,,ready tO- return ; to their Ireland at his parents' home• in hotnes across the -Atlantic, Jlm1s ' just beginning, When Colborne township during thepast tour will be week. the rest Of the Young Farmers James Stewart, one of the seven are sailing back to England,.JIM delegates from the Young Farm, will be ''headed for the Western ers as,spciation of ,Great Britain, provinces of Canada, About the began his visit to -Huron county mime .of July, he'll arrive in when,he visited for 'a week with Brandon, Manitols. From there Bob Fotheringhatn, whose'farm is he'll be going on to destinations • near Seaforth, The Ss aforth area in Saskatcbewa.tt, and Alberta and JUniu Farmer who s been win. eventually, hell be talon a our. Hing' first prizes in ,the "hay -and wry up te please river .to the forage'.t'competitions at theRoyal. Klondike country.' Winter Fair for the ,past :two ' ° .: ° . ROBE FIRM years, entertained Jim during the first weeo 1r o s Si in Huron see .an, impor.tant Kase of dairy herd ,maintenance„ One of Cliff MCNeil's.40.cow dairy herd had developed a "displaced stomach" and two v,eterinarians had been called` to to perform this crite teal operation. The operationwas' a :success and the cow -was ex. pected to,regain her lWalth with. In a snort time, J. Jim: ` Stewart was iMpressed. by the speed with which the oPeir• ation was perfortned•"Sewed; her up, real neat, they did." remark.' ed Jim. • VISITS SCHOOL fl t k f hi i t ' Thursday morning the McNeil county. -„:.On Thursday, May 11, Jim Stew- art 'moved in with the McNeils for the second half of his visit to Huron. When this -reporter arrived at the McNeil farm on the llth con. cession of Colborne taw:.sh1p; he. saw a rider mounted on a bay Welsh pony riding down the road .n front of the McNeil farm. The rider brought the pony into the laneway on the gallop and while he- was still- mounted, we, got our introduction to the Young Farm. er .from Ireland: Later, in .conversation at the living room of the McNeil home, it was learned that Jim was one of seven delegates from the Young Farmers' • association from Great Britain who had arr. ived in Canada .Tbn' May 2, ab- oard the "Empress.of England.” Prior to, arriving at the home of Bob Fotheringham, a big get- , together party was stagedbyJun. for Farmer president, Meredith Robb, at Hook's restaurant near, London, Isere the delegates from Great Britain and Ontario Jun. tor- Farmers, envoys to'farms in Great Britain, plus other delegat- es from Ontario who had taken the trip to the British Isles, met for a. veru pleasant social evening. JIM'Stewart looks forward to extensive travels in both Canada and the United.. States. After , spending, a week with his host, Bob 1VIcNei1, he'll head for other• counties in Ontario where he'll be spending an equal amount of ' time. During one week `here, he'll be visiting inStormont county, which - is not far from Montreal andJim is anticipating several days' visit to Expo '67 while on tour. • This western swing of his Can, •family conducted their guest frbm adian tour•is being sponsored by Ireland to their new public school Belfast Rope Works, which ann. ually sells hundt'eds of thousands of dollars wprtfl of baler andbin. der twine to farm supply deal- ers in Western 'Canada, Jim in. timated that, the twine .company expected' him to carry out some effective public relations work for them` in return for. this 'par. tion of his travels. Eventually, Jim's tourwill take 'him to Victoria, B.C. and from there he'll head southward into the United States and. Oregon. A trans.continental journey east again will bring him to the state of South Carolina where he in. tends to visit relatives who em. igrated several years ago toA.m- erica. from his home county in Northern Ireland. • Jim stated without reserve that he found Canadian hospitality "just great". The weather was cool- on the day of our visit but this was the type of climate that prevailed for much of the mild. _er • seasons in Ireland. Their spring seeding had all been com.– pleted, Jim said, before he left. When Jim arrived at the Mc. Neil farm on Thursday"evening, May 11, he Was just in time to Paul's Deliver- ' Owned and . Operated by, Paul Sain •1 Locale Delivery Service Local Hauling - ANYTIME • in Colborne, ZionCentral$chool; There, •Jim delivered a shorts .' address to the pupils about his native country and the talk was thoroughly enjoyed. ' Hersare a few of the :!acts abaut his country which Jim Stewart was proud to relate. Belfast, its capital, now has. a population of over, 5.00,000Lgeople. Of its en. ,tire population one.third ` are living in houses which were ' Constructed since World War 11. Their agricultural industry, the country's .largest single in. dustry, sold a record total of products amounting to $351,000,- 000. P roducing these agricultural products are 96,0001rishmenwho are engaged in full time farm. ing; another 19,000 are employed in related processing industries. Bob McNeil, at right-, - an Ontario Junior -Farmer, 'was host to a Young -Farmer from Northern Ireland during the past week when• he entertained the delegate from the Association of Young Farmers of Great Britain during their visit to Canada. James Stewart, right; the • young Irish farmer, visited 'at the farm home of Bob's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff McNeil R. R. 6, Goderich, during . his stay in. Huron county. (staff.' photo.)' AUB '*'' Th prIl mee! t . lug 'of the Clinton -11409r farmo , ers was held In the Clinton town hall • The president, 'Jamieson Rtbey conducted u the meeting. Johns, Rodgers ' intr.9duced the Pest speaker,. Glen Webb.of the Junior Fortner loan board who? -spoke on -farm credit, Walter Mcllwaf.n thapked-the-guest spec. er„ . • The members Of. the junior.in. stitute also met in. the 'town hall and learned how to a fancy cushictrislder< the leadership of hiss Barb Walvis, . joint •,aneeting 'loll ed > Wf Chi! e ,embers a te4 to eupport,. the eouritY adopting an; orphan child members organized ,two Setif square. dancing and' they,;ecid to enter is float a , ' 1inton Spring Fair.:on June 3rd.: �. per of the boys Volunteered to .► . 1st in the cleanup 19110.044.g:.. t1'd tornado aroulnd Hersall'a..tud l lira. Lunch was s, erved duri , whicli tinie Olen Ribey took chargg e of the entertalnnlAilt, New- Bag With endow Comes To The Aid Of 'Potato Customerr Longtime bugaboo of shopp• ers 'and. retailers has been the 10.1b. bUttoaed.up polyethylene '"potato bag. Consumers complain., ed, that they were bieng asked to buy potatoes, sight unseen, and dealers countered by saying that. customers tore the bags to ex. amine the contents, in the pro. cess making an unsightly mess Of display areas. J:C. Wilson, Limited, pioneer Canadian paper and packaging ex- perts, are now manufactaring a IO,lb., double walled,. paper pot. ato bag, which incorporates. aun. ique mesh- window, giving many -.advantages over ordinary, flack. - ages no,' in oke. ;•Widely accepted in the U;S,, the , new mesh window bag allows a visual examination of the product and in addition, provides a med• tum for air circulation to main. taifi freshness, firmness ' . and quality.,Unsightly 'greening'" which is common disadvantage inherent in many other different, types of packahhg is eliminated: So " far, Canadian consumers and dealers alike have welcomed the new mesh window bags, and they . are appearing, in ever.in. creasing ndmbers in food stores across the country, . wonderful orld of •:i; prices visit your ° iP-store ORDER NOW — AVOID SPRING RUSH V,! 524 .1132 DAY 's+♦ 1�'�'� �" i OR NIGHT • . • vjOlY ' I Ag.nt for 14 -hr. ' t • FILM DEVELOPING ' Limited -CLINTON . PHONE 4824133 CUSTOM MIXING OUR. SPECIALTY FOR A WONDERFUL 'WORLD'S FAIR VISIT expo(,? ,SUPER -RIGHT QUALITY SMOKED BOOKED SHANK PORTION What are fair prices? To us, at A&P, fair - prices are' more than just a few advertised specials each 'week. After all, ' what good are the .specials, if you have to pay more for other items you buy? '''What you need is a lower total food bill. A d; we try to.give it to you with the lowest possible prices on scores'and scores of items every shopping day. Sounds fair. Doesn't it? _GRADE b GRADE A. VAC PAK OVEN READY c •( Ib. 2 -Ib npkg Before you buy, read oar booklet HOVTO SAV'E-MONE.Y' AND AVOID TROUBLE. IN BUYING YOUR NEW CAR Ask for your fe copy today at the ROYAL BAN K. * Reprinted in the public intorest by the ROyaI bank from MOTOR TRENCH MAGAZINE. ti CHOICE QUALITY Sale! A & P Coffee! BOKAR COFFEE P PSA 19 -FL - OZ TINS 1 -LB BAG 3 -LB ' BAG • SAVE 4c • SAVE 249 8� OCLOCK COFFEE v1-1.,13 BAG 3-L13 BAG _ .89 Jane Parker ANGEL CAKE Reg. Price each 69c -- SAVE 20p LARGE SIZE each' 3 9 e Jane Parker Sliced ' Reg. Price loaf 24c -- SAVE 7c - BREAD . 60% WHOLE WHEAT 3 24 -oz loaves 65 c Scott Family. ' ' Reg.''Price 57c -- SAVE 4c BATHROOM TISSUE pkg of.4 rolls 53C Libby's Fancy Quality Reg. Price tin 41c —'SAVE 23c TOMATO JUICE 3 48 -f1 -oz tins -1.O0 Choice Quality• A&P • PEACHES Carnatiph ' TUNA FISH ICE CREAM 14 -fl -oz tins 55.c Reg. Price 47c --- SAVE 4c SOLID WHITE MEAT 7 -oz tin 43c., Marvel Brand Assorted Flavours SAVE 10e , -r I/2=gallon carton 79c �r s .y. t t APRIL 28 to OCTOBER 27 WE'RE SPONSORIN0 THE '"EG'G GRADING FACTORY" • 'O +%- AORICULtURAL SECTION POUIT �;vbUlCttlN ALL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, MAY 20th, 1967 - • SAVE 10e , SAVE 30t - "ALIVE WITH FLAVOUR" Fresh Produce! "CUSTOM GROUND" WASHINGTON, NEW SPRING CROP, FIRM, TENDER, No: 1 GRADE Ib NONE PRICED HIGHER AT Add, California, Iceberg, Fresh, Crisp, Large ,Heads, size 24's, each No. 1 Grade. NONE P ICED HIGHER Af``A CP