HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-05-18, Page 16T1 a Vioavrioh SignaliStnt, Tt*'sda . ILIO8, 1907 Great O'ntario" Mventurc Vications On the Voyageur Route on Lake Superior The Wilderness" Way Of the Voyageurs - -A Wilderness Way Adventure Vacation oilers inspiration for the "eye, refreshment for the soul. From Sault Ste. Marie, around'` Lake Superior and w.estward past Kepora, the stectacular im• - mensity nth and sk) holds you enthralled. Fishing is, frankly; superb --- especially unequalled at remote. fly -in :lakes. Boater -s and campers enjoy„endless choices of broad, sandy beaches and uncrowded forest campsites. Cities are few, but make up for that 4.11.--friendliness_an.d.in _v ide::r.ange . of accommodation and shopping facilities. Highways are splendid straight; smooth and uncrowded—for relaxed, easy driving.„ 'A Wilderness Way .Adventure . Vacation'will open up for your family a new vtew .of this province and continent. To help you think about it (maps, details, pictures). just' mail the -coupon today. Province of Ontario, Department of Tourism & Information: 'Parliament Buildings, Room NO. 649 Toronto 2. ' Please send me full information on _ a Wilderness Wa) Ad,enture acation. Name Address - City Z_ont2 Prov. Ontario Department of Tourism & Information e Blue Thumb Claims biscrimination Growing • N (By G. MacLeod Rosi) You cannot sojourn south with• out becoming aware of more of the facets of the problem des. egregatiOn. However, the follow. ing observations were primarily stimulated by an article by the American Negro leader, Bayard °Rustin,, which he wrote for ish, consumption in.` the London SUridu' Tirrnes, It was Rustin "who inspired the Civil Rtghts, march on' Washington and later went to England to take 'the temperature and. it was not his first visit, Previously he had found the. English gentlemen,, with a sense of fair play on social issues much stronger than that of many Amer. icans, Now however, -he finds the • British people have become in- ured to discrimination, as examp. les of this action” have proltier. ated. While his complaint covers all fields, he singles out employ - Ment and housing in particular. EMPLOYMENT Let us consider these one by one. Under employment he cites a Pakistani who was refused sev. eral jobs. He finds few color. ed people employed in Britain's major hotels. But he does not ., offset these exvmples of discrim. ination by mentioning the numer. ous doctors and nurses from India, Pakistan and the British WestWest Indies, who .form 42 percent of the staffs of British hospitals. In one, in Lancashire, there are no wnite doctors at all. Tyne Tees TV has just appointed a West Indian, ,'Claude Alleyne, as an announcer eio pleads: "I'd •like • to • be treated as someone of talent and personality for my. seIf=not because of My colour.. f came here because my..friends said: 'Oh, you'll make it there." =It is at this point that we stum. ble on the failure of the negro leaders, to differentiate between a profession,•admission to which' is rightfully guarded by a specific discipline,' as opposed to the 'trades,', for which- minor skills are demanded. It is admitted that m :st negroes are subjected to trade union; discrimination, but then a these same unions are already well outside the law app. lying to the' majority and are just as carat le and likely to refuse the right to work to a white as. to a negro,. A relevant factual reason for discrimination hes in the • output of the -negro being so much below that of a white. A cardinal Mistake of the negro leaders is: their , insistence on arguing on, a gollective, 'as opo.; osed to im individual basis, In so doing they perpetuate the bo. gus contention' that it is ' agairitt,,the black or coloured skin that Westerners discrimi},nate. These leaders ignore, or fail to see, that what the average white - demands is solely that the col. oured man should' practise the same social ,disciplinary stand• ards as he does himself. It is true that ,the white die• criininates against the blaiek coll- ectively, and for the good rea. son that a majority of, the lat. ter has, as yet, failed to attain a cultural standard commensur- able with., his own. On a Per. sonal basis the white welcomes . the negro who is intelligent ed. ticated and socially disciplined to ,the. same standard of coin. patibility as himself. This seems to be the key to the white man's discrim'.nation. On the one hand resentment" of the majority; on the other acceptance of the in. dividual as an equal. • HOUSING When we come to consider dis. crimiration in housing we must again• -plead- consistency .in, ser. crating the sheep from the goat. It is inimical to. the negro case to demand that any and every col. oured man be accepted into our bosoms- We have friends Whom we enjoy welcoming to our homes; with whom we like to associate for sport, recreation" or travel. We also' have acquaintances with whom we, happy to pass the time .of ct , t6 joke, 'to critic. ise the • council ant its bylaws. Still, both' parties know in their bones that. they would be 'bored FOR YOUR AUTO INSURANCE. gee or Phone • MALCOLM MATHERS GENERAL INSTAtANCL4ACrENT 46 WEST ST. 524-9442 to tears if either piked the other open house. Our interests and backgrounds are, vastly dip., similar. We realise that for pro. tracted periods we wou►d'not be ' congenial. So silently, Politely, mutually we whites discriminate against other whites, both par. ties deciding not tp intrude upon the other , socially. This silent, mutual. pact is ,not a sign of class. consciousness. It'may .even. arise rfrom a 'irispaxlty ter age. Many of ;us eschew trying to flaunt our old mutton as lamb. But, this is a matter which in. volves the privacy of the home. In ' every villages town or 'city there is always, inevitably, a 'grad. uation in the - available - accom• modation. Ability, which some. ttfies connotes •wealth, enables a mann to surround his family with acres. Lesser 'ability ardor wealth has to'"make do with hed. get or fences, ,People lige in the location they can affordandposs. ably the only absolute" desegre. gift -vin- they experience 1s :WH`en *they live in a battle zone. -some. thing which most of this gener. ation has experienced. ' Britain's notorious 'class coil. sciousness was based on a title, something which now is dying. In the USA 'class cleavage' is die. tated by wealth. The $800,000 a year man,,. does not live cheek by jowl with his employees in the $20,000 bracket, and so on down the scale: These discriminations are not based on snobbery, .They are the logical result of incom. patibility of ability, of age, of .responsibility, and of interest. You have to have rived in the hea.rt 'of a Chicago ,ghetto for In several years, on 31st street say,. to see hoer la whole neighbour. hood can be despoiled. A corn. pa:ra.tively wealthy negro buys an, old mansion and rents it room by room to a number of families mi. til it has become a -human rabbit warren, Multi-storey apartment housesa�on�South MichiganAvenue were let to negrees on low rep. . tals. Did this rehabilitate therm? Did 'they change their niede of living? Nol They stilldefecated in c9rners and passages. I'Modi ern equipment wa,S m.sus°ed,and YOUR • VACUUM CLEANER. STORE D SEE OUR LARGE 'SELECTION OF QUALITY CLEANERS BY EUREKA, . GENERAL, ELEC. TRIC ,AND LEWYT - BEFORE YOU BUY. utchinson Radio — TV Appliance, 308 Huron Rd. 524.78;1 • destroyed. Repairs became so monumental that there wasneith. er beginning nor..end. These are some oi< the reasons why the white is unprepared to hand to the colt. ective negro a blank cheque on housing. ' (To be concluded next week) •If you ,are NEW -TO -TOWN or bavo NO moved" into a 'Illew home GODERICU'S OWN .WELCOME SERVICE .could like to'call"on you with "housewarming gifts" and .in- formation about your new Ioce- tion.•The Hostess will be glad to arrange your subscription to the SIGNAL -STAR. ' Call her at 524-9525 Uxs a 3WAYPLAN to Way the BEST INTERE$T RETURN ON YOUR SAYINGS REGULAR SAVINGS ACCOUNT Interest at 4% is calculated and added to your account half -yearly. .: CHEQUING PRIVILEGES " NO SERVICE CHARGES SPECIAL'SAVINGS ACCOUNT • Interest at 4'/2%, is calculated on 'the minimum monthly balance and added_ to your account half -yearly, WHILE CHEQUES MAS'' NOT BE ISSUED WITHDRAWALS MAY 13E MADE .ANYTIME' m MONTHLY INSTALMENT CERTIFICATE Interest at 641/0 -is calculated m$nthly and compounded half -yearly. FIVE YEAR SAVINGS PLAIK VICTORIA AND GREY iRl15T AT THE STOPLIGHTS GODERICH IGA CELEBRATES ITS (4, YAW ATIA DURING CANADA'S CENTENNIAL YEAR f) 6,r OVVOnr,penr$ Star Grill -Save 10c-- HARCOAL a�s • Top- Valu Assorted .Canned SOFT DRINKS `SSTNfBf.T,EM C ASST'D FRUIT DRINKS 10 -oz. $ - "Tins SHIRLEY GAY—SAVE 28c— Cold ,Drink Intere' of 20 u+x SIVE 12c 4z. Tins HOT DOG or HAMBURG BUNS : II PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY, MAY -20th WIN a NEW CAMARO by. Chevrolet! Read the contest rules in your I.D.A. Drug--Store-10 Second Prizes -10 Third Prizes Contest closes May 20th 'LADIES„LOOK! d.OTHES 'PINS, Strong, Colorful, Plastic "'Only A Penny A Pin” Hurry! Limited Quantity I.D.A. 'TOILET TISSUE Sugg. List 2 Rolls for 31c ROLLS FOR 88C LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC 14.OZ. — SUGG. LIST 1.19 89C .Colgate Dental Cream FAMILY SIZE SUGG. LIST1r.19 NEW WHITE LOTION DOVE for dishes 24 -OZ. °- SUGG. LIST 99c 66c 1/2 PRICE. OFFER! SYLVANIA INSIDE FROSTED LIGHT BULBS 40, 60 or 100A -watt -.- Sugg. list 2 for 61c 4 FOR 61c SUNGLAITE SSES Values from 69c to 8.9.8 10% OFF. BAG OF 15 CAKES T�ILETSOAP 1 88e • MONY MORE -SPECIALS NOT LISTED HERE! f LIBBY'S FANCY—SAVr 13c— TOMATO 3c— TOMATO AJICE 2 Tins • . . • STON,S iNt frost 'n Serve :SHORTCAKE .... . Cg: 88 48 -oz. AV 11111111111MMINNIIIIIIIMINIk, 69` F pM1�..cuiroaxia— PREM LUNCHEON MEAT lz 49c STRAWBERRIE "419 -oz, Cake SWIFT'S (ROUND O0. OBLONG) (ROUND OR OBLONG) GREEN GIANT FC,W NIBLE,T KERNEL CORK-. 2,klTins.: 39 TOP VALU SALAD DRESSING 32;:. 47ft .ROBIN HOOD ASIT'D FtrAVQRs• 9.10. CAKE MIXES Pakst , . kgs: $1 AJAX HEAVY DUTY POWDERED .DETERGENT : Gt;:igze g5 PEPSODENT (SPEC. PACK) TOOTHPASTE .Z 99g �'" size '1*ubes. SCORE' CLEAR 6 'bz HAIRDRESSING. .. Tube 98c ASST ID FLAVOURS KOOL4ID:.... 20 Pkgs. 99, SWIFT FROZEN DINNERS • Bee1 • Chicke • Turkey. ey. GOLDEN DEW PARCHMENT MARGARINE ... 1 Pkg. . 91110, Pkgs.7M0' ig TOP VALU. PLAIN Ok PIMENTO CHEESE SLICES 28z: 5 AVAILABLE THIS WEEK: VOL. 17 OF ART LINKLETTER'S PICTURE ENCYCLOPEDIA ! SWEET, FIRM AND JUICY! QUART U.S. NO. 1 NEW FLORIDA ORANGES POTATOES 1Z89 (Size SC's) Doz. U.S. NO. 1. CORN vtom COB 5 for 39 Bedding Plants in Assorted Varieties Are Now .Available AtePopular- Prices .PRICES EFFECTIVE MAY 17 - 20 INCLUSIVE; WE . RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES GOVERNMENT INSPECTED, YOUNG PRE -DRESSED, -BROILER ALL TABLERITE" MEATS 1 .-toRNER WEST STREET & SOUARB. 524-9212' CANADA GRADE 'A' FRESH—. (6-9 Ib. size) Ib. BUY THE BEST . CANADA GRADE 'B FROZEN-- (6-9 ROZEN-- lb. BUY TOP VALU CANADA GRADE IA' PRE -DRESSED YOUNG FROZEN BROIIER• I -Jiro •/ 476filta ulurkeyro rl„ TURKEY LE6SOR BREASTS 1•• ,,. C.OLISMAI'YIS READY '1`O EAT FULLY SKINNED AND DEFATTED SMOKED HAMS o lb., ,(WHOLE OR HAL) Ib. COLEMAN'S Olk COLEMAN'S Smoked Picnics .. le..' WIENERS :. V pat ,