HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-05-18, Page 14.
” The Goderieh.. 618014ter, MIs. 4 Y 1\4418. -) 96
mild Matters Most.
Dear Ann Landers: •I am the
Most Inept, untalented, incompet•
ent person alive. I can't do one
;single, thing well. I'tn. no kid, I'm
a iniddle•aged, womaq who.. has
keAt house .for over 25 years. I'm
A lousy cook. If I try to sew some.
thing, .1 goof it up I've taken
. a stab at gardening, but every.
thing I •touch' dies. I'ii'< , a flop
a$ a hostess..' 1 f anyone 'drops
finexxctediy I have ncthing to
serVe..•poor Management.
I'm no good on a committee
because 1.procrastinate and for•
get things. I can't sell tickets
because I liaven't the nerve to
ask a friend to buy anything.As
you can see by the looks of this
letter, I can't even type.
The only thing I've done
right is raise good kids who are
turning out to be fine }non and
women. Also, my husband
seems to love me in spite
of my " stupidity and incompet•
ence. 4 -
Please, Ann Landers; tell me
how to excel in something..LEFT
Dear Lady: Allwomeil should
be so left-footed. If you've
raised good kids and your
husband loves you, you've
excelled .where it" counts.
The other so -called achieve.'
ments - are meaningless by
It's too bad your mon-
strous inferiority complex
prevents you from realizing
your trues worth,\which is
,* * "*
Dear Ann: TOur • sen is. 16E a
high school sopho Rore, and a
good student and gives us no
4,rouble. The problem. is he pre..
fes to be. with members of his ,
awn sex. My husband and I have.
talked' to him about seeing a
doctor but he refuss. He says
he's happp' with his life .;as it
is and to please leave him alone.
Are we failing hiin' by not in-
sisting. that he accept profess.
ional help? He is our only eon
and his father. and I are heart.
broken. Please advise us:.•Ihi
Dear In Need: You seem
tli .m have decided your son is
homosexual, an assumption
which . may be incorrect.
Some boys are "late bloom•
ers", and take no interest M.
the opposite sex until they
are out of their teens.
If 1yo:ir " son should want
help in four years from now •
and asks for it, then help
him, but trying to force
help on someone who doesn't
want it and may not need it,
is a serious mistake.
* *.
Dear Ann Landers: My mother.
in-law is a lovely person, and I
have always .gotten ,.along well
with her. o „:
About three years ago she lost
Bud Woods Quality Freezers
A size for every need, including the new "Shim" Adel,
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Priced with the lowest froth
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See Woods before you buy, Canada's leading manufacturers
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her husband. Since then she•has
spent more and more, time. 'in.
our home, although she lives next
door. Now she refuses tobe alone
after. dark. She insists on oeeupy
ing the other twin bed in our
teenage' dau\ghter's'room,which
is creating real problem. Our
daughter wants, her privacy and
who can blame her?
My,' husband 'has asked me, tai
be patient` bolt I am ?,t the end of
My rope.. My mether•inrla.w is in
her early 60's, and I can't hear
the thought that this arrange.
,meat- may go on forever. Please
'give me some advice. --NERVOUS
Dear Wreck: Yoar husband is
not being fair to yeu and bis
mother's • •emoional. pro.
, blenis to disrupt his family.
Nor does he help his mother
when he caters to her refusal
to face reality. This woman
should be told by a physic-
ian that she must take in a
companion or buy a watch-
dog, and sleep in her own
home. ,
Veterans Enjoy
Their` . Parcels
Ladies Hear
The Legion Ladies Auxiliary
met in the green ropm for their
monthly meeting. May 9th. Rolf
was . called of officers and ex.
ecutive. Minutes of last meeting
were read and approved.
Many "thank thank ypu" cards were A
received- from o --sick 'members;
also letters from Westminister,
Hospital for Veteran's parcels`
and birthday gifts. They are `very
much appreciated by. the .Veter.
ans. Attendance Draw waswonby
Mrs. Ed. Hewitt. Mystery prize
- was won by Mrs. Earl Harrison.
The Centennial Cake was won by
Mrs. Ray Barker.
The meeting was adjourned
with the .singing of the "Qpeen."
A bake -walk was enjoyedby_the
ladies while lunch was being ser.
ved. Winners were: M.rs. Mac
McDonald, Mrs.° Lance Butler,
Mrs. Howard Carroll, Mrs. Clare -
Bedard, Mrs. Robert Good.
Lunch was served by Mrs. M.
M :Millap • and her committee.
May Group WOfli
A delegation of four G4df'ich
Women's Institute toren bees mid*
r essed members of Town woken
shortly after they epano4 their
session of Thursday, May 11 in
the council chambers of the town
The i.GWI group Wall heeded
by coevener,, Mrs. Mary Glair.
montassii'tedby!_MrS. Ardbie'',.
W lUtlnt . Mrs- &.: W 1_sOn, CWS
president, and Mrs.. Jack Cook,
secretarY, were preceint also al*
though they did not, addrens
,Tt a Goderich' branch of the.
Women's Institute, we rte, eestivatp.
ing permission from council- to
erect signs bearing the insignia.
of the `Godeicioh . brunch -".1 the
W.I. at the entrances to the,towm.
They rested their cane on the
fact that other service clubs in
Goderich have placed their treats
on, two large signs, one' northand
one south of the. town's ,limits.
The Goderich WI group, which
claim:: to be one of the oldest
established_ service clubs, in the
Council Meets•
At Kingsbridge
St. Joseph's,,Council, held their
meeting at Kingsbridge Separate
School, Monday, May 8th 8:30p.m.
with 24 members, one vis*
itor, Rev. Caruana. presided.
Each officer read her duties and
.. what is expected of her. It was
agreed to send a ' bels to
Cambermere. The Diocese Con.
vention is May' 24th and 25th.in
W indsor.
The date of the annual garden
- party usually held in July, has
town, Minted outs that an the
men's service clubs were repres
opted by their sign crests and
thus they felt entitled to equal
recognition by the public which
would be achieved if they were
allowed to ereet their own dis.
,tinctive sign as their Centennial
Reeve Bert Such, in reply 011ie
WI delegation, suggested that the
WI members approach other
women's': service clubs in• God.
erica to girt their agreeient to
erect a sign as a co-operative
Centennial projectwhich would
carry the insignia of all Godes.
ich's women's service clubs. He
added that if the WI group were 10
"proceed with their" sign project
alone•; , it would, when completed,
prompt the other women's or,
ganizations to demand space for
similar projects, Thus,the Reeve
explained, there wouldbe created
an ugly looisnig spectacle pf a long
row of signs stretching down the
• highway towards the town's lim-
its, which would. remind motor.
ists of the brass signboard ad.
vertising of a noted- U.S. com•
pang which advertises a shaving
cream by this same technique.
Councillor Hays came to the
support of the Goderich Institute
ladies and moved that permiss-
ion be granted to the GWI for
erection of sign bearing their
insignia as' their centenirial pro.
.Alter further discussion, items
decided that the matter would be
referred to a later council meets
ing, . after the GWI group had
communicated with other ladies'
service clubs to get their opin•
ion on the project. Councillor
Hays then withdrew his motion.
-been • _ postpgned' 4o-iiy; Next ' on--the-or-der 'of -council's
6th. due to Centennial cel brs.
tons in surrou*iding areas. Any
.,nemi-gr' having suggestions on
how to emphasize Centennial year
at this vent, flew. d be apprec•
sated. Bath member is expected,
to donate an apron and one other
item for the booth at the gar.
den party.
There will be } aiiouse plant- to' explain. the terms toreouncil
exchange at the J ne meeting. whereby they • operated at the
There will be a b e sale third park arid arena.
Sunday of the month after eleven .
o'clock Mass with the first one
being May 21st. Pat Howard Was
appointed lunch;conrepor. A die•
cession panel consisting at fear
-ladies will be held at the June
meeting with the topic:' "What
Does C,W;L,. Mean to Me?"
—The ----me etingrwas closed with_ -
league prayer and lunch was ser.
ved by hostesses, Mrs. P. Van.
Osch, Mrs. J. Van Osch, Mrs. A.
Osch, and Mrs. F. Reigling.
business• was the question of
granting the concession 'for. the
coming season at the 'Agricultur.
al parks refreshmentbooth. Mrs.`
Smith, who -along with her hos.
band, has been operating the
booths both there 'amid at the
Goderich Memorial arena,' was
present at the council 'meeting
A few moth balls -placed in the
garbage can prevent' -insect
larvae during, the summer
A devilish plan
to get you
ustang - Now!
' f ''y�`•,/s •✓:''✓fry ✓•'•''t •..
nlrrlrlr11um��7r� illilrl�trr��llrxuMnil�t1�11rr��llrl ipumnimankti inilinin11111111
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Sprn chime "
4.11 Savings on all
the otli'rgreat
itiok, 40
istgeta Mustang!"
... SOUTH smart
She: pointed out` that they :had pion
been granted enc clusive rights to for
'operate a refreshment mcress.,
at the rage
the past.16
made that
track` grandatd
A motion
.agreement with the Patirs br
allowed. to continue aa balege.
and was passed.
`l Villa III MU *XI MEN is, IN far
rINS Nrgli INE rMat Mir
tar Nes ar 11/arrn.•
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..a ■ ■wok
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Enjoy the vacation -of -a -lifetime at
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Nep v � e , ,On
3. Your doctor's diagnosis
should be noted on the bill
If not, please check with
your doctor. He may wish
either to complete, the bill,
or -to contact QMIP
.•?rot e5 „ 1 gtb1
dor nla n nc May'
Csoeem° m• , Ig61 'l ,
Lobar 5;�., IQ para Ma`f> 5� 6,
ht Hone V►al vle` vlstts, a'
Vor:stectIA:esop.: Hose1hey,71all, 4t
vtj V461s�'�
•21(1 mitt► • loAspinvicei
V1aiter 'we‘
4. Make sure the doctor's
b fee is on the bill. OMSIP
pa 90% of tie new
®fitario Medical
Association schedule of
fees. ' -
st;.0'° p
$l�j. a°• 6, Is the patient's name on
5 _ the bill? If not, please add
it yourself.
S. OMSIP needs to know
the last name of the
contract holder.
Please•check that your
doctor has noted his
1. We need to know fhe
dates of every time you saw
your doctor, which relgte
to your ddim. Please check
to see that this• information
is on your doctpr's bill.
9. OMSIP also needs to
know the year of the
patient's birth.
8. Be sure to identify the
sex of the patient. (Pat,
for instance, could be
either a•girl's name or a
boy's name.)
7. You')( find your number,
not on the contract itself,
but on your OMSIP
registration card.
If your doctor does not submit your OM$IP claim diriectt,
• •
here�s w at tdo: Medica ='vices Insurance Plan, and you've
" had me•""`•I attention lately, most likely your
doctor ads put in the claim himself. But if he
sends the bill to you, here's whet to do to•
help get your claim settled fast. First, call your
doctor's office and remind him , you have
OMSIP, and ask if he generally bills OMSIP
direct. If not, tknd yQu must submit his bill your-
-self, please make sure the 9 pieces of informa•
Hon fisted above are cove'ed. That way, you
can help mike sure you gel speedy payment.
All correspondence to OMSIP should be
addressed to: OMSIP, 135 St. Clair Ave, W.,
Toronto 7, Ontario.
We suggest you tear out this page
and follow the pattern illustrated.
OMSIP helps pay your doc•tor's bills faster.,.. when you help by giv n6 us corriplete, etc ura'je information.
., .