HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-05-18, Page 13Summej visitors and tourists to Goderich this season will find a vastly improved and expanded beach and bathing area along the shoreline south of the harbor-., this summmer., During the past week, a Clinton.construction company ,was employed at ,bulldozing and levelling .the .fill dumped along the shoreline between 'the CPR sta.tidin at the foot of the harbor hill as far south a$ the town's water filtration plant. (staff photo.) Bark Of Commerce Marking Hundredth Year This .Week Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce celebrates its 100th, anniversary on May. 15,' just six weeks before the 100th, birthday of Connederatitan in Canada. The bank dates its age froin es• tablishm^nt ofTheCanadian Bank of Commerce in 186?. But as the bank's Commercial Letter for May ,points out, one of the banks'', which amalgamated Vali. Com. merce• . .The Halifax Banking Company-- dates back eMYen fur. ther, tO 1825. When the Commerce was estab• lished in 1857, its president was the Hon. William McMaster who later became a senator. He also founded the college in Hamilton whish, as a university, still bears his name. Eight years later, Henry Stark' Howland, who was associatedwith • • the group which founded the Com - Western Ontario Water Works Assocuation f r t pr sident ofbecame a o herr new • bank, The Imperial Bank of Can. Convene At Maitland Country • Club Here Delegates to the 30th annual spring conference of the West. • ern Ontario Water Works assoc. iation assembled at the Mait. land Golf and Country Club on Wednesday, May 10, to hear and discuss topics relating to thelat. est methods of treating and ser. vicing water supplies for urban munici'pali'ties. SEE DISPLAYS During the conference water -works specialists superintend. ents .and ..inaintenance,staff from the various public utilities com- missions represented, were giv. • en the' opportunity to view and inspect the latest, equipment for handling and treating a"town's or city's water supply. Several manufacturers displayed their latest line of 'water works pro. ducts amongwhich were feature ed pumps- water hydrants, water conduit pipe and electronic. con. trols. Registrationlbegan at 9:00 a. m. following which delegates were:. free to mix and .mingle with other representatives while enjoying coffee and donuts served in the dining room of the club. The conference opened for. mally with S. -Arbour, secretary; managd"r-treasurer of the Wind. sor -Tecumseh joint water works board acting as chairman, TWO TOPICS During the morning session,' two topics were discussed. The first, "water treatment" was dealt with by E.A. Loft,, superin. . Ce 4, Business Directory Ronald L. McDonald CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 39 St. David St., 524-6253 Goderich, Ontario - N. 'BENTLEY ntario N.`BENTLEY ACCOUNTANT 1 1• : , �.,_ 44 ciao 'l �d d. E. 'toderich• Sky Harbour Air Services 'Ltd. For Charter Flights — Flying Instruction r nq • New & Used Aircraft Sales REFRIGERATION and APPLIANCE SERVICE All makes All types GERRY'S• APPLIANCES The Square • Phone 524-8434 "The Store That Service Built" r •- Tel. Bus. 524-9531 Res. 524-9::43 'PETER S. MaoEWAN INSURANCE AGENCY .REALTOR .--..- • 44 North Street • Goderich, 00, Alexander and Chapman GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY ;MANAGEMENT Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Building Goderich Dial 524-9662 G. C. WHITE Accredited Public Accountant 8: Elgin Ave. W. 524-8797 G derich • Ontario R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Squ . e _524.7661 A. M. HARPER ,CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT ' 7'55-57 SOUTH STREET TELEPHONE ODERICH, ONTARIO 524.7562 ^ 92A Before Investing ... investigate ' UNITED ACCUMULATIVE FUNDID.� ALBERT'. J. SHORE Representative UNITED INVESTMENT SERVICES LTD. Quebec St. 524-8164 ga. A Pi rr-r•.v r.fM�i`Q.!`^I•.1 ada. At first, both banks were On. • tario-based ▪ By the close of the .tendent of water production at the Windsor utilities commis= ion. The second topic, discussedby J. Currie, representingCanadian Allis Chalmers Ltd., explained "the how and why, of centrifugal pumps" and "pump- mainten. mice". At noon water works delegates were dismissed fo'r the •luncheon period. One representative stated that over 100 members .of the WOWWC. had registered - for he first conference -of the year.. Another meeting is. held six months later when the group meets •in some• other center Ili Western Ontario for the fall sess. ion, Investigate Break -Ins The Fina Station at Auburn was broken into on Wednesday, Ms.y 10, and an investigation by Prov.. Const. Bruce Crew of 'the God. erich Detachment revealed that approximately $95.00 worth' of goods were stolen. On Saturday, May 13, the resid• ence of Mr. Joseph Blake,"R.R. #I, Clinton was broken into and $250.00 worth of antiques stolen. Investigatiod -by Prov. Const. John Wray revealed that there were antique wash basins and pitchers, coal oil lamps and a transistor radio stolen. TRAFFIC On Sunday, May 7, BrianStoth. ers of R. R. 6, Goderich sustain. ed $50.00 -damage to his car when he was involved in an accident with Gregory Maize also of P.R. .6, . Goderich: The Maize vehicle" also had $50,00 damage incurred and there were no injuries. LAMBS KILLED On Tuesday, May 9, LanceSad. diem Of the HOlmesville area re. ported' that he had six 'iambs killed- by a pack of dogs. Mr, Saddler reported • that this spring his farm has been raiuea ay stray aogs ane nis lambs mauled. 19th Century, however, they had expanded into Western Canada: Both made substantial progress in the face of intense competit•`' ioi for there were, at one ti e, '41 separate chartered, banks in Canada. By the beginning of the. th Century, the consolida,tedfi es • of the banks° which now make up the Commerce showed a total of 91 branches and assets of $63 million. In the:_bank's early years, some of the pioneer branches began in tents and log huts. One of the col. Deluxe. p9irlUag. orful chapters of the bainlf'searly history dulls with activity iri the • Yukon during the great goldrush, . with poet Robert W. Service as one of the_persbnuel. . As 'the bank- moved into the 1900's, and ;the number ot'bra 1cil. es nnulfiplied, more and u ore ><amilips became ctistoiners. Say. fug were taken from under the mattress , and put into the bank. Customers discovered the con. venience of writing cheques. By 120 the Bank had 741 branches acid assets exceeding $600 mill• ion. ' The test on the depression years was met and- passed, and when the economy turned upward during and after World War II,, the bank was ready to serve ex. panding needs. Controlled , decentralization through "regianal..offices facilitate ed steady growth,Con1puters and other automatic equipment have -increased the speed and scope of, services: The final amalgamation that ,formed Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce waseaccomplished in 1981. The number of •person. nel has since increased to more than 18,000. The number of share•. holders exceeds 29,00.0. Bran. ches total 1,407, and assets at the end of February, 1967, stood at $6.6 billion. The Comtnercial Letter says the bank's achievements "have been those of a growing enter. prise in a growing nation. They form the base from which the bank .moves forward with Can. ada into a second century of chall. enge andchange." focal Harbor Withi Grain, ..,. Salt Goderich. ,,elevatogs tutloaded 327,000 btlshais Of grain rOM the Blanche Modular) Nrhtutiarriv`ect in Coder. tch Harbor T°uesd, .y )Aay . 9, under the command of Captain Davis. The vessel is 'owned by • the tii>(tdtaan Transportat<en com. pang which have several other vessels 'operating on the -Great Lakes 'Waterways., • The Blanche Hindmarx, afteruri» loading its cargo bt grain, was moved to the Sifto salt pier at the north side of Goderich" harbor where 'it was, loaded with 9,000 tons of salt for Fort William.' READY BEACHES Bathing beaches along the God» erich waterfront are being pre. pared for the forthcoming sum. mer swimming season. The beach area' immediately to the south of the harbor is being levelled by a Clinton coiist action conapan's° bulldozer which will level off the large sand piles left by winter ice fides. • Shipping l{ other -south, near - the lloc. ation Of the town's new sent treatment' plant, anotheriNtikOh area is being established, Com- man. of the .town harbor God lmtttee, B.R. Robinson,. statedthat a large amount, of fill had bee*l dumped along thi$ sectton" :01. • beach and would be I!evelled-r 011. also. to ' create , addttlortal path. ing beach area--along-the lake. ' .. front. ENJOY THE - FINEST,FOO. p. IN T.O1N.ti Chinese Food. • Our Specialty • ALSO TAKE-OUT ORDERS OPEN `DAILY 7 a.m. to 10 p.m.' Open Friday and 'Seturd0Y Until 12 Midnight The Esquire Restaurant "524.9941" •r • Down with drab old_ savings ideas cut above the rest A new riding mower with all the features you want! 5 h.p. Ezee- 26" rotary 4 for - Start. engine, Flex•N-Float mower ward speeds plus reverse easyheight„ adjustment • Disc•O•Matic drive finger- tip•swingaway steering. And this new rider meets all A.S.A. safety standards. Yes — it's a cut above the -rest! See .0 it now. Argyle Marine & •Small Engines A 88 Britannia Rd, E., Goderich v • bonus savings are here! 13righten your whole outlook on savings with'a BONUS SAVINGS .ACCOUNT. It pays a fu11-41/2interest. calculated on your minimum monthly.'balnnce, credited to your iiccoun1 every six months•. Nd chNuing privileges to tempt y6u in a'tvuak moment . . . a speciial golden passbook to keep reminding you that 4'72`; is special! \A'iin1 to breathe a littlo colour into your savings? ' ° Get yourself a 41/2CBONUS SAVINGS ACCOUNT. • It's another fii'st'from'the Royal, Bank ... where firsts are second nature. • • 1stembcr: Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation ROYAL BAN K CINCI the satisfies! Cl�1:67-2 CARLING ,.• 1' 1 LAGER BEER This summer, enjoy Carling Cinci Lager Beer. It goes down a little easier, satisfies a whole lot more! 5 5