HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-05-18, Page 10A., 4,4 a 10 The SignolOsr, Thorsdav, ley► 110, 967 E. 'Cards, of Thankn, 141,S$ 1"T ---'the family of the late Donald Robert &is►sett wish to thank friends, rela- tives and neighbors for •the beautiful floral tributes, Cards, ' donations to the .0 •Peer So- Viety, and expressions of syun- pathy. Special thanks to Rev. R. U. MacLean and .he George Beattie Funeral Home. The Btissebt Family: 20 15►. Ni otce,T9 Creditors tors ale pearsgtis having claims . against the EsVate of MAIM HouseWie, late of the Village of Bayfield, in the G. ty of Huron, who died on or about., the 51111 day of Apuai, 1967, • are required to file the same- with full partieuulans with the undersigned by the 10th day of June, 1967, as after that date i the assets of the estate will be dtistributed. Dated .at Goderieh, On , a r : o - this pth day of May, 1967. HAYS & HAYS, e. Solieitors for the es.at : , 33, Montreal Street, Goderich,, Ontario.'- 20-;22 16. Public Notice ADVERTISEMENT OF " SALE OF A, OHATTEL PURSUANT TO THE MECHANICS' LIEN ACT • TAKE NOTICE that JAMES ALEXANDER BISSET of the Town of Goderich, in the Couety of Huron,, is indebted to ROY MERL•kM of the Town of Gode ri•dh in, the sum of $1,243.50 for feed, care and training for a .two-year-old standard bred Hr- ness horse by Sire Johnnie G. and that the said ROY NIE IXM Chas remained unpaid for more ,than three months after he ought to have been paid and further that the said Roy Meriam claims to be entitled to a Possessory Lien on the said , horse and pursuant to Section 48 of the Mechanics' Lien Act, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 233, a saA. of the said two-year-old Standard Bred Maness Horse will be had by Public Auction on Saturday, 'the 27th day of May, 1967, at the hour of 3:00 p.m. :at the Horse .Barns, Goderich Agricul- ture Park, Goderich, Ontario, to be conducted by Mike Cum- mings, Auctioneer, of Gcderioh. The sale is subject to a re- s• erve bid. Dated at Goderich, this third day of May. A.D., 1967. • ROY MERIAM, East Street, - Goderich, Ontario. P3-20-21 ('.. Briefs HAWK.INS--1 wish to thank m fwiends and neighbors for cards, letters and gifts •uthil. 1 was a patient in Goderich and London hospitals. Spec.al thanks to the fellows in the Town and Country Curling Clubs. Jim Hawkins. 20x The C.P. & T. Fund committee of Goderich, Oddfellow and Re- bekah lodges have wheelchairs and other equipment for loan, free of charge.. Contact Amos Osbaldestesi, Park St., phone 9823; or Fred Fritzley, Wilson St., phone 7217. . • 16 . STAN BLOWES TRAVEL SER- VICE, 32 Wellington, Stratford. ' For all airlines, steamships, rail, hotel reservations, tours,'* Low bank rates on time payments. Prepadds .arranged for relatives visiting from overseas. Call 271-5710. 7 Am going . to Preston soon. Anyone with old woolens for blankets phone Mrs. W. Doerr: Stader, 5249284. 20 Order Shell furnace oil and stove oil from Edward Fuels, tank truck dealer for all Shell Oil Co. products. Phone 524- $386. ,t1 11. in Memoriam STEWART-1 wish to express my, sincere. thanks w t'r.eilds, neighbors and relatives for -their . kindness shown to. rit with visits; flowers, gifts and treats; also the many, many mitts, le . t ers and reading ma- terial sent to me dor in;;• leng,hy stay as a pati:.zt in St. Joseph's hospital, Lond. n. Everything 'was very much appreciated. Mrs. Gordon S.ew•art. 20x FRiFi'GLEY-In loving memory of a dear son and brother, Gerald Nh •Fritzley, who pass- ed.away one year ago, May 18, 1966. A faee that is haunting us ever, A voice we are longing to hear, A smile we'll remember forever, While we try to forget every tear. A sad, but sweet remembrance, A memory land and true And a token of affection, dear, And heartache, Gerry, tor you. —Ever • remembered by Mom, Dad, Linda and Joe. 20x RUTLEDGE--In loving memory of Viola Rutledge, who passed away. one year ago, May 29, 1966. Time takes away the edge • of grief,,. • But m•emery tuns back every leaf. —Ever remembered by the family. 20x RUTI ADGE---in loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Viola Rutledge, who passed , away one year ago, May 29, 1966. • God took her home, it was his will, - • But in our heart, she liveth still. —Ever remembered bjr hus- band Eugene and' children, Darla, Duane and Darren. 20x E. Cards of Mamie • E. Cards of Thanks VOUNGe--I wish to express ,n thanks and appreeiata.on to my neighbors, friends and rela- tives for their kindn 'ss and sympathy 'shown to me in my recent sad bereavement in the' loss of wy dear husband; for. beautiful`floral taibutes, card gifts and for help in the hone or any other- way. Spe- cial Thanks "to Dr. J. W. Wal- lace and the Lodge Futi,eal- Home. Norma A. \'oun PRICE Selected Group Of - SUIT'S SIZES.36 to 39 SPORT CO AT Sf SIZES 36 to 38 SWEATERS. CARDIGANS & PULLOVERS HOUSTON—W a wish to. express our thanks and appreciation to our friends,' relatives and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy during our re- cent bereavement. The Houaton family and Olive Young. 20 RO.Ii NSON—No words—can con- vey the deep appreciation 1. feel for all expressions of sympathy, the floral offerings, and Bards received in the hour of my bereavenient. Special thanks to dear -friends and neighbors; Dr. G. F. Mills, the Amibuslanee Service 'and for the flowers from the pupils and friends of Colborne Town- shp Many Robinson. 20x WHAIEY-4 wish to thank Imo. V. L. McGeoutgh and IC. C. Lambert, nurses, aid,1es and gids in green for all their kindness shown to nie while a' patient in Alexandra hos- pital) Gerd 'Whaley. SPORT. SHIRTS. SHORT & LONG `SLEEVE F. Engagements Mr. and 1V1rs. Cori Fisher, Goderich„ wislit ,til anlidun _the_,, engagement pf their eldest daughter, Joanne Maves, , to Mr: Richard William ,Duckworth, son Of Mr. and Mrs. Harold ,Duck=' worth, Goderich. Weddi•rig will take plass Saturday, Jtir}ee17, at , 3:30 • p.m. in Victoria Street United Church, Goderich- . 20x Ir. and Mrs. Harold Hirst„ Goderich, wish to announce the - engagement of their daughter, Kathleen, to .Mr. Carl Edward Peterson, son of Mrs. Harold Peterson of Goderich and the late .Mr. Peterson. Wedding to take place Saturday, June 10 at 3:00 p.m. at ,Victoria 'Street United, Church Goderioh VESTS EARL RAWSON Style Shop r�. G. Coming Events The annual reunien of the Elgin Regiment will be 'lel(' at the Legion Hall .at Woodstock, on Saturday and Sunday, June 3 and 4. Registration on Satur- day at 12 p.m. All Elgin Veter- ans are urged to attend. 20-21 May 24 --Nile United Church, morgasbord, 5:30 to 8:30, p.m. Aduts 51.50, public school stu- dents, 50c, pre-sehoolers, free. Everyone welcome. 18, 20 'the Goderich Women's In- ' sti-tute will hold a bake sale Friday, • May , 19 at 2 -.pen., in Denonilne's Flee CT , Shop • Catholic Women's League tea and bake sale Wednesday, June 14, 2:30 to 5 pan., in St: Peter's Parish Hall. EVeryone" welcome. .20-23' Dun'i forget hospital Aux- iliary tea and penny fair draw at MacKay hall, June lith. Prizes for penny fair will be at•Derain- ore's' Flower Shop, May 25th. 20 May 3 is,• --Auction sale, lunch e&uieer ;i:id bake 000,h at Ho anesville United C h u r ch grounds at 7 •p.m. . Edward laiictt, auctioneer. 2J-21 WEST ST. ° GLIDDEN SPRED LUST SEMI -GLOSS .ENAMEL • For kitchens, bathrooms and woodwork • ♦ Beauty ;and durability • Easy to wash • Colors match Spred Satin REG. 10.70 $8.95 G. Coining Events The Ahmeek Chapter, 1.0:D.E. will • hold a rummage sale in' MacKay Hall on Friday, May 26, at two pan. Pzek-up'w41 be made Friday i,.or.ning. £hone Mrs. U. Linereen. 7715 or Mr, . Oe-seell,- 7781: g•0 Reserve Wednesday, ,tune 144'h' - for Knox Ohureh Contenn.a1.. ,m Sorgas�bord: Continuous ser- vice froul 5:00 to 7 :00 —pew Tickets $2.00 each. Phone '1842 or 859.6. 20 & 22 e Pcti ee sale and tea, Sa. urday, June 3rd, at two p.m., at the Salvation Arrny citadel. Span - ;ore(' by the Hume league. 'eu:. , 1 The U.C.W. of Grace United Church, Porter's - Hill, are hold- 'ina bake sale ie Denomine's Flower Shop, Saturday aricr- noon,.May 20th. ' , j -' 20 \\ ' Annual 1K-40) Kinsmen dance, Saturday, May 27th, at Mai,land ountry Ulub, 9 till? -.• 20. Join the Goderieh Township' Centennial weekend celebra- tions, June 16-17-18. A choir is being organized for the ,variety show, J,uune 16 and church ser- vice J4ne 18. First practice on 1Vlay 25, 8:30 p.m. at Holrnes- vi11e school. ,Residents or ior.& er residents are invited to par- ticipate. - 20. t Centennial D•a•nee, Friday, May 19, Legion members, auxiliary members and guests are. invited to celebrate "Centennial Year" by coming to this dance in Cen- tennial costumes. Prizes for best costumes. Dance to the "Blue - times", 9:30 - 1:30.. . 20x • School Has Ful 1 Staff The regular monthly meeting of - the Goderich Collegiate Institute board was held at the collegiate on Monday evening, May 8, with all members present except Mr. East. The architect Mr. Snider was present and reported on peogress Teachers WWII Take Courses Goderich publicschool board met en Victoria school on Monday, May, 8, Mat 8:00 p.m. with all mem.bers present with the exception of Trustee Marriott, Principal, R. E. Smith,pre. sented his report for the month of April which' read as follows: Enrollment: Victoria public school, 569; Robertson Memorial public school, 234; VictorLaur. iston,`-. 317;„ supply' teachers re. quired, 18 1/2 days., The secretary presented resig. nations from Mrs. Vasella and Mrs. Reed. TAKE COURSES `Principal Smith advised that Miss Shirley Brown will _take a librarian's course and Mrs. Cranston wild be taking a remed. ial reading course this summer. "Upon satisfactory completion of these courses, each teacher will be granted an allowance of $200.. 00 each on the first teaching day of September.. • .Moved by Trustee McCreath that the property committee be authorized to proceed with found. ation planting' on the north side of Victoria school. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 p, m. of the 'addition- being built to the collegiate. °DCI principal Stringer,. -re..: commended that Miss Heatheir._. Findlay be engaged as a physical ,eduraton teacher. It was moved and adopted that Miss Findlay be hired and this teacher completes the. staff for 1967.68. , PHONE. SYSTEM It was recommended. by Mr. 'Stringer that a telephone system for .the new addition. be installed which• would donsist of the/ollow. ing equipment:` one telephone f,Or the principal's. ,office; ohe lot the vice.firincipal's; one for the gen. eral office; one for the guidance department; ' one for the common staff room; one for the commer. cial director's' room. Each tel. ephone would have access to three consecutive lines; one digitdial intercom would" be included with the v hole system to Gest a month, ly'rental of $86.45, A letter from Hon. C.S. Mtie, Naughton regarding increased g"raiits to secondary schools -was read and filed. Moved, that the secretary of the board, the principal and chair/. man prepar6 an advertisement and advertise for a business„ ad• mir istrator for the Goch ich Collegiate Institute' board t ,dt}ties to continence July 1, -Meeting_ adielirned at 11:30 P. . 3 .SLIPPERY GELATIN When removing gelatin from a mold, moisten the plate and top of mold with wet fingers. The Moist surfaces make it possible to slide the'gelatin to the center of the plate after taking it out of ,the mold. • • ULBE'RT'S- BAKERY THE HOME AF TASTY PASTRY SPECIAL SPICE LAYER CAKE -49c • .0-0-0 On A Diet? Try Our • HOVIS HEALTH BREAD Contains No Sugar, Salt, or Fats - o.--o—o CHOCOLATE & COCONUT CREME PIES 0-0-0 HOME MADE BREAD Every Morning by 10 a.m. o-0-7 HOME MAD. ...CANDY . Taste•Tempting Treats frm Our-Owri Kitchens at Culbert's E1-0-0 Fine Pastries and Confections Since 1877 • a Famous Glidden SPRED SATIN latex wall paint • It''s homogenized! • Guaranteed 5 ways ' • Wash agar}, and again REG. 11.60 SERVICE ELECTRIC •(GODERICH)" LIMITED 30 VICTORIA ST. N. . Dia.I 524-8581 introcIucing A New CQNSERTI0t4 ONTROL INSTALLATION AT POINT -FARM Maccaferri Gabions—wire mesh baskets filled with field stone, installed on steep banks, gulleys and . along road beds, effectively ptevent soil erosion. Developed in Italy, the Maccaferri Gabions have been tested and proven effective by industrial government construction engineers. Summer resort owners, cottagers and farmers with land being cut by gulley erosion will find Maccaferri Gabions the answer to their problem. CONTACT MURRAY JOHNSTON Contracting Ltd. Fi r iEstimates On . Initallation Of Maccaferri Gablens BOX 54' GODEIUCII - 'HONE 524-9242 TE FOR STEA.KBURGERS 4 HI -TE Foodmaster Open Nitely Until 10. p.m. 91, VICT • RIA ST. NORTH GODERICh BONELESS FULL RO ND BONELESS HEEL OF GROUND ROUND STEAK OR ROUND STEAK ROAST CANADA GRADE "A" MATURE -10 to 14 LBS. TURKEYS FOR ROASTING BONELE RUMP ROAST OR SIRLOIN CHOICE FOR BAR B.Q, CLUB STEAK SUOREME - OR SIRLOIN STEAK Fresh Lean Breakfast Sausage LB. 79c LB 49c LB. 89 89c LB. 59c 11 -OZ. BOtiLES HEINZ KETSUP 4r F HOSTESS -69c SIZE POT ►T M' CHIIPS SUPREME . FANCY -1% ASSORTED COOKIES ROSE -- ASSORTED R 95c• RELISHES WHITE SWAN. 59c TISSUE, 4 FOR 94c 4. ROLLS FOR 49C ASSORTED -- CARTON OF 6 4- DEPOSIT 49c Kist Soft Drinks 43c FROZEN 14-0Z. HADDOCK IN BATTER 49c FROZEN PEAS 49c OLD 5O4NGE JUICE TINS 3 FOR 85c CHINESE DINNERS 69c ANGE JUICE. QR SLB. BAG ,,6 ,CHARCOAL A DELMONTE 48 -OZ. TINS 2 FOR 89c TOMATO JUICE 3 FOR 1.00 FACELLEROYALLE MAN SIZE PAPER TOWELS 4ROLLS FOR 1,00 FACELLE.,3FOR 89,c BUY 2 GET 1 FREE — ALL FOR PURITAN 24-0Z. TINS BEEF.: STEW 2 FOR 1.00 MONARCH QUICKWHIP 58c LARGE — 1.8 -LB. AVG. GIANT ••, � 14.OZ. TUBES Watermelons 99c , Hed lettuce 2for49C Tomatoes 2 FOR 4 ONTARIO'NO.. I All Varieties