HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-05-18, Page 8#ostnen, tterid ROL,,LER SKATIN FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. — Admission .5p — SKATES FOR RENT GODERICH ARENA Convention.„ Mernhors of the Kinsmen Club of Goderich will attend the trot 1 Flying Dutchman conven. tion, being held in Kitchener Waterloo May 1Qth, 20th, 21st and 22nd. _Local delegates to the convention are Deputy Governor, Doug Cruickshank, Bill KIM', Ray Cook, Jack Cummings, Maurice Gardiner and Mr. Sch. neider, Barry ,Whetstone, Vic Whetstone, Ken McGee, D. felt. The districtconvention is a gathering of all Kinsmen of the .district together with the. dist; rict executive, headed by Cover. nor pi...ye Jenkins of the Welland Kinsinen" club. A member of the National. Executive of the Assoc. iation of Kinsmen ClubS will also , be on head' to address the eon. ventioa., He Is Harold S. Taggart, of London, Ontario, who is the national, president. At thiS time.the year'S'accorn. plishments Will be reviewed, next ogars plans vi1 be 1Ormulat4d, a0d the incominE district execu- tive will be elected. At the reg. tilar meeting of the local club this week, the following offices were elected. President, Deb Shewfelt; 1st vice-president, Ken McGee; 2nd vice-president, Ray Cook; secretary; Ron Carter; treasurer, John Shaddick; reg. istrar, Don Ruetz•'Bulletin Edit. or, John Trebish; Assistant Bull. etin Editor, Lee Emmerton: directors, Billy Kirkey, Fritz Basler and Johner.tyl-- , „ 0 PIE CITIZENS OF GODERICH During OLD HOME WEEK JULY 1 8 ..- PRIZES WILL BE GIVEN FOR 1. The best shop, store or office window dressed in a period of 50 or more years ago. 2. , The best dressed female employee in period costume. 3. The best dressed male employee in period costume. 4. The best dressed couple seep on the Square in period costume. 5. The best dressed boy and girl (10 or under) seen on the Square in period costume. DRESS UP Y041,1t HOME — STORE -SELF Goderich Old Home Week Committee 20-2 TO ALL RELIGIOUS FRATERNAL SOCIAL, SPORTING OR OTHER GROUPS OR ASSOCIATIONS k SP RTS 'Spring Visit Still Working Out •Details Of Park Racing Investment A delegation front the Goderieh T -rotting and Agritultu.ral AssQC. iation, attended Thursday night's meting to receive counter.pro. posalS from Goderich tOvin conli- cil in reply to the trotting ass. ociation's -draft agreement Sub. mitted to council for apKoVal the previous Week. Chairman Of the finance coin. mittee, Bill Schaefer, read ,the council's proposals to the racing delegation headed by Hugh H:111 who was accompanied by the president of the GTA, Ralph Jewell and another member of the trotting association. Terms of theyresent Contract bet-vveen town andthe trottinga.ss, ociation require that the assoc.. iation pay back the $35,000. cap. ital coancil is raising to pay for required impro.vements and re. modelling to the Agricultural park rtiOetracls and grandstand, over a period a . five years at the rate of five thousand per year. . A. six -man building committee • ha.s also been' proposed which wOuld provide for three men frorn 1 -.he trotting association ruld three fronci town council to supervise construction of the required rao. ing and betting facilities. • • It was decided that the amend. ed contract would .be discussed at the next meetlag of the - God.• erich trotting association at which time they would either abide by Council's agreement or reject the whole scheme if the • liarness remodelling could not be corn. pleted in time for night , G oi lasses racing this season. Ccost Go...ocir4 :Ship Here..: A Canadian coast guard cutter under comrnanq of Captain J.E. Maseles entered Goderich bour Sunday night aboUt 10: 00 Rim. to lay over several hours while awaiting for the strong north. west winds to decrease thus en. abling their 150 foot vessel to resume its,. inalnd waters nay's+ 4. ation work. The 338 ton ship, working fin. der authority of the Ca.nadian Op; artrnent of transport, was laying -out buoyelo markthe ship 'Chan, nel along th6 St. Clair river and prior to entering Goderich bar. bor, it, had been workingoffKettle Point, between here and Sarnia. Captain Ma.selet staled thattheir work would take them up as far as the head of the.lakes. Another larger coast guard cut. ter, the,20Q foot Alexander Henry, works the upper, end of the Great ° Lakes system; b'eing involved WOAA Plain Series .Clinici For Managers, .„ Coaches, Players • Western Ontalio athletic ass. ociation, working with the On. tario recreation assoeiationhave organized a series of sOftball, baseball clinics which will be con. ducted at different centers. ,throughoat Western Ontario during the next three weeks. ' The release from .he W,OAA states as -follows: "in , its all. Out effort to improve the quality of softball and baseball in this , part of Ontario, the WOAA-will again hold four clinics. for- off. icials in 1967. CLINICS. FREE - This' •year the WOAA is con. centrating on the managers, coaches and ballplayers as well ,as the officials in order to irn prove their knowledge of the ga.melor the fans. The clinics are free and open to anyone 16 years and over.. - Jim ,Drummond, 64 1/2; The clinic which will be most convenient to those softball base. ball managers, coaches andplay. ers throughout 1-1,artin county, will be held at the Canadian Forces Base, Clintoa in the schoolAf food -services classroom on May 23 and 25. Classes will fun from 8:00 to,10:00 p.m. A similar softball clinic was held Sunday, May 7, in the Mac- Kay hall, GOderich, which was conducted by Ontario Softball Association officials'. BRIDGE SCORES , There were seven tables in play at the Goderich Duplicate Bridge club Tuesday night. Winners and their scores Wereasfollows: , Mrs. Bill Duncan and Mrs. D. D. Worthy, 70; 0 Hazelgrove and • A. Wilson, 66 1/2; Dr. and Mrs. G.L.M.- Smith, 66; Robert and To Alt Residents 0 F Goderich & Vicinity From July 1 8 " We are celebrating Canada's 100th Birthday and the 140th anniversary of the founding of Goderich. We •ask all interested persons to let us have the names and addresses of former residents so that we may forward them our brochure. Closing date for mailing is June 15. CLIP THIS AD Name Address N9me— Address Name Address_ Name— Addres s • And Return To BOX 1867 - 1967 The Signal-Star—Goderich If you are planning some Community activity during the period July 1 - 8 -and would like to have the same included in the brochure being prepared for distribution, please notify the Goderich Old Home Week Committee not later than June 1, of the nature of your proposed event; the date, time and place thereof. • WE HAVE OUR USUAL LARGE SELECTION. OF . Postponed Inclement weather has caused golf instruction for .the junior class at Maitland country club to be moved ahead one week. Pro Neil Verwey was forced to canc,e1 last Thursday night's classes because' of the cold, wet conditions prevailing at that time.. The .first session, for jimior girls, will begin at 6:30 p.rn. and will run until 7:15p. m.; after. wards the bo,ft, instruction will commenceand continue until 8:00 p.m. The course for the local jun. iors will extend for three weeks, being held each Thursday night beginning at 6:30 p.m. and will run until June 1, (weather per. m Ming.) Church Service Well Attended A large congregation attended the Mother's Day- Christian Fam. ily service in NorthStreetUnited . Thumb on May 13. Sixteenprim. ary Sunday School children and their four teachers were present "to Watch" the baptismal service in conjunction with their studies of the church, it sacraments and ordinances. Received into the fellowship of the church by the sacrament Of baptism were: SonyaJane, &ugh. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Snider (Gail Pentland), Jo -Anne Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Moore (Carolle Jones), Mary Lynn Patricia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Patrick Mc: Cormick (Connie Jones) and Brenda Marie and S teven Murray, children'of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Popp (Laura Chapman). Mr. An. drew Scott; clerk of the session of North Street congregation ass. isted the minister in the bap. tismal service. The 32- voice junior choir sang "A Little Seed Lay FastA.sleep". The service of praise was,under direction of the organist and sen.- ior choir. The Sermon was on the subject of "The Importance of the Child In the Home." Notice of the 135th anniversary service to mark the founding of the North S treet corigrega.ton was given for Sunday -May 28 at 11 a.m. when a former pastor the Rev: Ralph' H. Turnbull will be ,pre. sent,as the guest minister. Music on that occasion will be provid. ed by the regular choir assist. ed by a newly -formed ladies Chorus from Goderich, "The Treble Singers" under direction of Mrs. Murray Hetherington and the special soloist will be T. Harry Hoffman a! Dashwebd. The -Zurich Mennonite youth choir will be the special guest singers next Sunday, May 2U • mainly iniet.hreakingoperations in Lake Superior. Captain MaSeles stated that his ,cutter was too light for that type of wOrk and was used mainly for laying. out buoys at the opening of the navigation season. Ser. vicing lighthouses, accessible only be water becatise of their isolated position on iSlands, re. presents another phaSe of work for the '‘Edwards." • A f1at7bottOmed barge, t a rr i e d on the deck. of the cutter- is loaded wittis.upplies for thelight. house, and is taken ashore by memhers ' Of the, crew after the " cutter anchors off 't,he island as close in as it tali go. Essential, lighthodse suPplies'eonsist of fuel . oil for cooking and also diesel oil for generators, the Edward proceeding north. ward along the LakeH iron coast. , line, will prOceed into the Geor., i& FIREWORKS Celebrate' Victoria Day, May 22nd in fry. Centennial fashion at home or at the cottage. Get together with '---friends and neighbors and have a.better display at less cost. MAIL P.9 FINCHERS Smoke Shop THE SQUARE OPEN SAT. TILL 11 P.M. SUN., 10 A.M. TILL 9 P.M. MON. (THE HOLIDAY) ALL DAY BOX( 14367 1967 THE SIGNAL -§TAR: -GR ptuyER TO . J. K. HUNTER, • NORTH ST% pre TO W. Vir. ROSS;ItOSS SI!Ot SHOP gian bay area and eventually work further northward into the O. Marys' river and Lake Sup, erior. The veSsel *curia crew of 26, 10 of whom man the engine room, 4 are galley hands and the others are officers, wheelsmen and deckhands. The cutter also has its boatswain. Canadian toast guard -cutters are also engaged with searchand rescue .operations which are car. ried out °pan tnternational scale. Each morning, the C.P. Edwards radios its position to search and %rescue headquarters OA Trenton and this message is again re. layed to headquarters at Ottawa. At present, there are 26 Ca.n. adian coast guard cutters work. Mg the nation's coast lines along Atlantic and Pacific oceans as far north as Hudson and ,James bay, and to dew line stations ,on the Arctic coast. THIS IS CHECK YOUR CLOSET WEEK! Winter and Spring garments taxing your closet space? ,• Now is the time to have winter garments cleaned and made ready for next season's .wear. Stains ' and • soils vAll be removed much easier now than in the Fall. WE HAVE STORAGE FACILITIES AVAILABLE For -Your Convenience ..BLIMWATER,. 37 WEST ST. 524-6231 BELL INE .by, W.W. Haysom your telephone manager - • NVith the first long weekend of the 1967 summer only a few days away, 'I'm taking a good look atiny driving habits. If I find that I've , slipped unthinkiligInnto, unsafe driving habits perhaps now is the time to mate a anid-year resolution to tuth over a new leaf.This will likely be the most exciting summer ever for most" Canadians. Visitors from other countries anSi other provines will be joining • in our Centennial celebra- j,jjSns and OUT highways will be busier than ever leading travel- lers from one, community to another. For most visitors routes will be unfamiliar ones. Roads which we use every day ars'weetk and to us hold no "mysteries" may sometimes be confusing or difficult to a stranger struggling to remember directions or „becoming tired atter a long day's drive. Simple driving courtesy and a strict "toeing of the line" on safe driving habiteould make the trip easier and safer for OUT visitOTS . . . and ounselve& A real way that every driver could put warmth in his :wel- come to our visitoes is to drive safely and courteously on our, highways this summer.. Who knol,vs, if we all imactiee this for . 'six Months, it could become so automatic that the annual slaughter on. our highways might lessen instead' a climb KWh- year. Needless cutting in and out by drivers faniiliar- with a road can confuse another driver searching for road signs; tailgating can lead to accident kf a Visitor is unsure of the way. And, did belligerent horn -honking ever , move traffic any quicker? *A.' • a, • . It might be a wonderful way of welcoming visitonsk if we made an efrt id keep track of the various happenings' in our area during the summer and fall months. That way we'll be able togive helpful direetions to viSitors . a small courtesy appreciated by any traveIler:We. are hosts to the world this year. Canadians are usually regarded as quietly 'friendly, usually helpful and polite. This year we have a unique opportunity. a proving to the wiirld just what we are. ,Often it's the very small things that. a traveller remembers with pleasure or distaste. Small things that will color his ,desire to return to a happy holiday spot or to vow never to return again.- A pleasant smile, a helping hand and the small Courtesies that we extended to our friends will provide a store of happy 'memories for visitors from other lands'or other parts of our eiVn country. * *. And, if you are planning a trip yourself this summer* eth ipeeially to Expo, now is e time to complete arrangements. ' Your telertlione. can help you complete' this chore quickly and easily. 1t can 1.`,go shopping" for the extra few things we ailways seem to need before a trip; "run errands" t3 the newspaper, bakery or ereamery'kto stop deliveries while you're away; or call aheaci for reservations 'en route. The familiar, telephone makes Planning an easy part of a trip. .4 'Make this a must. Visit the Telephone PaVilion at Expo 67. ,