HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-05-18, Page 7OkI Costumes' Pretty Scene At Donnybrook U.C.W. Mcet .9 The D Rnybrook UnitedChurch wQrneb held a special centennial meeting on Wednesday afternoon. . Mrs. Morley Johnston and Mrs. Ernest° Snowden dressed in Old fashioned costumes welcomed the. members of Auburn, Westfield, Calvin- Brick Whitechurch, St, Helens and. St. Augustine CW>., also lifemembers and old 'friendsof the UCW, many of whom were dressed in old . fashioned costume: The ' Call to worship was given by the president Mrs. Tom Armn strong who opened the meeting With all singing, "R11 the Way My Saviour leads Me". Mr. s Ray Hanna read theScrip. ture lesson. Mrs. Armstrohg led in prayer and also, extended a welcome to the visitors. The choir accompanied on the piano by ' Mrs. Murray Wilson , sang, "An Old Fashioned Meet. ing". Mrs. Jim Small and Mrs. John Hildebrand received' theoff. ering which was dedicated by Mrs. Armstrong. Mrs. Margaret Leddy gave a reading, "Mid. summer Song." Mrs. Sam Thompson introd. uced thepeaker, Miss IreneJeff. erson of Goderich, a retired school teacher and -a former member of, the church Who gave a splendid talk on Donnybrook Church from Its- beginning, tor. mer members and some of the changes in the surround, ingneigh. bo7rhOOd. Mrs. Hildebrand thanked the speaker for her interesting' add.. cess and presented her with at• I The meeting closed With the choir grouped around the piano and leading in a singsong. from old fashioned song sheets, specially prepared.!or the meeting: Maes. Armstrong then 'invited' theMladies to the basement ,for tea and a: social • get, together, A table . of antiques: was on ,display which preyed very interesting to many of the visitors. FolloWing tea words of apprec•. cation were spoken by the visiting .auxiliaries.and Mrs. Armstrong replied. Cook books made by" the members _were on display and quite a few sold. Personal Mother's Day, guests with Mr.. , and Mrs. Leslie Pentland, Cam. eron Street,"were Mr.and. Mrs. J. Harcourt, London; Mr. and 'Mrs. James McArthur, Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Snider and daughter, Sonya Jane, Cooksville; Mr. Loren Pentland and Mrs. Della Kerr, Sarnia. Sonya Jane was baptised at North Street United Church on Sunday morn. ing • With 60-C j►cle, 110 -Volt 2,500 Gal. Per Hr. Against a Six Ft. Head For Not $49.95 But Only Easy Terms Offer Expires Sat., May 27th Sunproof Paint Sunproof Latex Cementhide Rubberized Masonry Paint Save 2.75 on Gals. Save 75c on Qts. Aavilable in White and Custom Mixed Colors YOU GET MORE, PAY LESS IN FRIENDLY ,CONKLIN COUNTRY nue.beiO MATERI4L$ HOME IMPROVEMENTS BAYFIELD RD. Robertson Memorial public school pupils carried on with •the practice of planting trees as a centennial project and last Friday, they set out a row of Norway spruce trees along the Horth side of their playground. • 1r?' :•• ,�� .4 �4 11.. ^• '", ,r,.ol ti 'Assisting Mr, Jansen. Ontario lands and forests official who is pictured here with the shovel, are from left: Roberta Hays, Carolyn Cook and handling the seedlings, Bill Bur. chell. ( Staff photo.) In Praise Of Beards • It's almost June.Can Spring be far away! W e11, anyhow, we can - sure enjoy the spring flowers this year. They're just blooming like mad and the cold weather is keeping them looking„ just wonder. ful. Don't. you get a re?i lift from all the splashes of brilliant yellow with the pinks and reds peeking through, here and there? I do! I just can't wait forspring and then .I get more and more excited • as the days go ley, and' first thing I know, I'm- pooped! But I know we all loveSpringl This spring?- well. it has been an ex.. citing one hasn't it? I presume ..you have been get. tng out to the teas and suppers and plays. Surely you have been enjoying all' these affairs? Well, I do know that hundreds *of you have been 'gettingaround as every Centennial affair has , •been a big success. And I'i1 tell you why. we all have some feeling for the past. There are many old timers stilt with us who enjoy telling • tales or showing precious treas- ures. AN I'm so amazed at the number of old.. gowns and new "old" gown that are beingworn. Everyone is getting into the mood, (finally -thank goodness) and they love it. There and still e. great many • affairs coming to which you may wear your gown. And let's not forget the men. (bless them) with their beards and .top hats, aren't they handsome? -The beards have really* made MEN of them. I guess some of them have shown real strength of charact. er by suffering them. 'through thick and thing and I mean suffer. ingl Well the big firecracker_ day is upon ,us. ' The K. of C. boys are still trying to raise enough money for "the big fireworks dis. play. Be generous! The lady golfers are in a tizzy getting their gowas ready and decoration and meal planning; I am told the menu is unique. and delicious. I know this will be another outstanding Centennial affair. Be sure and get your tic. ket early! An army. a small•but hungry one? I'mnot kidding! Here's a way to make a good bit for• your Centennial project this' sum Ener. North St. United has a 135th Anniversary on Mry 28th; that's a lot op, year sl "Shut -ins" -Day, SHARE SAVINGS EARN 5% LIFE SAVINGS INSURANCE ON SHARE SAVINGS IS • PROVIDED' TO ALL ELIGIBLE MEMBERS WITHOUT EXTRA COST ' CURRENT DIVIDEND DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS'' WITH CHEQ JE-WRITIN PRIVILIGES INTEREST PAID EVERY QUARTER -CANCELLED CHEQUES RETURNED .. MONTHLY LOW COST CREDIT UNION LOANS 1 `When You ' Your Avorayo Monthly Payments Will 0. Borrow 1Z Mo 16 Mo. 24 Me. ,2.6 Mo. 100 0.01 '6.00 --- --- 300 2634 fel ' 14.11 -- S00 • 44.40 30:47 21.50 16.57 700 62.15 42.65 32.92 23.20 1.000 ISA.. 60.90 47.00 33.13 1.300 13335 X. 91.36 10.50 ,49.70 2.000 177.55 _ • 121.62 14.00 . 66.30 3.000 ---- 102.60 141.0* 99.50 ALL ELIGIBLE LOANS LIFE INSURED AT NO EXTRA COST Loans Available Up To $3,000 With 48 Months To Repay FIRST MORTGAGE LOANSo.AVAILABLE AT CURRENT 'RAPES GODERICH, COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION 39 Si: DAVID 5% , 524.7931 'is -June._.dth; I. -think 'and • 1 be. 'neve a wonderful person in God. erich started it. Am I right? On June 6th, here's one from the township! Hackett Church (Ash. -Weld ''township)., are having a garden party. . Then our' own, nice, new hos. pital is having their Centennial Tea on the 8th and next we have Confederation caravan on the eleventh. ' • Reports of the annual held. in London were given by the deleg,. ate at the May Meeting of the Goderich branch of Anglican Church Women, at ' which the president, Mrs'. E,F, Sale pre - ,sided. The secretarys report was given by Mss, D. Wilson and Mrs. A, C. Blay gave the treas- urer's report. Social service convener, Mrs. H. Tichberoe; reported 26 calls mon sick afd shut4ins. • ' The junior auxiliary, leader, Mrsi, G. G. Russell, said thac the Junior rally would be at St. James Church, Stratford and • would end up with an old fashion- ed.. supper in a log cabin, ,as a centennial effort. "We have this treasure", is the 'theme .for the year's Huron Diocesan Workshop for women to be held at Huron College, Lon. don, 'May 26 to 28. eports from the annual show. me ed that, the changing of the na►ue "Woman's."Auxiliary" to "A ° lican Church Women", passed With atremendous majority,Mem, bershtp is open tO all women sympathy with the worts Of AOW. The thankoffering money, helpsu to pay the United .,pledge money which am.•aunted•to$x5,00.00this year. As there are fewer people working this, ob jecUive was reach. ed fly using the money handed in that,was not designated. • 'In future there will be no life memberships 'given. There are. 764 life • mel4nbers in 'Huron. Diocese, more lite !member;* than delegates so that only d1egates may vote at the annual. One of the highlights of the annual.was the beauty of the com- munion service, 600 registered of which 100 were life members. 634 were present for the communion servtce. It was requested that the semi. annual be held in: the ithetn' are. of Buren D1boese, hence It wed moan Winghazn,' Clinton Or Goderleti so, :GQderlch . ex. tended invitation and the date October 4th;'was chosen An 2 to 300 members 01 ACW kn.ightbe: expected Mrs, G.'Sleminwasapp* ointed overall, ,convener in. ser'*•, • ,ing luncheon •and. afternoon, tea. ' Letters were ,sent out to t'he,other , organizations of St, ,,Peorge's .to assist. The Deanery. meet* will be held at Fordwicb May ,23, Fr transportation call Mrs., E. Plc t•• chard.. Mrs, . Russell invited. 'the *members over to the rectory, where lunch was served by 'Mrs, Russell,',Mrs. W.'. Vlhite and Miss L.E. Durntn: One -hall cup of amonia added to a t}1b of hot ,sudsy water *ill help remove hard=to-wash stains from table linens. We want more letters telling' of yourprojects or someone's project. I. have a nice letter from a little girl, (she may Not be "little"!) Anyway, I was pleased - to hear of the worthy project she is working so hard on. Keep working and when you.finish_ that one, tackle .something bigger. This is called "Character build. • ing", and,boy this is work! Martha. BENMILLER WRECKING YARD 'Open Daily 8 to 3 524-6472 N• The canvass of the town for the Knights of Columbus Centennial Fire Works Display to be held at Agricutural Park, May 22nd has fallen short of its objective. Y Since no admission feewill be charged for the event, we ask that anyone who has not contributed and wishes to do so, leave their contributions at one of the following businesses,: Canadian Tire Store Craigie's Smoke Shop Cutt's Red & White Denomme Flower- -Shop USED PARTS FOk MOST MODELS , TO 1965's YOUR HOME DECORATING HEADQUARTERS For CIL PAINT • SUNWORTHY WALLPAPER • `HARDING CARPET ••• CORLON • FINTKOTE FLOOR TICE • itEADY MADE'.and. CUSTOM DRAPERIES • CERAMIC TILE PLUS Waxes-Brushes--Rollers---Wood Finishes ' And Many, Many Other Nanii Products McArthur & Reilly WEST ST Bluewater Cleaners O'Brien's Meat Market The A&P The IGA IN CASE OF RAIN THE DISPLAY WILL BE HBO i - SATURDAY, MAY 27th YOU MIGHT AS WELL HAVE THE BEST! 350 e.c. 5 -speed Grand Prix Sports $945. 105 c.c. 5 -speed Big Bear Scrambler $865. 250 c.c. 5 -speed Catalina Sports Electric $795. 180....c.c. 5 -speed Bonanzas Sports Electric $650. 100 c.c. 4 -speed Twin Jet Sports Electric .. $485 PRICES INCLUDE PLATES & SET-UP ! -! 5% Provincial Sales Tax Extra QUALITY - PERFORMANCE -ECONOMY CHOOSE PROM 13 NEW MODELS GQDERICH MOTORS LTD. '35 South St., ,Tiiist OIf hie Square ',j /' HURON CQUNTY'S YAMAHA HEADQUARTERS a,