HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-05-18, Page 3HoImsviUe UCW Studies: Church -. Family Day ` Observed Sunday The May meeting of the4Bo1 H.‘Olmesville United churoh on mesville`UOW was hold on Tues. day May 9th at 2 p.m. Mrs. Car. tnan Tebbutt and her group were in charge : of the program. The theme of the worship service was "The: Good Shepherd". Mrs, O. Blake led in prayer and theScrip. tare.was read by .Mrs. W. Yeo.. The Bible study was taken by Mrs. �' R. Miller. Mrs. Barrie 'Walter ) gave the Indian interpretation or the 23rd Psalm. . ' Mrs. Edward • Grigg reviewed the chapter of the study book, "Into a Nation", dealing with the early church in eastern Canada. and Mrs, Tebbutt toad of the part played by D. Drury, archeolog. ist of Western University, Lon. don in 'reconstructing the old Jesuit mission near Midland. ' The roll call was answered by naming the first muster you can recall and the denomination. Mrs. E. Grigg was in charge of the business session. An in. vitation to attend Benmiller thankoffering on the 7th of June was accepted. The regular June meeting will be held one week early on June 6th on ,account of the smorgasboard supper on the 14th of June. - It was announced that there would be a.bake ..booth consisting= of bread, buns, tarts and quick breads 'at the May 31st auction sale. It was decided t0 purchase small stacking chairs for the•kin. dergarten room as well as more tables. Hostesses for 'the afternoon were Mrs. Harold Yeo, Mrs. Reg. Miller and Mrs. MacMath. , „ FAMILY DAY''' Family day was observed in Sunday May 1.4th. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Ginn and family, John, Nancy, Laurie, Jimmie and.Jan took part in the service. The sac. rament of baptism was administ• eyed to Ronald Aaron Jantzi in• taut son `of Mr, ,and Mrs. Harold Jantzi. PERSONALS Mr., and Mrs. timer Potter visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ashton and Donald of London. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Brown of, Detroit and: Mr,. and Mrs. Frank Lawson and family „of London spent Mother's Day with Mr.and Mrs. D. Gliddon. • My. and Mrs. Lloyd'Bond, Luc. file, Laurelanne attended a family ' dinner on Sunday' at the honle'of Mr. and Mrs. James Woodcock, London. Barrie Miller who has been a patient in St. Josephs, iospital, London for the past few weeks returned home, -on Thursday. • Mrs. Ray Potter is a patient in Clinton public hospital. 111C MET. The Holmesville Hi C's held .their regular meeting on Sunday evening with mothers of the mem. bets as guests. Lucille Bond and her group were in charge of the program The lesson was read by Brian Potter and prayer by John Fisher, Nancy Ginn gave the topic on "Builders". ' , Norma Walters, presidenttook charge of the business followed by a social hour. Mrs. Donald Harris voiced the appreciation of the mothers to the Hi C's for a del. .ightful evening. Maple Leaf Chapter I.QD.[. Planning Pot Luck Supper The ,presentation of the flag opened the May meeting of Maple Leaf Chapter IODE at the home of Mrs. Gordon McManus. The regent Mrs. R.. Breckenridge pre. sided. It was announced that the national convention will be held in Ottawa in Jane, Letters from' provincial were read, Mrs. B. Ainslie and Mrs. J. Stringer presented two yery in. formative reports from provin. tial convention held in Hamilton. Mrs. R. Arya took her affirm,. ation and was welcomed, into the chapter. INSET RIVE -IN THEATRE Highway 8 — Goderich At Concession Road 4 r_.,argest Screen "in Huron County • WEEKENDS ONLY Double Features FRIDAY and SATURDAY MAY 19-20 A DAZZLING MUSICAL BONANZA! -- and a -- SECOND FEATURE A PARAMOUNT PICTURE r.......... SUNDAY MIDNIGHT May 21 TRIPLE FEATURE NE HUNTED HUMANS baFort a'�a! • (Adult Entertainment)„ f: (Adult Entertainment) 4 and 'MASTER OF TERROR' Admission $1.00 per person Children Under •12 in Cars Free Main Feature Starts at Dusk 11111111111.11111111111111111, 7 1L r•. • Four junior membership tic. kets for the- community concert were purchased for students at the Goderich District Collegiate. Mrs.• McGill announc4d that she had tote bags for sale made by "patients at the Ontario Hospital. The next meeting will be apot. luck supper at,the summer home of Mrs. G. Kerr, Bayfield Rd. The, meeting closed with the national anthem. ,Birthday greet. ings were extended to Mrs. Munn, Mrs. Ainslie and Mrs. Hughes'in the form .of a birthday 'cake with candles. Mrs. Hughes thanked the hos. tess Mrs. Mc Manus for her kind hospitality. Vossommoomorommono BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE',— CLINTON Box Office Opens at 8:00 THURS.- FRI. May 18-19 - DOUBLE FEATURE — "FNANKIE and JOHNNIE" SHOWN AT 10:15 ONLY ELVIS PRESLEY _ and Donna Douglas Color ''NAMU THE KILLER WHALE" SHOWN AT 8:45 ONLY Robert Lansing Color Cartoon 'SAT.- MON. MAY20.22 — DOUBLE FEATURE — "STAGE COACH" (Adult .- Enterta.inment ) SHOWN AT 10:15 ONLY . Bing Crosby, Ann Margret, Bob Cummings Color "WEEKEND ,AT DUNKIRK" War Drama (Adult Entertainment) SHOWN AT 8:45 ONLY Jean Paul .Belmondo Color Cartoor SUNDAY MIDNIGHT May 21 -- DOUBLE FEATURE THE GIRLS VS THE BEAS "BIKINI BEACH" Frankie Avalon, Annette Funicello, John Ashle Color rrKONGA" 3olor Cartoo ,Tuts.. WED. May. 23-24 "FucnT of THE PtIOENIX" James Stewart, Richard Attenborough, Peter Finch Color ' Cartoon Coming Next• --- Thurs., Fri., May 25-26 "NASHVILLE LREBEL" - and. "THUNDER IN CAROLINA" Knox Circle Reviews Works 0.f ChurchIn Canadian West Jean.Atnslie and her group led IP the worshlp service as e$ Giro1e metin the parlor foe • regular monthly meeting, Evelyn '. Sc.roujon read the Scripture and Jean Ainslie offered prayer., ' The second "portion of the study book ,was reviewed by Jean. Ainslie, in an inierestingaccoun�t gr the :church's eariy'work in the western provinces, --with their ;attve Indians and Eskimos'and European iinrnigrants. ' Agnes Cutt, Emily Crewe and kilar jorie Young. read- the histo'. les of three of our most .promtn. ent western missionaries: t .. OFFERS SOLO' During the interval, Audrey Royal; accompanied at the' piano by Madeleine Edward, sang, w4th delicate shadings, the old fay. ourite, "My Ta -` sk' '." Jean Ain slie thanked Audrey and Madel. eine for their delightful eontrlbut. ions to the pleasure of the even. ing. Alice McGraw played the piano fot the singing of hy;nns. Geotgia Schaefer, president, Conducted a business meeting. Betty MacKenzie read the min: t• iles and. Chris Hyde gave the Ggderiph Rebekahs convened a Centennial tea at MacKay hall - on Wednesday Afternoon, May 10, and many of their members attended wearing the familiar "gay nineties" floor length gowns. At left is Mrs. Percy Blundell, noble grand, and on her right is•Mrs. Reg Bridle, vice grand. (staff photo) Goderich Rebekahs 'Sponsor. Successful' Centennial Tea A successful Centennial tea C. Tweedie and Mrs. William and bake sale were held, last Wednesday afternoon, at MacKay Hall, sponsored by Goderich Rde. bekah Lodge #89. The hall was attractively • decorated with spring flowers in ' a garden ,setting. The guests were welcomed at. the door by Mrs. Percy Blun. dell, and M -,s. Reg. Bridle dress. ed in centennial costumes; The tea table was decorated with a Centennial cake.. and cry. stal candelabra ` 'with lighted tapers. Those who poured tea were:: Mrs. W. P. Abell, Mrs. Lena Stowe; Mrs. Charles Young, Mrs. F. D. Riley, Mrs. Mamie Sut. cliffe, Mrs. George M..:mby, Mrs. Lawrence. Tea was served to the guests . by several of the members in ' Centennial costumes.' Several quilts of former- years were on display. Music was provided during the afternoon by Mrs, Joe Snider at the piano and M rs. Maitland Driver on the•violin. Personals R.J. Nephew attended the lith PPOC short course in pro. fessibnal photography, which was• held at the University of Western Ontario on•May 13,14, and l5. This year he was enrolled in the indust. rial photography division, BINGO at LEGION' HALL Saturday; May 20th at 8.:30 p.m. 15• GAMES -- $1.00 The prize for eachforegular game Will be $12.00 4 Share -The -Wealth Jackpot Combined JACKPOT OF $80.00 IN 56 CALLS Sponsored by Branch 109 ROYAL„ CANADIAN LEGION No One Under 16 Permitted To, Play WITH COMES THROUGH FOR. YOU! BOATS CHARGER 118 WITH � y MOTORS. ', Long•Shaft-=Electric WITH BOAT TRAILERS ALL ON DISPLAY NOW AT YOUR 41116.. CHRYSLER CAA OUTBOARD LTD. DEALER GODERICII G 0� R D' S' SPORTS & CYCLE BAYFIELD RD. SOUTH t trea$wrer's -report, Lucille -Henderson read an in. vitation from the,, Barbara Kirk. man group, to all members and. friends, to attend a special meet. Ing in Seaforth Presbyterian Church, to be held On May 23 at eight o'clock. A11 who wish to attend please phone Georgia. ' Schaefer at 524.9483, and arrange tor -a ride. . Members are . reminded 'that donations of wrapped candy and a small jars, for the Mission Band's.:annual treat to shut• rrs, must be in before the end of May. Edna_ Pg1 ock delivered an ex. cellent report of the'Synodical, which was held in April, atStrat. ford. Next year's Synodicalwill be held at First Presbyterian church in Chatham,, d The .,o°fering was collected by Dorothy Re' d and Dorothy Blake; anddedicated, by Jean Ainslie. The meeting closed with prayer. Glenda Salter and Irene White 'Sold artihles for •thq talent table. A social hour followed, during. which time, Hazel McCreath and her helpers served tea and cakes: THEATRE GODERICH ON -THS SQUARE • FIRST RUN. FILMS IN .AOR CONDITIONED ,COMFORT — Entertainment It Our Business THURS., •FRI,, SAT., MAY 18-19-20 From The Man Who Made "Charade" GREGORY SOPHIA PECK LOREN A STANLEY DONEN PRODUCTION ARAB[SQUE TECHNICOLOR' PANAVISION' Shows at 7:30 and e9:15 Cat. Matinee at •2.30 — Regular Matinee Prices MON., TUES., WED., MAY 22-23-24 Ton Citrus•Virua L i i•I:eer Scott Notwill'. my. e, You don't! TECHNICOLOR' y: Shows at 7:30 and 9:25 .Corning Next — Funeral In Berlin I F GODERICH FROSTED FOODS 65 HAMILTON STREET WIENERS 2 SMOKED BUTTS BACON ENDS SHOULDER VEAL CHOPS BROWN & SERVE - VAL STEAK LB. 89c La 79c La 55c LB65c LB. 99c FRESH. CHICKENS, &TURKEYS ROSE SWEET MIXED PICKLES CLOVER LEAF FANCY COHOE 3t's SALMON • 31c 49c AYLMER-24.0Z. JAM STRAWBERRY or RASPBERRY 2 for 89c: AYLMER TOMATO. --11-0Z. • CATSUP• 6 REG. + FREE DREAM WHIP JELLO 2F0R39c DEAL PRICE 69C. OPEN EVERY DAY UNTR, 6 P.M. OPEN FRIDAYS TILL , 9' ".M. ST. GEORGE Trinity Sunday -'May.,. 2 st 8;30 a.m.-4141y Communion, €.i 11:00 a.m.--Morning •Prayer and Eirmmon, if * CHURCH SCI OOi;. .....,,.., • 16:00 LT.--4rades 3 to 9 -"Fc 11:00 a.m, —Nursery to ,Grade 2 • Rector: REV.G. G. RUSSELL, B.A..+ B.D. Organist and Choirmaster: LORNE H. GOTTE.RER • THE UNITED41URCH OF CANADA North Street United Church SUNDAY,. MAY 21st, 1967 10:00 a.m.—Senior Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.--Junior Department. 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship. Special music provided by the Mennonite Youth Choir from Zurich. Sermon— WHAT JESUS SAYS ABOUT WORRY Supervised Nursery 135th Anniversary' Service—May 28, 11 a.m. Rev. J. Donald= MacDonald, B.Sc., B.D., Minister Mr. Lance Reed, Organist and Choir Director Knox Presbyterian 'Church.• THE.. REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A.,:.Minister William Cameron, Director of Praise SUNDAY, MAY 21st 10:00 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a.m.—Divine Worship. — The Rev. Robert Beattie, M.A. '-=° Sarnia; ,Ontario - (Nursery. and Junior Congregation) 7:30 p.m;—Young Feopie's Society. -ENTER TO WORSHIP DEPART TO SERVE FIRST _BAPTIST CHURCH. i (Baptiste Convention of Ontario and Quebec) Montreal Street Near The Square 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School. 11400 a.m.—Morning Worship. 7:00 p.m.—Evening Worship. — A Welcome To All — Minister: REV. HENRY de VRIES; Phone 524-8792 THE UNITED CHURCH OF • CANADA Victoria Street United Church The House of Friendship _ Rev. Leonard Warr 10:00 a.m.-Sunday School -All Departments. 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service. ' "WE'VE GOTTA TELL TRE :WORLD" 10:00 a.m.—BENMILLER Worship Service and Sunday School. Mrs. J. Snider "Mts. Ben •Shau„han Victoria Organist Benmiller Pianist .The Free Methodist Church in Canada Rev. A. R. Harley, Th.M.-Minister Sunday, May 21st 10 a.m.—Church School and Adult Study 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. SERVICE OF WORSHIP / /// •k Tues., 8:00—Study Group. Warm, Wesleyan Worship in the Methodist Tradition .CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET 10:00 A.M.—OUR FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL (OUR BUSES WILL'CALL AT YOUR DOOR) PHONE. 5247150.;. 11:00 a.m.—Preaching Service. - e ' 7:30 p.m. 2. Preaching Service. • "Come Where You Are Neyer A Stranger Twice" UNITED HOLINESS CHURCH 9150 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service. 7:00 p.m.—Evangelistic Service • Prayer Meeting Wednesday evening, 8:00 o'clock SAMUEL M. MILLER, Pastor "A Welcome Awaits You" Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Corner of Elgin and Waterloo Sts. REV. ROBERT CLARK, Pastor SUNDAY, MAY 21st 10:00 a.m.--Sunday School Classes for all ages. 11:06 a.m.—Morning Worship. 7:30 p.m. --Evangelistic Service. j.- A11 Welcome -- b 9