HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-05-11, Page 19•
D. H. Miles, Agricultural Representative
Huron County;• receives his transportation to
the United Kingdom from H Dn. W m. A. Stewart,
Miniater.of Agriculture and Food. M, . Miles
who wiillead a delegation `of four Ontario
Junior Farmers who won travelling scholar.
ships on a ten -week study trip to overseas.
farms. The party leaves on May 12:
Oldest Member Christ Anglican Church
Honoured At Supper. Party On Birthday
members of the Ladies Guild went
to open house at the Ontario hos.
pital. A very interesting tour of
the hospital was made.
After church service on Sun.
day about fifty.fivepeopieen-joyed�
a supper in honor of Mrs. Will.
lam Vreoman's birthday.
• She is the oldest member* of
Christ Anglican church, Mrs. and
• Oxford
Dead Stock
Removal Limted-
We pay ber pound for dead
or disabled cows and horses
24-hour service -7 days a week
Can Colrect
HICKSON 462-2614
Mr. Don Johnston of Brantford -
were also present, The large
birthday cake was cut by •Mrs.
MrS. Archie,Grenier returned
home from S tratfMhospital last
week . Mrs. Williak Draper is
a.: patientInVictoria hospital,
Room 356, 3rd floor, London. She
is wished a speedy recovery.
Mrs. Elton.aaraper.vielted with
Mrs. Wilbur Stewart for a fey
days last week.
Mr. ,and Mrs. Earl Martin and
524-9371 -• 9264
Ask about convenient departure
and return times
For information, phone the local
CN Passenger Sales Office
David, and Mr. Don Coulter of
London visited with Mrs. Dave •
Martin and family `over the week.
For orr
Plans are completed for the
West Huron District Annual of
the Women's Institute to be held
on May 30th in Ontario Street
United Church, Clinton, withreg.
istration to begin at 9:30 a.m.
Mrs. Wilfred Col clough ofClin.
ton, the district president, will
preside for the daylong meeting.
Each branch of the W.I. will have
a display of crafts and hobbies..
Special musical selectionswillbe
given and the department 'Speaker
will be Miss Helen McKercher of
Toronto, the di -rector of Home
Economics for the Departmentof
Agraculture and Food.
Mrs. Harry Strang, area chair. a,
mar),,, will be present and bring
greetings from the London Cagy.
vention Area. Delegates will be ° •
present from the ten branches.
Goderich, Clinton, Tiger Dunlop,
Auburn, Londesboro, Blyth, Bel,
grave, Wingham, St. Helens and
D unga.nnon.
Mrs. Duncan Simpson io a =pat.
.r . Mrs. Georgo� Lead.
tent Wingbarn o. l
_,., . _„• , .,�•-,-,.,, M. .;and •
better and Parhara of "oronto
visited. with -Mrs. Colin Mae,.
Gregor last weokeud,M
Mr. and Mrs. JarnesOltirer and
fatoily sof Seaforth have moved,,
to Kintail Mr, Oliver is employ,
ed by Alex Farrtsh. •
Plots Ottawa March
The McKillop township mun• •
t ipar building, a recently cep!,
pleted Centennial project, was a
bushing place on Wednesday
night, May 3, ,when two meetings
were. eimttltaneotisly held there.
In the main section of the new
office building, mernl.'exs otgee,
forth local 284 of the Ontario
Farmers Anion h'ad asse bled'to
discuss . -plans for their forth.
comping march to "Ottawa on May.
24th.. OFU president John
polmer, although a few minutes
late bedause of a mixup in dir..
ections , eventually arrived to
addross the good attendance of
farin union members.
At the same time, another
meeting was being conducted in a
small office adjacent, to the main
room with 'delegates from the '
Onnarie Farmers union, the Fed:
eration of Agriculture., and Me.
Kil1op township residents. Mem.
bers of all three bodies com.
bined forces for the purpose of
collecting money to_.aid the vie.
tims of the recent tornado which
swept through the Hensall•Dublin
area of this region.
A manager of a chartered bank
at Dublin, who heads the rebuild.
ing committee, vas on hand to
help tabulate the amount gather.
ed. It was reported later that
$2,134.00 had been raised for the
tornado disaster victims.
The Ontario Farm Union is not
stopping at financial assistance
only. A group of a dozen or more
men from the. Holmesville local
of ',the OFU "were expected to
arrive at the farm of C. -Van.
derprytt on 'Thursday, May 4th
to begin reconstruction oft 40 by
50 barn to replace the new build.
ing which had been totally des.
"troyed by the tornado of last
This work.bee; to be led by,
Ileo° Kroonen, -a Dublin • building
supply dealer, is the first Of
several to be organized from
within .the O: U organization.
Each local in the Huron.Perth
district of the OFLZ will be -ex.
petted to contribute members
towards a rebuilding bee. 'Ace.
ording to .Leo Kroonen, whois
president Of a n OFU in Perth
county, they anticipate that abarn
can be erected in two days, if no
unforeseen delays occur.
Mrs. Thomas Govenlock, pre.
sident of Seaforth local 284 of
the OFU, 'was chairlady for their
meeting. She called upon Karl
Govier, 'Huron -Perth director of
the OFU, to introduce the speaker
for the evening, John Doimer.
During his speechhe stated that
a skeleton brief had .been pre.'
Pared by O,FU executtvesforpira.
septation to the federal govern..
m ent wheirthe OFLI members arr.
ive in Ottawa on May 24th to pre•
sent their brief to Prime Min• '
ister •L.'B.`'Pearson and hie Stab,
inet. Joining the OFU delegates
Will b$ members of the Cath.
olic Farmers' Union and repress
entatives of the Federation of
Agriculture will also attend.
President Dopper suggested
that 200 members per county for
• the march on Ottawa s,,huuldbe the
• objective of each 'OFU regional
director in Ontario.
Criticism df the federal goy”
ernment's present piilk policyas
it related to producers of milk
for manufacturing was to be one of
the maim ,articles in the brief.
Also stressed would be'the need
for a realistic federal agricultur.
al policy and its present "cheap
food" policy was expected to
come under strong attack,
Ellard Powers has been
appointed coordinator of the forth
coming March on•Otta.wa. It will
be his duty to organize the three'
farm groups who will be partici..
During his remarks, John etn.
phasized that OFU executivesof
district locals should be arrang.
ing for bus transportation with-
out delay.* Other methods of tray.
elling'to the capital were discuss.
ed including chartered airplanes
from London and this method.
was favoured by some members
because of the brief travelling
time of one and one.half hours
:Travelling -to Ottawa by.car was
discouraged asp it was thought that
problems inorganizing the
marchers might arise if the OFU
members arrived in small groups
at different intervals throughout
the day.
Following• his address, Mr..s.
Govenlock invited the OFU pres.
ident to answer questions from
the floor relating to agricultural
matters, particularly the attitude
of the OFU executive towards the
various farm products marketing
hoards which were being estab.
lisped. During this discussion
period, members benefittedfrom
an interesting and ioforrnal:tive ex..
change of views and ideas per.
taining to different agricultural
organireations. •
At the close of the discussion
period, Carl ;Dalton, Seai'orth
reeve and treasurer Of the local
OFT, presented the OFU presid.
ent wah an eleotriF: 0104 for their
head office at Guelph. Mrs. Thom.
as Govenlock donated a cheque
for $56.40 from the S eaforth
local -to be used for the head
office of the O1'U.
Lunch and coffee were 'ser.
ved to members and guests
follow"ung the meeting.
Moda Council
Names Slate
Memora of the Women?* Mix
,tonary .Society or e ' a' se
vtce $o the "•reel :. Plne
Creat Manor?* pair ►y'.
Arui,ver'eari aeffee$ 'ill be,
held in 44141e1d Presbyterian
oherch on MAy 21,
Mies: Mabe• MaodQnaldotWtndl,
so' 'woe borne' $9r• ^tho votek.esut
The new board of directors
of the Mads ,council .were' in.
stalled at its annual board of dir.
ectors' meeting on Tuesday, May
2, 1957.
The new slate of officers in.
eludes: PresidentO.J. Wassman,
Grand Bend; Past President -W.
C. Gerth, Milverton; Vice pres.
ident-AX. Hoffer, Elora; Vice
president -TX. Isley, Waterloo
A vacancy was left for an add.
itional vice president to be ap.
pointed from a newly created cor.
poste member section. This ap.
pointment will be made at. the
June board of directors' meeting.
Seeretary.treasurer for the sec.
and year will be I.G. Needles,
chancellor of the University of,
Members of the board of dir.
ectors include: Brian Flannigan
Seaforth; -M.A. Greene -Exeter;
J, Hayter -Stephen Township; J.
Scotchmer-Stanley Township; R. ' •
Bauer --Logan Township; JohnSte.
phens-Blanshard Township; Da.
vid Kllberg-Listowel; W.Seebach
Warden, Perth•tounty; R. George
Bridge -Palmerston, G.W. Fatum.
Fergus; Fred Cox -Dep. Reeve
Eramosa Township;t L. G. Low
ell -Galt; A.J. Gillies -Kitchener;
Additional director to be named
from Waterloo County; R,S.Mac.
pherson-Guelph; • • J.H. Aitken
. Goderich; Chas. Thomas -leder.
ation of agriculture, County of
Huron; Ronald Forrest -director
Waterloo county area planning
board; Ernest" Nyitrai.depart.
ment of economics and develop.
" ment,,Toronto.
It VAS. also announced• at the
board meeting that the annual
conference of the MODA coun.
cil will be held on May 31 at
the Breslau hotel.
Gord's Sports and Cycle stock a complete line of fishing
tackle. by, DOLPHIN Fishing Tackle, Reels from 1:95 to -`
59.95. Rods from 3.751°,32.0B, and we hive lures, lines,
sinkers, leaders and hooks --everything for the fisherman.
A complete fishing outfit including Spinning reel,. Spin-
ning rOd', monofilamentline: and, a aluminium frame
landing net, Complete only 7.95.
.v,•Q � 1i f�rdwith IMPERIAL
With the ever increasing use of. pesticides, the Ontario
Department..of .Agriculture and Food -is taking a rriajor interest
in their application and effectiveness. An integral piece of
equipment at the Provincial' Pesticide Residue Testing Lab.
oratory, located at the University of Guelph, is this Gas Chromes
graph used for the detection of pesticide residues on fruits,
vegetables, and other plants. 6 -
tNv�S:r rr•'if
...proven by Ontario Corn Growers
Publication 75-"1967 Guide to Chemical Weed Control"...
published by the Ontario' Department of Agriculture and Food
"61/ Water Emiu%sions provide greatly improved postemergence
° activity of ATRAZINE and ATRAZINE/SIMAZINE mixtures, especially
on quack grass and annual grass species."
CORNTROL 862 is an emulsifiable light mineral oil that acts
with your ATRAZINE, ATRAZINE/SIMAZINE _ mixture, or
LINURON herbicides, to provide effective postemergence
chemical weed' control. CORNTROL 862 with your herbicide
saves time ...frustration and money. Here are four ways,,it
helps reduce your croo,production costs: •
1. Improves control of annual grasses and quack grass
2. Extends the period of effectiveness against broad -leaf weeds
3. Increases "kill" during periods of hot, dry weather
4." Provides a better weed kill than your herbicide and water alone
(RNTR' L*. C30
lfyou are not insured by an
Independent Agent, chances
are you are receiving only half
the benefits you might expect
when placing insurance on your
dwelling, car or business.
An independent insurance
agent represents several com-
mies. His job doesn't end \with
. selling you insurance, -That's the
big' difference in insurance -
the continuing, personal atten-
tion of an independent
. agent. He keeps
the insurance on your car and
horse up-to-date. 'If -you have a
loss, the same independent agept
is there again to sec you get paid
promptly and fairly.
To get all the facts about
complete insufancc protection,
look for the man who displays
this Big "i'• -symbol. It tells you
he's a member of the Ontario
Insurance Agents' Association.
It also means that he'll give you
service beyond. the
call of duty.
More than 100 good reasons_ to call C -f -L
and the £-1-L dealer network for the fastest, .
most complete fertilizer service in Ontario.
C -I -L has,more than 10a service centres in
Southern Ontario. And 5 "C- I - L plants,
including our new- Lambton Works at
Couftri ht, back them up with a constant
supply of high-grade fertilizers.
There's a service centre near your farm.
It's stocked with Super Flow fertilizer, in a
broad range of recommended analyses.
And supplies of direct application materials
such as Ammonium Phosphate, 'Ammonium
Nitrate, Urea and Muriate of Potash. There are
nurse tanks, Nitrogp4 applic,tors and bulk
spreaders. 'r
If you're ready for instant service we're
ready to supply it. Anywllere in 'Ontaiio.
w14 h
South Dock Goderich
•t.w. w`a •
Phone 524.7502