HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-05-11, Page 15V'. r�4 - MMeri.q,l SUGAR AND SPICE by Bill Smiley i a e Delegates 7 eri 1 . . a North 4 K 1092 11.9643 ♦ 98 .4 A KJ West x10 . 72 AK543, 4 Q952 r. -East ♦'QJ 54 • K ♦ QJ 2 , # 87643 South ♦ A-8.6 3 • AQJ85• 10 f 1076 Both vulnerable, . South deals, The bidding: South West North East 1 heart pass' I spade pass 2 spades pass 4 hearts pass pass pass Opening lead is the king of diamonds, An extremely elementary play that is sometimes overlooked occurred on this deal played in a pair 'event. The defense cashed the ace and king of dia- monds and a third diamond which was ruffed in dummy. A heart was played and East's king came up, decla- rer winning the Ace an'd.:,. drawing the remaining tramps. Now looking at the rest of thethand declarer saw he most likely .would lose one spade trick and. there was no way out of it unless the queen{' jack of "spades were alone in ono hand, The odds on this are very small indeed. But there was ano- ther play to lose no • spade tricks wherethe odds were, fifty-fifty. This was to -play; the ten of clubs..from hts� hand. 'fines"si'ng West's queen and inserting dum-i my's jack. If this play lost south could discard his two spades on dummy's, ace, and king of clubs. If'rt won he would -Ian -Ply ,gain 'a trick. It seems this rather simple play was overlooked by many as making five spades produced nine out of a pos- sible twelve match points. GO1.DENCR.ISPFISH & CHIPS Pa 104 Elgin Ave. E. - Phone 524-9375 "We Fry Halibut Only Open Daily Except Sunday 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. TAKE OUT ORDERS ONLY 16tf Best 111 field! <r'sf:x.,_ rte.:• 1-"^ C Z%LSA 5 Year Guarantee New Deluxe Farm Sprayer Featuring Corrosion -proof Fibre -Glass Tank - 200 Imp. Gal. Capacity SPRAYS & SPRAYERS The Calsa line of sprayers and farm chemicals has been proven "Best in the Field". Calsa pioneered the in -tank mechanical'a•gitation for complete and continuous mixing of all spraying materials. Wide range of piston pumps and adjustable booms and tank capacities from 100 to 500 gallons ... allows you to choose the sprayer that's right for the job. Your Calsa dealer also has a complete -line of Calsa herbicides and insecticides for control of weeds, insects and fungus. See them now at your Calsa dealer. Modern Pon DId you read in the papers recently abpout some drug, de• veloped by a Rumanian lady doctor, which keeps you young? Apparently" it works wonders. Old Konrad Adenau- eic, who packed it in .not long' ago, well Into his nineties,, was a regular customer. Wish I "could get my ° hands on some of that stuff, In fact, don't be. surprised if you learn that I'm off to Rumania this summer. It's appalling what they expect us , old guys to do these days. When I was• 30, I knew I 4. couldn'tkeep up the pace much longer, and looked for- ward to life beginning at 40. When I hit 40, I found myself running faster' than ever, still in i •ircies. Now I'm wondering - ether they let you out of t rat race at 50, or whether you just keep going until you run all those other rats into the ground or fall flat on your foolish face. Dead'. Trouble Is, there are always new young rats joining the marathon, which makes it rough on us mature rats, even though we've got our second wind. It's not the regular work week that gets me. No. I' come from hard-working peasant, puritan. stock, and know that you have to work hard to get rich and/or to heaven. It's the other week ,piled on top of it that makes me come out an 80 -hour loser,' ked -eyed, surly, frazzled and fractious. It's when they expect me to be, in addition, as a bonus, a culture vulture, a social butter- fly, a dedicated community' worker, a fine husband .end. father, and a general handy- man, that I rapidly become a dam' old grump, as my daugh- ter succinctly puts it. CAI.si PFRIMMER OROS. GEO. WRAITH Anncullural . R;R.•4,,Goderich, Ont. Box 95, Goderich,' Ont. Chemical,, and soravthrs divisor of PFIZER COMPANY LTD. Montreal • Tor"onto •Sarnia • Calgary. ce de Leon Last week, was a doozer, and not untypical. Monday, rush home, write': column, then Straight off .to music- festival: at on hard chair from 730 to 113Q.:• p.m,,, when daughter played, Worth it, when she took highest mark in the festi- '-val, but had sere bum aIle next day. Tuesda, taught; my own classes and gave guest lecture. Grade 10 .is "doing" the ainva Sion of ,Normandy in history, since I•' was the only avail- able living relic, pf" the ., battle, was tlakeci>~" to tet them some . highlights, Like how our air force bombed bt�r trotj`pa at, Caen. Like bow my squadron. dive-bombed a German bridge three days' in a row, 00' tons -Of Wombs, three aircraft lost;: and never knocked a chip of con- erete off the thing, though we did kill a lot .of fish in the river below.. • This is known as Jiving his-- tory is;-tory and I had to do an encore the next day with another grade. A pack of "old sweat" lies, but they ate it up. It wasn't in the book. After school, acted as judgle in speaking contest. Wednes- day night, final concert of mu- sic festival winners. Kira picked up an armful of silver, crops, 'which helped ease another raw rump from three hours on - wooden chair. Thursday night, Library Board Meeting. Friday afternoon, presented 'prizes to winners in speaking contest. Friday night, school band con- i cert, with daughter. playing drums and another hard chair. Pain in rear slightly eased by ''post -concert party. .which • pro- duced pain in head. Saturday, Open House • at school. English department display in my room drew much attention. Ketchup on floor in- dicated last scene of Hamlet, which we did in the fall, and small pile of ashes on floor indicated remains of Saint Joan, which we, finished Iast week. Visitors deeply im- pressed with new • realism in teaching of English. Cut the work and cost of 'rug cleaning! RENT A - Bissell -a Electric rug shampooer 8 00 per day, DGE FURNITURE WEST „ST. Saturday night, fought all evening with wife and daugh- ter. Latter wanted to go to teen dance, despite fact she had trouble staying awake" be- cause of afternoon and evening rehearsals all week. To every one" of which I drove her and picked her up" Spent all day Sunday look- ing for receipts to send with income tax return, one week late. Here it is Monday and col- umn night again. And the Lawnn,, isn't raked. And tomorrow\.) night I have to play for the Russian Billiard Championship of the curling club, which closed three weeks ago. • And hours.to go before I sleep. And hours to go before I a'leep. Please pass. the Rumani- an Gerovital or whatever. Mrs. Robert Wilson, president of Goderich Wpmen'.s- Institute presided at the meeting in Mac. Kay Hall. The program for the year, recommended at an execo. tive meeting at' Mrs. Wilsons' home was discussed. relegates to ,disgrict annual in OntarioaSt., Church Clinton May, 30 will In. elude Mrs. Robert Wilson, Mrs. K. F. Wilkinson, 'Mrs. William Porter, Mrs.,,J. Cook, Mrs. Olive S traughan. TWO rocking chairs v .will•,lae donated for use in the our,. sery at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. A` bake sale , will ,be held in Deiiomme's -Slower-shop on Fri. day May 19: Five dollars was noted for "Pennies for Friendship". Abus trip to Hamilton will `be arranged for earlyJune. The annual picnic Will be in August and all former members will be invitedtoattend. A dessert bridge will be held in' November. A centennial float with' an Historic theme will be entered in• the parade July I. The annual banquet will be held in February and the tea and bazaar in March. • • M �s° Wilson announced a cook. ing school to be held in•Auburn May 18 at 8:30 in the commun- ity hall. Two carloads of ladies were guests of the Londesboro ladies May a and report a very pleasant evening. Expressions of appreciation were received -from M;rs. Maw' "''Vickers and Mrs. William Snazel. Ladies who ag. reed to• sew at'the hospital in* eluded Mrs..•William Porter, Mrs. 'C., Whitely), Mr's. Johnstone, Mrs,• Free Harker. ° Mrs. 'William Porter spoke on the Motto "Life is a Gardenwhat„ are , you planting in It?"'' and in. troduced , Mrs. laonald McKee 4f • Benrniller who showed° •heatjtiful slides of her garden -and also a fewL' taken at a delphinium show in England. Mrs. J.. Wilsbn thanked ttie speaker and a social hour enjoyed, r Mrs . A. Hugill and 'Mrs. J. Wilson served tea and fruit bread, ' OFFICERS FOR 6'7.68 Past President , Mrs. K. F. Wtlkir son; president, Mrs:. j, ob. ert Wilson; 1st Vice President, Mrs iVViliiain Porter, 'Second Vice.president, Mrs. Calmar Straughan, Secretary Treasurer, Mrs. Jack Cook; Assistant Sec. retary • Treasurer, Mrs. N. Clairmont, Auditors, Miss Clara Sproule, Mrs, Jack Ryan; District Director, Mrs. K. F. Wilkinson, Alternate District Director, Mrs. A. B Straughan; Public Rel. ationst M:cs. Horton Talmay, Pianist, Mrs. F. Hawkins, Mrs. Centennial Supper. Plans. Completed By Guild ladies Plans were made for the Ceti. tennial supper to be put on by St., George's Woman's Guild at their May meeting; at which the president, Mrs. Alma Bassett,. • presided and led in the opening devotions, After the singing of a hymn, Mrs. T. G. Glazier read tlieScripture° The Centennial supper will, be held early in July in the parish hall and rectory lawn, • And will take the place of the usual garden party. Mrs. A. Palmer read the cor. respondence and "thank you" everybody's doin'it Priced from $179.95 ro notes received.' The Guild was asked to assist with -the catering to the Anglican Church Women sem_.annual meeting to be held at St. George's in October. The Guild is grateful to Mc. A -rt mr-and- Reiiiy;-West-St.; for allowing - the members to.. sell tickets for' the film, Carousel, which is .sponsored byArm strong linoleums and was shown on•col. ored television. Only a limited number 'of tickets could be sold. The kind invitation to the Mar. garet Seager houseware party was accepted with pleasure. After . the meeting lunch was served by Mrs. G. Mumby, Mrs. T. G. Glaz. ier and Mrs. L, Bannister. I ' N. McInnis; •Flower Fund, Mrs, J. Marwick. Branch Directors, Ivirs, S.. D3nr nister, Mrs, GR 'Inglis, Mrs,, C, Ruffell, -Mrs. M. 'Sutcliffe, ' . S.pecial Gomm°ttee„ Mrs, ll., Lar'der;, Mrs. D: Riehl, Miss A. Moser; Mrs. J, H. Johnstone, STANDING COMMITTEES Agriculture and Canadian Industries ., Mrs. t1. 'Irichivraft.' Citizenship AnOEdlu tion, , J. C. Thomps . Miatori4 RA*r search and CtIrrent Events, • A. Wilkin, • HomeHomilEo9h0MleiS244 Health, Mrs 13., Milts« Reso1ut•A, ions,' MrsE. Patter'sou. Cum;„ ator c TWeedlsmllir ' Histgr ,t; Mrs. A. B. °Strraughani Mrs, G. P.roetor, MOTHER'S DINNER HARBOURLITE INN Reservations 524-9371 - 9264 CONKLIN FARM BUILDINGS Are Designed. to' Give You Better, Production At The Lowest Possible Price- Many farm •builders, are realizing maxi- mum utility' at minimum cost .in the present day version of time tested rigid frame or pole type construction. Whether you're planning a completely new set-up, or wish to use existing build- ings in combination with new structures, you' canrely oh your Conklin .Fatnn Building;, donsultant td show you.how to cut costs and increase production. The Conklin man in your community knows and understands farm building problems. YOU GET MORE, PAY LESS IN FRIENDLY CONKIIIN COUNTRY V.. Commuting .Visiting .Shopping • Site-seei ng -all for 30¢ a.week. 250 miles per gallon -low - low cost insurance -full warranty ---easy terms. You meet the nicest people \a 'nac esn't� its:. Save when you shop! Pay cash with an WFC Shopper's Loan • AMOUNT LOOF AN t 100 300 12.86 550 00 8 2500 3000 4000 5000 MONTHLY 60 months 43 months PAYMENT 36 months 30 months PLANS 10 months 11 months S 101.01 .12 ,26 S 73.35 88.0208.22 117.37 146,71_180.37 S.... 57.72 90,18 144.30 S.. • , re0, i 4373 1.45 4 ...., ,.,,. 5612 18.35 5811 69,46 28.37 51.24 .91.56 Need spring things for your family and home? Get Shopper's Loan from Hl♦'C. Shop for the Ilest values in any store. Save by payin�gg cash. Later,.repay MPG in convenient monthly amounts. Get your - Shopper'a Loan from HFC! Above payments Include princlpar enrates et d Interest and are based Ask about credit lite i onpromptrepayment,but donotInclude thecottof Illeinsetenge 00 loans at IOW group cafes HJSEHOD FINANC GODERICH 3SA West Street---Tele'hone 524-7383 (above the Signal Star) Ask about our ebertim' hours - World's Biggest Seller Honda Spring -Sale!! Regular Price 1'C 105T $279.95 C DIV 279.95 C102 319.95 C110 _ 319.95 Sale Price $199.95 229.95 239.95 269.95 Regular Sale Price Price C65 $319.95 $259.95 S65 349.95 289.95 CM90 379.95 319.95 CT200 399.95 339:95 C200 379.95 319.95 BUY NOW ! ! SAVE NOW ! DROP• IN 'AND SEE ALL THE NEW '67 HONDAS ()MI5 BEAUTIFUL MODELS TO CHOOSE, FROM ARGYLE ram Marine & Small Engines 88 BRITANNIA RD. E. n GODERiCH Convert to modem Natural Gas now, and don't pay a thing until October. You start enjoying the benefits now. Benefits only a gas heating system can 'give ydu, such as bafanced'heat and humidity. a constant supply of fresh fil- 4 teres! air,''even °heat throughout the whole house, and free service There's nothing like Natural Gas for complete comfort and.efficiency. Install a new gas furnace now You won't have to pay a thing until October. See Union,Gas. oc your heating contractor. Ask about the •4 Steps TQ Total Indoor Comfort • • UNION GAS