HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-3-31, Page 5The Ilead 1.1.trgeou, of the Diboll Medical Com pan,y is now at Toreato. Canada, and may be consulted either in person or by letter on all chronic, diseases tieoullar t.o man. Men, young, old, or middle-aged,who find themselves nerY01•12, weak and exhausted, who are broken clown from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms: Mental depres- sion, permature old age, loss of vitality, loss of memor,y,bad drearns,dimness of sight,pal- pitation of the heart, missions, lack of en. orgy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples On the face or body, itching or peculiar Son - s Rti on a bout the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks before the oyes, twitching of the muscles. eye lids, and else- where, bashfulness deposits in the urine,loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipa- tion, dullness ofhearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitibility of temper, sunken eyes surrounded with LEADEN eincLE, oily looking skin, etc, are all symptoms of nerv- ous debility that lead to insanity and death unless cured. The spring or vital force hav- ing lost its tension every function wanes in eonsequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanent- ly cured. Send your address for book on all diseases peculiar to man. Books sent free sealed. Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint s ' pells purple lips, numbness halpitation, skip beats, hot flushes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with bents strong, rapid and irregular, tho second beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone. etc., can positively be cured. No sure no pay. Send for book. Ad- dress M, V. LUBON, 24 Mao° onald Ave., Tor- onto, Canada. Jan 1-1 year A. deputation from the Royal Humane Society waited upon the. Attorney -General yesterday with the request that the dehorn. ing of cattle uomrnission might also consid- er the question of docking horses' tails. For Over Fifty Yours, miss. wissbow's SOOTHING SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers for their child- ren while teethin.g. If disturbed at. night and broken of your rest by a sick child suf- fering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs Win- slow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teeth- ing. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, moth ers,th ere is no mistake about it. It cures Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces In- flammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs.. Wiaslow's Sooth- ing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price twenty - live cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. Be sure.and ask for "MRS. 'WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP," Rev. Jabez R. Jacques, DD., Ph.D., L.L D., vice-phesident of Hendlog College at Abingdon, Ill., is dead. Ile was form. erly president of Albert Jniversitv at Belle- ville, Canada. Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from 'practice having had placed in his hands by an East India missionary the formula, of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy tend perma- nent cure of Consum ption , Bronehltis, Ca- tarrh, Asthma, and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and • adica] cure for Nervous Debility and all /....rvous Com- plaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suff- ering fellows. Actuated by this motive and . a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with fall directions for preparing•and using. • Stift by mail b,v addressing -with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. NOYES, 820 Powers Block, Rochester, .N. Y Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Stewart, of Millers- burg, Ohio, went to Lima on their wedding tour, put up at the Duchtel house, blew out' the gas when they retired, and never arose. Plso's Itemelly for Catarrh is the Best. :Flasiest to Use. and Cheapest. Sold by druggists or sent by mail, 80c. E. T. lIazeltine. Warren, Pa. II Landry, a Grand Trunk brakeman, belonging to New York, fell from the top of a car at Belleville on Tuesday and. was badly shaken up. . Oh, What a Cough! 'Will you heed the warning. Thc. signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumpt• ioii, Ask yourselves if you can .afford for the sake of saying 50c., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. It never fails. Twenty-one Italian desperados from It- aly arrived at New York on Sun,lay, in- cluding two murderers. The to were al- low& d to land hat the two will • be sent back.'" 31r. C. Harper, Ottawa, Ont., writes:—"I have pleasure in stating that your Pink Pills are a wonderful ionic and reconstruct- or of the system. Since beginning their ..••••• use I have gained on an average, a pound of desh a la eek. 1 have recommended them to a number of my frienas who e- clare that they are the only medicined that they have ever used that clone all that is claimed for it. Sold by all dealers. Captain Baker of the Netherlands- merican SS Obdam, has been sentenced at Amsterdam to a year's imprisonment .for shooting a mutinous fireman. The well known strengthening propertie;• ' of iron, combined with other tonics and a must perfect nervily-, are found in Darter's Iron Fills, which strengthen the nerves and bo y, and improve the blood and complex- ion. Thd authorities of Victoria University, Cobourg, offer $xoo reward for recovery of the body of H. E. C. Stoney. the divirdly student who was drowned on Saturday by the upsetting of his boat. PLEASANT AS SYRUP. Mr, Douglos Ford, Toronto, Ontario states that Milburu's Cod Liver Oil Emulsion with Wild Cherry Bark is free from objectionable taste', being al. most as pleasant as syrup, While for coughs and colds it gives completti sat- isfaction, acting, promptly even in oh. stinate cases; The New York State Senate has concur red in the Assembly amendment to the Senate hill appropriating 03oo,000 for, the World's Fair, including also the amend- ment to close the state exhibition On Sun - There is no one article in the line of me- dicine that gives so large a return for the money as a good porous strengthening pias ter, such as Carter's Smart iVeed and Bella donna Backaehe Plasters, "Jim" Butler, a colored conviet who escaped from Jackson„ Mich,, on Saturday morning has arrived in "Vitulsor. ‘qiin" grew tn.) in Woodstock and Was always noted for hit licemost of foot, LaROE'S COTTON ROOT PILLS0 Safe /and absolutely pure. Most powerful Female litegulator known. The only safe, sure an,c1 reliable pill for sale. Ladies , ask druggists for LaRoe's Star and Ctesoent Brand. alcno 042. otherkind,. Beware of cheap imitations, as they are danger - ons. Sold by all reliable druggists. Postpaid on receipt of price. AMERICAN PILL CO., Detroit, WOr Saito in Exeter by J. W.Itirownism, Dr. 7'. A. Slocum's OXYGENIZED EMULSION of PURE COD LIVER OIL. If you have Difficulty of Breathing -Use it. For sale by all druggists. 35 cents a bottle. Duenos Ayres claims to have $25,ocio,ocio worth of crops remaining for export, with bright prospects for besiness. IT LEADS THE LEADERS. The foremesZ medicine of the day, Burdock Blood Bitters, is a purely veg- etable compound possessing perfect regulating powers over all the organs of the system and controlling, their se- cretions. it so purifies the blood that it cures all blood humors and diseases from a common piinple to the worst scrofulous sore, and this combined with its unrivalled regu lating, cleans ing and purifying' influence on the se- cretions of the liver, kidneys, bowels and skin, From one to two bottles will cure boils, pimples, blotches, nettle rash, scurf, tetter,.and all the simple forms of skin disease. Froin two to four bottles will cure salt rheum or eczema, shingles, erysipelas, ulcers, ab- scesses, running sores, and all skin eruptions.It is noticeable that suffer- ers from skin diseases are nearly al. ways aggravated by intolerable itch ing, but this quickly subsides on the remowal of diSease by B B. B. Passing on to graver yet prevalent diseases such as scrofulous swelling's, humors and scrofula, we have undoubted proof that from three to six bottles used in termilly and- by . outward Application (diluted if the skin is broken) to . the affecteeparts, will effeCt a euro. The great,miSsion of B. B. B. is to regulate the liver, kidneys, bowels and blood, to correct acidity and wrong action of the stomach'ar.d to open the sluice ways of the system to carry off all clogged and impure secretions, allowing nature thus to aid recovery and remove with- out fail bad blood, liver complaint, bil. iousness, dyspepsia, sick headache, dropsey, rheumatism and every species of disease arising. from disorder of the liver, kidneys, bowels, stomach and blood We.guarantee every bottle of B. B. B. Should any person be dissatisfied after using the,first bottle we will re- fund, the money on application, person- ally or by letter. We will also be, glad to send testimonials and information proving the effects of B. B. B. in the aboveuamed diseases on application to T. MILBURN & Co., Toronto. Ont. Rev. A..31e'Phhips and B. E. McKenzie of Toronto, are attending the Supreme Council of Royal Templars of Temperance jaBuffa!o WORMS CAUSE SERIOUS SICK- NESS. Dr. Low's Worm- Syrup de. stroys and expels all kinds of worms quickly and surely. Mr. N. G. Bigelow, Q.C., of.Toronto, is conducting the crown business at the Wel. land Assizes, and Messrs. Wallace Nesbitt and H. Symons are engaged in cases there. Those unhappy persons who suffer from nervousness and dyspepsia should use Car- rer's Little Nerve Pills, which are made•ex. pressly for nervous, sleepless, dyspeptic sufferers. Price 25 cants. The Behring sea question was again con- sidered by the Cabinet at Washington yes- terday, but what was done has not been made public. PALE, WEAK WoMEN need a tonic streugth-giving, flesh building medi- cine like Milburn's Beef, Iron and Wine. Mr. Joseph I. Bates, B.A., the newly ap- pointed principal of Woodstock College, was formally installed on Tuesday evening. FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS will be given for a case of Catarrh that cannot be cured permanently by Clark's Catarrh Gum. Step right up to the office and prove your case and get the reward. Thousands have tried this remedy, but. no one has 'claimed the reward, because it mires in every case. If you have a bold or are troub led with Catarrh, ask your druggist for Clark Catarrh Cure, price 50 cents and see what a pleasant relief it Will be instantly. If you are asked to take something else, send to us direct and we will send you a bottle by mail Co., receipt of price. Clark Chemical Co., Toronto,. Now York, f DOES PAY --- T CI --ADVERTISE. And it also pays to get your clothing made by a first-class tailor. When in need of such call on x 11 11 x 11 4. 11 x 11 x BERT. KNI6IIT x ÷ II X II II X 11 •÷; li 1<, Whois prepared to give you a neat fit and the latest style. The best and cheapest spot in town for ordered clothi.n Farmers will find it to, their .advantage to give me a Call. g. Over F. J. 1:11.ight's Grocer Store. Engel) e Ili by, the defaulting bank cash- ier, of Marshall, Mich., has been sentenced to to years in State prison for forlery. moFtret:Ar,ES '1•1U;,.11'3xi' HARMLESS HEADACHE PoWDEtRIS OU/Pe ALL HEADACHE. whey are net tisedadver- t. cure ever y• thing,Littsimply14 eua- aches. Wry them, it willeoosat a braledeua, ccn,f,s for obe harmless. They aro not a Cathartlr. ooksOottoolloot COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. Successfully used monthly by thousands of LADIES. Is the only perfect ly safe and reliable medic- ine discovered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who x's Uovrorrit00,Uou r rouND, take NO offeqonferio_r medicines place of this. Ask for substitute; or inclose $1 and 4 throe -cent Can- ada posto,me stamps ut letter, and we will send, sealed, by return mail. Full sealed par- ticulars in plain envelope,to ladies only, 2 stomps. Address Pond Lily Company,No 3 Fisher Block, 131 Woodward ave., Detr eft, Mich. ItgiSold in EXETER at Du. Linz's, ,J W. BROWNING'S and by all druggists every- where. `2•1.••Y•••••••IiIII NOTICE. Mr. G. A. Hyndman wishes to inform the citizens of Exeter and surrounding country that he has secured an agency —rolt— FINE FLAVORED TE AS AND COFFEES —and also— FIRST - CLASS BAKING POWDERS. Orders left at his residence, Albert-st., or at Dr. Hyndman's Office, Main-st., will receive prompt attention. G-, A, llyndraan, Exeter, Ont. —THE--. ENTRAL--- SHAVING ---PARLOR. EXETER, = ONTARIO. A. Hastings, Prop. Every attention paid to Ladies' and Chidreu's Hair Cutting. A. Hastings. 11111111 SOP. Mr. George Smallcombe wishes to inform the citizens of Exeter and sur- rounding country that he has opened out a new— Tailoring and Gents' Furnish- ing Establishment in Fan.son's Block. Latest designs of goods always on hand, • and made up in the latest American Styles at Right Prices, A CALL SOLICITED AND A GOOD FIT GUARANTEED. Ladies Jackets and Mantle making attended to. J. G. SMALLACOIVIBE, MERCHANT TAILOR, Exeter. Stiociill Sllio Tor no ii.111111 DAY Now is the time to seem furniture at prices never herd of before in. Exeter. For the next THIRTY DAYS, I WILL OFFER THE WHOLE OF MY GIGANTIC STOCK -OF -- ed R owl sets fr pie, Cherry, sh & Oak; Sideboards in Maple, Cherry and Oak; together with Magnificent line in Parlor Suites,Lounges,Chairs,Tables, and everything usually found in a first-class furniture store. REMEMBER THESE ARE ALL FIRST CLASS GOODS, NO SHODDY EL3I, and the prices are from TEN to TWENTY per cent BELOW the usual price Call Early while the Stock lasts. Remember the Stand—Factory and Warerooms two doors north of Town Hall, Exeter, WALT. ANDREWS 1111•401••••1111 • EXETER MARKETS. Wheat per bushel .. Spring Barley Oats Peas Butter Eggs Potatoes per bus Play per ton Wool Clover Seed • Timothy Seed. $0.82 to 0.82 _82 to 82 40 to 42 27 to 28 57 to 58 • . 17 to 17 • . 11 toll SO to 85 ,. 8.00 to 10.00 18 to 19 $7.00 to 8.00 $1.50 to 200 ._ .. . Bu.RDocK Regulates the Stomach. Liver and 'Bowels, unlocks theSecretions,Purifiesthe Blood and removes all im- purities from a 'Pimple to the worst Scrofulous Sore. . , _. -?-• CURES •.: DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS; CONSTIPATION. HEADACHE SALT ' RHEUM. .SCROFULA. HART BURN. SOUR STOMACH DiZZINESS. DROPSY RliE UMAT I SM, SKIN DISEASES ,..-,. 1.. , CLOTH" NG All 1 °SNELL, Zaln. st., EXETER - ONTARIO Has now in stock him ad Mau IN THE FOLLOWING LINES : West of England Suitings and Trous erings, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser- ings. French and English Worsted Cloth All made up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. A. J. SNELL Md. Maisialnainimansommin CHRISTIE S COMMERCIAL) Li -t) First Class MS And HORSES ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Term.= Ineasorma:bl• Telephone Connection ••••••••••••••••anaMm,,,......••••••=rwm..u. A SURE CURE Fon BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION, DIZZINESS, SICK HEADACHE, AND DISEASES OF THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS. THEY ARE MILD,THOROUGH AND PROMPT IN ACTION, AND FORM A VALUABLE AID TO BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS IN THE TREATMENT AND CURE OF CHRONIC AND OBSTINATE DISEASES. Exeter -North General Store Givilig U Bustaoss. A Clearing Sale AT ▪ a• nd BELOW Cost. We offer our entire stock of DRY GOODS IN ALL ITS LATEST STYLES, AND PRICES AWAY DOWN. A nice stock of Furs to be cleared out. Carpets and Floor Oilcloths. OUR PRICES IN BOOTS AND SHOES away down below cost. A JOB LOT OF READY MADES. 5 lbs Japan Tea, for $1. Full Stook of Groceries, No trouble to show goods. We offer a reduction of 25c for cash. JOHN MATHESON, Exeter North diLION111111.1011•11111M113110•Bir 1046111.091•11.1121• CITY HOTEL LONDON, ONTARIO. $1 per clay. J. & J 111011ARTIN,Proprietors. E. H. Fish's Slaying Parlor open every day. 1•:1910•••••-•41 Laocoo7a h the coils of the fatal ECP - pent s was mot more. I) apical than is the 323 an wLopini.s under the ef- fects of dis- ease, CN CCSEM,', overwork, worry, etc. Rouse yourself. Take..: heart of hope again and 3'313 A MAIO. Wo have cure% thousands, wh4) 11S to refer to them. Wn C.A2t CuRE YoU by use of our exclusi'm methods and. appliances. Simple, nnfailing treatment at home for Lost Or kill Ulm. Manhood, 0 en era or Nervous Debility., -Weaknesses of Body and Mind, Effects of Errors or Excesses in Old or Young. Robust, Noble ...r...%..NuooD fully Restored.. Improvement seen the first day. How lo enlarge and. strengthen, WEAK, 'UNDEVELOPED ORG1'..N.:13 AND PARTS Or BODY Men testify from 50 States and Foreign Countries.. Writo, them. Book, explanation and proofs mailed (sealed). free. Address ERIE MEDIOAL CO., • 4 BUFFALO, NM. um:mamas. MAKE YOUR OWN If you send us $100 for two subscriptions we will also send you formula for makinf.s your own Ess. Lemon, Vanilla, Ginger, Pep- permint, etc. Cut this out and send with rnoney,or mention this paper. e44.,11111.k. We bear a great deal in the papers about the PURITY of Baking Pow- ders, but as a matter of fact if you want it absolutely pure you should make your own, and especially when yeti' can save 2(1 cts a pound by doing SO. MAKE YOUR OWN IIM OWI)ER. The Puritan Baking Powder. Is guaranteed absolutely pure, and the formula and full directions for making it, so that you can sell it at a nice profit to your neigh- bors, will be sent absolutely FREE to every one sending us 50 cents for one year's subscription to our journal, which is the best paper for the money published in the English language, and no family can afford to do without it, Address MEDICAL ADVISER, Bowmanyilfel Ont.