HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-05-11, Page 12•. . otl Orde, :City Riders. Ie -organized Sports Scene - By Sandy MacDonald The "Circle City Riders," an ominous SOUnding title perhaps, bitt innocent enough beneath the surface, is the name which a group of youthful motorbike enth. usiastics around Goderich adopt. ed for their club' which they form. ed last year. Membership in the club nutn. bered 45 during their first year of operation. Elected to presid. ent was Ken Crawfoid, Ann Hari - die acted as seer, etary. treasur er, and Amin/ Wallacewas vice. president. They still hold those offices and will until, they are rp• placed at another organizati4n meeting yet to .be schedaled., For a newly organized motor. cycle club, the Circle City,Rid. ers made an excellent showing last year. To illustrate this point it may be recalled that their float - Area streants and rivers are continually being replenished -with game fish, particularly trout species,and an a:rticle in the lat. -est bulletin published by the dep. aliment of land and fore§ts 111. ustrates clearlyhow thisrestocks ing by garne and fisheries off. icers is accomplished. This news item, entitled, "Man-made Nests For Ralnbows" is reprintedhere as follows; ,PARRY SOUND:, It's not every day that People are asked to sub. stitute for fish, latit this spring, 100,000 ripe 'rainbow trout eggs received that special treatment 'from Skeleton Lake Hatcheryern. ployees, • As Department of Lands and Forests biologist§ are interest. ed in seeing how rainbow trout (one 'of Ontario's finest pine fish) will survive in various Parry Sound area streams; the eggs had to be carefully set in suit. able locations. The skilfully built man-made nests which wouldhold the eggs, could even fool the smartest fish. First of all, a knowledge of fish habits (including nest.building) was essential. Rainbow trout dig their nests and, when eggs are laid and fertilized, the female covers them with a protective layer of gravel. The eggs mustbe bathed by the oxygen.laden river Water. The men used shovels and rakes to scoop a depression in a .silt.free gravel bed. Next, a metal tube (which -resembled a slnall 'garbage can) ,was driven down into the depression„ confin. ing an areaof current -free water. Stones,dropped into the tube, formed the basis . 'of the nest.. Stones and gravel were placed al% ound it to resist the full force otthe river once the tube was re. m uved, wnile allowing water (with its precious ,oxygen) to seep in. A few thousand of the -eggs were placed gently in each of the nests, and 'covered with more gravel and stones. The tube -was. then care. fully dislodged fioni the river bed and the man.made nests were left t o the mercies of the water. From hatching time on, the tiny rainbows will be on their own. Many may be eaten by predatory fish- countleas other hazards can deplete their number s. F isheries officers hope the fittest survivors will retiirn to this same area in a few years to spawn. OASA- Executive Attend Luncheon Ontario Amateur Softball Ass. ociation officials were head table guests Saturday night at the Lake. view restaurant when Goderich service • club representatives sponsored a banquet to welcome the OASA executives to town and introduce them to local amateur softball boosters. Doug Cruickshank, Deb. Shew. felt and Dr; Jim Peters repres. ented the Kinsmen; Legion pre. sident •Harol d Chambers, Mac MacDonald, and Howard Carroll attended' on behalf of the Ledli; ion. Sandy Profit and Bill Kir: key were on hand to represent ,the Goderich Industrial Softball League. Lions club was repre,s. elite& by Guy Emerson. Incid. entally, Quy is actively support. ing the Goderich ladies softball team this year. Deputy . reeve Harry Worsen represented tOwn council and,_ acted as chairman for the even... ing. Following the banquet, Harry introduced the OASA officials and other head table guests. First to 'speak :was Max Scheff who,spoketriefly about the work and objectives of the Ontario Umpires' Association which works closely with the OASA. , He was followed by Andy Day. idson OASA past-presideny, who thanked the members of the Goderich service clubs for arr. anging the" banqaet. Ned Landon, a minor league softball official from Toronto, nualmemammammilii SHORT SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS Choose your new summer short ...sleeve' sport shirts now while the selection is most complete. We have button dovin and regu- lar collars, heritage and tradi- tional styling, tapered and regu- lar fit. We have solids, prints, stripes and checks. Almost any- thing you want we now have in stock. .4.50 to 7.00 EARL RAWSON Style Shop WEST ST. 11.11111111111111111011M1.11110.111111611116 who was a head table guesyvas called upon to address the mem. bers present.. Ned, a director Of The George Bell hockey association in Tor. onto which sponsored, the York Steelers, the AA team which won the chardpionship in their division during Young Canada week here, had high praise for the hospital. ity and . organization shown by tournament officials. ' Another guest at the head table Vas ,a WOAA representative frorn Wingham, Ivan Gardiner, who spoke briefly on behalf' of his -organization. Sandy Profit, Goderich'soc. cer - association execiltive, who, during his speech, stated that as a soccer promoter, he got the feeling of being out of his element amongst a group of soft. ball executives, made some pen. etrating remarks about the value? of any Minor league sports pro. grain in deVelopment of good cit.. izenship amongst boys and youths for which he drew a warm round of applause, Johnny Brent, popular CKNX sportscaster, wh o attended the dinner along with other visitors from Wingham spoke briefly 'abont observations he had made during his 29 -year career of rep. orting sportiagevents of this area over radio and 'television. Johnny who is leaving his post as CKNX sports announcer short: ly, to take a position as sales -.representative , with Carlings' Brewing Company, also emphas. ized the benefit Of an active minor sports program towards developing sound character. Following the addresses, Doug Cruickshank thanked the OASA officials and other guests for att. ending and presented each of them with a Sheaffer pen as a token of appreciation for their contribution to organized ama. ttiite softball in this community. depiCiting the nature and aOtiVt.' Of their sport, won- for them a prize in the Kinsmen parade of July 1st last year. This prize money gave them some working capital, it is understood here, although to date, their executive has not made any decision re. garding an investment for it. Their funds also accumulated through the Membership 'fee of $1.80 per motorbike which they chargedAall members last year. For tha nominal fee, members . of the local motorbike gr9up had, themselves, plenty of aptiy. it' and fun. Daring the summer months, they would assetable ata local sports , In Goderich each Swidayd afternoon about 400 • p.mi to plan their_program for the afternoon. If a, majority of the' group were in favour, they would set out for:, Port Albert where • CULBER'T'S BAKERY THE HOME OF TASTY PASTRY Heart -Shaped Decorated MOTHER'S DAY CAKE — $1.65 0-0-0 GERMAN CHOCOLATE CAKE — 45c o-0-0 On A Diet? Try Our HOV1S HEALTH BREAD Contains No Sugar, Salt, or Fats 0-0-0 - Always A Fine Selection Of HOME MADE CANDY AT CULBERT'S How About An Assortment For Mother's Day? 0-0-0 Fine Pastries and Confections . Since 1877 powerful fishing motor. with.. TROLLING SAVVY emp.,-4% Aff' EVINRUDE ape SPORTWIN /1 Trolls at a Snail's -pace- and so smoothly, there's barely.a ripple. A mere 34 inches high, the Sportwin sets just inches above the transom. Stows easily in your trunk. Your Sportwin has big power when you want it, too. A turn of the throttle wiltsg.nd you homeward in a hurr.y. Check these other Sportwin features: • Economy'— runs 80 or more miles on 5 -gallon tank • Runs on an economical 50-1 gas -oil mix. • Tilts to 16 different • Evinrude 2 -year warrant -y. • Softer, rubber .mo.unts Make the 91/, even smoother SEE THE TA TODAY...ASK ABOUT. EASY PAYMENTS SERVICE ELECTRIC - (GODERICH) LTD. 30 VICTORIA ST. N. 524-0S$1 EVINRUDE SALES & SERVICE CARPET. DRY(LEANING - IN .Y()-t)R OWN HOMEV This revolutionary new carpet cleaner makes is possible to clean rugs Tight in your own home. It is endorsed by all thel leading carpet manufacturers in Canada. • Carpet Is Never Wet • Positively No Shrinkage • No Toxic • NQ Fire Hazard • Cleans Every Kind Of Rug Fibre • No Waiting For Drying • Can Be Used Immediately After Cleaning • DO IT YOURSELF IN YOUR OWN HOME 95 DOES ABOUT 300 SQ. FT. CA Rill UR REILLy 36 WEST STREET Sole Ageht For This District World War 11 training sch1001 fOr English air force Men Provided them with two and one.half miles of paved runwa.,),. It mightbe men- tioned that this same paved run-. way was thera.ce couriie for Greenwood sports car race club which held their rallies there dux'. ing summer months, several years ago. Not all.' the Circle City riders favoured the flat, even type of driving supplied by the landing strip at Port Albert.' For those Who craved more thrills ,and ex. citement from their motorbikes, there was the steep embankment at Maitland river, Here, the motorbike enthUsiasts wanting to test their motorbike's power on the climb, were offered an ideal site. To make thel.hilly course less. hazardous, a group of riders from the club organized a timb,er.cdt. ting crew one day and removed an brush and scrub trees which int." ped,d the route of" their mOtor. bikes. Considering' the rapidly swell. ing numbers of motorbike owners in Goderich, it is estimated by o'ne ,dealer that there are about 200' of them in existence this year, it wouldn't be surprising if the Circle CityRiders were tore. organize Shor tlYand plan a sched., ule for another season. For this project, they have the full support of provincial and town police officers, as understood by the Signal -Star. Last year, during one of their meetings, a member , of the Goderich detachmen t of the provincial police attended and "conducted a c1ii4 'aniOngst the bike riders 'regarding -proper driving* habits and other safety Procedure's to be used when rid. ing the motorbikes in heavy traffic and along" the open high. way. MAJOR EVENTS" An Ontario nibrOtcycle racing schedule has been published for 196'7 apd one of the major events of the season ivicl be happening at Harewood, which is one mile east of Jarvis,' off highway 3, and this spot is near Hamilton, we understand, in case some of you are still i not sure in what direction to ,travel to get there. May 22 is the date set for. these rade t winch include all classes of motorcycles. The admission is $2.00 and children under 12 are admitted free. • The event ft presented by Nor. town Motorcycle club and i,s san. ctioned by the Canadian Motor- cycle Association. READY- aro EAT , „ •,, • $oftball organizer § in Goderich got the ball rolling Saturday evening, May 6, when they sponsored a banquet at the Lakevieir restaurant to welcome Ontario Amateur ,Softball „Officials. to towz OASA officials conducted a "softball clinic" at 'MacKay Hall net. day. They dwelt tin the umpiring and management aspects of the game. From left are: Johnny Brent, CKNX sports announcer; Ned Brandon, Totonto minor league softball ,coach; .KinsmanDoug Criackshank wno presented Sheaffer pens to each of the guests; Max Scheff, OASA official; Andy Davidson, president of the Ontario Umpires' Association. (staff photo) RED CROSS BLOOD CLINIC WED., MAY 17th Advertisement Published By Goderich Elevators Ltd. RED 4 WHITE F oodmaster Open' Nitely Until 10 jp.m. 91 VICTORIA ST. NORTH, GODERICh WHOLE or HALF ° .BUTT PORTION OF Ib. LE. MEATY PORK CHOPS SUGAR CURED—RINDLESS $IDE BACON l;BilEILIVER CHEER 5 Ib.. 69 ,11b. SX -1% LB. TINS PORK Shoulders MIRACLE .WHIP -32-0Z. SALAD DRESSING • TWIN PACK — LIQUID DETERGENT MIR GARDEN VALLEY ,CHOICE 25-0Z. TINS TOMATOES 4 F RED &WHITE • 24-0L LOAVES, BREAD ASSORTED COOKIES KRUNCHEE 69c SIZE 69 CENTRE C.1.1 Soc HAM STEAKS lb• 9c ALWAYS TENDER LOIN OF _ PORK ROASTS Ib. 69c HAVE THEM ON HAND WIENERS 2 lbs. 89c BY THE PIECE '39c BOLOGNA , lb. 319c KING SIZE ALLENS ASSORTED-- 48-0Z. TINS .35. FRUIT DRINKS IF SEAWAY—h 4 554. SOCKEYESALMON 584 KING-SIZE 75c FAB OT. SIZE LIOUlb 1.15 It 99c IVORY DETERGENT,79 RED & WHITE 5. F61 1 00 PIES 3 KRAFT 11 54 OZ. BAGS R 1.00 MARSHMALLOVVS EVST'— .14 OZ. PKG. FOR 100 FOR -1.00 POTATO CHIPS 59c BRAN FLAKES 3 FOR 1.00 PORK & TiS- ROSE EANS 4 FOR 89 DILL PICKLES 69c PEP — 14 -OZ. TINS — 12 TINS DOG FOOD ASSORTED AND FREE DREAM WHIP SCOTIA — 1 -LB. PRINTU, 1.29 MARGARINE 3 FOR 8 9tc)ica. 10,PAD PKG. SOS PADS 2. MG 49c JELL° POWDERS 6FOR A QC - - -BANANAS SUNKIST JUICY ORANGES 2 DOZ FOR e00 4 SIZE ITELOPE 2CO FOR Mixed Pots and Mums 1.99 1.