HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-05-11, Page 11t4 Tall 'Members Pay Toll As Walkerburn Club Coflects ,MtBUR) . The Walkexburn Club held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Henry HiurIc,• 'gig -With a good attendance. The •m.eeting was in Charge of the president, Mrs. Te .Hunking, and was opened by singing O'Canada. Mrs. Lloyd M; Clinchey gave a reading and led in prayer, .+.The minutes were accepted .as read by Mrs. George Schneider. Roll 'call was enSwered by each member paying a penny for each inch of, their height. The pride_ donated by Mrs. Worthy Young was won by M.rs. Henry Hurlking, Ma's.Lorne Winking and Mrs. Ted 'flunking are putting th&Cti en. tennial quilt together and Plans,• WILKINSON— HALL Patsy Ann Hall, daughter of Willis Hall and the late -Mrs. Hall add -David Mark Wilkinson of Goderich, son of Mr. and Mrs. 'James Wilkinson of Godericfi, exchanged wedding vows in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Wing - ham, on Saturday afternoon. Rev. H. W. Hamilton perform. ed. the ceremony:White mums and candelabra decorated the altar. The bride entered the church with her father wearing a floor. length gown of white French vel- vet with floral design at the em. pine waist, long lily -point sleeves and scoop neckline,, - The chapel train fell from the waist'.where it was: held- by a`bow. The elbow, length veil was held in place by white rosettes.S he carried red roses on a white Bible. Maid of honor, Barbara Hall of • London, and bridesmaids, Brenda,Hall. of ` Wingham and Peggy Re df London, wore iden- tical floor -length gowns of sea foam green brocade and crepe, empire style with matching coat of brocade with elbow length sleeves. Their headpieces were bows and they carried nosegays of pink carnations. Nancy and Susan Steurnol of Wroxeter were flower girls. Their floortlength gowns were emerald green brocade with mat. thing headpieces. They carried pompons of pale pink carnations. The best man was William Wil- kinson of Canton, N.Y. Ushers were George Laithwaite of Kit. cherier 'and Joseph Hall of Wing. ham. For -the reception which foil. owed in the parish hall the groom's mother wore' a dress of white lace over yellow satin with black accessories and a cor- sage of pink carnations. For the wedding trip to King. ston Mrs, Wilkinson wore a pow. der blue dress and coatensemble with black accessories and cor- sage of pink'andwhite carnations. The young couple w1l1 live at 125 South St., 'Goderich. • AUB AUBURN— Mrs.' Gordon R. Taylor, M. and Mrs. Thomas S, Johnston and MI ss Laura Phil]. ips visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rathwell, M_chk, ael and Janice at Brantford. They also attended St. Jude's Anglican' Church, Brantford, where a for. mer Auburn Rector, Rev. G. M. Wyatt ofSt, Catharines, was guest speaker for the ordination ser. vice of two candidates for Deacon. Rev. and Mrs. Wyatt visited at the . Rathwell home in the afternoon: Myr. and Mrs. -Bill Tebbutt and ,Mv°. and MA..Alex Smith of God erich visited lastSundaywithMr. and Mrs. Robert J. Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sander.. son, Miss Mary Sanderson and Miss Minnie Wagner visited last Sunday with their daughter, Miss Barbara Sanderson and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Youngblut and fancily IkNat Woodstock. Misses Jean Houston and Jean are: being made fog he inembers to 'quiltthe quilt this month: pbpsible.•A: guessing .politest wag held on a surprise boas whteh coni tatned a bundle of s,neit. M; ,s. Lloyd Perlfou,nd was the lueky winner. A interesting program. of contests 'was given by Mrs, William Bunking ant, Mgrs. Lloyd McC1inchey. a. _ Plans were •made fox the'nex4 meting when there will be a penny sale of bulbs and slips. At the close of the'meettng lunoli was served by the committed;' ' M. , Leonard Archambault, Mrs. Stanley, Ball, Mrs. Lloyd 'Pens found Wand M.'s. Walter Culls, 'ntngham. - URN G EO RG' The•'Feast of..Pentecost May l4fh 8:30 a.m.—J.-Rosy Communion. 11:00 a.m.--Holy Communion and Sermon. CHURCH .SCHOOL, 10:00 a.m.—.Grades 3 to 9 .. J1:00 a.m.---Nursery to Grade '2 8:00 p.m.—Young Pe ►p.le's,.,.Film.. nd;''. DW cussion— "PARABLE".' Rector: REV. G. G. RUSSELL, B.A,, R.D. Organist and Choirmaster: LORNE Nr DOTTERER Jamieson of Toronto spent the weekend with their sister, Miss Frances E. 'Houston,. and also, their father, John Houston, who is a patient in Clinton Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Haggitt visited last Sunday with Mt. and Mrs. George Haggitt and family at Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. John Weir and her mother, Mrs. Elsie Eustace of London, 'spent the weekend here and visited with the form- s daughter, , Mrs. William Stiles and M.rA tiles. The CGIT held a bowling party' at the Clinton bowling lanes and enjoyed a social time after the party: ,M:cs. W. Bradnock, Sheron and George Collins andStephenHagg• • itt attended the Stratford' Conn show last Sunday, and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nicholson and Gary at S eaforth.. FOR. YOUR FIRE INSURANCE See or hone MALCOLM MATHERS GENERAL:INSURANCE AGENT „ 46 WEST ST. 524-9442 TIRED OF HO' kJM,y A,ruG CANADIAN Home' Fae�cio4tuc* WE CAN NEWESSHOWT IN YOU THE 'F`V HOME FURNISHINGS DROP'IN AND 614,!? BE O IJR GUEST IIV MAY. HI.! Many chapter in Canadian history record that • ourhomes were always` open to travellers and • 9 friends and that ‘we are known R as, hospitable people. It isn't often that we take the time to invite you, especially, to come and visit us. In May, 1967, our entire industry wants you to come and see us as we celebrate Canadian Horpe Fashiontime. We extend a most sincere invitation to, you and would like to have ,you drop in whenever . con- • The furnishings industry is a fashion business. Styles change in home decoration in the same way they .change in the garment industry. Color trends, design changes, the use of new materials and furnishings to serve a completely new pur- pose are all part of the spring cycle. In May we shall be at home teour friends. We A . plan to have special displays, to bring new lines Pito our store and to give you all the help and guidance we can. Won't you accept our invita- tion to drop into our home as an honored guest? SEE SPECIAL FASHION FIMVIE PRICES Come In And Receive A Token Of Our t e l imiL a D.G E FU'RNItURE. WEST'STREET ti THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA North : Street,` United Church We'll Do the Cooking .: . Mom Can -Really Relax! . For a Mother's Day treat .. give your.Mom the "full -course" treatment! Take her out for + di•nner,•here! We have all her favorite foods, -- expertly, prepared and served in our con- genial atniosph,ere. Reserve your tablernoW! CLUB GRILL 6i. DINING ROOM KINGSTON STREET • • HARDWARE/ HOUSEWARES WE tIC SHARE IN SUNBEAM' STEAM ,or DRY IRON Price each 13.95 SUNBEAM ELECTRIC • FR%'PAN Price each 17.95 A/� Rule Company ir; of .Canada Ltd: Barrie, Ontario • TIESE ARE ONLY A .SAMPLE THERE ARE DOZENS OF SIMILAR VALUES THROUGHOUT THE STORE SHARE IN. THE PRIZES TOO -- i+✓ P , GRAND PRIZES WINDJAMMER CRUISES In The Sunny Carribean For 2 Couples (includes air fore to Miami and ex- __ pense money) PLUS HUNDREDS OF OTHER PRIZES SUMMARY OF RULES AND• REGULATIONS:- 1. EGULATIONS1. Contest closes May 27,' 1067. 2. Ballots must.be. completed in full and depasfed �niah'.A. partici atin hard- ware store w ere additional ballots may els•o be obtained atilt where cam - plate rules governing this contest are displayed. • r-- 3. 3, This contest -is subject to Federa,, Provincial and local aws where applicable., • OUTDOORSMAN SPECIAL GET YOUR ENTRY FORM TODAY AT: SUNDAY, MAY 14th, 1967 10:00 a.m.---Senior Sunday,; School. 11:00 a,m.—.-Junior Sunday School. . 11:00 a.m.--Morning Worship.' Sacrament of Baptism Mother's Day, and 'Christian Family Service Supervised Nursery —WELCOME— Rev. J: Donald MacDonald, B.Sc., B.D., Minister Mr. Lance Reed, Organist and Choir Director Knox Presbyterian Church... THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister William Cameron, Director of Praise • SUNDAY, MAY 14th 10:00 a.m.—Church School. 11:00 a:m.--Divine Worship. Sermon: "THE FAMILY IN CHRIST" (Nursery and Junior • Congregation) CHRISTIAN FAMILY SUNDAY 7:30 p.m.—Young People's Society, ENTER TO WORSHIP DEPART TO SERVE FIRST. BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) Montreal Street Near The Square 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m,Morning Worship. 7:00 p.m. --Evening Worship. — A Welcome To All — Minister: REV. HENRY de VRIES, Phone 524-8792 THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Victoria Street United Church The House of Friendship Rev. Leonard Warr • .10:00 a.m.=—Sunday• School—A11 Departments. 11.:00 a.m.—Worship„Service. "GOD OUR HOME” 10:00 a.m.--BENMILLER Worship Service and Sunday School. Mrs. J. Snider Victoria Organist Mrs. Ben Straughan Benmille'r Pianist The Free Methodist Church in Canada Rev. A. R. Harley„ B.Th.—Minister SUNDAY, MAY 14th ,�►' 10 a.m.—Church School and Adult Study 11 a.m;-Whitsun Worship. �: \\ 7 p.m.—Evening Vesper Service. Warm, Wesleyan Worship in the Methodist tradition CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELO ROAD AT BLAKE, STREET 10:00 A:M.-AUR FAMILWBIBLE SC OL (OUR BUSES WILL CALL AT UR DOOR) PHONE: 524-7150% 11:00 a.m.--Preaching Service. 7:3Q Pan.—Preaching Service. "Come Where You Are Never A Stranger Twice" UNITED HOLINESS CHURCH' 9:50 a.m.—Sunday School. 11:00 a.m.—Worship Service. 7:00 p.m.—Evanegilstic Service. Prayer Meeting — Wednesday evening, 8:00 o'clock SAMUEL M. MILLER, Pastor "A Welcome Awaits You" Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle Cornea of Elgin and Waterloo Sits. . REV: ROBERT CLARK, Pastor • SUNDAY, MAX 14th 10:00 i.m.—Sunday School Classes for all ages. 11:00 • Vim. ---Morning Worship. , 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic Service. �-- All Welcome --�. t