HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-05-11, Page 9Tell More Dean -AIM Landers: My has. band and 1 became parents for fiur " uh@ weeks ago. Right. flOW I AM ,490, tniserable.� 1. just have to talk to sornebody and vena br.l g Myself. tQ..call my 0 mother, 1 know, our littl+a giirl isn't the nioet beautiful baby in the world, Min, ilii we love her just the same, Doth »ny husbandandI have • high torejieads and -the baby's. head is rather large. •Her eyes are a bit shalt and widely *aced, but she -is only four weeks' old and her looks change from' day to day. Last week wheP I had .t'he baby .Out for some air; a woman look. ed in the buggy and said, '"'Don't me get through the day. Depress worry, my daughter looked just sed Mother, Dear Mother: Ignore the clods, 1 don't know wliat is wrong with them. 1 sounds "Os, if the minute their mouths . go on active duty their brains go on furlough, * * *. Dear AM1 Landers: Do people lie more than they used to or am I becoming more critical orjust. plain .crotchety .in my Old age? • All about me I hear facts twistallaud stories exaggerated until ttey bear 110 resemblance to reality. Recently, I was stunned • as 1 listened to a relative des. • crihe the detail s of an, incid. like a .monkey when she!'a4 a baby and she grew up and mar. ried a doctor, Good luck to you, dear.'r Ar This afternoon the checker in the supermarket leaned over to , see the baby and she said, in a voice that could be heard all over the store, "Don't youworry- about that child. Looks aren't everything. You. should see thea ugly women who came in here with theirmink coats." How can people be sow tact. less: What's the. chatter ' with them . anyway? Please print a Wordof 'encouragenlent to help gent which I :witnessed. She Chang. 1rcVictoria$*reetChurchI4istory �ack To ,Methodist Episcopal Days ,Victoria Street United Church,, on, Monday last, celebrated Can. adas Centennial, .by reviewing Victoria's history of over 100 years. Hours of research were spent - by Mrs. Chester Feagan, program secretary, as she pre. pared for this event. , Devotions were in charge of Unit 3, the theme, "The Church, . Christians• Scattered." Taking part were Mrs. Austin Fuller, Mrs, Thos.Wilson, Mrs. Robert Harmer, and Mrs. John Vincent, Miss Lynn Argyle sang a. solo. In herotalk f Mrs. Feagan traced Victoria Street history back to the building of the .Methodist Epis. copal Church, as . recorded in Sutherland's. Company of Huron. Gazeteer and Directory, 1869.70; the M. E. ,Church, built in61857 (on the commons, Picton Street, east of Toronto. street). 30 ft. x 40 ft.' frame, seated 200, cost $1,300; to the present d'a`y. Ex. cerpts from old min to books, and items from me ry made her story cothe alive. Two members of the congreg, ation, who have been members the longest, Mrs. Chas„,young and Mrs. FredSeabrook; Harry Bar. ker, organist from 1920.1938; Mrs. Vernon Smith, president of the U.C.W. and Mrs. S. Argyle, gathered with '•Mrs.Feagan in sharing memories of days that are past. Mrs. Smith recalled an item from an old minute book when chickens were boughtiior 80 cents each, and plucked and 'dressed at • the church, for a supper. A., display- Of pictures of old members, choirs, boards, wed. ding pictures, pages from scrap books, 'autograph quilts bony, 19Q5, to one now in the making ' added to the enjoyment of those present. • Charles.-Breckow, showed pie. tures on slides of Sunday School classes ° of earlier years, and paid tribute to the late Mrs. Jamert H. Johnston, one of the old teachers. Also -shown were pic. tures taken at the plowing match at Port Albert, •where the church had a- booth and various min. isters, their wives and families. Congratulations to BANK of MONTREAL ANOTHER ILLUMINATED PLASTIC SIGN by M.c. gRODERICK LTD. 359 HORTON ST. • LONDON, ONT. 4y LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE -- E. A. ELLIQT -- 5248102 are asked to register now at ` • DENOMMEI-S FLOWER $HOP The Square ed the tacte e001131eteiy and add* escar70.y.14:11:10-vtriElmniymineargs! d conuld And: then there are the ancon, scianable liars Who need npth. ing whatever to: go op,. 'heY . destroy reputation without a backward glance 'to view wreckage, people in the public'" eye are often victims of base• less' gossip. If they try to de. %md t emselves.. they palls nat. tars worse. I have hated liars since child: hood, andtat seems .to me their number is increasing. Pe People hatter, lerespect. ' th' than iia dasays' gone by?for Whaet aboutrutht this, Ann • Landers.., N.Y. Fan. Dear N. Y. Fan; I believe • there are more liars around today, it only. because there are more people. But liars °--tell more-abou themselves .. than thepeople.they lie about. My advice is to forget it. fere, are some, approp. riate lines from 'Carl and.. burg's "The People; Yes." -lie poses the question: "What kind of liar are you?" then goes on to list the various type: "People lie because they don't remember clearly what they say. people lie because they can't help niak. ing a Story` better than it wa:s the 'ray it. ahppened, P eOple tell white 11e4 •to be decent to others. People lie in a pinch hating to do it, but -if they told the truth thingswouldbe worse, And",people Ile for crooked • personal gain, What sort of liar are you? MMUMEMNPNOMMUMMONN MOTHIBR'S .DAY FFIT INNER HARBOURLITE :. Resorvatiorwli 5249371 - 9264 RED COSS BLOOD CLINIC WED., MAY 17th Adivertiseanei t Published By' W. A. Sh■affor Pen Co. Ltd. OUR, ENT DIVIDEND ' 4, • • Whin You Borrow 14I0E SAVINGS INSURANCE ON SHARE SAVINO:4 _ _ PROVIDED T1 ALL FIIQIB1E __ ,._.. s , EXTRA COST DEPOSIT A5OUNTS .rteWI . G: HEQ lE-WRIT ING4tRt-VILWES4-1NTEEREg"l''- .. !"As . "._ EVERY QUARTER -CANCELLED CHEQUES RETURNEDD'. MONTHLY LOw .COST CREDIT UNION'' LOANS Your Av.roy. Monthly •Paym.nts Will B. 12 Mo. 10 Mo. • 24 Mo. 36 Mo. 100 300 8.87 26.64 • 6.08 18.27 ,.--.. 14.11 ...- --- 500 44.40 30.47 23.50 16.57 , 700 62.15 42.65 32.92 23.20 1.000 88.76 • 60.90 47.00 33.13, 1400 133.15 • 91.38 70.50 49.70 • 2.000 177.55 • 121.82 94,00 r. 66.30 3,000 --- 182.110 141.08 99.50 ALL ELIGIBLE LOANS -LIFE INSURED AT NO EXTRA. COST Loans Available Up 10`$3,000 With 48 Months To Repay •y, GODERICH COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION 39 ST.,DAVID AT. 524.793f IGA CELEBRATES ITS DURING CANADA'S CENTENNIAL TEAR tP17-$0,7-Sj-W1 STOCK UP NOW FOR, DOLLAR DAY SAVINGS. PLUS -.FREE GOLD BOND STAMPS ., PRICES EFFECTIVE MAY. 10-13 INCLUSIVE WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES BEANS '°0+0'0'°,+0 Y°;'t oma`{o`ep°o°Sf•9 - TOP VALU. Instant Coffee 60.. 79C TOP VALU 1ST GRADE BUTTER 1-11b. 6 Print TOP VALU. 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