HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-05-11, Page 7SPIVAK eer. Dear friOda and neighteirS. PleaSe accept rny gratittele for YOtor assistande to * banally and for your visits and al the lefeelY *MIS, etc., dUring W recent stay in 1140144 Myrtle Spivak. 19 wish to say a labg - thank you to all my friends far aM their kiednee$ in cards and gins. Also to Rey. 4. D. Mai:Donald, Dr. K. C. Lambert, Dr. J. R. Leitah, the nurses and , the girls in green and ilidne on Second west of the Goderich hospital. They Were 00.4,kind. • lisIarY 19x MARTIN---1with to thank all • who sent gifts; cards and visit- ed me during my staVin hes- ' SPeOtal thanks to Rev. aid MacDonald, Dr. J. V. Wallace. and staff or second • Mrs, M. H. Martin. 19 • 110 i REDMOND-14710W and Mrs. . Redmond extend their thanks to 'their friends for ti.heir ex- pressions OUSYaripatliy on the , 'death of the foraner's sister, tars. Anna Mie Bell of Clares- holm, Alberta, on April 29. • 19x SHACKLETON—I would like to thank allovhet sent cards and flowers while I was sick in hospital. I would also like to thank Dr. N. C. Jackson, the nurses and girls in green on second floor east. Carol Shackleton. 19 , F. Engagements *T. Charles Petrie, Dungan- non, wishes- to announce . the 'engagement • of his daughter; Jessie Lenore, to Mr. Henry JamekClenients, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jaek" Clements, Goderich, Ontario. The marriage will take place Saturday, May 20, 1967, two .p.m. in Knox Prtsbyteaia.n .0hurch, Goderich. 19 MT. and MTS. Frank GallOw,' .Goderich, announce the, engage- ment of their daughter, Sheila Marie, t� Mr. Marten de Groot'. son .of Mr. and Mrs. Koop de Groot, Benaniller. The wedding will take place June 10th at ,K n o x Presbyterian, Church, Goderich, at 3:00 pan.' , 19x Mr. and Mrs. Chester Beattie of Goderich wish' to announce the engagement of their dough - Jar, Donna Marie, to Mr. -A. Bruce Harris, son of Mrs. Verna ROTAS and the late AuStin 3. Harris of Clintoii. Wedding will take place on June „3rd at 3:00 pan. at Knox Presbyterian 'Church, Goderich. ' • 19 Mr. and. Mrs. -Norman Red- -. )ttiCanice :the engagemeril 'Of their k`tfoted,-• Goclerieth, wish • to an - daughter, Joan Catherine Flied - beth, tO Mr. Ross Hallam, son of MT. and Mas...'Charles Hallam, Lucknow. The wedding vvill take place May 27, 1987, at three o'clock, in the Salvation. Army Citadel. . 1,9x •Mr. and Mrs. Jobe Malcolm Mathers, Goderich, • announce the forthcoming marriage of. their daughter, Judith Ellen, to David Alexander Mahood, son of . Mr and Mrs. Alexander Mahood, Agincourt, Ontario, The "Wedding will take place on Sat- urday, June 3rd, at -5 o'clock, at St. George's Church, Goderich. 19 .0bitocoriO$'' EDWIN STUART ROBINSON , 'JOHN 110I1STON Edwin Stuart. RobinsOn died AUBURN-. TelmrlinintimIntS_Pod, stIOclenly as the reault•of a heart away in Clinton Ilespital on MaY attack while cutting grass at hie 8th In. Ms 05th Ye.ar, Born Or home on Saturday, .May 6.1Iewas Scatlancl, he Was the eon of the rushed' to Ge,derich Alexandra lateNareee lieusten and Isabella Marine hospital but efforts to Weir. Be came to Canada:As a. revive.himtherewereunsuccesee Yonni man and took lip fruit and fon, _ general farming in West Waw. Mr. Robinson was born onDeop anosh. In 1914 he married Mary ember 15, 1908, at Blyth, the son Rebinio,Young, who predeceased of Ha.rvey Robinson and Annie him in 1Q66. Davis. lie was married to Mary Be was a. Member of Knox E. Lockhart in 1944 , at Myth. Presbyterian Church-- Auburn' ' For the. past.15 years,1V1r, Rob. .where -he has,served as elder on Olson lived in Goderich where he the Sessien for'rnany yearsAnd• was a member of St, George's also was a Ounday school super. A.nglican Church, and formerly, intendent. He was a member of Trinity Anglican, in Myth. He was A. F. & A.M., MorningStar Lodge, also a very aetive member °idle Carlow. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P.'BrOWn wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Sharon Lee, to Mr. William John Thomp- son, only son of Mr. and Mns. William H. Thonlpson of Gode- rith. The wedding wffl take plaoe June 3, 1987, in St. George's Anglican Church, Gode: rich, at 4:00 p.m I9x G. Coming Events Goderich Lawn Bowling Club. Ile is survived by daughters, Mr. Robinson is survived.byhis Miss Frances E. Houston, Miss were very plosely contested and wife, Mary; four, sistereand one M. Jean Houston, Toronto and could have gone either way; brother,- Lyan Robinson, Port 'miss Jean Jamieson of Toronto The Cherubs woe their first Colborne; ' Ethel, Mrs. GordOn 4 and One' sister, Mrs. J. (Isabella) game againatne Knightswith the -Augastirie;•Burlingtonr'Loisi-Mrsr—M'tirrerinS collandr Onedatighter-T- 'bay Tgal- o1' the C. M. Tassie, Port Albernie, B' Miss Mary I. Houston passed ° Tom 'Crawford with an oppor, C.; Dorothy, Mrs. George Wilk. Jason, London; Miss .Eileen Rob. inson, Toronto. - Service as conducted by Rev. G. G. Russell, from the Lodge funeral home on Tuesday," May 9; interment was in. Blyth cern. etery. Pallbearers were Roy Mer. iam, William RossoJoseph Shad.. dick, Franklin Bainton, Earl All. ison, Archie Townsend. 1 .4 ,Funeral service Wasrrhold WfaY 0 at feAge. funeral Won e With Bel,' Leopard Warr • Officlatingoi 'Our" 41` was In Nknot PleaSant„ceines tery, Ethel.' Pallbearers were flaMee Campbell, Robin Campbell, James Spivery, Benson Deer, Andrew Straughan and Roy Lee. e 4 • Mtnor Soccer' The1967 .soe.cer season is in full swing arid alreadyetne.playa ere are showing great iniproire. rnent iii their control othite bali as compared to Previnusjears. Legion cherubs lead the Way with 4, points from two garnes played, beating in turn the Knights and the Lion Hearth. peel gapes WILLIAM VAUGHAN MUNRO A Goderich youth, William Vaughn Munroe 19, was fatally injured Saturday afternoon at Coderich harbor while working as a grain trimmer aboard the Alex. ander Leslie which was carrying a cargo of grain that was being unloaded. at the Goderich elevat. ors. • • William; or "Buzz" as he was known by companions, is repqrt. ed to have struck his head agaieSt an overhead steel girder while crossing a catwalk below deck. away_i_l_11910 and ene sen,•Jarnes ist goal. Both defences played Y. dted on active. service in1943. extremely well and this fact ace. The funeral service wailield on punted for the low scoring 'game. Wednesday afternoon at the Young Cris Evans, (recently Arther Feneral Home with -Rev. emigrated from England) R. U. MacLean in charge: Burial pressed with his:Clever ball con.' took place in Colborne cemetery. trol and . should -prove' quite an Pallbearers were Donald HaJnes, asset to the Knights. The last Kenneth Scott, William Wagner, game played between L ion Hearts Arthur Youngblut, Joseph Hickey and Cherubs was quite a tussle, and John Weir. the Cherubs puttipg out winners, (Stuart Asher scoring two goals MAUDE.ELLEN McBR1DE for th e Cherubs), and L. Sieman „.. - matehing the Hearts goal. LEAGUE STANDINGS • WL T P 2 0 0 4 1 () .0 2 Mrs. Maude Ellen MeBride, life-long resident of Colborne township, died Monday, May 8 Legion at Alexandra hospital, Goderich, in ine Plan nd The monthly meeting of the, Catholic Women's -League was held in ie parish hall, May $. The president, Mrs. Clem Steiner, opened the imoeting with prayer and MO'S. Dan MiirPhy gave a reading from the l3ible. - It was decided to have a mem, bership drive the first Swiday of June, and*a bake sale and tea on June 14. Mrs. Richard Buchanan will accompany Mrs, Clem Steffler to the conventiOn tO be held i#, Windsor, Sacred bOOk marks, 'Itihpatients in the Ontario Hospital eeilethcbP.irdr.414.6Weahotoqbewe' g'ip°1(1.rto0 of iVicky are Mrs. Con Seech; Hospital visitors for the month for the Centennial Stormer. , ler and Mrs. Chas gibbons. eacli Wedoesdaynaiternoen of nip . Two members are • to Visit .. • Lunch followed the Closing of the meeting. ° .. , after a , lengthy illness of five __ . 0 - 1 0 0 months. Formerly Maude San. ternghts ' ows, daughter of Thomas Sall. Lion Hearts • 0 2 0 0 - -t • ows and Jean Green, she marl'''. LONDON & DISTRIC ied Jarvis McBride on Octob. The Goderich senior team lost , their first giime of the season to er 117th,. 1906 who, predeceased St. Columban by a sore of 4.3. her on January 1, ,1951.- She is survived by two sons, Percy and George McBride, both of Col. borne township, and one brotherl Garnet Sallows, of Nacmine, Al. Knocked unconscious, bythe blow, berth.. ' he lostbalance and fell 22 feet to M. McBride, a very highly the bottom of the hold. He was pronounced dead on arrival at . 'esteemed member ofthe com. ' munity, was a Member of the Knox GoderielrH-crspitair'' » Presbyterian Church, was also a William was born ip.Goderleh life-long member of the Women's and had lived all his life here. He Missionary Society as well as Is survAved by his rnOther, Mrs. a member of hie Tiger Dunlop Grace Munro, sister,- Women's Institute: -Mrs. Allan (Irene) Clinton,eote, WInd. Service will .be conducted this sor; a brother, Harvey of Goder. afternoon by Rev. G. L. Royal, 'ich and a great aunt, Miss Anne from, Stiles funeral home; in. Gillespie; of Goderich. He was terment will be in Colborne cern. predeceased by a sisterrAlena (Mrs. Ray Steels): Service was etery, Pallbearers were Franklin held at. Stiles funeral home on. Mitchell, Harvey Baxter Reg. Tuesday afternoon; interment Tufford, Roy Allin, "pat. Whitely, was at Maitlindbank cemetery, . Chester Feagan. „ 1 Seafortn. Maple Leaf Chapter- LO.D.E. and -Ontario Government present ?Portraits From • The Past", Goderieh Collegiate ,Anditorium, Wednesday, May 17, 1967, 8:30 pan. Door prizes. Tickets $1.00, available from m,embers or N. T. Ormandy. Jeweller, or Tots and , Teens Shop. 17-19 The regular meeting of the G-oderich and.__District• Associa- tion for Retarded. Children will be held on- Tuesday, May 16, at eight p.m.7 in Knox Church parlor: 19 Dance in . Auburn. Community Hall, Friday, May 12th. Music by Nobody's Children. Sponsor- ed by the Nile Softball Club - Everyone welcome: 19x The Ahmeek Chapter I.0.15.E. wil held a rummage sale in MacKay Hall on Friday, may 26, at two p.m. . 19 Make Mother's Day a real .event 'tins year with dinner at the Tiger Dunlop Inn, Highway M. Dinnerwill be served from 4:00 ,p.m. to 7:00 -p.m. For "r reservations call 524-8601. G. r Kalteing. 19 • " Rummage Sale, 1:30 o'clock, / Saturday, May 13th, St. David's #1( , Group, St. George's Church, Parish Hall. 19 The Ladies' Goff., Section of the Maitkmd Country Olub will present a Centennial Dinner on Wednesday, May 24th, 1987, at 8:00 p.m...Dinner, entertainment, • cards, prizes. Tickets $2.00 earth. Phone 1013. ' . 19 The Goderich Women'a stibute will hold, a bake sale in Demoatte's Plower Shop; Pri- ddy, May 19, eh 'hen pan. 19 Coimir' ig Events Remember the plipt auction held by Goderich Horticultural :Seeieby, ViredneSdaY;.:7040 17'; at -13118 pan:- in. SC' Geo' rge's Hair; Bring your surplus plants, shrubs, etc_ Take home new things for 4r garden. Every- ene welcome. • .19 auTOn County _Historical So- ciety , annual meeting will- be held in the'Whigham town hall 'Tuesday,' May 16 at 8 p.n. Guest speaker Mir. John Strong. Lunch wikI be served by tile Winghaan W.I. , 19 Goderich Women's Hopital Auxiliary will aneet 'Monday, May 15, at 2:30 p.m. in Knox Church parlor, at which time the final plans for the Penny Sale; June 8th, will be made. • 19 George Alexander Campbell George Alexander Campbell, a resident of Huronview, Clinton, died there May .6 at the age of 11841A.01 Born 'in Turnberxy..towaship, he was the, son Oi the late Wil- iam Campbell and.Isabella,Suth. 'erten& In 1922 he married Jane Hutton and in 1960, Florence 8anders, both of whom predec. eased him. A former Goderich resident, he is survived by three sons, John and Harold, both of Blyth; and Stewart, Goderich; six daughters, Mrs. Edgar (Mary) McMichael, Port Credit; Mrs. Alfred (Ethel) Robinson and Miss Helen Camp. bell, both of Goderich; Mrs, John (Margaret) Toth, Listowel; Mrs. Herbert (Ina) Staffen, Clinton; Mrs. Ronald(Florence)Dalmage, S eaforth. RED CROSS BLOOD CLINIC • WED., MAY 17th Advertisement Published By DRMCO Ltd. It was a hard fought game and the Goderich team will have to tighten up its deferice, as defen. sive slips cost them this game, DELICIOUS IR ACK MAGIC '1 LB. NEI In Attractive Boxes "ROWNTREES" 1344,,CHOCOLATES Just Arrived — Factory Fresh 1.95 3.50, — 4.50 FINCHERS grEhot THE SQUARE — 18, 19 YOUR VACUUA, CLEANER STORE SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION OF QUALITY CLEANERS BY EUREKA, GENERAL ELEC-, 'TRIG AND LEWYT BEFORE YOU BUY. Hutcltirisot Radio TV — Appliance 308 Huron Rd. 524-7831 IICTIPN SALE *LEGION HALL -CUKOR; MONDAY EVENING, MAY 15th, 1967 8:00 P.M. SHARP REPOSSESSIONS — BANKRUPT STOCKS and many, many personal consignments consisting of AFTLIAKCES — FURNITURE -- TELEVISION — CLOTHING EARLY BIRD DOOR OPENER . . LADIES' 1st QUALITY NYLONS (keg. .99) NOW .39 Limited Quantity FURN1TURE—A 2 -piece Davenport Suite that folds out to a full % size bed with nylon cover and swivel rocker, a 2 -piece French Provincial Chesterfield Set covered in a top grade nylon cover. 3 other assorted Chesterfield Sets with foam cushions, 2 9 -piece Coppettone or Chrome Kifchen-Dinette Sets consisting of 8 chairs • and a 72" teble. 2 7 -piece Setsconsisting of 6 chairs and. a 60" table with an inlaid top. 1 5 -piece Deluxe, Coppertone Dinette Suite. 3, Bookcase Bedroom Suites complete with inid, -dresser, chest of drawers and a matching Box Spring and Mattress with each set. 2 sets of Lamps consisting of a Trilight and 2 Table Lamps to each set.. 1 set of Solid Step and Coffee Tables in an Arborite finish—other Step and Coffee Tables, 2-39" Continental Beds complete with headboard and legs. 1-54" Continental Bed Complete, 4 full size 54" Spring Filled, Mattresses, 2 Hostess Chairs, Platform Rocker, 9 x 12 Rug, Telephone Table, Kitchen Step Stool', Chrome Rocker. APPLIANCES and TV—A large Refrigerator with 'a full/cross- top' freezer, 2 Electric Ranges, one being a deluxe model. A Long. Skirt Washer with pump, Automatic Washer and Dryer, — matching pair. Combination Radio -Record Player, and last of 'all, 4- different Television Sets, -21" models that have all been . checked over and are in A-1 working 'condition. All the Appliances in this Sale are Guaranteed to be in A-1 working condition when you hook them up at your home. • - SUMMER CLOTHING FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY—A large selection of Summer Clothing has just been received for Auction from one of the largest Clothing Wholesalers in Canada. This lot consists of MEN'S CLOTHING—Socks Underwear, Ties, Sweaters, Dress Shirts, Sport Shirts, Dress Pants, Pyjamas, 'Shirts, Work Socks, Work Shirts. FOR THE LADIES and TEENS —Double Knit Suits, $kirts, Blouses, Nylons, Cardigans, Pull- overs, Slims, Jackets, Dresses, Socks, Pyjamas, Slippers. BOYS - GIRLS - BABIES—Jeans, Sweaters, Shirts; Blouses, Socks, Jackets, Pants, Sleepers, House Coats, Crawler Sets„ T-Shirtsk Jumpers, Skirts, Dresses, Sweater Sets, Girl's 3 -Piece Sets, Sleep • and Ploy Sets, 3 -Piece Velvet Suits, Coat and Hat Sets, and many other items too numerous to mention: tidVir OSTANDING SALE! AUCTIONEER — LEO E. BIRD TERMS: CASH — CHEQUES ACCEPTED ON FURNITURIP, - - 5% .Sales Tax In Effect -Love is a seed. Sown in a -child, it will bear fruit for generations, and guarantee Mankind a future. Help The Salvation Army.provide care for the unwanted, the unloved. OPEN YOUR HEART TOZE RED SHIELD APPEAL Local canvass was made May i3th. If you were missed you may leave your contribution it the Bank of Commerce or the Salvation Army Citadel, 18 Waterloo Street...Local • Chairman, tap/. R. Wambold. 1 candle make fresh and deliciod.9 gifts for Mom on Mother's Day Choose a box of her favourites at AMPBELLS THE ' SQUARE CAMPPKIS :SPECIALS ALL BRANDS CIGARETTES_ WITH PURCHASE 0011,00 OR MORE 3.65 cARTON 5% Prov. Sales Tax Included REG. 1.56 , RESDAN 1.19°, REG. .99 BAYER -ASPIRIN 100's 19. REG. 1.19 CREST TOOTHPASTE RIGHT GUARD — REG. 129 SPRAY DEODORANT ... . .1.09 HAIR COLOR LOTION — REG. 1.95 CLAIROL "LOVING' CARE" 1.69 REG. 1.29 . NOXZEMA INSTANT LATHER 89 REGULAR, SUPE, GENTLE — REG. 2.00 • Richard Hudnut 'Fashion Quick ....,..1.54 REG. 1.29 ENOS FRUIT SALTS 109 REG. .49 BAND AIDS .37 SUNGLASSES • 69c to 4.98 1 05 REG 150 ' MEDI-QUIK FIRST AID SPRAY ...1.14 WASHABLE BLUE — REG .49 each SHEAFFER INK CARTRIDGES 2 for .79 ,o61. YARDLEY SOAP 3 cakes 1.45 ? REG. 3 CAKES 1.95 \RAZOR BLADES 53 RE GILL'ETTE SUPER STAINLESS REG. .99 130BBI HAIR SPRAY , 79 REG. 1.09 SCORE HAIR DRES`SING 91 NEW — REG. 3.95 GILLETTE BAND RAZOR 3.49 BALL POINT PENS 05 BY TONI — REG. .75 WHITE RAIN ,SHAMPOO 59 REG .143 NIVEA CREME, Jar .1.2I: YOU'LL PLEASE MOTHER MOST WITH A BOX OF DELICIOUS FRESH CANDIES CAMPBELL'S 16$ 111E souirtt 4