HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-3-31, Page 4rye rr v rrr
A a'!tAZA months hoist, was that a retalitory
4-�`t� r�a pOiicav of legislation `would not tweet_ s,:a Ibe�a • •er atirtacople,!ilecstuee it would d t tr• .l lye lit•
tits or no dit`Ftireneaa,iU the ellfareemeut
of the AinelicauState a as against
Mar, 188t, 1892, Canadians., lro considered,
could not afford to pass au act similar
to the American Alien Labor law, be-
equse we deeded all the skilled Jailer
WO could obtain fax the farther (lave]
apetnent of aur infant industries, ` and
for the creation and establishment of
new industries. But apart from other
considerations, the present attitude of
the two countries renders it inopp or
tutus to adopt in Canada any legislation
of an irritating character. Judging.
from the communications made in the
House of Commons the other day, by
the Minister of Finance hi his budget
speech, there is Iittle prospect of ob-
taining from the Washington authori-
ties anything like fair terms of reci-
procity, or indeed any fiscal , arrange-
anent which would net discriminate a-
gainst the Motherland and plane us at
the feet of the American Congress in
the adjustment of a uniform tariff.
These conditions are such that Canada
would not entertain for a single mom-
ent; and the public sentiment of the
Dominion, as unmistakeably expressed
in the bye -elections, makes it more im
perative than ever that we should
cease knocking at the door of the Am-
erican republic for better reciprocity
terns, and cultivate that wider market
for our natural productions which
stands ready to buy all that we have
to spare. All signs go to 'indicate that
while it is inexpedient to pass legistat-
lation of a retalitory nature, it is the
prudent policy of Canada to protect to
the fullest degree our native manufac-
tures and farm products; in a word,
that we should go on developing our
resources, anti enlarging our trade
and commerce with those countries
that are prepared to accord to us pre-
ferential terms, rather than yield to
the unreasonable demands of our
neighbors to the South. r,
BA1vDlRS w SWIPE', Props,
Bc'DGET AiVedrOUYCE'1l• "N.`[`,.
llreeer, perhaps, since the days of Til-
ley and Tupper has such an able and
gratifying, edliibit been made of the
Dominion finances as vas preeeuted
.last week by the Hon. G. E. Foster,
Minister of Finance Without any flour-
ish of trumpets or pretensions to eta
queece, Mr. Foster at ouce entered up-
on a very business -like statement of
,receipts and expenditures, strewing a
surplus for the last year of over two
and a half millions of dollars, notwitli
standing ',he remission only lest session
ef three million dollars in custom dut-
ies. Summed up, in brief, the receipts
.for last year were $38,579.310, while
the expenditure was $36,343,562, leav-
ing a surplus of $2,235,748. The es-
timates for the current year arc as fol-
lows: -expenditure, $36,650,000; and•
revenue, $36,695,000, Thus expendi-
ture and revenue are upon a good fin-
.aneial basis, being nearly equalized;
'while, with the contemplated reduction
in the running expenses of the Domin-
ion, -covering over two million dollars
annually -with the prospect and pro-
mise of further reductions, -owing to
the decrease in the money markets of
Europe, there is every reason to con
g•ratulate our county on the sound fi-
nancial basis which the present gov-
ernment have succeeded in securing.
We have no deficits now, but surpluses
-we have an enlarged trade with the,
markets of the world -our credit in
the Old Country stands higher than
that of any of the Colonies -and we
have a cabinet at the head of affairs,
made up of men of business talent, of
high moral standing, men who are in
sympathy with the people and who
have shown a determination to allow
no class of the community to suffer for
lack of encouragement and protective
legislation. In the person of Mr. Ab-
bott, we have combined a gentleman
.of sound constitutional experience and
business qualifications. In the person
of Sir John Thompson, we have a man
of first class legal attainments and Par-
liamentary skill. one who has shewn
himself on several occasions to be thor-
mugly fair and upright, ready to deal
out simple ju, siiice alike to friend and
:foe. In the person of the Elon Geo. E.
Foster we have a skilful financier ,who
'possesses the fullest confidence of his
colleagues and has shewn himself the
equal on questions of finance to Sir
' :Leonard Tilley or Sir Chas Tupper.
While in the Minister of Agriculture,
the Hon. Jno. Carling,the farmers have
a representative in the Cabinet ` who
has spared no pains to open up fresh
markets for our products to encourage
improvement in agriculture by Exper-
imental Farms in different parts of the
Dominion, and in many other ways to
develop and extend the interests of the
farming community. And now that
'.the negotiations with Washington, so
'far as reciprocal trade is con-
cerned, are not likely to be renewed
for a long time to come, now that the
fad of unrestricted reciprocity has re
eeived its death -blow by the ultima-
tur0 of the. United States authorities, -
it stands us in hand to push our com-
merce into other channels, and shape
our destiny as a nation quite independ-
ently of republican policy and institu-
-. -The recent diseussiou in the House
of Commons on the introduetion of an
Alien Labor Bill, by Mr, Taylor, M.P.,
was productive of conflietiii cpinions•
A good deal may be said on both sides
of the question. The object of the Bill
is to prohibit the importation of foreig-
ners and aliens to perform labor in
Canada: and there is no doubt that
the bill was conceived in a spirit of re_
prisal, and as a set -oil' to the American
Alien Labor Act passed by Congress
which is rigidly enforced against Ca-
nadians who live along the, border of
,United States territory and desire to
,get employment across the lines while
living with their families on Canadian
Soil. There is no doubt a large amount
of sympathy among our people against
the rigidenforesment by the American
authorities of the Alien Labor law,
whereas citizens of the neighbotipg
States are allowed every year to come
over to the Gebrgian Bay' for the pur..
pose of taking out logs and timber. .It
is regarded by many as tt gross injust-
sea to Canada that our people are not
allowed' to .cross over into Michigan for
,ku, similar purpose, and tireless they are
prepared be bocot><Ye naturalizedCiti-
zens of the 'mite( Stator they are to,
turned The eontorrtion h. the
r y Minis.of Justice,' who exerted the six
Something may be forgiven a politi.
elan who leas spent the vigour of life
fighting a losing battle, and whose fu-
ture becomes darker as time rolls on.
A degree of bitterness towards oppon
ents, of despondency for the prospects
of this ungrateful country, we should
be disposed to allow' to Sir Richard
Cartwright. But the most indulgent,
critic can find no excuse for the mon-
strous perseversions of fact with which
he sought to poison the public mind of
England through the pages of the Ec-
onomist. The former finance minister
has rnatis- curious notions; not the
least strange of these is his apparent
conviction that he sufficiently justifies
an unprincipled libelling of his own
country by boldly reiterating the • of-
fensive'statements. He is, like a toad,
ugly and venomous, and there are two
precious jewels which he does.not wear
in his head, namely, eonimon sense and
common honesty. The Canadian Gaz-
ette says upon this subject: "Many of
us thought it was bad enough of Sir
Richard Cartwright to use his position
as ex -Minister of Finance to vilify Can-
ada in the,eyes of Englandatlirough the
Economist, But what shall be said of
his action when it is known that this
same exaggerated and partisan letter
has been reprinted, and is now being
scattered broadcast throughout Eng-
land? We have a reprint before us,
and it is difficult to conceive anyone
whose motives are not those of a blind
devotee of party penning such a tirade
against everything Canadian:" Our
English contemporary may rest assured
that so long as Sir Richard persists in
these unworthy tactics, justso long will
his party remain in the depths of their
present misfortune.
Auction Sale of Household Effects on
Lot *19, South East Boundary Us-
borne, on Thursday, March 31st, at 2
o'clock p. m. ` H. Brown, Auctioneer;
Wiiliarn Squires, Proprietor.
Mr. John Handford left on Monday
for Manitoba, He was followed by his
wife and family on Tuesday. -A few
eights ago constable Kibler, of Credi
ton, in company with a city detective,
drove into the village at a late hour
and visited a house a short distance
west of the -lost otfiee. 'After reading
a warrant they proceeded to explore
the house: and pretnises in search of
stolen hour, but found hothi4tg where-
by to convict th.3 oceu alit.-Geor :e
Essery has purchased a fine horse
from R. Cobleigl€ for livery purposes. --
Mills Mary Colwell has gone to London
to learn short -hand writing -Mr. Will
Elaggith has returned from Alma, Mich
after an absence of dye months. -Mrs,
lt. Cbbleigh is spending a few days
with friends in Ilderton.-Will Parsons
toWinnipeg Wit nipelr on Ttri;day.
Wood. Lees are all the rage aiyottrid
Testes ISREA r SPANISH '�ilrrzti tD , easily, quickly and
Crrnanelltlyrestores Weakness, nNervonsrtess and I,ostllitarnkot-,
GUAaANTk7tn specific for ,Fits and iaearalria, Flysteria, Uizziuess,
Convisions, Nervous Prostration caused b the use o Tobacco or
� � > �� •" ao� � ` �tb uvcr�igc, oesc f power
r in either Sex,; Involuntary Losses caused byy
g e guarantee six boxes to cure any ease or t'efural
8RF'OrSIC AND AFT1Sa VS6, the money. Sr a box. 6 boxes for $s. Address 'U. S. Agents Span-
iph ri'Tetlicitie Co.. Detroit, 1tlich. $old by druggists.
Ear sato lit 64xeter' by J. W. iliroYWBi*n ,
L)ea tli et 1 .E.Clai'><�o 11LP P.P. Does t'Thc �.neeua, i
a w 1'tannos waliy give away
Toi'O411I o De,yr, Ala, F.DI'rou
Replying to several inquiries' l'eeardiug
THS) OANAVIaN QuEa,N s offer to give away
one of Masora & Risch's high class Upright
Pianosea..h month during 1592, ate have
received an orals from the pnblisliers of the
CANADIAN QUEEN for twelve of our Studio
Uprights In solid black walnut cases, our
price for which is 1395 each. These are to
be shipped direct from our factory or sale,
rooms to the addresses supplied us uy the
publishers of Tito Quin N, As far as the
quality of the piano is concerned, every per-
son with a tau livated ear for music knows
what the MasonRlsch piano is,and the ones
to be supplied to THE QUEEN are the same
high grade as far as tone, etc., is concerned
as the best we snake, A sanp.e of these
prize pianos is on exnibltion at our ware-
rooms, 22 King Street West, Toronto, and
can be examined by ou or any of your
friends at any time it suits yourconvenience
Yours truly,
51Aso a Rtsct,
Toronto, Ont.
Tonotrxo, MAtCI3 26. -Tire even te-
nor that
o--northat generally prevadea. the old
parliament building was abruptly bro-
ltelr yesterday a little before 5 o`clock,
when F•I E. Clarke, one of the mernbers
Por Toronto, fell dead on the floor of
the house while vigorously supporting
the bill introduced by Joseph fait to
aminelid the assessment act,
Mr. Clark had pointed out by a clear
and forcible litre of reasoning that the
only tax that any individual paid was
a tax on pe1'sowil expenses,
His last words were: "The present
plan of assessment is only a pawn--,"
Then, without finishing his sentence,
he sat down heavily and placed his
hands on his forehead, This, Dr. Will-
oughby, of East Northumberland, aft-
erwards said, was the last moment of
consciousness or heart action. •
Several_member;s of thee house who
were medical gentleman ran to hint
and didevery thing for the sufferer that
their skill could devise. But without
any small.
After the doctors had satisfied the:n-
selyes that life was extinct the deceas-
ed gentleman' was carried to the recept-
ion room of the house.
St Was Benet Failure.
Mr, Clarke's death was caused by
heart failure. For some time past he
had been suffering more or less from
weak action of the heart. Last year
he.visited Earope and consulted the
eminent physician Sir Andrew Clarke,
who advised him to avoid excitement
or extra exertion of any kind. About
two years ago Mr. Clarke disposed of
his business in the factory, but retain-
ed his retail business in King street, of
which he was the active manager at
the time of his death.
Mr. Clarke wits in his usual „health
yesterday. In the morning he visited
his place of business, went home to
luncheon as usual and afterwards, as
was his custom, rested for a short time
before going to the local house. Know-
ing his state of health, and knowing
the advice of his medical men, he did
not take an active part in the debates
this session.
(The funeral took pllce,on Monday.)
Mr., Lorenzo Fe Sleeper' is ery
Well known to the citizens ofApple-
ton; Me.; and neighb'orhodd. He
iz s: " Eight years ago' I was taken
sick, and suffered as'no one but a
dyspeptic can. I then began tak-
_ ; August Flower. At that time
"I was a great sufferer. Every-
",thing I ate distressed me so that I
"'had to throw it up. Then in a
"few momentsthathorrid distressflour, ���� ���
" would come on and I would have
"to eat and suffer
For that "again. hooka Sed Emporium.
Horrid "little of your med-
"icine, and:feltmuch.
Stomach"better, and after ' As we stave vacated the banding on
Feeling. " taking a li ttle more Southcott's premises and removed to
August Flower my
"Dyspepsia disap- DREW'S BLOCK
"peered, and since that time 1
have never had the first sign of:i.t.
"I can eat anything without the
'' least fear of distress. I wish all
that are afflicted with that terrible
" disease or the troubles caused by
"it would try August FIower, as 1•
"an241satisfied there is no medicine
"equal to
Who will be the Next It
The first prize piano ofiered by the pub-
lishers of THE QUEEN, was won by Miss
Eva Watson, 66 Close Ave,, Parkdale, tint.
the second prize piano was woo by Edward
W. Dowling, Clerk in the Windsor Hotel,
Montreal; the third prize piano was won by
Ed. W Gardner, 78 Sullivan St., Toronto,
Tate Queen Monthly Puzzler!
If Moses was the son o; Fharoh's daugh-
ter, what relation would Moses be to the
daughter of Pharaoh's son?
THE QUEEN will give an elegant Mason
& Risch Fine Toncu Upright Piano to the
first Persc,n answering the above problem
correctly; an elegant Gold Watch for the
second correct answer; a (;hina Dinner Set
for the third correct answer:an elegant Silk
Dress Pattern for the fourth correct answer;
and many other valuable prizes, all of which
are a.,nouncet•1 in this is»ue of THaQUEEN
A valuable special prize will be given fur
the first correct answer from a reader of the
Exeter "Advocate."
Each person answering must enelosefitteen
two cent stamps "THE CANADIAN QUEEN
MILITARY SCHOTTISCHE" just Out, together
with a copy of THE QnEEx, containing a
beautiful water -color reproduction "Seven,
He Loves," and full particulars of our h;du
cational Prize Competions, The object of
offering these prizes is to increase the cir-
culation of this popular magazine. By
sending to -day you may secure a valuable
prize. Address THE CANADIAN QUEEN,
"A"'Toronto, Can.
Clark's Catarrh Cure has such a ready
sale and is so popular, is owing to a
variety of causes. From a simple cold
in the head to the worst stages of the
disease, it relieves instantly. It is put
up in handy shape, and may be carried
in the pocket. It is a pog'der, and a
pinch of it snuffed into the nose, im-
mediately dissolves, and without any
unpleasant sensation, begins the work
of healing and restoring the- glands
and their natural secretions. One
package will cure any ordinary case.
Those who ha ye used it once are so
pleased with its wonderful effect, that
they always keep a package in nand.
Price 50 Cts., of druggists, or. Clark
Chemical Co. Toronto, New Fork.
we take this opportunity of thanking
our many patrons for past favors, and
expecting a continuance of the same,
we will be found in our new stand ever
ready to meet the wants of all. Best
brand of Roller Flour constantly 00
hand which is all guaranteed No, 1.
Also Bran, Shorts, Chop and all kinds
of mill feed delivered to any part of
the 'town at mill prices. This ,Spring
we have a large stock of Gartlan and
4 n.d, Other elegant ADt.eles to whom Field Seeds, which have been purchas-
Who 044a Bead, This E obtts., ed from first-class Seedsmenn and will
meet the u• -ants of all.
The above is honest advice which we are interested
,n prescribing to every home. To secure a trial for
FORD'S PRIZE PILLS, we 'intend to spend a
certain amount in this manner of advertising and
attracting attention to the merits of this medicine.
To the frss' person sending the correct answer to the
above rebus -we will give an elegant Gold Watch,
fine workmanship and first-class timekeeper' to the
mond we will give a Genuine Diamond Bing;
to the third a handsome Sills. Dress Pattern, 16
lards in any color; tothe.fmorile a Coin Silver
%Ira teh, and many other prizes in order of merit. . To
he person sending the lost correct answer we will give
an elegant Golct Watch, Ane workmanship and
fir t cla ss timekeeper ; to the next to ti:r lest we will
give a Genuine Diamond /Ding • to the tl b d
to the last we will sive a handsome Sills Ibreas
X-'attern, 16 yards m any color; to tbsJnurth to the
last we will give a Coln Suver Watch, and
many other valuable articles in order of merit, count-
ing from the last. 'TATE S11CAT 1. GIVE AWAY
100 `Q L'17AIELIE ellEIYYIIIMS (should there
be se many sending in correct answers). No charge is
made for boxing and packing of prerniums. All
an swe,'n must be sent in by mail before April 10th,
1892. 'ten 3 cent stamps Must be enclosed with
ahswcr Corona Lox of h'bRA'S, PRIZE PILLS. The
flames of the , leading prase winners will be
published in connection with our advertisement
to leading newspapers next month. Extra premiums
will be gtvendo those who are Willing to assist in intro•
dtmm-ing our medicine. Nothing is charged for the
premitims in any way, they are absolutely given away
to introduce and advertise l'ord's Prize Pills, which are
purely Nengetablo and act gently yet promptly on the
Liver, Kidneys and Dowels, dripelling Headache
revers and Colds, cleansing the system. thoroughly and
cure habitual constipation, They aro arta:kir
coated, do not gripe, very small, easy to tial d,
one pill x dose, andaro purely vegettible.Perfeot
dihestionfollowstheir use. As to the reliability of out
company, AVe refer you td any leading wholesale drug•
gist or business, house nToronto. All premiums w
be awarded sniotly in order of Merit and With perfect
antisfactitin to the pitlr)id, Pills are sena b mail past
Seed Grails a Specialty.
Remember the stand; give us a call
and receive satisfaction.
Highest cash price paid for Butter
ARE NOT a Put,
gative Medi-
cine. They are a
TONIC and ltna in-
suplin a condensed
form the substances
actually needed to en-
rich the Blood, curing
all diseases coming
frons moos and Mix',
EBY Btoon, or from
the 13LooD, and also',
invigorate and BUILD
VP the BLOOD and
SYSTitiar, when broken
down by overwork,
mental worry, disease.
exttosSes and nuttier°
tio.ts. They have a
the SEXUAL Si`n'ter of
both men and woman,.
restoring LOST VIGOR
and correcting all
rltsltoisAgsinns and
ss o
Y xs.
EVERY MAN Who finds his mental fao•
ulties dull or failing, or
his physical powers nagging, should take
gal g, teae
PILas. They will restore bis lost energies, both
phyalcal and mental,
ahautd talco Ehem
EVERY WOMAN They ante all surr
proaeiotia and I•;egularitios, which inovitabi;
entail dickness when neglected.
p� gra A onia tele
a these. rites
��lNG ,m R ,bo w curd rho re
Milts Of yoUthitil triad habits and strengthen tht•
�7 _ aYiotttd retro them
i' �y E+: !Che§o
matte th8th regular:
axil: When ort answer' :this iclstis kind�l�� mention Pot Maio by, alt draggles, or wail bo Sent upon
paid: nes_ > t ... t - ; ... receipt of pried (66o, pesos), by addr�eesing
which in. Address THE 1,000 ,
mIL,(OtywolltogtonWt.weft, 'toronior(;aaie, "KA .1ID1.Tl't'Ltr3]IIStrrlxD,Co.
Rive vilidrOgi,
We have 15 Crosscut Saws,
46 3 dozen Axes
which must be cleared out at wholesale prices'. : We have a
large stock of TUBULAR.
LANTERNS which must
go at the following prices:- .
55c. 65c., and
Also a few more of those cheap Library Lamps at •actual cost
Lamp goods of all kinds cheaper than the cheapest.
Call and inspect our Stook. boforo buying.
� b
As usual our stock of Hardware, Stoves and tinware is com
plete and we defy competition.
Seelne-=-- it
,�-' aJ
And Furniture Dealer.
A complete stock of
Pure andReliable Drugs
I1et JJIL1iOi11S, Sponges,
Druggist's SllJijJlles
At right and reasonable prices.
add • Fd.fuiy Receipts
Carefully Prepared.
Wigaq's Copgitioq IOWEllJf
the best in the market,
London Huron & Bruce Railway
Passenger Time Table.
London,dep't8.05 9.25. Wingliam 7.05
LucianCros'g 8,47 5.20. Belgrave 7.24
Clandeboye 852 528.131,yth 7,39
Centralia 9.05 5.95, Londesboro' 7.47
EXETER 9.16 5.27, Clinton 8.07
Honsall 9,28 6.09. Brueefreld 8,26
li ippon 9.34 6.17. 1tippen 8.34
$rncefield 9.42 6.26.13ensa1l 8.41
Gunton 10.00 6.45, EXETER 8.57
Londosboro' 1019 7.03, Centralia 9.09
Blyth 1.0.28 7.12, Clandeboye 9.18
Belgrave 10.42 7.27. Lucan Cros'g 9,24
Wineham 1100 7.45. London a.rr 1.015
Exeter Roller Mills.
MA 'tw( r REPORTS.
WHEAT 0.90 TO 0.95 per bush
Our Soiling Primo.
!'lour, strong bakers', $3.00 per 100
" best family, 2.50 " <t
" low grade, 2,00 "
Bran, 70 at
Middlings, 90 tt
Screenings, 100 tt
Chop, 1.10 to 1.25 t•
Chop stone running eucry day.
The Exeter Milling Co
A very large stock on hand now to
select from in the way of Parlor, Bed-
room and Dining Room suits at nearlyt
half the usual price. 150. Looking
Glasses from 10c and up. Hundreds of
feet of Picture Mottldings to choose N.
from, cheap. Easy Chairs and a great
variety of other Goods suitable for
Xmas presents arid in fact everything
usually kept in a first class furnishing
house all for prices away down. A good
dozen chairs for $2. Come and see
our $I.'i5 panel Ben that we "BLOW
ABOUT", the reason we blow is we
have the goods to back It up. Bring
along your easy chairs and Parlor Fur-
niture that need re covoring as wehave
e beautiful stock of covers with cord &
gimp to match. Drop in even: if you
don't want to buy, will be happy to see
A complete stock of everything in
this line from the cheapest to the high-
est. Also the only Embalmers, Re-
member the name and place
Odd -Fellows Block. Opposite J Grigg's
W. G. Bissett's Liverq..
First Class Horses and Rigs.
Orders left at Bissett Bros,'Hardware
Store, will receive prompt attention.
Extr rdlni
lei MPORW.M.
caiy the most complete stock of
Musical instruments in the county.
The above instruments always on
11wChC+S nt{