HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-05-04, Page 15OP a Remember the battles There's nothing like a good, did -fashioned family fight on Saturday night, to relieve ,the built-u,p• tensions of the week, , clear the air, and get everybody squared around for a quiet Sun- days- For un•days_For centuries, 'this'wasa tra- dition in many families. Thit, •likeso many of our other fine old customs, this one has been virtually destroyed by tele- visioi. •-Don4-get-me wrong.-1«don:t.-s mean the kind of thing in which the brutal, drunken hus- band lurches home, beats up his wife and kids, robs t sugar bowl and piggy banks their pennies, end s back to the pub and 'Pear .� . "This happened, of course. And still does. But I mean the ordinary fargily fight. The fa- ther, a decent working man, has gone up -town Saturday afternoon, with his $1..50 allowance. He's bough •a' pack of fags • and had three or four beers. He's mildly merry. His wife has gone the we k's shopping. She'has. lugged (our bulging bags of grub a block to the car. She has slaved to. pre- pare a good supper. The baby is crying, just for the hell of it. The teenage daughter is whining about going to 'a dance with a known hoodlum. The 12 -year-old son is still out fishing, it's, 'almost dark and he's probably drowned. And her feet .hurt. And' the dinner is ruined. Because the oldman is late. Twenty minutes late, already. Well, there's a • dust-up.' Pa comes in with a happy smile and the old lady''peels the hide right off him: The boy comes . in .grinning, with two specklkd trout, and gees a ,cuff on the ear. The daughter whines on and is sent to her room: The baby, no slouch at the game, yells like a banshee, to get some.. attention. • . , . And it's a -ll aver, like a suint - mer storm. Pa is ashained for cuffing the ,kid. Ma is ashamed for blasting Pa:' The boy gets - doubles on dessert. Ma and Pa plead with the girl to go out with the hood, who really isn't a hood, after all. The baby gets a bottle right in the mouth and shuts up. •"$. ' The kid cleans his fish. Ma "dos.,1.he dishes dreaxnily. Pa goes out and roots around the rosebush. Sis flies out, -at the hoot of a horn. Baby burps and smiles in his sleep. That's the way it ,was, not too long ago: ' But television has wrecked it. Nowadays, in- stead of taking out our aggres- sions on eah ether, we huddle before the Great Soporific, on Saturday nights, dinner bal- anced on our knees. We pour all our aggressions into -a stiff body -cheek or a saloon brawl }n a Western. As --..a . result,. _,the.,• fine.. family fight on a Saturday night has degenerated into a querulous quibble about who's, going to get- kup and fetch a beer during the commercial. However, I am glad to say, although Hit family fight is ., dying, it is not quite extinct. The other day I read, with growing fascination, of • a Christmas Eve "squabble that has to rank with one of the great ones. It took place last Dec. 24th, and the legal after- math is now in progress. As the newspaper reported it, this young fellow admitted he drank between 30 and 40 bottles of beer during the day. That is some beer drinker. You try putting down about four gallons of beer the day before Christmas, or any other day, guarantee you'll have a belly the shape, and a nose the hue, of -S. Claus him- self. Not to mention the beers coming out your` ears. It gets better. The Champ, as we shall call him, ,had an argument with his brother, who threw him out of the house. Imagine the glug and • undaunted, The Champ climbed a tree. Maybe he thought it was • a pear tree and he was a part. ridge. :Who knows. Anyway, brother , stepped . outside .with a shotgun. ' He claimed he fired" a shot in the air, 'not knowing The • Champ was up a tree. But several pellets entered the latter's anatomy. The' champ. testified .that lie couldn't remember swinging his mother-in-law around • by her hair, although the did ' ad- mit•having a fight with her. It -sounds like a swinging party. I'm just as glad I wasn't there, but it proves that the family fight still has a little steam in it, even though it is -"' disappearing from our way of life. ,GODE;R:1SH .PUSLIi'C ' SCHOOL KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION .REGISTRATION FOR SEPTEMBER KINDERGARTEN Classes are now being received. Any child who was born in 1962 is eligible to attend. Application Forms Available at Victoria School R. E. SMITH Supervising Principal Tel.: 52.48722 s ,a Recert Ai!ivais' Here. Honored: For Qutstaflding Work In Scouts CFB CLINTON., Having just re• nation of their outstanding work turned from a Pour year tour of with theBoyScoutmovement. The duty in Zweibrucken, -Germany, Stemps reside at 132 Victoria Flight Sergeant and Mrs. Donald Street North In Goderich with Stemp have just received a com• their four children, Douglas, 18, munity service award in recog._ Roberta 16, Laurie 14 and B11112.. -Ina brief ceremony at CFI• . • Clinton, Group Captain K. R. Greenawaypxetented Ft. 'Sgt. and • • • Mrs., Stemp With their awards.. Accompanying the presentation: Newsfr"nt v", ENJOY- THE 'FINEST FOOD IN TOWN • Chinese Food Our Specialty ALSO TAKE-OUT ORDERS OPEN DAILY 7 i.m. to 10 p.m. Open Friday and Saturday Until 12 Midnight The Esquire • Restaurant "5249941" • - YES Motorcycle Liability Insurance Available Thru Peter S. MacEwart INSURANCE 44 North Street •— Phone 9531 plaques was °.letter from the base •commander at 3 Wing in Zwei+ brucken.: The letter compli.M. , • ented .the: Stamps as, public spit �$y Nancy B gll) ited .individuals, whose hard work In the Chess Tournament held and freely given time and effort, at Central Huron Secondary •had made their community a bet- School recently, the Goderich ter place in whiot to live. Flt, club came put the winners with. • Sgt. and Mrs. Stamp worked as stalemates, ins „gPour losses, and. twa Wolf.-eub�-roleaders���with jthe• ard- •Maple Leaf district in Germany.. Last week the Viking band vis. Both Ve been active in.the Boy ited the Seaforth 'High School to Scout movement for over thirteen give a concert, and then joined years. forces with the GDCI choirs to No strangers to Goderich, the present their first Centennial, •Stamps lived there before Goderich,, Concert for the public. The band ceeding overseas in 1963, Already, has come a long way in the last they have become active mem• two years, from nursery rhymes bers Of the community. F1•t. Sgt. t o Swan Lake, The school owes Stamp is now an assistant Scout a great deal. to Mr. Kalbfleisch leader with the 3rd Goderich for all his efforts. University entrance exams! Last' week, the grade thirteens suffered through a physics test, while they write English today, and Mathematics on May 11. Last week , the VSAT results came back. The results were differ. ent to say the least, - Last week, the Junior badman. ton team travelled to Central Huron Secondary School to take part in ' the badm'_nton tourna. ment. On Saturday, the Seniors took part in the senior badmin- •tori tournament which was also held- in Clinton. - The computer cards have been sent away fo r the big computer date dance coming up on May.5. For a mere charge, o75every student was given the chance to fill out a questionnaire based on about sixty, questions rang. ing- from a Person's interests to' the type of day he enjoys. Don't fhi'get-even if you didn't fill out a card, the Students' Council wants -to see you out at the dance, It'll be a fun way to kick off our C-entennial fund weekend, • -Another reminder: our "Pen. nies around the Park" project is on• May 6, along -with four car washes on the same day. Please support our - Centennial project, It's your school as well as, ours that we'll be beautify. ing. • • , , Sorority Marks Anniversary On April 25 the Goderich chapter of Beta Sigma Phi cel- ebrated its 36th anniversary.. A banquet at the Bedford hotel was followed by traditional cere. monies. These included,aresume of the year -'s. aetivities-by Mrs, Karen Sturdy. Mrs. Kathryn Bell read a message from the founder. The "Girl of the Year" award, which is one of the highest hon. ours paid to any girl in the sor. ority, was presented to Mrs. Helene Alceclf by Mrs. Gwen How- lett. - • A. gift was presented to Mrs. Marion Hayward, who is move ing to Brampton, by Mrs. Gladys Nicholson. Mrs. IvlarthaRathburn made th e presentation to Mrs. Sigrid Campbell who ismovingto Brantford, ° New members who were wel- comed by President Mrs, Bonnie -Dunn • were: Mrs. • Shirley.- Baechler, Mrs. Lorraine Bae. chler, Mrs. Anita Swartman, Mrs. Kathryn Bell. • OUR 75 YEARS OF MORTGAGE LOANING PROVIDES THE KNOWLEDGE AND THE EXPERIENCE SO NECESSARY TO HELP YOU PLAN A. CUSTOM TAILORED MORTGAGE TO FIT YOUR NEEDS VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST AT THE STOPLIGHTS GODERICH Troop. An`'active St. John -Ambu- lance member, he recently received recognition for over a hundred hours of work• uring the recent Young Ca _Week -in Goderich. An avionics technician by trade, Fit. Sgt. Stemp's new dut. ies involve reselection and re- lease , procedures fdr airman trainees in Clinton's Radar, and Communications school., a MR. & MRS. JAMES SIIERRATT • Surrounded by family, relate ions and friends, Mr. and M'. James Sherratt, 314 Gibbons St., celebrated their silver wedding anniversary, Saturday, April 22nd by attending high Mass,cel. eorated by Rev. R. Moynahan, during which they renewed their marriage vows. The bride's maid of honour of 25 years ago, Mrs; Allen Crowley and best man, Mr. John -'Taylor, both_ of Brantford, were in attendance. The God± t1 i Signitl ►t t " hu' 0Y;'v it ►t_ Victor Lauri!on Takin9Up At to The pupils. of Vicor Lauriston. Public Schoolhave undertaken a contest set up by, the Centennial Athletic Commission of Canada," The students are divided intoa- gr. oups and heave to perform the standing broad jump, speed saw uph and the 300 yard dash, The'° pupils also get an optfon of ,slat. ing,' crost-.country ' running, or Swimming. They get three turns at each event, If the studentcom. • pletes these events to, the stand. r arils set by the CACC he or she Following the mass a family „ dinner was, held at the couple's home. A three.tiered wedding cake centered yth bride's table. During the reception held in the afternoon and evening, the couple ware the'recipients of runny beau. tiful gifts andgood. wishes. gets a gold,: Stlr,'e i car 10000 Crest. if the student doenn'tquite mate them he or She 1"ee.oives a rest Brest, John Parurpinr GOOD $1)OR Co>rlgratuta.tions to (.04, ;$0!,404: originality and K,00d sportsmaf' ship in 'venturing out ,in Cantel er'at'vn costumes last Thursda'• They brought;into the school a'bit of • 186'7 a year that has been. uppermost in': minds during this Centennial year. SUN LIFE a progressive company in a pro gre .s V6 industry ' GORDON 1. WESTLAKE PHONE-565-5333—$AYFIELD SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA simulaummismorGO 46 p DETERGENT POWQ,ER ' A&P CHOICE QUALITY HALVES ll�w good is the Beef A&P sells? Did you know that there are actually eleven different government, grade., for beef? One of them is Canada's finest— No. 1 Grade, Choice Red Brand Seel. Th,�t's the only rade ,A&P sells., Bi,t, that's'not'aJll. `Because we have our own "Super -Right" standards of quality . . - because We Care about you, even some beef labeled Red Brand isn't good enouylh for A&P customers. We're that fussy. And, don't forget your pocketbook. • We not only buy the best beef available, A&P prices are always as low as we canmake them. • Is this a good reason for shopping A&P? It's one of many.. KING SIZE, 5 -LB BOX Reg. Price $1.19 --- SAVE 10e " FEATURE PRICE ' CHOICE QUALITY CREAM STYLE A&P CORN FACIAL. TISSUE KL N ' ,EE EX LIQUID BLEACH JAVEX PEAK FREAN (5 Varieties) • Reg. Price 2 tins 45c - SAYE 14c • e 19-FL-OrTIN$ FEATURE PRICE PKGS OF 4001 .00 3 FEATURE PRICE 32 -FL -OZ PLASTIC CONTAINER ii5c- BISCUITS thEME Reg. Price pkg. 37c -- SAVE 11c 3 8 -OZ PKGS 1 .00 JANE PEAIABIKEPIE FULL 8 -INCH 24 -OZ SIZE Req. Price 49c JANE PARKER SPANISH.CAKES BAR --A SAVE 10o FOR Rey. Price each 39c — SAVE 28c Dependable "Super --Right" Meats! ita • fresh Shankless SHOULDER Ib �ast FRES1Jib HOULDER OR BUTT fb FRESH CHICKEN CU BREASTS .Whole -or Half -LEGS Whole or Half P. E. iGrade. POTATOES • 25.16 bag e+. ALL PRICE§ Si-IOWN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, MAY 6th, 1917. 4 NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P FLORIDA, YeNbER, STRINGLESS, No. 1 GRADE GREEN BEANS 02 ft/ NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P .11111111 44