HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-05-04, Page 14• Corn planters were simpler in "Grandfather's. day." Their list of advantages runs like a .modern T,V, commercial. cheap, easy to use,-no.expensive repairs, stores in any corner and only One willing person is needed to operate it.. But turning• into any field with this planter would make today's farmer appreciate 'his modern conveniences.` The photograph was' taken by R. R. -Sallows - of Goderich, Ontario! Reproduced by the Ontario Dep. ar eat of Agriculture and °Faxi. STOCKER FE ER SALE HENSALL SALES ARENA SAT., MAY 6th; 1.00 P.M. 600 HEAD . 'CONSISTING OF CALVES, COWS, HEIFERS AND STEERS FOR CONSIGNMENTS CONTACT 'THE MANAGEMENT VICTOR HARGREAVES JACK MORRISSEY ,. 482-7511 - 2346200 ` AUCTION.EERHECTQR McNEIL 17, 18 FUR STORAGE Fur tstorage time is just around the corner. Don't for- getmthatk we pick up and deliver. We also give estimates at no extra cost on repairing and restyling. Our system has proven satisfactory to our customers. If you didn't store` your fur coat WWII,., us last year just fill out the slip at the bottom and we will call on you. We pick up fur coats starting about the 26th of March depending .upon the ' weather. • We have a very up-to-date line of new fur coats. Choose from full length; jacket or three-quarter styles. If you choose your new fur coat this spring you' will re- ceive Fetter quality, better terms and better pricers., ,We have an excellent proven payment plan which -has been popular with all our credit. customers. • Send This Coupon or Just Write PICK-UP and DELIVERY - HANOVER FURS. Hanover, Ontario Name, 0 Address Town ....w, Phone HANOVER FURS Phone. 3§4-3360 HANOVER 17.19 r1> Farmers Plan • To : Go Ahead With Ottawa March On 'May 24_ Eastern Canada's farmers are .going ahead with plans to march on Parliament hill May 24, in spite of a possible conflict with Lyndon Johnson's .visit to Expo. The date was set Wednesday, at a `meeting in Toronto of the Ottawa March Committee. The committee sent a telegram ,to Prune Minister L . B, Pear. son, asking for the May 24•meet• ing with hint and his .cabinet, The telegram says the cdm. m ittee wants the morning meeting "to discuss with us the plight of —the—farmers-of-.eastern•.Canada,,. and in particular the ine • s and inadequacies; of the recentl announced federal dairy policy. The telegram a'lso,,says - the .. Committee plans to have a group of farmers from eastern Capada. inOttawa at,l`p.m, that day to hear your proposed solutions to these problems." The wire was signed by John Dolmer, president of the Ontario Farmers' union, Lionel Sorel, president of the Union Cathol. ique des cultivateurs, and. Charles Munro, president of the Ontario. federation of agriculture. Asked after° the meeting how many farmers they expect inOtt. awa for the march, the presid. ents said they are planning in terms of 4,000. , o But, emphasized Mr. Sorel, the committee is nalt "bringing-the- farmers bringing 1t)te"farmers to Ottawa." He sayn. the farmers will be "corning, on their own" because of their din* satisfaction with the govern, ment's:liolicy. �•r° Mr, Muuiro said he realized- some farmers would find this date inconvenient, Buthe said any time in the next onjile of months would• he inconvenient to some farmers,' and there is isnotmuch chance to move our demonstrate ion' to another time of year." Mr. Dolmer says he . expects ° will. .be_ possible-ior-the gout: ernment to find solutions to the. farmers' problems, If not, he said, "other steps will have to be taken." Problemswith the date arose Thursday, . when the American p'resident's visit to Expo was announced in Montreal. News. paper reports said Mr. Pearson would be in Montreal to welcome Mr. Johnson. The decision to _go ahead on May 24 was made Friday when newspaper reports indicated plans for Mr. Johnston's visit are still uncertain. - . Most original solution to the problem of conflicting dates tame from Mr. Dolmer. "Someone should call the White House and see if Mr. Johnson can come on another day," he quipped. Favor Setting Price ' By Board Broiler Chicken Men Vote, . The Ontario .broiler chicken producers marketing' board con. ducted a vote amongst broiler producers in Huron -county in the Ontario department of agricul. ture and food extension building production, it was necessary to on April 25th and 26th. . ' carry a written statementauthor. The balloting was held to de. b izing him to cast a.,kallot, - termine if a majority .of growers • ' Results of the balloting con. favoured .."the proposed amend- ducted at Clinton were 41 for the ment to the, OBCP's, marketing amendment; and 5 against.. plan which "authorized the board The. balloting on a province• to determine the price or prices -wide basis favoured* the' new that shall be paid to the producers . marketing •plan by a, wide" mar. for broiler chickens," • gin; 592 for the amendment; and In order to qualify for a vote; 45 against 'it, - 4 the chicken producetWaid to be registered with the OBCPMB. If he was voting on behalf of a Or. poration or ' partnership engage ed in the business of. broiler GOLDEN CRISP FISH at CHIPS 104 Elgin Ave. E. —' Phone 524,937§ -- "We Fry Halibut Only" • Open Daily Except Sunday 4:00 to 8:00 pm. TAKE OUT ORDERS. 9NLY Zero tillage and neW. "no. 'tillage" ` ;lantern are. still getting a close look from Soils and • Crops Specialists with the Ontario. Department of Agricilture and Food.. They know, that 'even standard corn yields coupled ' with less work *would benefit the,, farmer. With effective herbicides available to control weeds, one of the main reasons for plowing is eliminated. However, there may be a problem 'of economics. The extra nitrogen needed for suitable yields under the no tillage system, because of poor organic matter breakdown, may cost more than . -it is worth in plowing time and labor savings. Italian Authorities' -S how' Interest -. OTTAWA, The federal Dep. They will visit farms, att. artment of Trade and Commerce end livestock sales and meet with is bringing six Italian livestock authorities to Canada in, a bid to obtain for Canadian breeders and exporters a share of a vast new cattle market developing in Italy. The Italian Government's pro. gram% calls for the import of .50,000 head of replacement cattle each year for the next',ten years. The prospects are `that 10,000 a year will be purchased inNorth America; representing a potent. ial market for 188,000 animals over the next decade. ,The breeds to , be purchased by Italy. under its program are Brown Swiss, Sinienthal and Hol• stein.Friesian, Of the three, only Holstein•Friesians are available from Candian preeders and ex. porters: • The mission, to be in Canada April 30 until --May .10, :will ex. ,amine Canadian Holstein.Frie• "Sian herds, 'type and performance standards -- regis-zation proced. ures Mr purebred cattle and the health status . of Canadian live. s tock, • officials of the Holstein.Friesian Association at its Brantford, On. . tario, head office. They will also . spend two days in Ottawa for talks with officials of the Departments of Agriculture,. and Trade and Commerce.`. Oxford Dead. Stock Ask ' how much your loan will cost and HFC will tell you -. before you borrow AMOUNT `v"" fi0 MONTHLY —months 'H months PAYMENT Ji months A J0 months PLANS JO months 11 N/nths 100 55/ 16110 11011 2110 300/88.02'108.22 4/0 0 1011 i 10''-.01 126.26 $ 73.35 117.37 146.71 $ . " 57.72 90.18 144.30 180.37 S °'23:73 41.45 ' $6.12 18.35 32:86 58.11 ' $9.46 28.37 51.24 91.56 , Above payments Include principal and interest' and are based on promptrepayment, but do not include the cost of life insurance HOUSEHOLD FI When you come to -HFC- for a, loan, the Manager will answer :any question' you have —fully and clearly -- before you borrow. That's one reason you can borrow with - confidence from HFC—, Household Finance. Ask about credit life insurenpe on loans at.low group rates GODERICH 35A West Street—Telephone 524-7383 (above the Signal. Star) -Rqemoval Limited Ask about our evening hours. We jay M:c per pound for dead or disabled cows and horses 24-hour service -7 days a week . Call Callbct • JIM MURRAY & SONS HICKSON 462-2614 18" ELECTRIC MOWERr Whisper -quiet 110-v. 8 -amp. G.E, ,,motor; 7" wheels; twin side discharge; chrome plated swing -over handle; all steel deck in gold, engine in' off-white. (less cord) . 1 .95 Extension Cord, 100 ft. 18 gauge 3 wire 8.95 20" 3 h.p., Lauson, 4C'ycie..: Side mounted 'recoil and gas primer bulb for increased starting - ,ease. Fingertip throttle, "T" -top handle and air, tunnel deck to eject cut- tings! White 'engine, Gold deck. 18'° Cut 3 H.P. Briggs Stratton.. 4 -CYCLE WITL,i�OIL 'Mowing the ' lawn becomes a breeze with this beauty. Engineered for reliable and efficient performance. Rug- gedly constructed and handsomely finished in a Amazon Green and Gold baked enamel. ,, CHECK THESE OU 41 Heavy duty 1 -piece blade e 'Moisture, dustproof - ignition .• a Adjustable cutting heights. • 6" staggered wheels ANDIED FEATURES • Front -side discharge • Chromed T -top handle • Fingertip Throttle control • All -steel construction . 95 5 -CUTTING HEIGHTS. START ,o- Business Directory , go' Ronald. L. McDonald 'CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Goderich, Ontario 39 'St. 'David ,St., 524-6253 BENTLEY ACCOUNTANT 4 Britannia Rd. E. Goderich Phone .524-9521 Sky Harbour Air Services :Ltd. For., Charter Flights -- FlyingInstruction New & Used Aircraft Sales FINANCIAL COUNSEL 23 WELLINGTON STREET NORTH .,GODERICH, CANADA 524-9088' estate andfredgeaahOia REFRIGERATION and APPLIANCE SERVICE All makes -- All tYpes • GERRY'S APPLIANCES. The Square Phone 524-8434 "l)h•e Store That Service • Built" ,'1'e1: Bus. 524-9531 Res. 524-9243, Alexander and Chapman GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY , MANAGEMENT Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Building Godo`rich Dial 524-9662 .P'ETER S. MacEWAN INSURANCE AGENCY REALTOR 44 North Street Goderich, Ont, it 7 G. C. WHITE Accredited Public Accountant 88 Elgin Ave. W. Goderich 524-8797 Ontario ASSOCIATE STORE E1'STONE . 524-7394 v 12. R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST • The Square 624-7661 . A. M. UARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 55-57 SOUTH'. STREET GODERICH, ONTARIO ' TELEPHONE? 524-7562 ° tl Before Investing ... Investigate • ' UNITED ACCUMULATIVE ° FUND LTD. ALBERT J. SHORE • Representative 'UNITED INVESTMENT SERVICES LTD. 92A Quebec St. z, ° 5244164 a r •5