HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-05-04, Page 10IR ft Ceti* ennial • W Men and , ma ea are at Work oA the lot behind the new building constructed. ft) the "Bank of Montreal branch at Goderich which will be their new premises later this month. The work crew are levelling the property behind the new bank branch in'order to prepare it for a Boating of •ashphalt, (staff'Photo> - THIS WEEKEND SPECIAL CRISPY SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN Or CHOOSE FROM THE WIDE SELECTION ON- OUR MENU Make Your Reservations For Mother's Day NOW! At The ° LAKEVI.EW RESTAURANT WEST ST. 5249004 CAMPBELL'S SPECIALS ALL BRANDS CIGARETTES WITH PURCHASE OF $1.00 OR MORE ... ..._+�i►...65 .CARTON 5% Prov.*Sales Tax included SHRINK HEMORRHOIDS REG. 2.75 PREPARATION H SUPPOSITORIES 2.49"` REG. 1.25 -- NOXZEMA SPRAY DEODORART ....,..... 2 for .1.26 REG 1.65 TEMPLETON'S T.R.C.'s 1.39 REG. .69 . ".MURINE" For The- Eyes 59 NEW REFRESHING MOUTH WASH -. REG. 1.49 REEF . 1.29 • ° REG. SPECIAL 1.09 .NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM . ......... .89 LATHER JUST ONCE - COMPARE AT 1.00 LADY PATRICIA SHAMP00 49 FIRST AID -FOR HEADACHES -i REG. 1.89 B UFFERIN TABS- ....... ....... . ....1.59 REG. .98 EX -LAX REG. .79 'DODDS KIDNEY PILLS ... , 88 MOTHER'S DAY, SUNDAY, MAY 14 ,,..: Choose The Card For This Occasion From The Finest Selection Of COUTTS HALLMARK Cards When You Care Enough..To Send The Very Best REG. .99 BAYER ASPIRIN 100's 79 REG..70 1 -LB. MOTH CRYSTAL 59 REG. 1,95 "CLAIROL" SILK & ILVER 1.75 FLOURIDE - REG. 1.19 "FACT" TOOTH PASTE .. 7.".....r...... .89 MEDITRATING -- REG. 35 VICKS COUGH. SYRUP , .49 400's •- RIG. .36 NA. KLEENEX 2 for .61 FOR BABY AND COSMETIC USE --- Rag. Value 1.4$ I FLUFFY COTTON BALLS 250's 88 40'% -- REG. 1.89 TAMPAX . ..1.67 MOTHER DESERVES THE BEST IN - CANDIES GIVE HER LAURA SECOND C 16$ a a We are going to have a de* cent fireworks .display this Vie. toric. Day! Good! All we have. to do isppol the, money we spend on that, handful of firecrackers on one large display that you can really see. Every year, hundreds of dollars` are 'dribbled out qn fireworks -. but who sees them? You and perhaps your neighbour get together with five td'en dollars worth and in five min• utes the 'kids are yelling for more +' am I°r.ight?-Rightl So, now, when the Knights, of Columbus, boys come to your door give them what you would normally spend and then there can be a display such as most of these young ones have never seen! The Bluewater Shriners, I hear. - are also going to help canvass the town with the K of C Boys . Isn't that -wonderful? So. Shell out and enjoy it: . ,. There is alsoa soccer game fqr . Victoria- Day at Agriculture park. This will be exciting, too. Oh , I forgot to tell you, any money over and above the cost of the fireworks will be used for the town's youth program. Expo is open, and the W.A. Sheaffer Pen Company is anxious to help some of you defray your expenses by winning one of the NURSES PLAN JUNE DANCE The monthly meetingof the Goderich Graduate Nupses Ass- ociation was held at the home of Mrs. Grant Showers. -- After a short business meet- ing, plans were finalized for the annual dance to be held June 16 at Harbourlite Inn with Chris Black Orchestra The speaker for the evening' was Mrs. Jean McKee. past pre. silent of the HorticultureSociety who showed very colourful slides especially on perennial borders and types of plants --best suited. for this type of gardening. Follow. ing this was a .question and an. swer period which was very help. ful to all , especially this time of year, Lunch' -was served. It was noted the winners of the draw held at the dessert card ,party were- 1st prize $25, Ted McLean , R. R. 1, Goderich; 2nd prize two lawn chairs, Mrs. K. Dunn, Huron Road, Goderich. IF ire awards- they are offering for the best individual: effort on a Cep, tennial project, Thisaward in. eludes your train fare (with sleeper) and the passport ' into Expo . There are also pen and pencil sets which are beautiful. What project do you lave started or what has your neighbour been working on? Our problem is to learn of these projects. Ashfield, Colborne and Goder. ich townships, as well as our town are eligible, so get busy. let us know what you are doing, let us know what your neighbour. or friend is doing. Post office Box 1667 . still open (rent paidl)- for your letters. - . The Rebekah Lodge, Centennial,. birthday tea is next Wednesday. The ladies are going all out with. their baking, candy and scones DU�N-GA�N NON. DUNGANNON-- Mr. and Mrs Lester Peck of Wallaceburg and Fred Stirling of .Thamesville vis- ited on Sunday with M. and Mrs. J. Rieve and David. We are sorry that Mrs. John Spivak' is a'patient in Wingham hospital. . Visiting at the weekend with Mrs. Lulu Jones was her daughter Mrs. 'Weldon Rudow and daughter Betty and Debbie R owe of Elmira, and Mrs. Ray Barker and Mark of Goderich. Robert Sherwood of Sarnia Vis- ited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J; Sherwoodfor the week. end. Brian Weaver is in Montreal where he is employed with Bell Telephone. Mrs. Helena Ryan has return. ed to her home here after spend. ing the winter with her daughter, M's. Gordon Kidd and Mr. Kidd of Port Credit. orks afrondns aaway disp'waylay, backpf their t, jewels , Recently the Woolens Institute of Auburn had their . annual Sun. shine S isters banquet whieh turn.- ed urn.ed out to be a Centennial door. gasbord which well over. fifty, people enjoyed. I/elt, yes•some of them were 'over fifty' and just wonderful people,, Resides the good food they had a well round. YOUR VACUUM CLEAN ER STORE. SEE OUR LARGE, SELECTION OF QUALITY CLEANERS BY. EUREKA, GENERAL ELEC. TRIC AND LEWYT BEFORE YOU BUY. Hutchinson Radio - TV Appliance 308 Huron Rd.. 524-7831 BOY SCOUT APPLE • PAY Q FRIDAY 4NITE & SATURDAY FOR YOUR r AUTO INSURANCE rcivSee or Phone MALCOLM MATHERS GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT sea-aaas 46 WEST ST. YOU MIGHT AS WELL HAVE THE BEST! 350 c.c. 5 -speed Grand Prix Sports $945. 305 c.c. 5 -speed Big Bear Scrambler $865. 250 c.c. '5 -speed Catalina Sports Electric $795. 180 c.c. 5 -speed Bonanza Sports Electric ,. $650. 100 c.c. 4 -speed Twin Jet Sports Electric - ' $485 PQRICES' INCLUDE PLATES & SET-UP ! . ! 5% Provincial Sales Tax. Extra , QUALITY -, PERFORMANCE - ECONOMY' CHOOSE FROM 13 NEW MODELS GODERICH MOTORS LTD 35 South St., Just Off The Square' e HURON COUNTY'S YAMAHA HEA DQUARTERS fit .:a O ed programme and I was .very proud to have the privilege of telling them of some of the apo► cial centennial, events coining up in the next few Months. It seems the Calendars really a full one., and getting heavier. ' • ., Martha IT'S Obituary MRS. LEO,IPSII'4QA Mrs, Leo Idsinga, 55, Of fit, R. ' 1, Bayfield, died Thursday in Al. exandra Marine and General Pre pi The rmer Audrey -guperus, ,.. she is survived by, her husband, Six daughters, Mrs. Jack (Helen) Roorda. Clinton; Mrs. .john (Sylvia) Roorda; Waterloo; Petty, Corrie, Sandra and Hattie, all. at home;, three sons, George, John. and Peter, at home; three broth. ers, Robert, Saltford; S joerd and" . 1. Ale, both in. Holland; four. miss ters, Mi's, Boukje Agent*, M Tjitske, Miss Wtepkje, and Mrs Fritz (Hitje) Haekstra, 4-1111,:11141* land: The funeral was held Eater. ,ditY at Bethel Pentecostal Taber. nacle here. Burial was in Mait. land cemetery. Stiles funeral home was in charge. Pallbearers were George and John Idpinga, Jack and John Roo. rda, Bob and Andy Kuperus. G OPEN EVENINGS, MONDAY SATURDAY TIL 11 KM. AND SUNDAYS FROM 10 .A.M:" -. 8 P.M. . 'WITH DECORATIVE AND FUNCTIONAL GIFT ITEMS OF - IMPORTED AND .- CANADIAN DESIGN. PLEASE -MOTHER YOUR SELECTION FROM • FINCHER'S. CHOOSE FROM OUR COMPLETE LINE OF LEATHER •PRODUCTS • BY:1 _ADDLE HIDE - OROCCO, GRAIN, IN .A FULL SPECTRUM OF COLORS MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL BOX CHOC • LATES CHOOSE FROM , MOIRS FAMILY SELECTION: • -ASSORTED CENTRES • CHERRY CENTRES , • CHOCOLATE CREAMS -AND JELLS , REG. 1.25 VALUE - MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL • 14 -ox BOX9 5c Women's Lighters SUNGLASSES Choose From: RONSON , BENTLEY BUTANE. F.m.u.•0r.,•I. fl.un SI,.. rr..s,,aei .i u,wr. SCRIPTO LIGHTERS" ' W0111.O'1 PI/MAT AUTOMATIC OA. MONT.II. "A TIMELY GNFT"_- From $1 to' $3.98 We Have 'An Extra Wide Grouping Of Styles Including Clip -ons SEE .OUdSELECTION OF LADIES WATCHES by TIMEX DON'T LET M`OTHER'S DAY FADE FROM YOUR - MEMORIES We Have Kodak' Film In All Popular Sizes, Swinger Film, Sylvania Blue Dot Flash Bulbs And. Flash Cubes, Plus Camera Batteries.. - 4, CHOOSE FROM M.G.M. CAPITAL-- RCA VICTOR Mom, will recall your thoughtfulness each time 'she replays your gift. EXTRA: SPECIAL BISSETS ICE CREAM 1/2 gal. $ �c OFFER ENDS TH1$ SUNDAY AT 8 P.M. CARLTON GREETING CARDS FOR ALL OCCASIONS-- COME IN ' AND SEE OUR ' WIDE SELECTION OF Mofhers'