HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-05-04, Page 2eriGb44114‘444$14 Vila u y• y ' , lied` • Down Memory o • , f, K 11 Who Rej*cted Whom ? Sw to -be -out. of -line with am alternate - location. Goderich was found want- ing, as far as this particular indus- trial prospect was concerned. On the other hand, His Wor- While the fond hopes of a good- many ood many . residents of Goderich and district will be dashed by the news that an• industry has decided not to locate in Goderich, there is evidence that perhaps an even larger number are not .disappointed., In a report to the townspeople by Dr. G. F. Mills, mayor and presi- dent of, the industrial commission, it is indicated that the • industry concerned "cased", the place pretty thoroughly, and came. up with a negative clecision based almost en- tirely on economic grounds which have little to do with enthusiasm or lack of it on the part of Goderich -residents:..._-. _-r..__......a.. _ _ ..� �.. Costs of , raw materials, costs of • labor and costs of plant. under the proposed arrangement -were found ship indicates, and one cap imagine rather sadly, , that the response to the financial scheme calculated to° bring the industry here was less than enthusiastic, - Frustrating as it may be, it ap- pears those keenest on getting indus- try here will have to do it ; therm, selves., It is difficult td.. dismiss the idea that,there is a large body,' of opinion here that wants Goderich to remain a . small county town, "prettiest -town ire- Canada", a- quiet dormitory type of community. It,is not easy to discern who rejected whom Red. Shield Campai The early days of Spring bring with them- sales at all the stores .. . bargain days. when your money, goes. farther. New drapes for the living. room are cheaper .:. paint for the house, garden tools for the lawn and flowers. Spring also brings. with it the Red Shield campaign of the Salvation Army. And what a bar- gain it is. Nineteen services to hu- manity are supported - by The Red Shield Appeal. May marks the start . of the Salvation Army's Red Shield Cam- paign. The money,you provide out of your. abundarree'will go to smooth sorrow, and ease the load of, others LSD- D� There are no validated studies too. show - that 'creative stimulation results f ram the use of. LSD, Sidney Katz tells teenagers . in the ' May issue of the Canadian Churchman. Writing in "Trend", a special youth. supplement .to the% national monthly church paper, Mr. Katz states that the drug ' LSD does nothing for the unprepared mind.' "At the ve most the claim can be that,. in soda igtances, ,a .highly talented. and creative 've artist; 1h has mastered the -techniques of his art,_ may derive certain added insights from the chemical" , he writes. -- Mr. Katz, well known on social - affairs, says an ,,USD user, often ",suf- fers the ' delusion that he has become creative under the influence of LSD. "What really happens is that he has lost his critical, discriminating capa- city and this enables him to discern gn who might, become desperate. Through the community's cofltii- butions it, provides a helping hand and gentle counsel of the Salvation Army's trained workers. Help that Shield cover with protection and relief those whose need is great. Captain R. Wombold, local corps officer, states that there will be a door-to-door canvass on Mon- day, May 8th. Captain Wombold this year, as in the past,- is grateful for the , help of the Canadian Legion,. Auxiliary. who so willingly help with this appeal year after Year:If If you feel you could help with the canvass please call 524-9341. genius in his handiWork". Mr. Katz, who says he ha& re- ceived confidential, infor ma tion friends about the havoc being wrought by mink -expanding chemi- eals", predicts More tragedies will occur until teenagers, parents, doc- ,proach the problems realistically. - WiSely and cautiously used 55 Years A> o, -1912: Lang at a sp acil Set*vice, at Knox ► s" gat en �► Ontario'sChureli ea Monday eYeil,ing, They #�tquor licensing methods, Per* are Peter Jaltnes; Waa,ter, $, A:, taming to Goderich hotels, was and James Brain, B, hA.e Their the trn ont pare story cog led by ,ordination w#lt hark tk�e enta y The Signal la their issue Of lvlay intcl the ministry o1 four Yung 2`, "19i�; `T�tidw�tten�-�saourit �f • '�'on ,f�o�r►-I�n,ox �Fresbytea�,_ . - c?►ureh here, during the past the investigation occupied four two years Rev. Robert Bisset, dained two years solid columns of print en the front -pale, three Glunlns onpage and Rev. A. lacl)onald were, or a - _ 4 and the story concluded with a Delayed this spring because half.cplumn on page S. Highlights of abnormal ice conditions on Rev. J. Denald MacDonald, of the . proceedings appeared in ¢ sake su erior the grain shi iii "Blessed Street United . Church bold type at the •#op of the page season Opened at Goderich her- "Blessed` are the peace. as Mr, Eudo Saunders "'chief of On. bor on the weekend with a bang. makers.," (Matthew 5:9) ' Arrival,' of the Vandoc on Sat. "This is my commandment that talo Lique'r License department, uxdaY from the lakehead marked ye love one another" (John 15: hears evidence concerning hotel- m p Farr tls declaration; Com' one of four boats in over the week. What wt5uld you call the number or As uiter Patterson cha charges againstnSpecte end which pogred nearly a, mill.. One problem of this modern age? or Asquith deny against The population explosion rates „ ion bushels el grain into' eleva« them:eri other hotelkeepers in' God. ;high, as do hunggr and want, But, tors here, have swear they did not pay to Ione basic achievementhas eluded iso=,ing Canada Week, which have their licenses fixed. roan for over 6? years of this want international this year and A specialah meeting of Town may become 'coast -to .coast in twentieth century.- he -,has con. council was heldlast Fridayeven- scope next Year, wound, Jill here tinually failed to find 'a road that ing for the purpose cif renewing Saturday when Toronto Shopy's leads to Peace, and this failure a alive • tooth with the Gf f r rel• clinched the grandchampionship constitutes mankind's great hed • the a harbor n.of freight with an 8.2 win over a leg -weary, social problem, - _sheds at- the harbor and to, 'put Ti human;_ life as 'we have come Elmira squad keeper ' the first grain boat in and was 12) through,.• finally, the sale of the AGO 1966 to know it on this whirling planet p �, ONE YEAR 96 summer hot o er• to C. . , is to continue at a11, the achieve. C. Lee.','; The strike of employees'at God- ment of a peaceful way of life'for Read of the Signal Star erich Manufacturing Co. Ltd., mankind • becomes an absolute might • : interested in this ad. has _moved into its ninth week necessity. Peace is no longer a vertisement which appeared in and union officials say,there is no luxury for" the few. Wars ' musi. the issue of May 2, -1912. Settlement in sight. end. Cliches such as "limited "Excursion from Goderich to "The.way it is shaping upnow, war",, ' "preventive war" and D it on steamer Greyhound, it 'could be the longest strike in Ding to Detroit June l4thi re. G)derich history," said T. G, man's greed and hate are only turning June 17th; 2 1'/2 days in Harkness, business agent fpr the additional roadblocks thrown ac. Detroit. Detroit Tigers and Pen. United Brotherhood of Carpen. ross the path of man's search for lnant Winners play ball, June 15- ters and Joiners of America. peace. , 16." Sixty-four members of Local Peace is the location of thekey Word was received on Satur. 3054 of the union have been on • that will lead to co -existence; day of the definite intention of strike since negotiations for a - Peace is learning to live togeth. the Militia Department to hold new contract with the company er with people of other races, a training camp at Goderich this broke down. creeds and colours in an atmos. year. TIcI camp will be a larger Milton Rayner, manager of -the phere of justice brotherhood one than last .year's and will Bank of Montreal in Lulcknow for and mutual concern. Each' one of include infantry, cavalry andart. • the pasttenyears, hasbeentrans. "'these virtues i$.'a distinctively illery, ferred to Goderich as manager 'Christian virtue. In fact where Under the heading; Local Top. with the move to take effect in' such virtues are lacking, man is .ics, the. following incident is re. m'd-May. running in ' direct contradiction ported - A business booze has boosted :,, others that are used to justify 'to the basic teaching of Jesus. this sort because of what Jesus taught concerning God. God, Jesus. tells us, is equally concer. ned 'for every nation ender the sun. He plays favourites to no' one. This God cares for the in. nocent victims of.Hiroshima, as much as for A•mericanyoungmen spared, when such bombing for- ced the surrender of Japan. lie cares even for our enemies. We are in fact, constrained to love them, Many accept that God cares for some people but 'find it hard to credit a concern that is equally bestowed upon all sorts. Can you imagine a God of such tolerance? But,-'peac.e-,nnd. OnSequent co•. existence' continue elude man because he. refuse to accept a basic' premise of Je s, namely that Love knows no ographic borders;, is impeded by no pot. itical philosophy and s ,fes `rated by no kind of c system of economics. Love, "thank heavens" is made of sten• ner stuff, Now, recognition of this un: iversal way .of love does not imply tit there are no differences be. The United Nations is based on the, 'Proposition . that , people of many natioei sittinein council 1.-epresenting the divergencies of e on es. p Y ' assess fairly and justly problems races, creeds, ,colours and social positions are better a.ble tO W. H. Bullard, the town elect. the employment level at The • The Christian man in this age rician, had an unpleasant and de. Dominion Road Machinery eonl:, is forced t 0 a philosophy of cidedl • noverexoerienc an to a record level of, 310 -day afternoon. He was at the top personnel. L. B. "Buoicy" that frustrate men' and ii [t ns in their quest for peaceful exist. encs. -- Such a role must never•be ass,. umed by a few nations, polder* ti ful, and civilized as they may appear to be, For whatmayseen fair and defensive to one° nation,. may well be viewed a$,, quite off. ensive to another. Mankind must learn to Sit down together and seek solutions that stand in the way of worldwide, goodwill. Jesus directed his followers to be "peacemakers".' itGouldv'ell .be that he imagined that such «peacemaking" must begin in #tie life of the 'ordinary, individual. Peace wi1L•ntttbe.poSsible,for. nations until it is first found to be workable ameng individuals. Peace will never be promoted am. ong nations When millions- of in. dividuals harbour hatred totNards individuais`of theirown nation and • province. Shallowness and• mean. - ness make no contribution .'to. -ward brotherhood. As individuals, our possible personal contribution toward a goal _ of universal world brother. hood may seem' insignificant to you, bat -when such small offer. ings are multiplied by many thousands and millions.- a rough path will begin- to appear, Jesus did not regard the con. tribution of even one inividua'1 as meaningless. He acted out in his.. own life the conviction that men c�ui live as:b Q :er.st. iwon ave never been quite able to forget this one signal and outstanding example. Idealistic, you say? But what other way is there? • Letters To The Editor of an electric light pole in the . rn, Plantpersonnel mana.ger, has vicinity of the Kensington fur. hired 100 men for the company .niture factory and had loosened since last December and..".‘still Dear Sir: , . the wire for the Purpose of tight, has room for more." In your last editorial you wrote . "The town is tense". Unlike -- -ening it when the pole, broke off„. . ji,,,_ William (Bill) KearnS-lia-s. . at the ground and fell righfover been. appointed editor. of The . virtually'all other newspaper re. and MF.-Esuliard of course,.ca.me Signal Star succeeding. M.E.C. ports by various newspapers and dow-,i with it, He got a bad shak- (Mike) Cowley. M:':. Kearns media, yOur davorable account on this subject ma.8 a -pleasure • ing up but was verY fOrtimate in assumed his new dutieS this week. to read: your story' ,about it Was, , not sustaining more .8erious. in. . -,,Mr. Corless mlnager of the jury. The pole, it w.as found had Goderich branch of the Bank' of excellent .and will contribute to rwoetit:hdt banr:easit sooffo.n ; as the wire . Wintreal.,: announced that const. was released ', Mr. Bullard's ruction of spacious„ new, kir. • , , conditioned premises for this . people in thiS town andlet them a better understanding between feel . we''' still live in a democ. 15 Years Ago, 1952 , bank is scheduled to begin' in LSD may p'rove to be a boon to man - 'kind. It may, in certain carefully selected cases, enhance creativity and religious feeling, .he states. "But, for the most part," he says, 'Ipsychedelic substances are• being used destructively. The full story of suicides, accidents, dis- rupted lives and mental breakdown precipitated by the use of LSD has yet to be told", Not For Convenience -- Dissenters should be given rep- resentation on the Anglican -United Church general commission .on union, The Canaclian Chutechman - states in an editorial in its May^ The Churchman, the Anglican . Church of Canada's national month- ly newspaper, charges that gloyal recoid of , service second to' none" and who now oppose union with the * United Church, have been excluded from the commission. Each denomination has a group, of 20 'persOns on the,/ commission. The Anglican group was appointed by the cliureh's National Executive Council in consultation ,with an- other committee, Christian Unity and the 'Church Universal. The commission meets for, the seeond Editorial ',time June 13-14. The Churchman says the An- glican Church needs to review the membership of the comrnission, arid must exercise extreme sensitiVi in its appointments to the future sn-commissions which will study legal, doctrinal, liturgical and other "It Will be a tragedy if the dis- senters are left_as a wailing voice in the wilderness. They have been loyal members -,of the Anglican Church of Canada," the editorial The editorial says church union must be a union which draws to- gether people of faith and convic7 tion in a common conirnitthent to " Christ, not just an amalgamation for institutional Convenience. Brevities Our own Canadian Indians .-iave a way of expressing 'faint praise for something, :when they remark: ``It's better than, a'slap in the belly - with a wet, fish!" Almost anything is better than that, any experienced man wpuld tel! yo.u. pression whi61-1 seems to thinly. \ill envy fof others: "With some people, even their roosters. seem ,to lay Established 120th Year of', (iwitertril pubutration -L-0— The County Town Newspaper of Huron —0— PfibLished Goderich, Ontario every Thursday morning by Signal -Star Publihing Limited President and Publisher Mallaeill.K Wm. S. -7. HILLS, PlanVgapt. 1848 Subscription, Rates $$ a Year—To U.S.A. $6 (in advance) AuthOraee as Second Class Mad, Post Office Dept., Ottawa' ana for Payment of Postage in Cash mid May. But may I say „a few things? Five years ago..I moved from 'Today marks the openingof the • Thirty. six members of St. Lions Club's campaign to raise George's,Church, Goderich, and Kitchener to Goderich`and will 'never regret it: It is a wonder. $12,000 , required to install a one member of Christ Church, ful place to live and work, with permanent floor in the arena. Listowel, were confirmed'onSun. the modern schools, swimming, Close of the public subscription day evening by Rt. R ever end H. F. campaign is set for 'Saturday, . Appleyard, Bishop, of Georgian fishing and beautiful. ••silrioluid, j'une 14th, since, aecerding to , .Bay. sernion to the can. • ings: is a plb.de where you Arena -Commission, actual floor' didates the Bishop emphasiized can„bring-your -childreri up dec- l'arnroperations will have•to be. ority, of the high school students that "Freedom is not getting out gin about july 1st if the floor is of responsibility, but having the are good, hard working people .ttrbe ready for use for Old Horne righ to make our own decisions with' a gOod future arid life ahead responsibly for ourselves." Hockey sticks have been put and very few have tiine to goof Wednesday, May 28th, has been around. The survival of Canada's set 0.s a spegial day for digtrict away and 'soccer balls have been' Lions to participateAn the God. brought out in Goderich for the young people. it, • r erich Lions' perch derby and . su-rdrner. More than 100 boys invitations. will be. forwarded to- aged 12 'and 15 have been placed 1 ike to live in peace. But right now district clubs shortly. Special on four bantam teams in the God. . • 0I am fed up with some of the prizes will be awarded and a erich Minor §occer Association other kind. In every town, bi banquet will conclude the day's and they will be playing socCer small, you have some ro outing, ' • until the end•of August.. apples! Since I bought a house, About 16 new Canadians from . Europe „have recently been em. The Goderich chapter of Beta I spent every minute on . it to Sigma 'Phi celebrated the 35th make it a beautiful- place,to live ployed by Dominion Road Mach. anniversary of the organiiation's fotinding at a banquet held in - inery Company to, aid in a busy in: {,,But furthermore, since I program of work now under way the 13edford Hotel on April 26th. 'moved in I have been bothered at this plant. Mr.. John K. Sully' The first chapter of tife Sorority punks. They broke my garage general ma.nager of the company, was,.formed in Abilene, Kansas. windows with 'stones, last sum. stated that skilled tradesmen and T here are now 8,000 chapters and' nrr, they stOle that big sign technical personnel were re. 185,000 members of 15 countries. from, West Street, from the hor. quired from these European coun. Melvin Good was elected pre. ticulture society and put it up tries in order that "Dominion sident of the Huron County --Road in front of any--hopse and many „Roads" could fill their- defence Superintendents' Assoziation at other dirty...ras. -B,ut last Sun. contracts with the federal gover. its annual meeting held recently nment. in Goderich towuship hall, at Queen Juliana of the Nether.. Holmesville.' lands came back to Ottawa and Goderich area 'residents tea. a warm welcome recently„ for. a tured prominently in 11,000 farm. six-day, unofficial visit to the. 'ers 'with $1,444,287 invested in nation's ,capital and the Wartime common shares of the ill-fated birthplace of her third child. On , Farmers' Allied MeatEnterpris. hand to join in the enthusiastit es Co-operative Who probably greetings Were Rt. Hon. Vincent won't get a: cent for their shares, Massey, Cana.da's native.born a' cieditors meeting was told Goyernor.General, Who greeted last Thursday. 4° - royalty for the first time in his Area newsrrie.n had an opportun. new appointment, and a beaming. ity to view the site. of the 1966 Prime Minister Louis St.- Laur. plowing match near Seaforth re. Ten Years' Ago, 1p57 the focal committee which has nearly completed their plans for the October 11, 12, 13, and 14th matoh: Officials who have attend. ed, most of these matches indic. ated this is the' first time thez., have not been crowded for space for the tented city &Kea. Ronnie Feagan, he-at:ling for his second- -dom Won dashiwinnine title tallied a 3 kart.trick Friday night at Mohawk Raceway, The clever young reinsman from God. erich, who reined 213 winneri in 1965 poeted three wins and one third frotri five drives on thenine race card. A century and one-quarter of servioe te the spiritual life Of Goderich will be observed by North Street United Church, on Sunday. It was way back in June 30, 1832, that a handful of people gathered ' the office of the *Canada Co any here for the first recorded meetieg of the Street United congregation orig. "Juron county,council will have nine additional members next year due to a change -in the-Miin.' icipal Act, states A. H. Erskine, county clerk -treasurer. Nine municipalities Which do not have them In 1958. The change will send the membership of Huron county council 31 members up to 40 members. Two young men from the con. gregation of Knox ichurch will be ordained into. the miaistry of the,. Presbyterian Church in Canada Personals bell, 200,, Wilson . Street, have returned tiothe after spending the winter in niscon, Arizona. ming Faye E. Mo10.dylieg, N. of 'Victoria Hospital London Ont., visited with, her 4.-reinchriother, Mrs. Catherine Chisholln. iiiejbe T. PRYDE SON Memoriais ,Finest Stone and E2Torienoed Workmanship Rank Mellwain R) ENITIVOITIVE unam. or 200 Gibbon*, 13t. 5244465' a very strong -wire on my do,or handle which ran over the road to a dark spot 150 feet away and tied it tb a tree.. That means it would -be .a deathtrap for any motoeist or some young people on a motor bikel Furthermore,: they stole and broke a hundred- yeariold bell from my name post, which I found late! en the,pther side. Those .1-fooeleme are not only -trespassing and prowling at night, but they are Constantly wilfully destroying property. We have a good police force, bet can't be every.where.' I know the name and I have ser this scum, but the police need proof. Thisonly Con. fir ms my distaste for such_hood. lums and increases my sorrow for thie 'Vile behaviour; The0.0 young -punks seem still under the • impression that the world owes them.something. You would think they are grown.up boys with -grown-up ideas. I ,won. der what is next? I won't take the law in my iown---hands, but can' and will protect my family and my property. Qne of these days I will get one of those eeulprits and bring him to justice. Carl A. Nall; 138 Wilson St. The GOderich Folk Music Guild is a recently formed • grotip of young people-S.boet ten at pres. ,ent, only some of whom -actually perform. We are sponsoring a ,..eoncert on May 6, Maturing folk and country music with perfor. mers from the Goderich area and Toronto. The proceeds will be used to help establish a coffee house in Goderich to. provide' a, "place to go" this slimmer for teenagers and young adults.' Eyery weekend it would have en. tertainment, both local, andfrom other parts of southern Ontario. We believe that folk music, be. cause of -its uniVersal appeal, could become very popular in Goderich, II it is. not so al. . ready! During the week our coffee house wpuld- be open afternoons and evenings, as a place for con; versation, cards, poetry read. ing (1), chess etc. We 'would like to experiment with' various fancy kinds of coffee and teas! Earlier this year we tried to get the support of the town incur effort (*e feel that our—idea would make a great contribution to the ,,Scanty recreation avail- able here). Despite the help of Mayor. Mills to our cause, we could not arouse anyl'interest in our .prOject. have C. hope very Much' -that MI. se who see the need for a e t. er variety of. available .recre. ation,- will come' out fel our con. cert and help make it a success. Many ,people in Goderich will remember the folk concert of Jan. uary 21st at the High School (sponsored„by the Presbyterian Young People for their Orphan project) which we helped to or. ganize. This concert will be just as good, and we hope to see -every. body there! Goclerich Folk • Music -Guild BOY SCOUT APPLE DAY FRIDAY NITE & SATURDAY ', FRESH- -18-10:LB, AVG. TURKE lb. 39, io REAL,, TENDER - . FOR, THAT FAST MEAL , STEAKETTES lb. WE SPECIALIZE IN' DOIN6 ALL FORMS OF CUSTOM KILLING — CURING. and SMOKING OF MEATS OPEN WEDNESDAY AFT"ERNOON OPEN THURSDAY - FRIDAY 'TM 9 !).m. FEATURING 'Horne Dressed InspAsected 5244551 • •