HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-3-31, Page 1pabserlbe for The' gX6TER 'ilDVOCATL Only fif from new till ,Tanatary 1st 1893 Give i a trial 1- 1-- iy,,L,Weelya , VOL IV, EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH31, 1892. *,;;;t.*+• The .111)11004T4 OITICE.; ---whAni, need iiffa- 1 ifeeade and Envelopee- feet Sale Bills. Par d .Letto all Made of printiXIK• The Maisons Bank. (Chartered by Piir1iaraent,1855.) Paid up Capital .... $2,000,000. Rest Fund.. . 1,100,000, Read office Montreal, F. WOLFERS'rAN THOMAS, Esq., letENE Ar., MANAGER. Money advanced, to good Farmer's ontheir Own notes with one ur more endorsers at 7 per cent per anallal. Exeter Branch. Open every lawful day from 10 a. .to 1p. m., Saturdays 10 a. in. to 114 in. A gerieralbanking business transacted Four pe r cent, per ipintun al.lowed for mon- ey on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 0 per oent. N. DYER HURDON Exeter, Jan 28, '83. Sub 'Manager. THE exerr Abrocatg Is published every Thuisilay Morning, . at the Office, MAIN-STI-1.ZET, - X.ETER• theSANDERS'PTJBLISKINGCOMPANT. P" TERMS'OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid in. Advance. $1,50 if not so paid. areaatertio5zaz Mato* OM, ...R.paelicia- tiaer... -- No ant per discontinued until all arrearages are paid. Advertisements without speoific directions will be publishea till forbid ana charged. itocordingly. Liberal discount Made for transcient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PRLNTING turned out in the finest style, e,nd at moderate rates. Cheques ononeyord- ers, &.e. for advertising, subseriptions, eta:. to be made payable to SaliderS & Sweet Peopitieeons church Directory. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH.--nov, F. if Plitt. Rector:. Sunday Services, it a,. in and. 7 p. Tfl. abbath School, 2.30 p. in METHODIST Cairacii-Sames-st , Rev. A. L. Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services, 10,30 a. m. Rude.%) p.m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. m. MAIN STREET-ROv. W. MoDOMI,,11'Pas- tor. Sunle,y Servieee,11,00 a.m. awl. 6.30 p.m. Sa bin). t h School 2.30 p. m. PRESBYTERIAN C111:111011.-P,OV. W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 a. m. and 6.30 p. in. Sabbath. School, 9.45 ti. m. Pa oression cares. HiKINSMAN,L.D.S, Fansoit's Block -o doors north. of Latelieg Store:, MAIN STREET, EX WIER, extritets teeth without aia. Away itt tieneall on 15t Friday; Ausit Craig ou end and. atil Tuesday; and Zurich on last l'hursday of each month.. 11. INGRAM, DENTIST, Member B.oyal - , • Obliege Dental Surgeons, successor to . L. Billings. °thee over Post oftice xeter, Ont. A. safe anaesthetics given for the painless extraction of teeth. line Gold Filliags as required. Medical. •••••=m11•1=1............m.*•••••••••=igen wffrigLY, te. D.,C. M., PELYSICIAN e./ • and. Snrgeon. Officeand., reeidexice- Corner Victoria eanl Elgin streets, Goiferiel,' Outario. FIR. J. A. ROLLINS. OFFICE -MAIN ST. Residence -Corner Andrew and North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. 1-1 R. T. P. MeLAUGFILLN, MEMBER OF the College of Phyeicians arid SurgeonS Ontario. Physician, Surgeon -and Acconeli- eur. Office, Dashwood, DR. T. A. AMOS, M. D:, C. M, Member of College of Physicians and. Surgeons, Ontario; licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Edinburgh; licen- tiate of the Faeulty of Physicians and Sur- geons, Glasgow; Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Toronto. Office -Dr. Cowen's obi. etand. Legal. 1) II. COLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT - .1 -IJ• OR, Conveyancer, ,NOtary Public. Office -Over 0'1161'6 Bank, Exeter, Ontario, Money to Loan. II. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. 1-4. of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyanzer, Gammissioner, &c. Money to loan Oflice-Fa IIS on's Block, Exeter. & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- itore, Conveyancers, &c. Money to loan at 6 per cent. B. V. ELnio'r, M.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••11111.... 3. ELLIO'T Ametioncere. TA- BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Ai:ca- ll. ioneer for the Counties of Perth ana nadlesex, also for the township of Ushorne Sgaie promptly iittended to and termsre.ason able.Sales arranged. at Post office, Winch elsa A 3. ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Licens- .040aaed Auctioneev, for the tounties of Eur - on and Middlesex. Residence: 1 mile south of Exeter, Out. Sale Orders by mail or other- wise promptly attended to at reasonable prices. 114 BOSSENBEItRY, Hensel' Ontario. Lie- • °rise& Auctioneer for the Countys of Ruron and Perth. Charges moderate and atisfacti,,H guaranteed. TIIARDY, Licensed Auctioneer for the ''' 1-4s County of Huron. Sales Conducted on reasonable terms. Farm anaParm Stock a s pecialty. Full arrangements can be made s. at this office, , .. , 4 ORED. W. FARNCOMJ3, Prov Lana. • L' Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office, Over Post Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont. flAIVD MILLE11, Veterinary. Surgeon Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College,Torouto; (Successor to Wm. Sweet, V.5 Over 18 years practice. :Office' kb d residenee ono block east of Richard Pickards store, Opposite Skating Rink, Exeter, OM. FAR M§ FOR SALE. West half ef lob 10, concession 11 n .the township of Us he ne.i n the eminty OfPIOrO17 iamtaining therein 80 acres more or Loos There is about 30 acres (31 551511 and the bal- ance bush, being.mixed. with black' a,1±' and eedar. A good NV aul-rnill with a good well of weber emit weti suited for stock raising. Yor tilt thee" par titulars apply to Geo. Run t- Ridgetown or to Sohn Bunter, Tr. Exeter Fort SALE OR TO RENT. Those premises known as the Comm ernial Rotel in the town of Clinton, together with the Stabling awl appitetenances. Also theee premiee.s in the village of Exeter kn OW11 as 010 (1110011'8 Roteland the brick 81020 ad - ,mining the hotel and used as it genaral store arid Post Office, The above propettal will be sold on easy terms. Per eertleetars eerily to the proprietor, 40IT X BOSSIER, lots Maitland concession, Colborne Tp. Ben. miner P. 0. Tann, SALE. ' say that they are furpished by a , 0101* Two Excellent Farms Lets Fivea4 Six 1 ClUg'hlY Pe"rs°n' A Y°14'Ln ngmn r Second 0Q0collSSIOIR of Tisborne. (200 aor(s.) was hauling tlinherwith allingle horse, about 3 miles from Uxoter. aernis sasslee when it caught its foot, between two ot pertieulars apply to DeetAQT & RLLIOT, her pietet; nimble to. eXteeiftte it; the soneitors, youth went for help, and, found, on his March, seta 1693. . Exeter, return, that the animhai al d thrown t- s.elf and broken its leg. Some one was called in to end its existence, who cut its throttle, ;thinking that it would. bleed, to death, and there left is. The night was bitterly cold,and in the morn ing the poor brute was found standing at the stable door, its broken leg dang ling; it was then fed some hay, but, of course could not swallow it, and in or- der telend the puor thing's tnieery, it was finally knocked on the head. with an axe. The horse, though working in Hullett. was owned by a Clintoniau, who of course, knew nothing about its sufferings. pROPERTY FOR 8-At,E. The following valuable property comings. ing lobe east half ee, Thames Road, by. meiteurement aeree, On the land is a splendid frame houseitud. stable, geed. well, a number 01 7017135 trees, and many other accommodations. Also two acres of land situated on Main street, north of Lake Road. For terms aml particulars apply to .rone THOMPSON, Ray P 0. .........••••••••••44.11140.11•11120101110•••••••••11. HOTEL FOR SALE. The Devon Hotel and property, situated miles south of Exeter, uom prising I at ac- res of land. with frame stable and 'shed will be sold. on reasonable terms. Possession given at any time, For further particulars appkyleili, H. Dickson, barrister, Exeter, or to /t1:. Kellancl, proprietor, on the premises. FARM FOR SALE. One hundred acres, more or less, being Lot 7, 1011. 6, 'Township uf Usborne. County of Huron, 90 aeree .iinder good cultivation, well drained, geod orehard.two frame barns frame stable, Tvvo.Storey Brick Dwelling, & two good wells of water on the premises.For ftuther particuloys apyly to Ma. JOHN CORNISH 250-33 St. Th am as, Ont TO CONTTRACTORS. Sealed tenders will be reeeived at the office of the undersigned until Saturday, April 2m1, for the V0110115 works required in the erection ofa Ovick Sunday School. and Rectory for the Tri vitt Memorial chureli, Exeter. Plans and specifications may bo seen either at O'Neil's lain lc or the. offiec of the architects,Londen. No tender necess- arily accepted. MCBRIDE: & JONES, Archi- tects, 213 Duffield Block, London. AleiliaispellaisMigraMEMMeWar $ 7 5 9000.00. -Ail persons who want _ CHEAP MONEY at 53, 6 and 6 PER CENT should call -at; the_ Office of It IL COLLINS LAME POR ILLUSTRATE n EATIILEI GET of Ladies Specialties. A DDItEaS: The Parisian Medical Appliance Co., 19 Queen-st. E., Toronto, Out. Mentionthis paper. VINIMIRMIN Beet Wanted. ' A '&401rfinilidy-'Wara- ted a'Conee to learn the art of photography, apply to Joseph Senior, Exeter. Council Proceedbms. The council met pursuant to ad journment at the Town Ball, Exeter, 23rd March 1891; all present The min uto of the previous meeting read and confirmed,' The following sums were ordered to be paid. viz: Thos. Welsh $1.50 labor; Wm, Creech $3.50 do; S. Powell $3.'75 do; and Jas. Creech $2.00 charity to Jas. Gould; $1 ,do to Mrs. Wilcox, and $3.50 Wood for Town Hall. Christie -Ross -that the • Reeve and Deputy he a committee to direct the Road Com -with regard to scraping the streetaanddisposal of screpings.-Car ried. 'The Council adjourned for three weeks. M. Eacnnre,, Clerk, Sick Lint. We are pleased to announce that Mr James Down has recovered sufficiently SO as to be seen again wow streets. Mrs. Samuel Sanders, who has been ill for severaldays, is slowly recovering. ---0n Monday Mr. John Hawkshaw was stricken with an attack of inflam- mation, and thoughts of his recovery were doubtfill. but the disease haying been checked in time, lie is now recoy• ing..-Mr. James Gould. is slowly =- preying 111 health. --Mr. James Harvey: who we reported last week as being ill, recovered sufficiently so as to allow WM to again resume his labors. -Mrs. Martin, of .Devon, left on Monday for London where she will undergo an op eratien and speeial treatment for some inward trouble, 1-4.11.•-• Prospect Hill. - The debates held in the Patron lodge have been quite interesting, and some- times, instructive. The last, on the blissful conditions of sing'le and mar ritld life, was so ably handled by fresh youth and settled bachelor in behalf of singleblessedness, that they had an ea- sy victory, leaving their oppone,nts to sadly consider the folly on former day when they rashly plunged themselves 11110 a condition from whith they can- not now extricate themselves. -Last week another of the old residents of this neighborhood passed aWily after a brief illness, Mr. Whitinen had at- tained the advanced age of pearly eigh ty-ai st years. The ee rt ly house had for some time -lean totterieg to fall, so that, at the tench of death's finger, it fell and the °eminent lied nway. His remains wore laid to reel in the licliityre cemetery, to sleep in silent slumber. B.ullet. Cratesterv --A Case of cruelty to horse is reported that does not hardly seem possible, arid while giving the nl- leged particulars, we will not Youth for their coetectilese, further then to gibe Clinton. Mr, Geo. Beacom ex -student with Dr Blaokall of this town, his graduated from the Ontario Veteripary College, Torouto. Mr, Beacom took high honors in Pathology and Materia Medica, and wilt no doubt make good use of his ac- quireinept in lessening the ailment to which "hoss" and other quadrupedal flesh is heir to be acquires by accident or mismanagement. it is possible he may open an office in Dungannon. Mr. Beacom was equal in Best General Ex- amination with Mr. Botkin of Indiana for whieli a• gold medal was offered. But for some reason Mr. Botkin was awarded the medal and Mr. Balle0121 had to be content with first Honors. Brewster. Mr. P. Ross was to Goderich last week on busiziess.-Mr. 0. Gilmore, of Forest was visiting friends in these parts last week. -.-The uuiform promotion exami- nation was held in S. S. No. 5 on Fri day of last week. The fallowing 'are the names of those who whie promoted From part second junior to Senior, Ma- bel Jennison, Amelia Curts, Ada Hart- man. From Part 11, Sr., to Second, Lloyd Taylor, Lizzie Sacks. From Jr. II to Sr. II, Myrtle Taylor, Ermine Trmnner, Hilliard Vino From Sr. III to Jr. IV, Gordon Turnbull. Willie Pol lock, Mary Pollock, Hannah Curts. L. Taylor, Sam Taylor. From Jr. IV to Sr IV, Thos Turnbull, Sol Pollock. Miss A. M. Por,Locs, Teacher. --Some of the neighbors arnund are busy in their Sugar bushes. They repert the run of eap on Friday and Saturday of last week as being very good. - Mr. Taylor of Bayfield, is visiting frieude in those • 'Ebenezar. Mrs. George Fisher is cono. iJl at present. -Mr, Thos Bissett has purchas• ed a. pair of fine colts. -Mr. John Hey weed has leased his farms to his sons for a number of years. -Mr. Charles Perkins had a wood bee on Tuesday last.: -Mr, J. J. Cornish was the guest of Mise Elizabeth Westcott on .Sunday last. -The young conservatives of this neighborhood had an oyster simper on Thursday evening last at the residence of Mr. William Fisher. The •large crowd.that a saembled amused them! selves at various games until midnight when it was announced ,that supper was ready and then all repaired to the spacious dining room and did ;ample service for the inner man. Songs and speeches were then indulged in for some time. James Falls gave a lew of his choice songs. Richard Coates, Jes sie Westcott and others made'Speeches; declaring in strong terms their approv- al of the policy pursued by Preriiier Abbott and Sir John Thompson. Ex cellent music 'was furnished by the Coatesband. About three o'clock the meeting broke up,and after all had be their thaeks to the hest and hostess for their hospitality, dispersed to their several homes. • - Kirkton One of tliose pleasing and ieterestine., affairs NV 1PC11 usually causes a ripple of excitement took place at . the resid- ence of Mr. John Elliott yesterday (Wed) the occassion being the uniting - in bonds of Wedlock by the Rev. Fletcher his eldest daughter Rebecca to Mr Joseph Kirk. A number of friends witnessed the tying of the nup- tial keot and partook of a sumptuous repast provided for the occasion. , The bride was the, recipient of a 'lumber of costly and 'useful presents, We wieh the happy couple peace, happiness and prosperity. A large conceurse of people assemb- led on Sunday last to attend the funer- al eerviees of the late Mrs. Robert Crete ry, Jenior. who died at 'her resident* ion the 19th caceesien of Usborrie: themornino of Fridaye March 261h, In the 68th yen r of her age. Her renia,itiS w01' followed by 'a procession abetit mile in length froln the lionne, where Short toile:kills servicee were condutted, by tier p55101', Rev. D. Steele.. WTheir they reached,$e. chuech, the lip-. preseive burial set vice of the Churek of EnglaedWas reed, soitable hythes reedered'oye the -choir,:and 9.11.• approp- riate' eeamon , Wachtel . by , Rey. Mr. 8001e,.. 111vs, :niece vU1be greatly missed in the.chureh el which She watt a feithful and active meinbee, We.tentige 01±6 eondolenge to the be. reaVed husband ond feenily, heisting they may bo ItImmtroitly sustained by the hopes and consolations of the gosp. Se. pee doemi 13rucege1a. ," Mr. Geo. AfeCartney left for Moose JawoN W. T. with. one car stock ete,ou on Tuesday. --Mr, Wm Ross left for Gainsboro Man. Tuesday, Sorry to see you, usseld boy. ---Mr. Angus Beat tie and Miss May Beattie are visiting at W. Robt Smith left fin' Moole Jaw Tuesday in eha,rge of Geo, MeCartney's car.As Bob is a hustler he will no doubt do well in the west. -A. Douglas Blake was in town this week. --Miss Whrteman, Kipper' has opened out it dressmaking shop in town, Brussels. On Tuesday morning the' people of BruSiielS and vicinity were disturbed by the announcement that MeIetosh & McTaggart, private bankers, had 5us pended, and that the manager andsen- mr pettier had gone to Darts unknown The firm ,have been caerying on busi- ness' at Brussels for about tift:en years, and etijoyed the confidence of the en- tire community, , and in consequence there are many depositors. They .were believed to, have had rrei ny years of prosperity, and to be comparatively wealthy, and, it was only-ou the open- ing ofte.branch of the. Standard Bank last Arilthat their business showed signs'of deny. Much sympathy is felt for Mr.' Meintosh. who is regarded by all as.'a strictly 'straightforward men, end, the concensus of lednion 18 that the trouble arose from weak judge ments rather than dishonesty, Stephen. M. John Dearing, of Marlette, Mich., who 18 at present visiting friends here, met with a painful accident on Satur, day last while assisting' his mother in carrying' some pans of scatted milk to the cellar, Missed his footing and spit. led the hot milk upon his hand which has become v..ry painful. -Wood bees have been the order of the day of iate. There has been no less than tVi'enty. one of thoSe.gatheilegs on the second,third, fourth and fifth coneessions and all within the lirints, of two and a half 1» fact there are 'Very few that have not been among the number This Speaks well for the general good feeling existing in this locality. -1 he time wilt scion be here when we will be greeted ith a in 'niece' festival every hour of the day and every day of the weeki.when every tree will be a choir and eYery,poncl 0± water,a full orches- tra and the baliayair filled with .frag. ranee 'of - springing flowers and the merry'Alutp,of the, youth .behind the Zurich. Mr. Louis Weber who has been in Rochester for the past year at the bricklaying business has returned home on a visit. It appears that Ro- aeater agrees with him for Louis is meeting with success there. -Mr. Adam Fuss, of Mich., formerly of this village is home on a visit. -Wm. G. Hess left for Detroit last Tuesday where he in tends to work at the watch repairing business. Success to you Billy. -Miss Annie Brenner left for Detroit this week where she is employed as a ser- vant girl. -dr. Jas. C. Stacey of Hen-, sall"was in town on business this week -The old store formerly owned by C. 'Wagner &Sen has been torn down which greatly adds to the appearance of the town., -Mrs. J. F. Schuettler is valetudinary. --:We are having a fine 'spell of VreatNer and gardening will soon be the Order of the day. -Mr. & Mrs Kuntzinger are the guests of Mr. E week. -Mrs. Henry Phaff is vivitirig her daughter in Blyth. -Mr. Fred Hess Sr. last Monday en,ter tained a number of his friends to an oyster supperThe contractor of the bigmarsh drains will soon commence operations The machines etc., have already arrived. They intend to start to dig' from -the Zurich road. Greenway. Mr. Chas, M. Wilson, who left here soine time 640,for Aurora Hill, has se, eured,a situation ae eouductor on one of the leading railroads of that plaoe.- The Men:there ,of L. O. L. 219 turned oht and cut about 20 cords of woad for their brother Robert Taylor, who has been piek for some time -Mrs, Sarah Watson has decided to remain on Mr. D. Gilbert's fern] for the present year. - The select men in conjunction with the mayor have ordered side walks to be bent in the prineipal streets in our thriving eillage.-Mr. Robert English, our prosperous and meter black. smith, has purchased a well bred driv iug horse..-Weexpect to be supplied with a daily mail Service after Wed- riesdayee--Mr. Jernest Brophey and . ser oral of the Grand Bend fishermen' made .several.hauls with their seines in the. river last Monday ried sueceeded in drawing .out 1 dozen fine fisin-1.-The congregation ef.' Grate church Were disappointed in their minister last Sue - day. They were sorry to leaerr of his being detained on account of sickness They, united with the Methodist .elitech congregation and Rev. J. E. Holmee, preached a Very interesting arid 'in-' .strnetiVO. sent on ,-:-The inertia kit ser- Viee.of the.late J.: B. Watson will ,be. held1» the,BoSton M. elrerelainext bath. April mber Of • our leading farm eee have ordered the ,110118. tO en .etrike whilo eggs. remain at Spring Fairs. Mitchell Exeter Crediton , • .... Lucan Granton „ Brucefield St. Marys Listowel Strathroy , . Kirkton Parkhill Ilderton .April 5th; " 12; " 13; 13; 14; 15; 19; 22; 22; 8. 14, 20. • 17 17 .4 44 .4 17 Hibbert. Quite a number of farmers have conitnenced sugar making in this vi- cinity;. -Mrs. Chubb, of. Stiiffe, Who has been 111 for some thine with la grippe, is now eonvaleSeent,-Misa Lizzie Hamb• ly is visiting friends in Stratford, -Miss Nellie Whyte was the guest of Mr's, W. W. Thompson 911 SULday last. -WANT- ED. -5000 9091S and shoes that need re. pairing to be left at the leading cob bless, next door to Windsor Castle, T. Gueencrr, Statile-We have this v, -eek to chronicle the death of Ma Joseph Armstrong, of the 10th concession.who departed from this life on Saturday laele Deceased had been troubled with sciatica for some time when death released him of his suffering. The re- , mains were interred in Roy'e semetery on Sunday, followed by a large nun - of friends and relatives Deceased was. a Member of 1. 0. F. Tie leaves a widow and four children to mourn his loss, We extend to them our heart fe,ltmpathy in this their time of u troble, Communication. DEAR EGITOR. A emn m1.1 nie at ion whieh appeared in the Huron Expositor of the week before last has just been-shewn me. It appeared under the, head of Cromarty uetys but, oue can easily see the face of Usborne Tom, sticking up between the lines. Now Dancing Tommy takes slightly more credit to himself than the actual facts of the case entitle hint to. When I inform. Trow's light fccited t•Midpighter" that from begiening to end, the matter was put up as a joke on himself, and that driving and kid- napping e Ambrose was a Simple means adopted to tease our "Cameron ian" son of Terpsichore. He will see where the laugth comes in. What a 110 Welled fit representatiVe of the "Cain eronian" clan, Tommy will feel him- self, when he quietly retivets upon the pitiable figure he presented in the: wietieee 134as$out,lu porth.!s : dealeing. dummy; Whett he i tafertned; 'aa is the .faet, that Ambrose was a. Pridham man from the drop of the hat :and,. vot- ed that way, and last, .1)10not least; when he allows himself to contemplate for a moment the results of his heroic labor for Jim Trow, in his own Town- ship of Usborne. ExISTER JOAN. Around About Ifs• • John Kennedy, a prominent farmer, of Blanshard, committed suicide by shooting himself on Friday mdrning. His mihad been affected for some time past, and the last few days he had been unusally despondent. Mr. Delgaty, teacher:No. 1, Stephen, is gettipg up a spelling competition] among several of the neighboring schools. Nine are chosen from one school to spell against a picked nine from another. Words taken from the third reader. • P. Roigan, 0± Limerick, was thrown from a load of hay and had his leg broken on the 17th inst. Chloroform, was administered while the bone was sot and the unfortunate man was de lirious for some time the next day. After a nine days trial at Hamilton Bertram and Lottridge, charged with the murder of Heslopeatreasurer of Wentworth county, were acquitted, a large number of witnesses sweaaine• that prisoners were elsewhere on the night of the murder and could not have been at the scene of the murder. The general impression outside is that they are the guilty, ones, and that some tall swearing was done. Ira Bice and Samuel Scheldown, his brother in law, and hired men were ar restedyesterday by Detectives Allen and Crawford on a charge of felonious breaking and larceny. They were re - mended till April 1st by Squire J. B Smyth. The cemplaiunnt in the case is the proprietor of Siddars Mills, in Lobo. On Tuesday night his barn was entered by some one,. who drew the staple. and carried oft' nine bags of flour. Detective, Allen had charge of the case, and he measured the horses' tracks and the tracks of the men, and traced the traeke to Biee's place at Buffalo, in McGillivray Township. A quantity of flotir was found theree but no trace of the bags. 011 November 7 last Bice left a big lot of wheat at the miti to be ground. Soon afterward the mill was so damaged by a freshet that it was feared it woud be swept away altogether. Bice had a good deal of trouble in getting; his grist; and Sieldall offered to pay him eash Or the wheat, but the offer was not accepted. The leak instalment of, flour reeeived from Bice was 'four hundredweight te- ken from the stock in the barn, arid there was Still a, small quanitv due with:1031w offered to let go. The de- fendant, TM Bice, is a stiti of Artemus Bice, of Clantleboye, who had ' tronble 9. yeite tee two ago with the yoting man who mended his daughter. NO Will -tereeeeeeeeeeeeer Varna. A, SAD CAS/I.-Mr. Jas. Bootle son of Mr. Wm. Booth, of the Gdshen Line5. whose mind had become deranged started out on a tramp on Tuesday' morning of lest week and walked fronr his father's reaidence to Mr. Aildrew Reid's. Par Line, a distance of nearly six miles, bareheaded, barefoeted and" without a coat. His feet vvere so badly frozen that medical aid had to be sum- moned. He was removed to Goderich. on Friday, Grand Bend. The roads are very bad around ,outee burg' at present, but we hope to soon have good roads on account of fince weather. -Our storekeeper Mr. S, Ora - ton has a fiee lot of goods and selling' - cheep, Pleese give him a.call.--Mr. G., of Brewster, is the frequent guest of Miss J. K. in the evepings, He goes in good old Irish style -pants rolled up. to the knees. Call again Sam. -Mr. Tetrea it and Miss L. Adair were joined in wedlock Thursday let. Your sore tepOndent wishes them much joy and' a happy wedded life. -0, W. is talking of keeping' bachelors hall agatti latit; watch out were his smoke flies. The ditching machine to be used .13,.. the ditch through Hay Swamp areiveik at the station during the weekeind the men have unloaded it aud taken it away. Operations are expected to be - On as soon as weather will permit.;je Mr. James •McTaggart has resumed; is situation as clerk with Dr. Macdarmid. Mr. S. Hunter has gonee to Bradgate, Iowa, and if pleased with: the country will establish FL home for himsell.-The closing meeting of the- Youog People's Mutual Improvement Society will be held shortly. -Mr. Robt. Patterson is busily engaged this week getting the timber ready for the erec- tion of new saw mill. --Mr. Cook after completing his course at the business college has returned and will rethain here for some time. --A large crowd greeted the speaker, Mr. J. E. Tom, at the open meeting of the Royal; Templars of Temperance on Tuesday - evening and listened 10 11 stirring 'ad- - dreste-The Trustees of Heesall Publie School have rented the old store on, Patterson's ewer, London Road, and are having the same fitted up.to be us-. , ed for teaching purpOsea until'the.new addition is'completed.---Our Afechaniet - are begindingifte make preparattions 10 CerilaitenCialheir Stinamees ' William Dempsey, who has bOn away on a week e vacation, has returned: 'looking norm the worse. ---.Miss Thomp- son, of Ailsif Craig has been the guest of Mrs. G. D. Arnold during the nese week. -The proceeds at the clese of the lecture given by Rey. Mr. Henderson. last week ameunted to about $50. -Mr J. Reith and faintly have left for their home in British Columbia. Their many friends in this neighborhood wish them a bright and pleasant future. -Mrs. Smallacombe is visiting friends and relatives in and arounll Thomas Murdock still continues to ex- ercise his equines daily and no doubt before the season ia ended many Of our local sports will find that he has some- thing swift. -Mt. Thomas Berry has- hed!. number of iirOrk Men engaged foe several days enlarging his sale -stables to makUroom for his ever increasing trade. -Mr. William Welsh has secur- ed the contract for the erection of a school house in the teweship of Hibbert. The Snow has just about all disappear- ed in this neighborhood and we are. looking forward to an early spring. BIRTIRS• DAVIS.--In Exeter, on the 26111 inst. ,- the wife of Mr Daniel Davis; of a . daughter. DEATHS CRETeRY -In Usborne, on the 25tbe inst., Mary, beloved wife of Robert Creery, aged 68 years. MARRIAGJES. HaNneonn-LoGG-In Exeter, on the 23rd inst., by the Retv. F. H. Fatt, Mr. I. Handford, to Airs. James Logg, all of 'Exeter. . „ WEesn-Lotecs.-in Exeter, on the , 23rd inst., by Rev. A. L. Russell, ' A.; BD, Mr. John Welsh, of Usborne, to Mrs. Emma Long, of Exeter. Ha Rat s---Sweier---ein Exeter, on the• 2911i hist, at the residence ot the bride, Huron street, by the Rev. A, L. Russell, Mr. Henry Hartle, 'of:Pal- merston, to Airs.: ,Pmhbe Siveet 'ef Exeter. gaitet-Elliott-At the residence of the bride's pareuts, on Wednesda,y, Mareh 3011), by the Rev. Mr. Fletcher Joseph Kirk tip, Ali8s Rebecca,, eldest daughter of' 'John Elliott, All of Kirk 100. Hon TON --‘14n-vonre-At the Man F‘xeter, on the 2131d inet , by Rev. M Martin B D. Mr. Noah Horton to Mies Emily sawed daughter of Roble Newell Esq , all of the Township of. Tueltersmith, Stelerme---IlonoeMe -At the 'Aiethodist. parsonage, Crediton, on the 16th, inst., by the Rev Mr, Redmond, Mr, Joseph Sutton'to Miss Agnes Hodge. son. Both of 'AleGillivrev,