HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-04-20, Page 164QUert! n Sityai.b,tar> ear Ann Landers ` iltir$04y, Aped O, l cal SAYS :DOGS BETTER BEHAVED THAN SOME HUMAN BEINGS —pear AIM Linde -14z I slaver read our cgtwnu;j happened to gl ee_ at it the other day While apping the garbage. I scovered tli t you don't appy a of dogs inihotele, which didn't surprise rate; but I was dumbfounded by the stupidity of Tour argument. , You said u had never been biyou tten by a guest in an elevator or kept fawake at night by a per- son who barked in the next room. Well, I have never bee bitten by a guest in an elevator either, but I have been pinched, kicked,. stepped' on, shoved, poked in the eye and niteover the head. Does that count? r travel a great deal, both in the U.S. and abroad. I wish I. -ham a dollar `for every hour,' of Sleep I have missed because People - were -quarrelling • iirtlre next room, I have •lost count' of the nights I have been kept up •by roaring drunks on con. vention holiday. who think it is cute to ' go banging on every door on the floor. And then, of course, There is the inevitable snorer who" must have himself ,hooked tip to a load speaker system. So please don'pt talk any mure , about dogs versus people. Dogs are far better behaved both at home and when traveling. --A Hound's Best Friend. Dear "Friend: I don't ex- pect you to see this reply, unless o: course yoe happen to be wrapping more gar- bage, but I am hoping. Since you rate dogs higher than people, I suggest that the next time you travel you stay ata kennel. -* *•* Deer Ann Landers: Our 15. year oTdsught�a si s two evenings a week for a lovely' faxrillyi;: ' "tie '°cbtil dreri are two and three y -ears of age. The .parents are highly respected in aur neighborhood. Last week I learned that the children are given paregoric 4 nearly every day. They get pare. goric for colds, restlessness or just to put them to sleep. Be. fore the mother left Iasi Satur. day eveine. she told soy daughter to give each child a teaspoon of paregoric at bedtiln ^ "if they seem cranky," -My daughter call- ed and wanted to know if she should .do it. i teId 'her "no." The following day I telephoned• the mother and' asked if sheknew what she was doing. She eeplied, "I Have taken paregoric nearly every day for years,and it has >;iever-hurt me a • I ata not going to . allow our ° b. •- daughter- to baby sit for these people unless you tell me it is all right. I'm afraid the children will become drug addicts arid I don't waist my daughter to be a party to it. Please -set me straight if I am wrong. I would ask our family doctor about this but I'd feei foolish,—Worried. Dear Worried: I asked a doctor and didn't feel onebit foolish. He told me paregoric has an opium base, but it would take a great deal more than a teaspoon a day topro. duce addiction. He certainly woald NOT prescribe it for regular use by children. Paregoric can be obtained without a prescription. Iri most states, however; the person who buys paregoric must register his name with the druggist. My medical consultant did not feel you should prohibit you- Baugh. ter from sitting for the ram. Sha h anal i heateeerefeel free to decline ,.o give them medicatioa. st. Dile UCW Enjoys Banquet. Rev. Glen Wright Guest. Speaker The .Nile U,CW meeting was held at Tiger Dunlop Inn after a -del. icious turkey dinner. Rev. Glen Wright addressed the ladies rising as his theme "The Work of the UCW." Mrs. Wilmer "7 Rutledge pre. sided and was assisted by. Mi s. Allan Dickson in devotional ser. vice. Mts. WM. Wiggins ,agreed to act as treasurer for the bal. ' ance of the year since the resig. nation of Mrs. •James Hawkins. It was decided to have a Cen. tennial smorgasbord, May 24 in thechurepeee A gift of costume jewellery ;e, s,o • Ge4rge's Women'sAuxiliary tears ccount Of Western Trips Qt, the April meeting of St. George's Women's Auxil,%aty,, the treasurer, Mrs. A. C. Blay ex. plained where the thank offer. in, money was spent when pre. se ,ted at the W. A_ annual held in London, this ,,yeall'e• April 25th and 26th. It is very important and a pro: 'pec t which must be supported each and every year. It provides for • grants for - maintenance' at" the Anglican Wor:lea's training cull. ege, Canadian iltncil of •chug chew Anglan r'ecruitrent, workers in pilot projects and for books and many other worthy per. poses in the church. Mrs. E. F. Sale 'pointed Bout that this year the program at the annual would be somewhat dif. ferent. Instead of Com.:a.u;:li,on pe. ing held in the morning as fortn. erly, it would be held ati, pore preceding the evening meeting. The president,.. Mrs. -E. F. Sale, opened the meeting with the usual �Aravers,and Mrs1..•Ow..Slemitiread '46' Scripture. Mrs, Sale also welco ned hack Mrs. 8. Munn and her daughter w:lo had spent most of the, waiter at Winnipeg. and Victoria B. Q. The secretary and treasur„er's reports were giveta by- Mrs. D. Wilson and Mrs. A. 'C Way. New Tei Relief On Clothing Granted For Older Children. Families with large children now get further relief from the provincialretail sales tax on clothing. Provincial Treasurer C. S. MacNaughton has elim;nated the fiv e per cent tax on bigger sizes of children's clothes. The new regu'ations, effective since April 1, extend the exempt range to size 18 in boy's and 14X in girl's garments, as well as children's styles- of sweaters to large size. No tax applies now to dress and sports s,tirts to boy's sizes 14 1/2. In hose, the new exempt Isize is 10 for girls and 10 1/2 for boys. Stretcr:y sits • was , presented to Mrs. lia.rold Turner on the. occasion of her to. cerit mar c;age. -. • Mee, Alvin Kerr displayed a red and white ce:ttennial quilt she had made and also one nude by Mr's.: James M�.:Millen of God. e_ c;t with provincial ernl'letns and :oats of arms design. Mts. L. Christilaw also, showed aCen. tennial symbol quilt sheChald • mode, A Centennial quilt will be -destined and made bye the work committee and completed in time for the August bazaar and tea. •the mea twig closed with pray. er by Mrs; Rutledge. BUILDING A NEW COTTAGE, GARAGE, CARPORT OR PLANNING AN ADDITION OR ALTERATIONS TO PRlE- sENT BUILDING, CALL EASTBANK BLDGS. LTD. DIAL 524-9452 FOR FREE ESTIMATES eee1111M► For information On NEW HOME. CONSTRUCTION BY EASTBANK BLDGS. LTD. Cel' HAROLD W. SHORE REAL ESTATE BROKER DIAL 524-7272 • — 38 HAMILTON ST. • Ask haw much your loan will cost and HFC will tell you ` before you borrow Amon 01 LOAN MONTHLY 00 moods 41 months PAYMENT 31 months 30 months PLANS 10 months • ...11 months 011 $ r. ' $ $ 1... ' $6.12 $9.46 3N$NO . 18.35 28.24 , 23.73 32.86 51.24 1311 111111 57.72 41.45 58.11 51.56 • 73.35 90.18 ,.,•• YM/ . 88.02 10812 400 101.01. 117.37 144.30 • MIN 126.26 146.11 18b.37 .. , . • 'Above payments Iodide principal and Interest. and ern based 0o promptw,aym.nt,but do not iddtede the coat of life Insurance When you come to HFC for a loan, the Manager `will answer any question you have —fully and clearly— - before you borrow. That's one reason you can borrow with confidence from HPC -- Household Finance. Ask about credit lifer insurance on loans at low group rates HOUSEHOLD FINAN GODERICH 35A West Street -,-Telephone 524-7333; (above. the Signal Star) Ask about our evening hours designed for ildren are also free of sales tax. Provincial Tre surer MacNau. ghlon says- the, new regulations result from parents' enquiries about taxes on clothing Joe child. reii who are big for their age, which prompted a review oi" sizing by matin acturers of child. re, ,s clothing o °, But he wa, nod that the e�.;en. sibn of exempt sizes won't over. come ,the problem entirely, be. cause some children just don't fit into the sizes' established by the clothing m?,nnfactu.cers, +• There's the peoblem,• too, of adults ;vhe in wear children's one omman er A I • resses Ladies Auxiliary, Canadian legion. clothing and therefore' could pur. chase exempt sizes if they shop-. ed in boys' and girls' wear dep.' .artments. "The only controllable method of providing exemptiots for child. ren's e1ol'ting is associaced with - sizes," says the Minister. f`We have seriously s:udied,otheranp.. . roaches but invariably ponclude. that the most feasible approach is the size factor." Mosieparents who write the prb. vineial officials would like to see exemptions according to age. That, however, brings up the major objection that every cloth. i'ne sales clerk.would have to a police the regulations in terms of .-.-•-.-,�....,Q:«J11sl2.in�<1•deadt��l-Ga��On•.o�3u�. ei's and of questioning the pur. chaser who might find it pro. fitable to use ayoungerbrother's or sister's birth certificate. The monthly meeting of the Legion Ladies Auxiliary was held., in the Green room with the pre. sidente in the • chair. Rolf{ wae, called and minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. A new member, Mrs. Gordon Harrison, was welcomed to the auxiliary. Various committees gave , their respective reports. Correspondence was read and dealt with. Thank you letters were' received from the, Red - Cross for donation also from Westminster Hospital for parcels received, 21 YEARS OLD? When you turn 21 you are no longer covered Ly your parents' Hospital Insurahce You -must— take out in:dividual membership within 30 days. Get your ap- plication form at a bank, a hospital, or the Commission. • NEW JOB? To keep insured fol- low the instructions on the Hospital In- surance "Certificate of Payment•—Form 104'' that your, present employer. is required to give -you - 'on' leaving. • NEWLY WED? The "family" Hospital Insurance ,premium must now be paid to cover husband and wife. Notify your "group"' without de- 1ay or -if you both pay premiums direct, no- tify the Commission. Your ONTARIO. HOSPITAL INSURANCE P/an . Ontario Hospital Services Commission, Toronto 7, Ontario. .r .An inspiring. and `imformative talk was given by the zone coma mender, Mrs. Howard Carroll, on the work and aims of the' Aux. . ,eliary. Attendance draw was won by Mrs. Ted Mac Astodker; Mys. tery prize won by Mrs. Ken Web. ster; Centennial cd.ke won by Mrs. Al. Williams. Questions were answered by the Zone Commander from the question box. Lunch was served by Mrs, Chas. Stokes and her committee. ENJOY THE FINEST FOOD IN TOWN ' Chinese Food. Our Specialty ALSO TAKE-OUT ORDERS OPEN DAILY 7 a.m. to 1Q. p.m. Open Friday and Saturaay Until 12 Midnight The Esquire Restaurant "524-9941" The Dorcas convener, . Mrs. F. Hunt, drew attentip,i to the pyjama bag, sort of witch doll, made by Mrs. Sale,,which was on - display. This would be sent to Mohawk Institute, Brantford, • Social'Seryice convener, Mrs. H. Tlohborue _reported 56 calls on sick and shut ins, Members were pleased to hear Mr's. D. J. Allan was well again. St. Geof"g+ 'S-W.A:.'tiiaiik—tiffee, ing was to be handed in at cor. ° porate, comte.uniori ser viceheld " Wednesday morning, April 1,9th, Mrs. B. Munn gave an accoant of her Western trip, which she enjoyed' very much. She visited several Anglican churches and We. meetings and said that the West blamed the East for so many changes -being made in the WA which the West was not in -•favor oil �Miss B. Lauderegritinued the study book speaking of the growth of the churches in -the West and Northwest of Canada. The Girl's Auxiliary held a successful Centennial tea and bake sale in the parish hall on April 15th with Mrs. D. Wilson convening it. After the meeting lunch was served by Mrs. W. White, Mrs. E, Pritchard, Mt s. G. Love and Kra s- B. Lauder. your daughteristhrowing a giggling, chattering, swinging, vibrating pajama party in the basement game room? they'll all take showers. �. no one will get caught cold.. St. George's Evening :GUiNd facing Busy Spring, $ummer It was learned at the April meeting of St. George's Even. ing Guild that the °group is to be .very busy in the spring and summer months catering to meals. Plans for the group's catering were outlined by Ett, abelle Bradley. Convenors of the Primates Dinner on April 22, Kathy White- and Betty Rogers gave extensive reports on the things they have planned andask•- ed for the `support of the group. The meeting opened with a hymn, and special prayers, in: eluding the Primate's prayer for world missions, 11lrs;-Alma Cra. ven presided, The Scripture was read `by Marilyn Bannister. and, twenty members answered the roll ,call given by Bess Belling. er. Se' etary't alyd treasure;'s reirorts were given by Betty, Rog. ears and Jean Hanna., Thee pedple volunteered to do handcraft work with the Ontario* Hospital Auxil. iary. , ,, • A reminder was given for work to be done on the layette and articles to be brought. in to the , l, May ineeting, , A corporate Com, munion is to,be held prior to one i of the, future meetings and an explanation of the parts of the seri vice are to be, given by Rev. Russell. • Mrs. raven lead the Ggro rp,:in reciting the Benediction and lunch was served by Shirley, Smith, • ,Dorothy ,, Sowerby, Florence .. •Sowerby, MORE and .MOREand „MR people DRIVE OUT AND SA ON HOME APPLIANCES, HOME ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCTS, CAR RADIOS, TV ANTENNAS AND SUP- PLIES, VACUUM CLEANERS AND FLOOR POLISHER% ETC. OUR AIM—To provide you with the best quality, most trouble free products at reasonable prices. ti WATCH FOR OUR MAY SALE HUTCHINSON RADIO TV — APPLIANCES 'x''30 HURON RD. 524.7831 RAIN TO TORONTO Ask about convenient departure and ,return times , For information, phone the local CN .Passenger -Sales Office CANADIAN NATIONAL 40.65 • -cot rat 0.0 want to know why? You've got a very efficient automatic gas: - water heater:'No one knows it's there, even when a whale gang of girls decide to take showers and wash their hair and use hOt water for all the countless 'things girls use it for: Then you thank heaven for it. • Natural Gas recovers hot Ovate r•so fast Yree can handle the whole gang. Because gas goes to work jnstantly. There's no warm- up time for a gas flame. It's as hot as itcafl pose bty get the second it's'needed. 8o,, the faster the heat, the faster your water heats up. And that's why your gds water heater delivers hot water at such ars ew ptiona ly fast rate, With a gas water • heater; no cine gets caught cold. So go ahead, Live it up..with all the hotwater you can splash in.You can buy or rent an automatic gas water heater, See your plumber dealer, department store, or gas company. With natural gas, you can take hot water for granted,