HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-04-20, Page 14rhe .Goderich $1.0.41 -star, Thursday, Apra 20, 1967 ie 'hurnb► es' "A Moral DIagnosis'! r.. (By G. Itlac ,cod Ross) give the lead in self.discipiine and fraternity. One in five of all employed persoiis are directly or indirectly employed by public „authorities. What sort of example Of' self-discipline do our present federal and provincial govern. m ents give in their own vending? " 'What interest does the cabinet take in. -the behaviour and moral standards of the vast organ. izations it controls? If the modern gcivernment, with its near.dic. tatorial powers, used themidel, ibera ely, explieitiy and fully, to set an example in good con. p duct, would this. not .'draw the public after it? In .days gone by, large organ. izations such, as: the services, (2) WHITHER NOW? • Every educated manand'woman should take sides as between the belief „that the sbientific method or another kind of knowl. edge is, alone, essential to carry us to a "good society. Once it, was seen -_that the _theologians. were going outside the parish boundaries and studying in depth the human 'problems of business management and the administra. tiOn of .public service, and as a • result, had something to • offer, a 'religious view of life would :be welcomed in many unexpected quarters.' Until' work has been made more interesting and-satis. f3'ingl .leisure spent with real en j '.lnent, a : ma cannot grow into a whole person. . To express concern for the welfare state in one sentence, it would be this: Starting with reason and with the best of in. tention, we have wounded the spirit of the people by teaching them that economic poverty is the only. kind of poverty which counts. The welfare state simply does not meekour need for love. The people themselves have got to discover a common moral- - ity. They will have to discipline themselves until they are strong enough to stand up to the press sures of expediency. What will produce a good_. standard of morals if this program of equal. • ization of wealth fails? Character or Cash? Can -we persuade the ,$politicians, teachers and parents to make character their top priority? Today a definite choice has to be made between eco. nomic growth and' the character f—the—people,--not= 'that- -thes • objectives are fundamentally con. tradictory, but rather that men and machines are not alterna. tives. Unless the politicians and the churches can persuade a majority that economic poverty is not the only poverty, but, that on any' view of life, it is secondary to moral poverty, then the best plans will fail. When, as has been proved, a good home; helps of a boy's club, helps: a child make' progress at school, helps make his character; is there nothing salutary a parliament can do about marriage, housing, books,' radio and T. V, programs, porno.. graphy, the youthmovement? Vio- lence and the fashionable sy"m- - pathy for the criminal poisons the body. 'When the politicians say: "Go to the churches for an example " of the . unselfishness that . is asked", 'surely, if mos`'i`is ex: pected from those who have taken • most, then the government should • int.).,:Penomme FLS guilds and certain universities, all had-- codes -of conduct. which they handed down by precept and example; This is exactly what a modern government should do. Make the character of its people its first priority. . To ,the question: How 'do I per- suade those in authority? We shall not find easy answers. The only . useful step is. to rid ourhelves of complacency, ' of sitting on our hands. We must take a position and we ,must continue to question. News Letter Js New .Project Rev. Charles CaruaiLa andMrs. Jim Martin of the Dungannee • area are' working toward a cen. tennial project, a monthly news- letter' called"The,Link of Unity." One issue has already been print. e • o -n a picked up ai Si. J.nseph's Rectory, ,Kingsbridgeat, no charge.- ' harge.' Copies will be mailed upon.re. - quest, This is a non-denomin. ational paper and its purpose is to bring the area closer together by uniting the current events, any reader's personal comments, t poems, and any happenings of the area in the paper. V a 0 1'. 7 4 . • it you are NEW -TO -TOWN or have lust moved into a new home GODERICH'S OWN ... SHOP , Phone" 524 5132 ,• WELCOME SERVICE would like, to call • on you with "housewarming gifts" and in- fermationabout your new Idea- tion. The Hostess will be glad to arrange your subscription to the- , SIGNAL. -STAR. Call her at 524-9525 CAN 1DB SERVE YOU? WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26th, 1967 ,one of our representatives MR. W. A. DORE will be at The Bedford Hotel, Goderich In this district and throughout Canada many persons and firms in practically all, types of businesses including . Agriculture - • Tourist and Recreational Businesses • Const'r'uction • Professional Services • Transportation • Wholesale and Retail Trades, as well as Manufacturing have obtained loans from the TDB to acquire lend, buildings, and machinery, to increase working capital, to start- a new business, and for other purposes: If you consider that IDB can 'be of service, you are invited to arrange an appointment with the IDB 'representative by telephoning Tel.: 524-7837 ' or in advance by writing to INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK 291 Dundas Street, London, Ontario AHMEEK CHAPTER HOLDS Canadian � 1Cheddar Cheese Fatting Nevi Wrapper e MONTHLY MEETING The ' April ..meeting of the •Ah.. meek Chapter IODE was heldat -the home of Mrs. Gordon Bender. son. Mrs. 0, Straughan Regent, presided with the Standard being presented by Mrs. C. Ruffen. Conveners of the standing con. mittees gave their reports. . It was decided to have the lunch: • eon on June 21st in St. George's parish hall with Mrs. H. B. . M. T ichborne as convener: , L. •MacVicar, world Miss affairs, convenor, gave a very in. t.erestitng,lalk about the late Emily Carr, Canadian artist. She als spoke of 4.lmuthe ]aukenhaus a new Canadian who is making a name for herself here as an art. ist. , i - The •May meeting . will be held on May 8th at 'the home, of Mrs. C. Cutt. Lunch was served by Mr. M. McKee and Mrs. R. Neville. The • 'hostess and lunch committee -were thanked by •Mrs. Tichborne. Canadian_cheddar cheese ex. O td iss n e form of rindle b1 cks is to get an a e.catchin new. dress; . • -.. . It wild be in the form of a wrapper printed with a special design' featuring the red .maple leaf and the words "Ca Tach"; and "Cheddar". The design must appear on wrappers used for rind. less block cheddar produced for. export, say officers of the CDA dairy products division. Up to now, plain, unmarked_ wrapping has $been used, regardless of. YOU ARE INVITED TO PLAY AT GO 'LF BAYFIELD - ANTON GOLF COURSE LOCATED ON HWY. 21 (At The Lake) - w.... MEMBERSHIP—FEES • - MEN. -30.00 ' . -LADIES 25.00 • JUNIOR MEMBERSHIPS • 1 AND UNDER —10.00 - 13 TO 16 -15.00 Must Be Accompanied By An Adult Saturday—Sunday and Holidays GREEN FEES ' • DAILY 1.50 SAT. - '-SUN. - H9LIDAYS 2.00 FULLY. EQUIPPED PRO SHOP rn whether the cheese was slated for export 'or domestic markets. U•se o f . the ciesivt111. be. optional for producers marketing in Canada. . The move is being undertaken because o f the need ,.to •give !identity" to this form of Can. ashen cheddar when it is dis. played: in outlets abx'ad..-par. ticularly in Britain where cheddar enjoys a strong demand anti comth p'ds •a premium but where, block cheese also is Jbeing marketed by competitor eountrie.,. , Easier Tilling with FR -FE METHODIST WMS HEARS MISSION LETTERS The meeting of the WMS. of the;lune 29th, after which Mrs. Dick Free Methodist church was held in the home of Miss Lilly Bin. t chad. the-apresidenf freta Clark opened the meeting with a hymn and Diane Rodges and Mrs. Law.,, son led in prayer, Letters from " tivc different mission fields were read, None thanking the society for sending school kits to the roof top child• ren in Hong'Kong. : - • Further 'plans -were made for ' the Centennial home coming rally Cornish had fashion parade an apron, . stole, hat, han alfmade--from the-- missio tidings booklet. 1' our ladies M., oiled them. Mrs. Normae Procto+ sang a solo, "I'll gip where You want me to go,t' enjoyed by an, Miss Lilly Blanchard gave the study -book topic, -!'What ist#e proving ground for practical 11V* ins." The meeting -closed with a hymn and prayer. V , SUN LiFE a" progressiva company in a p ogre s.� ve - industry GORDON T. WESTLA'KE PHONE-565-5333—BAYFIELD SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA farriers -' Easy .garden care begins .with an Arians JET -line. rotary tiller '— quality - built for long,. depend • able performance. Easy to use all season long/3, 4 and 5 h.p. models, two with tine reverse drive. " AS LOW 149.00 Distributed Duke Lawn•,Equipment Limited 1184 Plains ,Rd..E., Burlington, Ont.—Phone Toronto 923.8474 or Burlington 637=5216. See your local dealer Argyle Marine & Small Engines 88 Britannia Rd. E.,. Goderich O GARMENT BAG BONUS from your DISTRIBUTOR FUELS AND LUBRICANTS FOR HOME, FARM AND INDUSTRY DearNeighbour: You may wonder why, distributors of Texaco Petroleum Products are offering you a free Jumbo Garment Storage Bag. Well, there are two •reason$: 1. We want t� thank those people who deal with us for their valued business and to invite those who. haven't tried our -fine . products to do, so.: ' 2. It's Spring, an important time of the year for all of us and, we wanted to provide your home with a useful, quality item associated with this season. ------his--xcellen-t-Garment Bag-is_youurs ;FREE with the purchase pf Texaco Products* and believe us it has' all the features, ladies look•for in items of.this type from double hangers to complete moth proofing. Asa further' gesture of our appreciation of your continued patronage 'this year, we have assembled a group of remarkable merchandise values for workshop, home and garden,'which, we're certaini you will find 'hard to resist r" - • JIb BELLY ,They're yours either for cash or on your Texaco„,Credit Card with your further • purchases of Texaco Farm Fuels or Heating Oils. We'll be --happy to give you an order blank. VIC-WALDEN FUELS 148 MAITLAND RD. S. GODERICH, ONTARIO PHONE 5248812 *Ask for details of minimum purchase requirement'. . p i REELS a SMELT..NETS. MINNOW PAILS ACCESSORIES 1.50 to 30:00 65 to choose from .55 to 25.00 4.25 1.15 And don't miss these big,bargains offered, in appreciation of your further purchases ' '*' aEV'EN'1IVCH POWER 'SI W'reg/$37.'95 ' . ; ... ONLY '$` 27.95.- g, * 3%8" POWER DRILL reg."$18.95 ONLY '$ 14.95 * WOODEN SALT 6 SET (9 P ace's)• reg. $18.95 ONLY $ 12.95 * ELEGANT CENTENNIAL TRAY reg. $12.95 ONLY $ 745 * OSCILLATING SPRINKLER PLUS 50'•GARDEN JOSEreg.$8.95.ONLY $ 5.95 FISHING LURE 'SP ECTAL ,REG. .49 CARD 4 LURES 25, . (2 Lures°To A Card), JUMBO GARMENT BAG OFFER EXPIRES JUNE 30 and applies to customers located in our delivery area. SPECIAL MERCHANDISE available until Oct. 31, 1967.