HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-04-20, Page 12T u 'sday
APril 29: 1907 . .
-John McLean of -Goderich, now a • student at the Provincial
Institute of Mining at 'Haileybury, Ont., -is shown using a reduc-
tion tacheometer during a field exercise as part of his studies.
John is a graduate of Goderich District Collegiate.
Vimy Veteran I.s Honored
.• �r w w .v�.l■ .w• _■
LUCKNOW- A surprise party
was held for Mr% Gilbert Frayne
°on ---the occasio r of-hcts-sevent
fifth birthday. -
Mr,- and Mrs. Frayne, yresid.
ents of Kingsbridge;, have spent
the winter in Lucknow in 'the
Porteous home.
Guests were his brother Orlo
of Toronto, ' his sons Mr. and.
Mrs. Donald Frayne, Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene Frayne, King.
sbridge, Mr. Douglas. Frayne,.
Kitchener; hiscsister•in-law Mrs.
Rueben Frayne, Forest; his
nieces and nephews, M ^s. Edna
Maidment, Ottawa; M i s s Marg.
aret Frayne, Mr.and Mrs. An.
tcliffe 'Frayne, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Frayne, Toronto; Mr. and
Mrs. Reg Frayn, M: 'and Mrs.
Gerry Frayne, Mr.' and Mrs.
Gordon Tidball, Mr. and Mrs
-Angus-M y; For st-Mr -an.�
,Mrs: Frank Evans, Mr. andMrs..
Earl. Banting, Sarnia; Mr.
and Mrs. Ray, Frayne, Warwick;
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Frayne,
St. Marys.'
A presentation was made to
Gilbert in honour of his birth.
day- and centennial year. A bour
quet of flowers was presented to
the hostess.
I t was . also -the fiftieth ann.
iversary of the battle of Vimy
Ridge in which Gilbert took part
as a captain in the R A VC. G
Gilbert was born in Bosan.
quet Township, Lambton County.
He has just finished writing a
history of his grandparents who
settled there in 1&57. ,
itanc Sunk
A front page column - of The Middlesex, Lambton Baptist
Signal featured .one of the most Young Peoples Group, .at Strath.
dramatic „news events of that roy on Good Friday. Twenty.five
year. The lead paragraph reads; young people and their friends
"An appalling disaster sent the ° from Goderich attended .he event,
One of the leading sports events
in the country for boys up to and
includng 12 ,years of age got
under way at the Goderich Morn.
orial Araya on Monday morning
with opening pate, between Col.
bornesip and Dungannon in
White Star liner Titanic, the lap
gest vessel in the ' world, to the
bottom of the Atlantic duringSun..
day night an ,.wvith her have per.
over 1,300 of her passeng.
ers, and crew. 'the Cunard liner,
Carpathia, with survivors on town h
board ' is, now aper. caching New group "D",, series, of the third
York harbour. Details will soon `annual Young Canada Week,spon.
be ' flashed around the world." sored by the . Goder, ich Lions
Although a number of Goderich Club. "
people are away ,on trips around Planting of theStevensontract,
the world, none, of` them was oa a new part of the. Huron county
the. Titanic.
forest, was started on Monday and
• e d Personal is. a :pect^fd to continue_ . for. two..
Under the h a ,ng, weeks or mare. The. tract coin.
prises 200 acres in the ,Maitland
'valley about three miles west of
Brussels' and was bought by
county of Huron in 1950.
Mention, the following item: W.A.
Harrison of ° Lucknow was in
town for a few days this week.
Mr. Harrison is one of the Fen-
ian Raid veterans who will bene.
fit under the' recent . grant of
the Dominion Government and he
was here ;raking arrangements
for the presentation of his claim,
The various factories' of town
are busy, working to capacity to
keep up with the spring orders:
Trade at the organ factory is
brisk and a staff of 115 workmen
10 YEARS AGO. 1957.
An entry fromPort Huron,
Michigan, will provide an inter.
national flavour • to the Young
Canada Week pee .wee hockey.
tournament, for the'first time in
its amazing eight year history. In
is employed at present. Amer. r this year's tourney, in which more
scan Road Machinery company is than 1,300 boys will play, the U.S..
f llin several pee wees are scheduled. to face
working overtime i g
orders for road machines and•
Goderich pep wees in an exhib.
concrete mixers; the Wheel ition contest.
Rigs and Kensington furniture played here during the tourna.
factories are making big ship. ment and nine trophies wilybe
ments each week and the marine awarded. Newest awardisahand.
engine trade is keeping the Doty - sonie trophy donated by Lorne
Engine Works' very busy. , Wakelin to the winner of the ann.
Seventy.seven games will be
nalchallenge game -between God.
erich and St. John s, Newfound.
Bert Anderson, Mr. and` Mrs.•
15 YEARS AGO,'1952- ' land. '
;, Ba of . Easter lilies „_ Entr es numbe rin
and other spring flowersadorn• participating in the 16th annual
ed altars, chancels and san. Huron county music - festival.
ctuaries in all the churches here which begins on Thursday, May
on Suunday. In spite of a 15 ie 2nd, in the Goderich PubIicSchool
an hour gale, and teeming down. ' auditorium. This year's total
• pour otrain, worshipers thronged number of entries is -slightly high.
to celebrate the triumph of sr than .for the 1956' festival,
Christ's resurrection. says 'Miss Helen Videan, of God.
Air Cadet�`'W eek will be obser. ' erich, president of the musical
ved by number 532 Maitland group..
Squadron RCAC from April 20. Caption of front .page photoof
26 inclusive. April 20th they will Goderich Midget Sailor's: Mem.
visit Stratford Air Cadets. '. tl biers of the Goderich Girls Trum.
The Goderich Baptist 'Young pet Band sound a song of vin.
People were successful in bring. tory as the-Goderich Midgetsail.
ing back again this year the sil. - ors ., chalk up the all Ontario
ver rose bowl 'for attaining the Midget "B" title for the second
highest,,number of points at the successive year: CoachTedWill.
music ' festival and rally of the cams holds the Dr. Leon Hip.
well trophy. On left is Larry
Jeffrey and on right is Dave
Leespn, Captain of the Midgets,
Mr. and Mrs, William ,l. Mac.
Donald, of the Kintail store, leaye
today for Quebec, from where
they will sail on the Arosa Sun..
for a, tour - to England and ,Scot.
land. They will visit with their
eldest daughter. and sOn.in,law,
MR. AND 'Stirs. Stephen Elliott
who wi11. accoz ipany them On their
travels. <3 - °
Mrs. Sansonterra, anddatighter
of Detroit spent the weekendwlth",u
MSS. and, Mrs. O'Connor. .
A happy reunion took piacelast
Saturday in Ashfield township
When Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown
of the and coilress on .of AO.
field celebrated them 50th wec •
ding anniversary;'•
On YEAR AGO .1966
Ontario's highways are being
planned to aid the industrial dev.
elopment of rural areas, claimed
Honourable C. S. MacNaughton,
here Tuesday.
Gorierich Lions Club 17th
annul Young Canada Week tour.
'the Agricultural 'area -around"
Dungannon _community will again
be well 'represented in Huron
county through the 4-H clubs re.
organized at Lucknow high school
Friday, March 31, In the photo
above, are 'pictured some of the
executive of the Dungannon dairy
calf club. In the, back row,
left to right are; Sandy Kolkman,
.-.--club_.-leader;. Bob. _ McNeil , ;club
leader; in 'front are; Doug
Cann, news . reporter; Joanne
Iolkman, ' president and Randy
Henry, vice president.
at.. • laucknow high, school d 1r
Me iiiirelrfiVe 41 -clubs were1ormed*, --
Three 0! the executives elected
for the current year are, left
to right: Jim. Boak, president of
the Lucknow. dairy `calf club and
secretary' of Lucknow corn plltb;
Joanne Kolkinan, president of
Dungannon dairy calf club and
Philip Foster, president of Dun.
gannon beef calf club.
Fotir different 4-H clubs are
represented by these three Huron
county {4.H' members, photo,
graphed after their annual organ.
ization meeting held this year
name t drew eta recordattendance Si ver Wedding Anniversary
of 14,900 spec tors, .
Alec Farris escaped se�hious•
injury when °the steering median.
ism of the tractor he was driving - Occasion For Happy Gathering
broke. The tractor toppled over,.
four wheels in the. air, in the
creek on the 15th sideroad just
off highway 86, °
An Algoma ,,entral Railway
ship launched the 1966 Lakehead
navigation season on April 3,
with Chief Engineer Vern Willis
of Goderich on board. Chief Eng.
sneer ' Willis and Captain A. B.
Purvis were officially welcomed
ashore alter eirsp.. the„ Al•
gosteel, do e . .fit was the fifth
earliest opening of the port since
records'. were started.. in. 1879;
The township of Hullet has ad.
vised Goderich council that it will
assume the 1 percent of the cap.
ital cost of the -proposed am.
-bulance and the garage to house
• .the vehicle, .
Huron county last week voted
favour of retaining the death
' penalty for murder in Canada.
• Special . guests at the SL
George's Evening . Guild April
meeting_ Were Mr..Sua; a staff
•.'member of Goderich GDCI and
Mrs,' Una Arya, wife' of another
high school teacher, both nat.
ives of India.
About fifty friends of Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Reed gathered - in the
parish hall at Lucknow a week
ago Saturday to honor the couple
on the occasion of their silver
wedding anniversary. The couple
were married in Goderich April
8, 1942, by-- the Rev. D. J. Lane.
'Mr. andMrs, Reed farmed near
Auburn .until last Novemlrrwhen
theyurchased a home in God.
erlch. They have o- daughters,
Patsy and Linda.
Mrs. Reed was the former
Florence Lawlor, daughter of the
late Mr. and -Mrs. 'Sanford.Law.
for of Auburn, and.13i11 is the eld.
est son o.° Mr and Mrs. W. G.
Reed of Lucknow.
The couple received many gifts
from members of theirfamilies
and friends.
Guests attended from London,
,S is etroit, Toronito ° God•-
erich, Wingham and Auburn.
Recent visitors with Mrs. Cath.
erine Chisholm were Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Rooney and sons
Larry and George of Hamilton,
Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Currie
and daughter,- Linda and- sons,
Keith and Edward of Wallaceburg,
Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Duchess and Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Koviak of Detroit. Michigan.
T@e oak
Removal Limited
We pay lie per pound for dead
or disabled cows and horses
24-hour . service -7 days a week
CaII Collect
.m. Thurs., Apri
1967 An
ontinues Throng
ril 29