HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1967-04-13, Page 13SUGAR
by Bill Smiley
Perth, Huron
Church Groups
MILVERTON-Perth ahd liOron
-presbyter ieS•,;Of the•United Church -
of -Canada have agreed to atrial"
ornate. •
` Rev. Donald COraiSb of MM.
Verton, Perth presbytery pohlie
ivelAtion$ offieer, reports theanl, °
ialganiatton was needed becattS0
Perth 'Presbytery wa's- too small
- for efftcieat operation,
Mr. Cornish said Perth °Mid
not carry-- on all the functi`On0 01
a presbytery because' of lie size.
• Members •oftea had to take on
•a number of responsibilities
--cause there weren't enough per.
sons to fill all .the .posts la a
presbytery organization.
He said it has 16 pastoral.
charges and about. 30 churches.
There- are 44 charges and 84
Churehes in the twopresbyteries,
.4, but a lew may be included in
, neighboring presbyteries. ,
A. name has not -been chosen
for the arna.lgataated presbytery
but Maitlaryl has been suggested.
Mr. 'Cornish said. The preslayt.
eries' decision will be seat to the '
London Conference meeting in
late May for approval.
, Perth approved • the amalga.
*nation at its regular presbytery
meeting in A venbank United
Church Wednesday of last week.
Huron presbytery approved it at
' a special meeting the same day.
• It would be effective Jan. 1,
1968. °
Rev.William H. H., Stewart of
01 St. John's` Church, S tratford,
was re-elected Perth presbytery
I'd rather
One of the great, bruising
stresses of mOdern sOciety to
which socialegists pay little at-
tention was imposed on me
this -week. rtraded my car for
- a -new one. • -
/ This • payehological .. crisis
comes to all of as, every two
or three years. It bears looking
at, as a manifestation of the
tremendous pressures '‘‘T, have
to cope with, And our grand-
fathers didn't.
• What a snap they had. They
'went to a reputable horse -
dealer and bought, a horse. No
sweat.. They didn't even have
to make the agonizing decision'
of whether to buy a brand hew
one or a late -Model used.
• There was no such thing as a
new horse.
What's more, they enjoyed
it. • There was some good-
natured dickering which usual-
ly ended with both parties
thinking they had got the bet-
ter of •the dear Grampa chuck-
led as he drove his lively geld-
ing home, thinking of how
much trade-in allowance he'd
received for Old Min, the
mare, who hadn't much mile-
age -left in hen And the dealer
chucked as he thought of the
gelding steadily going blind,
and the fact that the preacher,
who knew nothing about
horses, was -looking for a quiet
• mare like Old Min.
My point is that it was not
the wrenching, exhaustitig
• thing that a modern car deal
is. The,.. average layman then
knew , whether a horse was
sound He took a 'look at the
• teeth, felt here arid
there, bitched it up for a trial
spin, and made his deal.
There 'Was only so much that
could. be wrong with a horse.
•He could be blind, or spavined,
or Wirid-broken. But he didn't
• rust, there was no chance of
his brakes grabbing; his trans-
• mission was automatically au-
tomatic, and he didn't cost
$1500 a year forlife
• And that's one of the rea- -
• sons I buy a car exactly the
• way Grampa used to buy a
horse. I look at its teeth. That
• is, L lift hood JO imake sure
• there's a motor, and open
• trunk to make sure tbere's a
spare. I don't feel the beast
• here and there, but I kick the
eat spam-
TIOre are different types of
ear buyers, of course. ThereN
the kid who • makes 'fr$60 a
meek. He walks up to the red
convertible with 80 yards of
chrome; bucket seats• and .daz-
zlipg wheel dises, tleints to It .
and sayS; "Gimme ,ilat one."
Cheerfully, he signs the Indere,
ture paPers Which .will enslave
Iiim fqt. four. years, and de7
parts •the lot, with, g squeal of
urea. Where. else can he . find
-power ,and sex appeal • for -a .!
lousy. $80 a mOnth?
,And,-,,ther-e's the born hore-
trader,i who deals, for the sheer
joy of it. • He spends most of •
his spare time irr car dealers'
lots. badgering the salesmen;
diSparagin•g the merchandise.
and -quoting the terrific., deal. •
that Honest John cloWn• the
street has pffered him, He sel-
dom has 'a %car more than six
months and is deluded into
thinking that hig lot is improv-
ing with every" trade.
But for the average layman
today; buying a car is an ex-
cruciating ordeal. He suspects
the -dealer. He fears • ridicule
from his friends, all of whom
•have made excellent deals late-
ly. He dreads the rnterview
with the bank managbr. He
trails from one car lot to an-
other, trying. to find a hoick
for the price, of a volkswagen.
tires araVgive the doors 4 good
m- or two. I,. take it for a
le trial spin. And if nothing
The building being wrecked th-e former service station at
• the corner'of Hamilton and Victoria streets which, for some
yej,-was operated and owned by John Craig, Goderich. During
= cent years it was operated as a tourist information booth
ming the summer 'months by the municipality of Goderich
until it was slated for demolition early this year. Removing it
from the premises is A. Riehl, local -contractor.
"-tad the upholstery must . .
oc c
match all his wife's clothes. • •
Mit me. Not no more. Life's ON AsioN.
too short. Yesterday, I bought .
in . 20 minutes. Let my ‚wife AUBURN- Thirty members of
drive it home. Oh, there•were Mrs. Sam Daer's family gather --
any' or two -little things. It ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
• ailed, 'a ud-a4-diseo•ver-ed--t•he--L-yUr-Ua aaer tn-41r4112nr-In.
on the
battery cable was loose The Occasion of her 880thbirthdaY.
A fain ily dinner. was held with Mr.
light in the ceiling wopldn't go
and Mrs. John Daer, M r. and M rs.
aut and I had to phone the •
Andrew Kirkconnell and other
dealer to find out • where the
members present. ,
switch was. One of the doors
•woo't xiose. And there was a In the eVening grandchildren
dellghtful..--bit- of -family excite- and pleat grandchildren gathered
ment when My wife pushed , enjoyed cards. Mrs.. Daer,
the 'window -washer button, it,.
was escorted to the living.rcan
by her eldest grandchiid, Mrs.
stutk. and soapy war6 gdslied
.ove,r the .windshield , for five Lpuis . Blake .a Brtissels. Mrs.
Andrew icirkeonnell presented
.minutes with more suds than a her mother with a. watch on be.
commercial:- •
" half of the family. Gribehaif of the
But it'll all work out. Three great grandchildren,- Ivliss Diane
years from flow; It'll be just .Kirkconnell presented Mrs. Daer
another rust -bucket, • almost ' VitIra.•corsage:•On-behalf of the
paid for. And I have probably . grandchildren) dward Daer 01
added a year to my life by Gorrie presented Mrs. Daer with
buying like Grampa. Try it an electric • teakettle and a foot.
. Th t Apra reeettOt elthe)40010 '
-Of Work At Nairobi,Kenya . ..'"gree7'7;ope.Ptekrnrrii'lieTt7.0001:trwtOtuti
held at
the'regent Mr!. Tt. greeheilrldge. '
....Auburn c0 0 o.
0 Group , A • . - .
Went et the Auburn cm' gl'°u'P wilVis: 'hi'rme-cla, speedy re„.0'verY• l'itra7mittligSitri7;:e4p.1.4.51,1174:11462egallut! t!..th,.-414114.::: '
Yiiiis IS a Patient
AUBURN.- Brenda Bally •Pr°' in a Toronto hospital; MS friends the annual provinctal meeting In
-"Ito Oil: 0*Irtindar s"910bOnt4l!r%ne9intillgotIChIlAd`; LoMnLanItlispdeMnJ-$.th'ejW91.1enekR4Wed inA:tbet- members' sechng"th;fidee'iGtric71116150:14te
, wmaPresbyterianhii59i0u4tilvietcriree4 bytpiano.hChurcht490hc: r na' hwil t 1:mt , 00 eaBweetes ui not Betty wvtami ii o li asghetei.iegrans14..44'.'sd;la- muEgrih.sttseerthtemuser.tas.nweti.,London vlsited over the : ,:,,, iewapeighonese:rotitiafat xtoCiorsainy;bv:.M11074ry,litesy, .,
loves me," t.he. Ptirpose and the Were available for -students at
Lord' s Prayer. .. . A recent visitor with ,Mrs.
The rim call was answered by Oliver Anderson and family was 44pprtratte cif, the Past,”" to be,
the Oodericb 1:48triet Collegiate. .
Edgar Lawson and Mi. and Mrs. Plans - for, the uoijes, show
telling what 'each hopes to do in. tne„ former's nephew, Will. held May 17th, were,nearingG0n14'
summer vacation.The offering ' Jain Kruse -of Kitchener. pletioo. Mrs. liti. Harper, *Aid'
was . received by, Nan Lapp and The Auburn Expo's 41-11 Club afaixe, .introchiced the Om tap .
. ,.
contest, opo,,,,m.1„ss 412..ptta;Prpu...
winnersocspoke trom,,onthet ,upeututlipeic speakingm
t/lnnlijaisteranPdithe; Gcanahoswane 'HAIndlangiatiq 'ef'
., dedieated. The scripture lesson
met for _their eventh meeting
from Jahn was, read by Wendy, vtith the president,. Jill Bennett
Schneider. and Brenda Archarn. in charge. Th e . minutes, were
bault. Mrs. BradnOck commenced accepted as read by the secre:
the Bible • study on the Woman of tary, Sherpa Collins; A centenn:
Samaria; and a diacussion took ial party was planned whenthe
.place following the meditation. members will ' entertain the , Mrs; • F. Curry .thanked the
Shelly Grange conducted a Bible mothers to a sm.orgasobrd dinner
quiz on -Baster. , of a "World of Food in Canada." wmemnera for their loyal support
In Canra,asing for the Red Cross.
" The highlight of the meeting , The entertainment committee Is Mrs. M, McGill asked for Volun.
was a letter received from Nair. to be Wendy Schneider, Brenda • teer help at Ontario -Hospital.
obi, genya, Africa by Miss Laura Ball and Brenda Archambault. Mrs. B. Ainsliekthanked thehosta
Phillips from Mrs. Stewart Toll. In charge of the_food Will be ess, M.7Et. Sandy for her hospit.
Miss Phillips - had written re Joyce Leatherlandi Linda Jeffer. ality. The meeting ,closed with
a bale that the Call' are prepar." son and Donna Charuney. The the national anthem,
ing to send to teenage' girls in girls studied about the foods of Daring the week eleven new
that country.' Mrs. Toll wrote an China, Japan, and India and how Canadians were presented with
interesting letter re her volun. ' they have been introduced into the, greeting ••• cards- al, the Court
teer work at. Edevale. a homefor Canadian menus today. The -roll House, followed by a coftee party
teenage girls. Four of the wives call was answeredby tellingthe at the home of Mrs. L. Royal.
- -., . ,
would like to visit
of the school teachers from Can, country they . •
.. DEAand why.
R-- •
ada are assisting at this Home,
one aurae the others
assist in teaching the girls home LOCHALSH Plant Trees
econoniics. The Auburn girls are •
.. .
Mrs. Daer thanked everyone Weekend guests with Mrs.
for the gifts and the lovely even. Ralph, ID; Munro„ were Mr. and
cing planned for her 8,0th birth. Mrs. Sarn Ruasel of Scarboro.
da• „rw.aa-4serwed-at-th-e-----'Mr:—aricl--Mrar-reoIIa-Bir ,
• ose of the evening. James, Francis,. Theresa and
Relatives were preserit from Robert moved last Saturday to
BIuevale, Stratford, Brussels, their new home in Listowel,
Goderich, Mitchell, Gorrie and where Mr. Bird joined the staff
...„, . , ,,,•, .
Auburn and district. Congratial. of the Canadian, Imperial -Bank of
ations are extended. to Mrs. Daer min merce.
on this hapPy occasion. Friends
,, are pleased toknow thatahe Came
Friends of Mrs. Ed. Davies
d —1' . •
homeftara• St. lasephls.hospital
4 Mrs... George Hamilton spent , Leridon after being•hospitalized
the weekend in Brucefield with for four monthd. . '
her brother, m.,..-.7 Lorne -Wilson ' Percy Ammond Of.M.intreal re.
and Mrs. Wilson. ', ,, turned last weekend to his sum.
• Friends in this community of mei home.
Mrs.lou Irwin of Godeti0 wish , .,_
her `a speedy recovery. She is • -* * *
eric hospital.
'_ The gastronomfoal fare at EXIDO
, a patientin
- Mrs. Ralph D. M mro and her , 67 festaurants includes reindeer
son, Mr. .Donald Youngblut of steak from Finland, caviar from
Lohdon visited last week in Mea. Russia and Iran) tortellini from
ford. Italy,.. German wienerschriltz'el,
and Southern Fried chicken.
project of helping girls in another LOCHALSH-Once again wolves The 'Ripley andDiitrict Bootie.
very interested in this Centennial
country."). penny contest was con. Air
',have been seen in this area, ultural Society held a tree plant.
Ws. David Elphick was in Ing ceremony on Wednesday
ducted and the meeting. was closed•-•---"witi•—NA111.91F--s--91,-the
- Guelph on Monday attending the .afternoon when they, presented
..... Horn feotwour Crwrententroritinial Crnibreraltreidesiturto thorre
Central School.
Mrs. David Elphick, president
'of the Horticultural Society, pre..
sented the trees to PrincipalJim
Scott. Mr. Harnilton MacKinnon
with boysofrom the school helped
prepare the ground and the trees
were planted. Mrs. Elphick was
-assisted by Mrs. 'Austin 1Viartin,
Mrs. Norval Stewart and Mrs.
Gordon Stanley.
and Taps. 4 ticultural Society.
• Re -dent visitor in Coliingwood
• PERSONALS • - was Mrs. Donal d Martyn with
, Mrs. Martha Rathburn of God. and Mrs. Allan MacLean.
erich to_.ordinator for..C..P.Pr.an10-1 Mr. arid Mrs, Oliver McChar.
program planning e -the les spent Sunday in LondOnwhere
guest speaker' at the annualSun./ they visited Mrs: 4Tollin Smith
'shine Sister banquet to be held w"ao is still a patient in, St.
on.Tuesday,4prUt8Ut, 1p,m,J,Ps,Sph's Hospital.
Each inember `is to ask a guest•• 311sSes S'aYee' Thorbura -arid
• and a smorgasbord linicheon is tO Phyllis Bradley ofS tratfprd spent
• be served. - , . 2 the weekend with their parents.
• On April 4th, -1967, 'West
Wawanosh Township Councinnet
In regular session, withall mem.
bers in attendance:
The Minutes ofa special meet-
ing held February 28th, and
the regular -March deeting, were
read and adopted on a' motion
• by Councillors . Chisholm and
• Foran: -
By -Laws No. 5,6, and 7, 1967
the McQuillin, Foran and Gaunt
Drainage Works by:laws, were
given third reading and finaLly ,
passed on a motion by Council-
lors Chisholm • and Aitchison,
and the Clerk was instructed to
•• .advertise In the Daily Commer-
cial News on April 14 and 21,
with tenders to be in hands of the
Clerk by 6 p.m.) Monday, May 1st,
for tenders for the constrUction-
of the above drains as well as
the Fowler Drainage works and to
send- c °pie -a -ofthe-advertisem ent
to at least 6 local drainage con.
tract§rs. , •
A ipetition for drainage work
was received b5j. Council from
three ratepayers on the 12thCon.
cession, and was approved ,by
Council On a motion by Councill.
ors Chisholm and Foran. By the
same motion the Clerk was in-
structed to forward a copy of
the petition to-Gamsby and Man.
nerow of Guelph, to have them un.
dertake the necessary survey, -if
Subject to approval by theDep.
artment of Higle,vayst,, the tender
• of Joe Kerr LimitedcofWingham,
for crushing and hauling approx.
imately 12,000 cu. yds. of graVel
, at 90,. per cu. yd. was accepted,
on a motion by Councillors Err-
• ington and FOftn. •
The tender of, Samuel Gibson
to purchase the old steel bridge
at Lot 13 Concessions 12 and
at the price Of $328.00 was
• accepted On a Motion bY Coun.
cillors Aitchison and Foran.
Applications for the position of
operator for the township'grader
were opened and very, carefully
• onsidered. The application of
eorge 'Hunipbxey of St. 'Helens,
as accepted On 'a mOtion.
'Councillors Chisholm andFOran.
Th e road �n
ordered paid on a motion by
Councillors ,Chisholm and Err-
On a motion,hyCouncillorsAlt.
chison and Errington the general
accounts were ordered paid;
totalling $517.49.
Road accOnnts totalling $20:
246.36 were passed.
Council adjourned to meet /day
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